Not much to see here...

Because theres not much to me...

This is me

This is not

I like presents...

I'm good with my hands...

... and so are my friends...

I play in a band called The Algorythms

... and another called Gambler's Ruin

I used to have an addiction...

Amazingly enough, I have some friends...

And sometimes I hang out with them...

I spend entirely too much time with computer systems...

I have (had) cats

and (had) a really cool lamp

Would you like to see my jerker?

What do I do?


Here are some web pages that are close to me.

If I haven't bored you enough yet,
here are some pictures... (I know its all you care about anyway)

You can send me a message electronically.

Or you can send me a message instantly.

Made it this far? Well here's a guaranteed way to kill an hour or two.