Propaganda Remix Project  |  Who's the Traitor?  |  Constant Payne  |  Thunderhead!
The Propaganda Remix Project

Want to put these posters up all over your city?

45 of the posters in full color, perfect for protest signs or mass photocopying. The book contains a foreword by Kurt Vonnegut, an introduction by Howard Zinn, and political commentary by the Center for Constitutional Rights. (book available in your local bookstore May 1st, 2003 from Seven Stories Press)

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New Posters Added: March 04, 2003 - See Bottom Of Page
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The REAL NSA poster which inspired the rest of these.
My First Attempt at mocking the NSA poster.
An old Cassandre hat ad. Anything can be propaganda!
The title of the Page!
Eeeny, meeny, miney, moe, smash a Traitor beneath your toe.
At least it's not one of those damned YELLOW ribbons...
Fahrenheit 451: GW's favorite dream: a world where everyone's as stupid as ...
Kinda hard to tell who the enemy is when you're hopped up on pep pills, eh?
The FBI won't arrest the Anthrax mailer because he works for the US Gov't.
What is it with George W. & Iraq? Revenge for Daddy?
Increasingly this looks more and more true and less and less like a joke.
Aieeee! I dared to question Authority!
Take back your tired, poor and hungry! This is Republican America!
White people are terrorists also!
E.J. Fischer was inspired by my posters and did a few of his own.
Courtesy: E.J. Fischer
These people wouldn't smile so big if they knew they were costing EXXON money!
Courtesy: E.J. Fischer
Cheap Oil... the thirst that plagues the nation!
ink = blood... now do you get it?
What happened to the Evangelical Republicans' fear of the Mark of the Beast?
Courtesy: Ed Matthews
I love this poster. The guy's face says it all: "here we go again."
I pledge Allegiance to the Constitution and to the Republic which it created.
Didn't we beat "the Jap" 50 years ago? Why didn't we ever get this stuff?
If I had a hammer... I'd hammer everyone who opposed me...
The FBI is torturing people for evidence, but that's okay in Pakistan. Next:...
It did happen here! It'll happen again! Let's not overreact and kill our fr...
Hanged. Hung. Hangt. English is so random. So are our laws. Again, Cassandre.
This kid better hope those jets don't think he's at an Afghan Wedding!
Don't make him use this. On YOU.
Funny little Penguin. Soon Christie Todd Whitman will kill all Penguins.
Courtesy: E.J. Fischer
People say I'm picking on John Ashcroft too much. TOO BAD.
John Ashcroft again. Hee hee.
Courtesy: E.J. Fischer
Dig a Grave for VICTORY! (over our freedom)
Of course, now it's our paychecks going up in flames.
Racism is always used to build support for war. This week it's "Sodom" Hussein.
This one must be currently posted in every News Room in America.
Lots of these sexist 40's posters cast women as blabbermouths and traitors.
Shred! Burn! Feel The Rush! Gleam the Cube! Corporate Crime is EXTREME, dude!
Camp X-Ray. Camp Alpha Bits. Camp Whatever... it's all F#_%ing Illegal.
TV ads tell me drugs = terror. How about OIL = terror, war & tyranny?
You voted for WHO? What are you, some kind of Terrorist?
I don't believe Bush planned 9/11, but he sure ran with the ball Osama gave ...
War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength.
Permanent War! It seems more and more like Orwell's 1984 every day!
What 40-hour work week? A tired worker is a complacent worker!
The HSS and the HSA. Together, we'll rule Amerikkka!
For someone who ran as an Isolationist, Bush sure governs like a Colonialist!
Our Fearless Monkey Leader separates the two types of posters. Them vs. Us.
Uncle Sam's fightin' mad. So am I.
Some posters just cry out for updating.
Why Daddy? Is it because we're white?
This guy looks pissed. He must have seen his middle-class tax raise. Thanks GW!
John Ashcroft: The Creeping It.
Old pb book cover becomes propaganda. I love the FBI's funky new uniforms.
He lost an Election against a Dead Man so Bush put him in charge of our freedom!
Let's get this party started right! Right On!
Oh, wait... he wasn't elected the last time!
A French Sci-Fi Film becomes the Bush White House ecological policy.
Reserve Officers Training Corps. What an excellent target.
Cassandre again. The best there was at what he did.
The spin's the thing!
When, exactly, did we REPLACE the Evil British Empire we rebelled against?
Shhh! Be bery, bery Quiet! I'm hunting tewwowists!
SUVs use 50% of our imported oil even though they're only 25% of the vehicles!
Will Tom Ridge please pick up a white courtesty phone and explain his ass?
The Bush Cabinet sits down for a White House Dinner.
The Land Where Weath Accumulates and Politicians Lose Their Souls.
SUVs... road hazard or a crafty trick to make us dependent on terrorist oil?
The less gas we use, the less money Saudi Arabia has to give to terrorists.
Built Ford Tough! Too bad our Environment isn't.
Look Ma: NO GOD! Plus this revised pledge is to something IMPORTANT not a flag.
We created the Taliban in the 80's. Who are we creating today?
Here's one National Resource Bush will never strip-mine.
Children? Does anyone have an answer?
Heh. Just changed three words and it was hilarious.
Doesn't the returning hero look thrilled? Get used to this look on our veter...
Plenty more vacancies coming once Bush invades
Some of these are really beautifully painted, eh?
Let's pep it up a bit! Start that hate mail a-coming!
Why? It's not like they declared war on America's Freedom. Oh wait, they DID!
Let's never forget that Bush lost the election by 1.5 million popular votes.
Help me pay for this webspace
Better copy from a nicer print. Updated Text. Smile when you drink that!
Be On The Lookout for Terrorists in the Denny's!
Don't Be a Snitch!
FOX News: Tune in for World Wide War Fervor!
Keep it up, Brother Bush! Soon the entire Middle East will hate us!
Awfully happy fellas for a bunch of guys going off to war...
Original copy: "If you tell where he's going... he might not get there."
Gotta love GWB's new "fire prevention" policy... cut down all the trees!
The Sierra Club's got a great page about Bush's Logging Friendly Plan.
If you want to destroy the Earth, all you have to do is give GWBU$H some money.
He's Watching to make sure you say "UNDER GOD" when you say the Pledge.
There are terrorists at the 7-11's! Here's how to spot them!
Submitted by a funny Canadian.
Sgt. Rock wants YOU... to stop using so much damned oil.
Put your hand the the puddle of goo that used to be your face and Thank GW Bush!
It makes me sick how the Democrats rolled over on Iraq War 2 to win an election.
I want You! To take my place! Gurgle gurgle...
Hey, it worked for his Daddy! Twice!
Dig deep, folks... Iraq War 2 is going to cost us $200 Billion!
Hey... You... Get Offa My Cloud!
Is it apparent that I hate John Ashcroft yet? Facist Fundamentalist Freak.
The USA is like that videogame "Sinistar" - "I Live! I HUNGER!"
Chickenhawk! Brawaaak! They love fightin' but they won't do it!
These guys have been working without a contract for MONTHS. Totally unfair.
Management wants to use technology to replace union jobs with nonunion workers.
Posse Comitatus law keeps the military from and police separate. Bush hates it.
Even Bush's Methodist Church is against his stupid war.
The Rich and Poor are back to where they were in the 1920s. What Middle Class?
Bush to the UN: "Show some backbone!" UN: "Grow Up."
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive.
Terrorist Funding? No! CHARITABLE DONATIONS! For Realsies!
Let's spread that Anglo-American Empire as far as our bombs will reach!
All in favor of invading Iraq, say ye Aye. Opposed, Nay. The "Eyes" have it.
No head of the SEC. No head of the Accounting Board. Christmas for Republicans!
Wrap thyself in the flag! Who can out-flag the other candidate first?
Total Information Awareness means NO PRIVACY FOR YOU.
Bread and Circuses for the homefront. The jackbooted heel for abroad.
All I did was change the bottom text.
So long, Suckers!
Someone in Washington DC is watching you read this right now.
Are YOU better off now than you were four years ago? I'm not.
Pledge to SHUT UP and OBEY ORDERS.
"It's hard to put food on your family"-GW BU$H
Fox News. Wall Street Journal. Talk Radio. Gotta Love that Republican News!
Now they have computers instead of paper ballots. No paper trail that way. Cute!
I call this one "Golgotha Soldier."
You. Shut Up. You're either with us or you're with the Terrorists!
Won't you help Uncle Sam?
Divide and Conquer: you can always pay half of the poor to kill the other half.
Hummer 2... 7MPG. Supporting dictators on a street near you.
Whatever happened to Bush's claims that he'd be the "education President?" oh, right, he was full of crap.
Rosie's looking to say "up yours," baby!
Military Adventurism... as in pointlessly trying to start a war in Korea while you're about to go into one in Iraq.
I love the look on the guy's face as he punches the Nazi.
It's supposed to be walk softly & carry a big stick, not the other way around
Papa Ashcroft, can you hear me? How silly, of course you can!
Korea: GW's brilliant "I won't negotiate" strategy comes to a screeching halt wh
Kiss our allies goodbye. Iraq, here we come alone.
I'm not anti-military, I'm anti-chickenhawk politician!
Ah, Camp X-Ray: it's not just for foreign terrorists anymore!
I love the new Bush National Security Dyslexicon.
Tom Ridge is always Watching. I Love Tom Ridge.
TIA is dead... but there are 20 more secret progams ready to replace it.
Get ready to "vote" - new electronic ballots leave no paper trail! Wha-Hoo!
This is the guy who keeps sending me the Hate Mail.
I left the Schwastika... it just seems like a Bu$h claim: "they're Nazis!"
There are 72 nations which are led by Dictators... so why Iraq now?
Stop the Pigeon... NOW! Grab him, nab him, stop that pigeon NOW!
If you're out there in Podunk, TX, remember: you're not alone.
Criticism of Bu$h = I'm a traitor. How does THAT work?
Here's a Real Traitor. A man who spits on the Constitution.
More vacation than any previous President EVER. Must be Nice.

Keeping this webpage online & fresh is very expensive. Won't you help me pay for it by buying a poster or t-shirt?
or, if you don't need posters, t-shirts or coffee mugs, how about a PayPal donation? (They take Visa and Mastercard)

Remixed Posters are ©2003 by Micah Ian Wright