1 cup nut flour
(any mixture of almond, pecan, brazil nut or macadamia nut flour)
1 scoop (1 ounce) protein powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup unprocessed bran
1/2 cup Splenda
Preheat oven to 350ーF. Mix eggs, cream and vanilla in small bowl. Melt butter in
saucepan or microwave and add to cream mixture. In large bowl, sift together
dry ingredients. Add wet mixture to dry a little at a time, mixing well. Pour into
greased, buttered or PAM'ed loaf or round pan. Bake 30-40 minutes until
edges are browned and a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out mostly dry.
Entire Loaf - 42 carbs. (Cut into 8 pieces - 5.2 grams per slice)