I noticed when reading someone else's journal, that someone else decided to register a domain and set up a blog for someone else's hobby. I just recently set up movable type myself for the users on my system. Unsure if this will help someone else, but if it does, then great. Anyhow, here is what I did to set up my own movable type install. For starters, my requirement was that I can have http://USERNAME.journal.metachar.net/ point to the user's blog. - Set up a wildcard dns record for my zone: *.journal 1D IN A ; username.journal.metachar.net - unpacked the movabletype source into its own directory, /proj/www/local/mt/base - created a script to set up symlinks to the base. here is the full script: #!/bin/sh user=$1 base=$user/base mkdir -p $base chown www $base chmod 750 $base sed -e "s/@USER@/$user/" new.cfg > $base/mt.cfg cd $base for i in ../../base/*.cgi ../../base/*lib ../../base/schemas ../../base/tmpl do ln -s $i done echo "create database mt_$user;" | mysql -h shelly -u root -p$dbpass mysql echo " GRANT Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Create, Drop, Index ON \`mt_$user\`.* TO \'mvbltype_rw\'@\'%\';" | mysql -h mysql -u root -p$dbpass mysql echo "Insert the following into /etc/httpd/httpd.conf" cat << EOF <VirtualHost *> ServerName $user.journal.metachar.net DocumentRoot "/proj/www/local/mt/$base" ScriptAlias /mt "/proj/www/local/mt/$base" <Directory "/proj/www/local/mt/$base"> Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> Alias /static "/proj/www/local/mt/base" <Directory "/proj/www/local/mt/base"> Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> <Files mt-db-pass.cgi> <Limit GET> deny from all </Limit> </Files> <Files mt.cfg> <Limit GET> deny from all </Limit> </Files> </VirtualHost> EOF - That script does the following -- Creates a base directory for the users vhost, readable only by the web user -- Creates a custom mt.cfg for the user -- makes a symlink for each file from the base mt source into the users dir. -- creates a database for the user. -- generates