pg01-1 -- At last. My gravity neutralizer is complete. I will be the envy of the entire engineering department. - EEEE! - Raise your paw if you could see that coming. pg01-2 -- No! I told you -- dogs can't drink coffee. It's too much for your little system. - Last time you drank coffee I was picking fur out of the ceiling for a week. Okay, okay. Just some decaf. - With lick, this will trigger a flashback. pg02-1 -- What the heck is "JEQUIRITY"? - You know - the poisonous, red and black seed of the indian licorice plant. Want to challenge? - No. At least this has vowels. That's 7,045 for me and 65 for you. pg02-2 -- To his horror, Dilbert discovers that his white socks all have holes. "My goodness!" he cries, "I shall be forced to wear black socks to work!" - "If only my pants reached the top of my shoes, then the other engineers might not notice.", pg02-2 -- Dilbert despaired. What are you writing? - It's a geek tragedy. pg03-1 -- So, Dilbert, I understand this is the prototype you have been working on for the last six months. Yes, Sir. - This little baby can convert worthless pocket lint into a valuable parsley substitute! - Well ,this looks absolutely brilliant, pg03-1 -- and completely unmarketable. Thank you Sir. I'm technology driven. pg03-2 -- Did you ever get to thinking that maybe you are just an android, placed on Earth by an advanced civilization of huge radish-like aliens who are studying your every move? - No - Me neither. pg04-1 -- Welcome to Electrode Hut. I'm half your age and I know more about electronics than you ever will. May I help you? - Yes. I would like a half dozen niad pulse converters and an anza brush. - (I'm bluffing) This guy is *good*. Back to mowing pg04-1 -- lawns, junior. pg04-2 ** Please read these brochures carefully. It could save your life. What the heck is "Electronics Anonymous"? - Let's take the enclose quiz. Number one. How many functions do you have on your toaster? Does that include the toaster disk drive pg04-2 ** and **** ? - I think we can directly move to the "Emergency Application Form." pg05-1 -- - POW! - Regrettably, you violated my air space. pg05-2 -- You're kidding. - It's true. Nature compensates for weaknesses. That's why blind people have good hearing. - I guess that's also why dumb people have big mouths. pg06-1 -- Hmm... This looks interesting. - "Build your own Star Wars missile defense system from common household appliances. Send $25 for complete plans." - Sounds great... Uh, here's the catch, "Guaranteed to be as effective as the real thing." pg06-2 -- Low's Drugs And what can I get for you little fellow? - I want it all! Ha Ha Ha! Give me mouthwash, Gum, deodorant, lipstick, krazy glue. Yes; Yes, and some Rolaids, and - I panicked. pg07-1 -- I'm looking for a fine wool suit, in the $700 range. Something fashionable yet timeless. - Try this It's a $35 polyester beauty. You can use it for dining out or swimming. It's half your size. Gee, and ballbottoms too! - Sure, there's risk pg07-1 -- in being a fashion pioneer, but I guess I was just born for the spotlight. pg07-2 -- FONG'S No Pets! Remember to act human. - Egg rolls, hot and sour soup, curry chicken, and steamed rice. And a cat. - That's "catsup", my friend would like some *catsup*. Maybe something Siamese... pg08-1 -- Hey! Dilbert! Look at this. I discovered a hat that makes you talk funny. Try it! - Now say something. Okay, okay. - Ah feel like the North end of a Southbond prairie dawg. See? Gibberish. pg08-2 -- Whoa! Looks like we got a Pippin Hawk, a Prickly Beak Mountain Swatow, and a Yellow-tail quail. There's that robin again. - How is that you have spotted 1,300 exotic birds this morning and all I have seen is one robin? - Look! A pg08-2 -- Monkey-faced Disco Hawk!! Where?! pg09-1 -- Okay, I have one. A man has a goatee and a beret. Does he also like ice cream? Yes, if he smokes a pipe. - A man has light brown curly hair, wire-rimmed glasses, neat mustache and a nice sweater. Is he gay? Yes, or a law student. - Okay. A pg09-1 -- man has four pocket-protectors and one clip-on necktie. Is he paralyzed by attention to detail? What kind of pocket-protectors are they? pg09-2 -- I don't understand how you can become a certified Swemi by mail in three weeks. Oh, I'm just a trainee. - In the beginning you just keep it general. That way you build the confidence of your clientele. Let us begin. - Eventually, you will pg09-2 -- die... pg10-1 -- Ah-hah! Just as I suspected. - Here it is! Mathematical proof that attractive women exist only in aerobics classes and whit Volkswagen Rabbits! How do you explain Vianna White? - I wonder if Isaac Newton had a dog. Or a girlfriend. pg10-2 -- What do you think of this new Soviet policy of "openness"? - Actually, I'm not even sure that Gorbachev exists. - Guess I'm just kinda "Glasnostic." pg11-1 -- I've decided that I need to make some dog friends. But I don't even know what regular dogs do when they get together. - Well, I suppose they would bark like idiots, run around in circles, then sniff each other's butts. - You're kidding, pg11-1 -- right? Did I mention chewing on old bones? pg11-2 -- Do you think I look more like Rin Tin Tin or Lassie? Maybe Benji? - I dunno. Maybe a big furry egg. - Thank you for that little inspirational boost. pg12-1 -- You're in luck, Dogbert. We're going skiing! But I hate snow. - C'mon! Stop being a gloomy Gus. You're gonna love it It's great exercise and the view is spectacular! - Spectacular view. If you move around you won't turn into a furry chunk pg12-1 -- of ice. pg12-2 -- There. It's perfect. - What's that you've been working on? It's a stick-on Velcro shirt pocket. You can attach it to your chest hairs while swimming or showering. - Hmm...This just might work. 'course you may also be interested in my new pg12-2 -- Velcro chest hair. pg13-1 -- It's my first cake. Go on, give it a taste. Yum. - Mmm, great cake. But shouldn't this have some frosting? Oh no! Frosting is bad for you. A great cake should *not* have frosting! - Gee, I never knew that frosting was bad for me. That's pg13-1 -- why I licked it all off. pg13-2 -- Then after my hernia operation my allergies just made the arthritis that much worse. But this trick knee... I was coughing so hard that I thought my ulcer was gonna send me straight back to the emergency room... - HEART ATTACK - I win. pg14-1 -- And, like snowflakes, no two are exactly alike. I saw two snowflakes that were exactly alike. - - Uh...that's not the point. I didn't bring it up. pg14-2 -- Sometimes I think that the great unused portion of the brain holds strange powers, waiting to be discovered. - It's almost as if I can make this ball levitate off the ground with pure mind power. Let's see. MMMMMMM - Dang. Nothing. WUMP! pg15-1 -- - 9-7-6-P-U-D-L * click Hello! zees ees Fifi. Zank you for calling Dial-a-poodle... - ssssssssss pg15-2 -- TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS?!! This is impossible. My phone bill can't be twelve thousand dollars. Dogbert! - By any chance, would you know anything about these six thousand calls to Dial-a-poodle? - ...but with the chicken bone stuck in my pg15-2 -- throat, each time I tried to dial 911 for help, my little paw went into spasm and... And this went on for two weeks? pg16-1 -- This is ridiculous. You can't just create your own religion. - I got it all figured out. First I make a list of all the things people like. Then I tell them they can't do anything on the list. Then they give me money. - Well, that is the pg16-1 -- most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. You're really hurting your chances for Apostle. pg16-2 -- Okay, let's assume you go ahead with your crazy idea to start a religion. How are you going to recruit disciples? - I took out an ad in the paper. I'm asking for people who are willing to give up all of their worldly goods and dedicate pg16-2 ** their lives to a little dog with glasses. Well, that should be the end of this silly fantasy. - And when you get over the embarrassment I hope you learn your lesson; that humans are not the simple, gullible creatures you thought they were! knock knock knock pg16-2 ** rrrring Would you like to answer the phone? I'll see who's at the door. pg17-1 -- Welcome, my children, to the first-ever congregation of the Church of the Dog. Hey, what do we believe in anyway? - Believe? ... Uh, well, we got a supreme being I think, and a list of things we feel bad about doing.....and, uh... But who pg17-1 -- do we hate? - Hate? Uh, well, how about car salesmen? I'm in. Get my checkbook. pg17-2 -- Master Dogbert, I have studied the Holy Book of Dog as you ordered, but I still don't understand. - How can I help you my son? This seems to be a plain old dictionary. - Granted, some interpretation will be necessary. I figured that out at pg17-2 -- "M". pg18-1 -- U.S. Mail Excuse me. - I noticed that your letter has insufficient postage. In exchange for your immortal soul I can ensure that it gets through without a hitch. Slow day. pg18-2 -- I am the Prince of Darkness, Lucifer, Mephistopheles!! Worship me you insignificant mortal! Got any I.D.? - rrrr.... - It's blank. Can't be photographed. Get it? pg19-1 -- For some reason I always thought you would be, uh..., I guess, more... Impressive? - Actually, this Satan job used to be a lot more important. - But now, most of the world's evil has been franchised out on a percentage basis. That explains pg19-1 -- Chicken McNuggets. pg19-2 -- Satan, I'd like you to meet my little sidekick, Dogbert. Charmed. - Relax Dogbert. I've been treated worse at the corner bank. Oh, *THAT* makes me feel better. -Eventually, Dogbert did relax, as he, Dilbert, and Stan talked well into the pg19-2 -- night. Well what about "New Coke"? That must have been one of yours. Ha, Ha...No. That was just luck. pg20-1 -- Well, I had a great time talking to you, but I gotta go. Where is your nearest portal to hell? My what? - What makes you think this house has one of those "Portals to Hell"? Every house has one! Usually two.'s one. - Erg! Umph! pg20-1 -- Well now, this is one good argument against getting a large screen projection unit. pg20-2 -- Hey, look, what Satan forgot when he left through the T.V.! - Foosh! - Be careful. You could put somebody's eye out with that thing. Right. pg21-1 -- Gosh. According to this survey, a single woman over the age of 35 has the same odds of getting married as being killed by terrorists. - Of the women over 35 who do eventually get married, how many marry terrorists? - One in four. pg21-2 -- Well, here it is: my first ever issue of Generic News. I can sell millions of these babies! - Let's see, Pope denounces war...Iran attacks Iraq...Iraq attacks Iran...Economic indicators mixed...Survey results show that people want more pg21-2 -- money... - I think you're on to something here. How much is it? A thousand dollars. You only need one. pg22-1 -- What do you mean you built a robot dog?!! You can't replace me!! Calm down, Dogbert. - Awf AAAGHH!! The devil dog! Help! Help! - I was created to serve your every need, Master Dogbert. Okay, he can stay. But you owe me one. pg22-2 -- Ta-dah! My artificial intelligence program is complete. Now for a test run... - Good work is more important than good looks... - Hmm... Must have transposed a digit here somewhere. click click click pg23-1 -- Are you going to eat Chinese food with that pushy guy again? Ralph isn't pushy - he's assertive. Ding dong - Yo Dilbo! What took ya so long? Hey, would you mind watering your lawn and shaving the dog before we go? Uh, okay... - He's tough, pg23-1 -- but he's fair. Mind if I change the furniture? pg23-2 -- Smoking or non-smoking? Non-smoking! And non-baby, non-wimp, non-idiot, and non-Republican. - Gosh Ralph, I really admire the way you get exactly what you want. - It's easy, really. The secret is realizing that people enjoy being told what pg23-2 -- to do. People hate wimps. - We'll have the lobster. Then I would like you to go outside and wax my car. And have these other customers removed. Very good, Sir! Thank you! Thank you! pg24-1 -- - Greetings Earth dog. We have traveled four beldines to find out why Earth pets are forced to eat from dirty little bowls, white Earth humans use fine chins. - Well, basically, it's political. It all began after the unsuccessful poodle pg24-1 -- rebellion in France around 1723... Better use pencil... pg24-2 -- Oh, please, please, please... - Yay! It is here! - The quality of life certainly has improved since I signed up for the Toast of the Month Club. pg25-1 -- Making soup? No. Studying astronomy. - Smells like soup. No, astronomy. - Buoillons and bouillions... pg25-2 -- Look Dilbert, if you want to meet women you have to take positive action. - Like what? Look in the Yellow Pages under "Desperate"? - It says, "See listing under Pathetic Nerd." Try looking under "Floozy." sh006a -- Dogbert, see who's at the door. DING DONG - Hi. I'm from the "Big Ball Wrecking Company." I have a work order to destroy this house. - Looks like you have the wrong address. This is Walnut *Avenue*. Walnut *Street* is clear across town. - Oh sh006a -- Phlegm! I don't have time to drive way over there. - Would it be a bother if I just leveled this house instead. - That would be a tad inconvenient. Try the Johnsons, next door. - What was that lod noise? Apparently the Johnsons aren't home. sh007a -- You've been watching this video tape over and over for days. - These Tennis instruction tapes are great. I can just feel my game improving as I watch. - In fact, I see no need to physically play the game ever again. sh007b -- Maybe I should write a book. - Nah... Maybe I should just read a book. - Maybe I'll just read the TV guide... Maybe I'll just watch whatever's on and turn into pudding... sh007c -- Sometimes I feel like a kid in an adult's body, hoping nobody notices. - It's as if I stopped maturing and just started faking it after age fourteen. - I'll bet women never feel that way. Cooties sh008a -- Hold it right here, Fella! - must have seen me eat that grape in aisle "B". I just want to make sure you pay for it. - Looks like 192 pounds. What where you before you came in? Happy. sh008b -- It's just man against fish out here, my friend. - Although it's a bit of a mismatch, with my superior brain, equipment and strength. - Boy, all that and he can water-ski, too. sh008c -- Scientists have discovered the gene that makes some people love golf. - How can they tell it's the golf gene? - It's plaid and it lies. I probably shouldn't rely on you for my science updates. sh009a -- They were rude to me on the bank again, Dogbert - I've had enough... Sic 'em, boy!! - 6 month CDs 3% OPEN - Hi. I'm David Packard; billionaire founder of Hewlett-Packard. - I'd like to put all of my money into one of your non-interest bearing sh009a -- accounts. - You're not David Packard. You're just a dreadful little dog with glasses. - Then again...I've never seen a picture of David Packard... I'd better open the account. - Very good. Now give me fifty push-ups or I'll take my business sh009a -- elsewhere. sh010a -- WHAP!! Why is it okay to kill flies but not okay to kill dolphins? - Is the poor fly any less deserving of our respect and protection? - Hold still...there's a dolphin on your forehead. I've added the A.S.P.C.A. to our speed dialer. sh010b -- Helen just canceled our date. What excuse this time? - Apparently she discovered tiny frozen cavemen in her ice cube trays and she's trying to revive them for science. - Are you the least bit suspicious of that story? Yeah... How do I know they sh010b -- aren't just actors pretending to be cavemen? sh010c -- Tonight Siskel and Ebert review Dilbert's life. - ...boring and stupid... look out, gene; I'm gonna have to spit to get the taste out of my mouth... - I hate when they do these theme shows. Oops. Sorry, gene. click sh011a -- And another of life's mysteries is, why do they call it the "Great Wall of China"? - It never relly kept any invading armies out...kind of dismal flop from an engineering perspective. - I don't think "The Dismal Flop of China" would have the sh011a -- same tourist appeal. I wouldn't pay to see it. sh011b -- My terrarium experiment is a failure. - By now it should have started its own self-contained weather patterns. - After all this waiting, it's just so... so... Anti-climatic? sh011c -- Isn't it stupid that the world economy is based on gold? - matter how advanced civilization gets, we still use rocks for money. - The dumb part is using a rock that's so hard to find. sh012a -- Hi, Dilbert. Hi, Frank. - My name is Eddy, not Frank. - Oh...right. Sorry, Eddy. This is so embarrassing. - Forgetting somebody's name is the worst insult in the world. - Now my self-esteem has been damaged. My job performance will drop sh012a -- accordingly, and I'll be fired. - The stress is starting to affect my immune system. I'm getting a cold. I'm Dogbert. Nice to meet you, Frank. sh013a -- I'm writing a poem for a woman I just met. Women love poems. - Your Legs How wonderful your legs are, You can even ask my mutt, - 'Cause if you didn't have 'em, the ground would hit your butt. sh013b -- Yo, Dilbert, give me your lunch money or I'll erase your data diskettes. - Touch my data and I'll rease any mention of you from the main payroll computer. No...please, I'm sorry. - Nothing is more pathetic than an aging school bully. I sh013b -- took shop; I can make you some nice bookends. sh013c -- I've decided it't time to stoptalking about world hunger and start *doing* something! - Let others debate policies. My time is to act now. - You're going to buy a smarmy bumper sticker, aren't you? Darn straight. sh014a -- I wish this guy wouldn't try to be polite and hold the door. - I'm at that awkward distance where I should lunge forward so hedoesn't have to hold the door too long. Oh, thank you. - Great. Now I'm late. I lunged as fast as I could. Sorry. sh014b -- Hey, how are you, What's happenin'? - Good to see you. I'm fine. Great, great. Take care. - I guess there was no real need for mr to participate in that. sh014c -- All of us cosmopolitan guys use credit cards to pay for dinner. - Uh-oh. I never know which part of the paperwork to keep. I know something gets ripped up... - ...and by the time I noticed the tablecloth was tangled up with the carbon sh014c -- paper, I had ripped both of them to bits. And that's wrong? sh015a -- AAACHOO! - Great. Now I've got your cold. Sniffle - I'll get some medicine from the store. - Hi, Dogbert. AACHOO - AACHOO! Sorry...Dilbert's cold. - ...and seven nations are paralyzed by what is being called "Dilbert's Cold." Gosh. I might sh015a -- have that, too. sniff sh016a -- I was mugged, but I got a good look at him. I'll get a police artist. - ...a big head, and kind of a frightened expression... - Perfect. Looks just like me. Now let's do the mugger. He was sort of off to the left here. sh016b -- What's all the writing for? It's called "affirmations." - The theory is that if you write down your objective fifteen times a day, the objective will be achieved, no matter how unlikely. - But you've written "Dilbert will be eaten by a sh016b -- garden slug." It's all I could think of. sh016c -- Dogbert continues his reckless experiment with the powerful force of "affirmations." ...what if this actually works? - Can you really cause me to be eaten by a garden slug just by writing it down over and over? - What am I saying? sh016c -- Logically, there's no way this could work. Don't get too far from salt. sh017a -- Uh oh...double doors. One side is always locked and I make a fool of myself trying to open it. - Which side is it? Left? Right? People are watching. Think, think... - Tht's when I noticed that the ventilation ducts were big enough for a sh017a -- human to crawl through. Too bad they didn't lead outside. sh017b -- All mammals have hair. - Whales are mammals... Therefore, whales have hair. - Shave the whales. sh017c -- Dilbert, let me introduce you to our new engineer. - I hate introductions. I always forget their names. Maybe I can use a word association menory trick. - Hi, I'm Dee Alamo. Darn...nothing. sh018a -- Puff puff puf - How was your run? Great...I feel awful. - Pardon a simple dog for asking, but why do you run if it feels awful? - Well, If I do it every day, I'll live a longer life. - So, life will feel awful, but at least it will last a sh018a -- long time. Unless I get hit by a truck... sh019a -- Here's an interesting editorial... - This guy says we should increas the pay of congressmen to remove incentive for them to engage in illegal acts. - By that theory, criminals aren't bad, just underpaid. sh019b -- Okay then, suppose you had everything you wanted. What would you do? - Gloat. Make everybody else feel like failures. Live a garish and decadent life. - And when that gets boring? Maybe start my own perfume company. sh019c -- YIKES! What are you?! Do not panic. I am your ego. - My ego?? ...Shouldn't you be inside me someplace? Well, yes, normally we egos feed within the body. - So what the heck are you doing out here? You're starving me, man, I'm going to try sh019c -- out for a play or something. sh020a -- Well, if you're my ego, I order you to get back inside me. - You don't seem to understand who's in charge here. Wihout me, you're *nothing*! - I do feel a bit insecure... Now dance for me, *HA HA HA*, dance! sh020b -- Maybe just one donut before bed. He takes the bait. - zing SPLOIT!! - Didn't I ask you to stop playing "wild kingdom" in the house? Now angered, the engineer turns to charge. sh020c -- I've been considering acupuncture as a way to relieve stress. - The theory her eist that sticking large needles into your body will help you relax? - It sounds silly when *you* say it. Sometines sarcasm helps us think more clearly. sh021a -- Did I evern tell you what dogs think about the universe? - We believe in infinite parallel universes, all slightly different. - For example, in our universe, Vincent van Gogh cut his ear off to demonstrate his love for a woman. - But, in a sh021a -- parallel universe, van Gogh loses the ear in a tragic toenail clipping accident... - ...Vinnie clips the nail, and it just goes flyin' up and rips his ear clean off. - In yet another universe, maybe he had a dog who talked his ear off. sh021c -- This is why dogs rarely discuss their beliefs. sh022a -- QUICK, QUICK! GIVE ME YOUR HAND!!! - AAACHOOO - Thanks...I always put a hand over my mouth when I sneeze. sh022b -- I'm enjoying the new informal approach at the white house. - I just hope it doesn't embarrass us in the international community. - Doggone it, I told you to set up a meeting with *Gorby*! What's a Gorby? sh022c -- I have a stupid question... There are no stupid questions. - That's ridiculous...if there are no stupid questions then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions? - Were you going to ask me sh022c -- something? See... Now there's a stupid question. sh023a -- What does a dog school have in common with the TV show "sixty minutes"? - They both have "hairy reasoners." Uh...right. - And people wonder why dogs sometimes turn on their owners... sh023b -- Well...I would date you... - But frankly I think of you as a boring and unattractive blob of organic matter... - So let's just be friends. sh023c -- Well, Dilbert, will our idea work from a technical perspective? - I wasn't listening... Now I'll have to babble abour irrelevant technical things until they lose consciousness. - And in conclusion, never underestimate the power of sh023c -- technology. zzz zzz zzz sh024a -- Dilbert, the boss would like to talk to you. - You wanted me? Ah, Dilbert, come in. - I'm taking two weeks of vacation and I need competent leadership while I'm gone. - At last he's giving me an assignment with responsibility. - That's why sh024a -- I got this talking sock monkey. Pull the string twice a day and do what he says. sh025a -- Hmm...says there that Michael Jackson is considering even more plastic surgery. - That explains why he wanted to buy the remains of the "Elephant Man." - For spare parts? Well, it wasn't for the ivory. sh025b -- Pardon me, Sir, but I couldn't help noticing these equations in your garbage. - I took the liberty of correcting a few quantum calculations. - Gosh. Why are you a garbage man? I think the question is "Why are *you* an engineer?" sh025c -- I understand that you're the world's smartest garbage man. - I'm Dogbert, the world's smartest dog; according to me, anyway. - I just wondered why you choose to be a garbage man. I think it was the glamour which first intrigued me. sh026a -- Do you ever feel like doing something really strange? - Sometimes I get the urge to break into the post office at night and lick all the stamps. - Well...that's not *too* strange. Then I would see how long I can stick to the wall by my tongue. sh026b -- Sometimes I feel like I'm just an actor on the cosmic stage of life. - Maybe I'm Dustin Hoffman in a doggie costume. - I better find a mirror and check my fur for a zipper. sh026c -- God spoke to me today. He appointed me ruler of all creatures on earth. - God did *not* speak to you. - It was worth a shot. sh027a -- Be honest, Dogbert, Do you think I'm a gifted inventor... - ...or just a pathetic dweeb who contributes nothing to humanity? - Well...uh...I think... - In my mind, you are the "tube sock of inventors.! - Really? Gosh...thank you...wait, that's sh027a -- good, right? Of course, it must be good. - Ambiguity succeeds where honesty dares not venture. sh028a -- This is the new "Hot Line" phone to the Kremlin. My company won the bid to engineer the new model. - That's a fully functional prototype, so don't mess with it. - So, Gorby, I understand you've been finger-painting with your forehead... sh028b -- Dogbert play a reckless prank with Dilbert's prototype "Hot-Line" to the Kremlin Hey, Gorby, did you hear this quote... - "Communism is the most painful path between capitalism and capitalism." - "Fire one"? Ha ha ha...what a kidder you are. sh028c -- Some say it is man's ability to reason which separates him from mere animals. Yeah, but... - Surely you realize that in the animal kingdom there is no equivalent to "all-star wrestling." - Ooh-we're missing it right now. Stomp your foot twice sh028c -- if you're following any of this at all. sh029a -- YIKES!!! A SKUNK IN THE HOUSE!!! - Oh, don't worry; we skunks only spray when we're scared...I certainly wouldn't use my threatening power to force you to do my bidding. - Then why is your tail twitching?! I'm scared you might not offer me a sh029a -- big bowl of strawberry ice cream. sh029b -- Dilbert is threatened by an abusive skunk. That's right: A big bowl of ice cream could keep me from being afraid and reflexively spraying your living room. - This blackmail! My goodness, no. It's just that I can't control my fear response. - sh029b -- Now I'm afraid that you won't sing the songs from "Cats" while I eat. sh029c -- Dust. Where does it come from? How does it get under your bed? - Is it a natural phenomenon or a message to ancient astronauts? - Tomorrow on "Geraldo," "Dust: What's it all mean?" It means you're pretty much out of topics. sh030a -- I bought a phone answering machine. Was the phone asking you questions you couldn't answer on your own? - The hard part is thinking of a greeting message. - "Hi. This is Dilbert. I'm not here right now." - "Well, technically I am here 'now'..." sh030a -- - "But 'now' is a relative term, so use your best judgement in deciding whether I'm here." - Hmm...that was actually a creative little message. Demonstrating, once again, that subtle difference between creativity and complex stupidity. sh031a -- That's right...cough-cough! ...I won't be in to work...cough-wheeze-cough... - Bad cold? Well, no, actually I have a bad headache... - But I don't know how to make a headache sound over the phone. sh031b -- I got hit by a rented car. - Hertz? Not any more, but thanks for asking. - That's about all the sympathy I can muster for one day. sh031c -- I'm afraid I'll never figure out how to make my invention work. You are too logical. Use the right side of your brain. - Hmm...Yes, I must call on my creative side... - Now it doesn't work *and* I want to cry. sh032a -- My computer has determined the funniest words in the world... - They include chainsaw, weasel, prune and any reference to "Gilligan's Island." Now I can make my own jokes! - then the skipper gets attacked by this prune-eating weasel sh032a -- with a chainsaw... Heh-heh... sh032b -- Dogbert, I can't you know any folk-remedies? - I recommend spreading grape jelly on your torso and slapping your forehead against an overripe cantaloupe. - This must be how all folk remedies get started. Slap slap slap sh032c -- Uh-oh...toll booth ahead. Turn down the radio...get exact change ready. - Good morning. - I wonder if it's normal to want the toll-taker to like me. sh033a -- Santa! Merry Christmas, Dogbert! - I'm glad you're up... I'm having a little trouble with your christmas list. - In your letter you say you want to be named supreme ruler of earth. Is that a problem? - fRankly, my workshop is more oriented sh033a -- toward small consumer goods... Can I have al elf? - Has G.I. Joe taken up ballet, or is this something I don't want to know about? sh034a -- Free Hypnosis Lessons! Hmm... - There's probably some catch, but it's worth a look. - ...a wonderful class... I must tell my friends. sh034b -- I'm thinking of getting a tattoo. - On my shoulder...something tasteful yet timeless. I don't want to regret it later. - Any suggestions? How about "Kick Me"? sh034c -- Doing a little cleaning? Let me give you a hand... - Wait...I can't lend a hand; all I have are these little paws. - You'd make a good lawyer. Charming...I offer to help and he insults me. sh035a -- Oh, sure, Dan Quayle may be Vice President of the United States... - ...but he still puts his pants on one leg at a time. - Oh, Lord, not this again... sh035b -- I was rewarded today for perfect attendance at work. What do you get? - A day off with pay. - It's a miracle your species has survived this long. sh035c -- Let me get this say that *bad* gramma can become *good* grammar over time? - Yes. If a bunch of intellectuals start using a word wrong, the it becomes proper in common usage. - Grammar would be a lot less confusing if we had sh035c -- smarter intellectuals. sh036a -- Put on your party hat, Dogbert. It's almost 1990. - Do you have any new year's resolutions? - A few... - I resolve to show no tolerance for those less fortunate... - Redefine morality to suit my short term objectives... - And conquer the sh036a -- planet Earth and make all the inhabitants my slaves. - I don't think you've captured the spirit of this resolution thing. You're just jealous because I took all the good ones. sh037a -- I'm grumpy today, so don't even try to talk to me. - And don't try to flatter me or give me chocolate cake to make me feel better. - And I guess I shouldn't scratch you behind the ears until you have little leg spasms. Right. None of that. sh037b -- I'm starting to write an unauthorized biography about you. - It's kind of a "pet and tell" expose full of startling revelations. - Who would be startled by *my* life? - I think *you* will be. sh037c -- Are you really going through with the unauthorized biography of me? Yes. - I'm up to the part where Jackie "O" and Liz Taylor fight a duel for your love. - Tragically, neither are aware that you're carrying Steve Garvey's baby! tap tap tap sh038a -- Welcome to another meeting of the "Skeptic's Society." - Tonight we will use scientific methods to debunk Edna Griffin's claim that she can turn an audience into a flock of chickens. We'll need some volunteers... - Motion to adjourn... sh038a -- Whoa, look at the time! sh038b -- Good news: The "all-you-cac-eat" salad bar joint just decided to stay open twenty-four hours a day! - We can get a table by the window and live there for the rest of our lives-for only $5.95 apiece! - How would we bathe? They have little sh038b -- "moist towlettes." sh038c -- Do you have something for a headache? - I'm pretty sure this will do the trick. - Thanks. I wonder if meant something to *get rid* of a headache. Nah... sh039a -- Bob's Classy Clothes OPEN - ...And you're quite certain these will shrink to fit? You have my word as a retail salesman. - - You were taken. No, they shrink in the wash. - Will they fit now? Like a glove... - Like a glove with two fingers. sh040a -- I've got to get out of this bad mood somehow. - I'll have to find somebody innocent to blame...and make him plead for my forgiveness. - Hi, Dogbert. Is that some kind of an insult? sh040b -- I can feel the static electricity building... shuffle shuffle shuffle shuffle - shuffle shuffle - shuffle shuffle I most certainly will *not* call you "Thor, Dog of Thunder." PRepare to die. sh040c -- Maybe since you're full of static electricity, you should say "It is useless to be a resistor." Hee-hee-hee. - ZAP!! - Nothing annoys the "Dog of Thunder" quite as much as nerd puns. sh041a -- Let's's time to renew your dog license. - Department of Dogs - I wonder what happens if I fail the written test? sh041b -- I'm sorry, but it seems you've failed the written portion of the dog license test. Impossible! - For example, this question on "natural enemies": The correct answer is "Mailman." You wrote-in "Fax-Machine." - How'd it go? The "Department sh041b -- of Dogs" does not keep up with emerging trends. sh041c -- I think it's my fuel pump. Your what? - What I mean is I think it's my @#!#* fuel pump. - Well, why didn't you just #$@* say so? Sorry...I forgot where I was. sh042a -- You know, many great men kept diaries. Not to mention the entire Kirk Cameron Fan Club. - Monday: Woke up. Went to work. Came home. Ate. Watched T.V. and went to bed. - Well, this was both therapeutic and satisfying. - Sometimes it's good sh042a -- to bare your soul like that. - Who the heck is Kirk Cameron? Tuesday: See "Monday." sh043a -- You what?!! I got a job a a substitute school teacher. - You aren't qualified to be a teacher. You're a dog. Little kids won't know the difference. - You do remind me a bit of my fourth grade teacher. Just a coincidence? sh043b -- Can't I talk you out of becoming a substitute teacher? Don't worry. - I won't damage the little tykes. - Day one Good morning, children. I'm Mr. Dogbert. Are you flammable? sh043c -- Day one as a substitute teacher Jennifer! Put that flame-thrower away right this minute! - Eugene! Release those hostages or I shall be forced to fling this chalk eraser at your head! - Is that a "stinger" missile launcher? Well, I hope sh043c -- you brought enough for everybody! I did. sh044a -- Okay, class...put your weapons away and open your TV guides. - Timmy, please read aloud the passage from "Falcon Crest" under the friday listings. - There's got to be a better way to teach sex education. sh044b -- How was your first day as a substitute school teacher? - Imagine feeling completely a marble statue... - Gosh...that sounds pretty bad. Now imagine the biggest flock of pigeons you ever saw... sh044c -- I think I'm losing my hair. - Don't be silly. You aren't losing your hair. - I'm not? Oh, good. How could you possibly lose these huge clumps... sh045a -- KNOCK KNOCK - Hi. I'm from the "Organization for the protection of ugly people." - We are dedicated to eliminating the stereotype of ugly people as "smart" and "nice." - Okay, I'll make a donation. - Thanks, but this is a membership sh045a -- drive... - I'm never going to answer the door again. Didn't he recognize you as his god? sh046a -- ...and women have always played hard to get... - Dilbert and Eve Then how about a date next year? I'd love to, but I don't have a thing to wear. sh046b -- Normally I'd give you six months to live. - But we're having a "50% off sale" today, so I'll give you a full year for the same price. - And you get an extra ten days if you pay cash! sh046c -- ...and the doctor gave me just a year to live. - I'm sorry, little guy... I don't know how you'll manage without me. - Would it be too much trouble to paint the house before you go? sh047a -- It seem s we had a mix-up with your test results. Then I'm not dying? - We doctors are amazingly smart, but occasionally we make a little error. - Well...I understand. By the way, your pap smear was normal. sh047b -- By my calculations, we can make millions by combining a mortuary business and a garbage collection business. - Our customerscouls simply leave the dearly departed by the curb for pick-up. - Maybe we could add Pizza delivery, too. - Let's sh047b -- not a good idea too far. sh047c -- I hate fancy hotels like this... - Am I expected to tip the maid when I leave? - I could ask that concierge guy... Can I trust a guy with a french-sounding job? ...and do I have to tip *him*? sh048a -- Ha ha ha! My scheme to conquer Earth is right on track! - I've been approved for a Macys credit card! - I'll use this credit history to apply for Visa and Mastercard. - Soon I'll have credit cards from every bank in the world. - Then I'll sh048a -- do a cash advance on every card, netting billions to form a worldwide lottery prize. - And everybody who supports me as supreme ruler of earth gets one free lottery ticket. You know, most dogs would be delighted just to get a nice sh048a -- chew-toy. sh049a -- I've decided to write down all the so-called "unwritten rules." - So far I have "don't phone after tem P.M." and...uh... - That's it? How about "don't throw porcupines in a balloon store"? sh049b -- While you were wasting your time at work I came up with a million dollar idea. - It's the "MAdonna Sun Tan Lotion Applicator" for lonely guys!! - I'll take one. It looks like Barbie on a stick, but it's Madonna. sh049c -- No, you may *not* borrow the car to go cruising. I think we should vote on it. - Heh-heh...Okay, but a tie means no change in the decision. - I'm glad he didn't demand a recount. sh050a -- According to my research, dogs are exempt from human laws. - The great part is that I can commit any crime and my owner will be held fully responsible. - I'm hoping you won't take a selfish view on this. sh050b -- Thanks for asking me out. Would you like to see my operating manual? - Operating manual? It's an aid to men. It covers everything from "buying flowers" to "opening doors." - Looks like you're due to have your jewelry rotated. sh050c -- What's all the racket? I'm singing the "greens." - Is that like the "Blues"? - Same beat, just not so darned depressing. - car needs a tune up and I overslept ten minutes baaabee... sh051a -- Sorry, I don't date guys from work. - I'll resign... Sorry, I don't date unemployed guys. - I...I'll get a new you approve of. - Sorry, I don't date guys with your social security number. - So, it turns out her unlucky number has sh051a -- nine digits in it... But she knows my social security number, so I think there's some interest in it... sh052a -- Ugh...what time is it? ...where am I? ...Who am I? - Must be it a work day? Do I have a job?... Is it worth getting up for? - "Morning amnesia": Nature's way of keeping you from walking up screaming. sh052b -- Dogbert, we can't stand hiding around the house anymore. - We dinosaurs ruled this planet once. Now we just hide in people's houses, pretending to be extinct. - Dawn, it's time for our comeback tour. I think some of Elvis' jumpsuits will fit. sh052c -- We'll kick off the dinosaur comeback tour by singing "My Way." - Then we'll break the instruments, wade into the crowd and bite the head off somebody in the front row! - "Ozzy Osborne" already did that. sh053a -- Ice cream - LOOK OUT! - Sorry. I've been really jumpy ever since the ice age caught me off guard. sh053b -- Dogbert performs a scientific test of so-called "Women's intuition." I'm thinking of a number between one and ten. -, I'll say three. - Wrong! The answer is 5.1362894...I'm beginning to wonder if you're really a woman. sh053c -- You've heard the *other* tire company imply that our child's safety depends on its product... - That's nothing. If you don't buy *our* tires your whole stinkin' extended family will croak!!! - And don't get too attached to the family dog, sh053c -- either. HA HA HA HA HA!! sh054a -- Be candid, Dilbert. We have a corporatephilosophy that says we "don't shoot the messenger." Good. - Had you consulted with the engineering department, you never would have launched such an ill-conceived product. - It is doomed to fail. You will sh054a -- all be humiliated and and probably fired. - CAN'T I JUST WIG HIM?!! No, Eileen, that's not our philosophy. - It turns out the corporate philosophy is a very flexible document. You're getting tar on the carpet. sh055a -- Dogbert...napping again? - Don't you know that many famous people functioned with very little sleep...? There were Jackie Gleason, Ben Franklin, Napoleon... - I like to think I'm more attractive than any of those guys. sh055b -- to do our part for east-west relations... - I've decided to host a dog from the Soviet exchange program. WHAT? - Dogbert, I'd like you to meet Nikita... Nikita Dorgachev. Charmed. sh055c -- Dogbert meets the Soviet-exchange program dog. He seems harmless. Geetings, comrade Dogbert. - I have come to learn capitalist system from dog's perspective. - ...and your god is Donald Trump? I don't think it's official yet. sh056a -- You see, Dorgy, under our capitalist system anybody can become rich. How? - Inheritance and crime are the most popular methods. - Which is preferred method? It's best to have your parents do the crime and let you inherit it. sh056b -- Dorgy, why are you dressed like a maid? Dogbert is teaching me capitalism. - Today I am lowly maid. But with hard work I will be promoted to job as major industrialist. Right? - Apparently there is flaw in the system. Yeah, but we blame it on sh056b -- the Japanese. sh056c -- The great thing about dogs is their loyalty. - I flushed all of your sweaters down the john, because it is fun. - Dogs are honest, too. And I'll do it again HA HA HA! sh057a -- I read that dinosaurs evolved into the bird family. That's exactly correct, Dogbert. - But most people don't realize that there was a very difficult period when some dinosaurs started evolving into birds. - "Learning to fly was the hardest sh057a -- part." - "And living in trees was a real nuisance." - Boy, that sounds tough. The tragic part is that we did it just for the "bonus miles." sh058a -- Hello, isd this the library reference desk? Yes. - What's the average running speed of the tazmanian boola-boola dog? 8.3 miles per hour. - I can't believe she knew that. And you have something stuck in your teeth. sh058b -- I've got a blind date with the lady who works at the library reference desk. What if she's ugly? - Looks aren't important. She sounded very smart over the phome, and I'm attracted to intelligent women. Oh...right. - Uh...should I talk, or will sh058b -- you be reading my thoughts directly? sh058c -- So, do you like working at the library reference desk? - It's pretty good, now that I've memorized all the books. No more flipping through pages... - I'm feeling a bit inadequate at the moment. - Don't worry. I'll just think about sh058c -- other things while you're talking. sh059a -- Gosh, Brainella, I've never dated a woman as smart as you before... - Let's just start right in talking about all kinds of smart stuff. C'mon, give me your best shot. I'm not intimidated. - Not here. If your brain explodes, it'll ruin my sh059a -- outfit. sh059b -- Pssst! Dogbert. - I brought my date home for some coffee. Please don't make any comments about her...uh...looks. - Brainella, this is Dogbert. The queen of Light bulbs? sh059c -- Doesn't "fast" mean not eating? - So how can you have "Fast Food"? - And how much would I have to eat before I starved to death? sh060a -- I programmed the computer to predict what people will be like in 200 years. - What assumptions are you making? - It's based on trends in today's youth. - For example, we know that science skills are declining, more kids are overweight, and sh060a -- selfishness is rising. - A.D. 2190 I heard that Bobby exploded. I wonder why that keeps happening. Who cares? More for us. sh061a -- This is Uncle Phil before he died hang gliding. - Did he hit a tree? Let's just say he didn't read the hang glider manual very carefully. - I wonder if there's another reason it's called hang gliding. Nah... sh061b -- I decided to recognize you for your performance. - So I named one of my pencils after you. - Gosh. Is that it right there? no. That's my good pencil. sh061c -- This is so nice... Just a man and his mutt out for a walk. "Mutt"?! - I think of it more as a "canine and a clod" or a "dog and a dummy"... Maybe a pooch and a pinhead" or a "bowser and a blockhead." - I think that's enough. A "hound and a sh061c -- hiney." sh062a -- Here's a picture of my uncle just before he was drafted. He was awarded elevel purple hearts. - He was wounded eleven times? Uncle William insisted that his friends call him "Will"... - OKAY, MEN, FIRE AT WILL!! sh062b -- Hello? This is your bank. - We're having trouble meeting payroll... Could you come down and make some deposits right away? - Will you take a check? From *you*? sh062c -- "Urgent memo to all employees:" Uh-oh. Looks important. - "If we are to remain cometitive, you must proactively improve quality on all actionable items!" - Wow! That was inspiring. My heart is pounding. I'm all tingly... - I'd better take the sh062c -- rest of the day off... sh063a -- I like your dress. Women are flattery. - It reminds me of my favorite dish cloth. Uh-oh... wrong thing to say. - Of course, I'm not talking about an *ordinary* dish cloth. Dig, dig... - I'm talking about a truly fashionable dish cloth here... sh063a -- In fact, if I dropped jello on my shoes I'd leave it there all day rather than use your dress to wipe it up. - Some women just don't know how to accept a compliment gracefully. sh064a -- Look what I won, Dogbert! It's a trophy for perfect attendance! - Since *you*'ve never won a trophy, I thought you might get some vicarious joy by dusting and waxing *my* trophy every day. Here. - I hope that trophy doesn't go to my head. sh064b -- Mister garbage man, what is life? Well, Dogbert... - Life is like old cantaloupe rinds wrapped in a faded newspaper and sprinkled with wet coffee grounds. - Life is garbage? Call me a romantic. sh064c -- Sometimes I think gravity is only an illusion. - Maybe other great thinkers realized gravity is mental and were thus freed of its restrictions. - Which would explain why all the smart people have apparently been flung into space. It's time for sh064c -- "Wheel of Fortune." sh065a -- I can tell what my date is thinking by her body language. - Her body is telling me "let's cuddle by a fireplace..." - "I'll get some firewood," she says... sh065b -- I really enjoy these quiet times we have. - Jus delicious silence. No annoying noise. No inane chatter. - Apparently you don't listen to you, either. sh065c -- Yo! Dilbert and Dogbert! Oh no... Hi, Vernon. Yo. - The most boring person I know... Gotta get out of here but I'm too polite. Did I ever tell you about my favorite episode of "Kojak"? - Whoa! Vern, we gotta go before you turn our brains into sh065c -- tapioca! There's always the direct method. sh066a -- Yes? I'm demanding a new wage and benefits package. - I already give you everything you want... - And in return you give me disloyalty, verbal abuse and occasional legal problems. - Okay, it's a good job, but I'm putting in twenty-four hours a sh066a -- day! - I think I deserve some sort of special recognition for my good work. - Employee of the month. I'm positively giddy. You edged out the toaster by two votes. sh067a -- Riding elevators is so awkward. - Stare straight ahead...don't breathe...don't fidget...don't blink...arms hang like limp weights... - I think he's dead. Above all, act naturally. sh067b -- It's amazing that dogs never seem to sweat. - That's because I sneak into your bedroom every morning and use your deodorant before you can wake up - Oh...well, it's amazing that dogs don't need to brush their teeth. That reminds me - our sh067b -- tooth-brush is getting spongy. sh067c -- Men don't whistle at me anymore. - I credit the women's movement for making men more sensitive to how whistling degrades women. - What's the climate like on your planet? sh068a -- Dogbert, I have come for you. YOW! - Wait wait! Don't I get to challenge you to some contest to play for my life!!? - Okay...I throw this frisbee - you try to catch it in your mouth. Did you have anything more degrading? sh068b -- Dogbert tries to cheat death, if you catch the frisbee you can live. Wait! - I've never been much of an athlete...let's play "Scrabble" for my life instead. - How much time are you allowed for your turn? I'll see you in August, bone boy. sh068c -- Let's go see the new Alfred Hitchcock movie. How could there be a "new" Hitchcock movie? It's some kind of a sequel. - ALFRED HITCHCOCK presents THE FISH sh069a -- A home video? "Dogbert versus Godzilla." We'll use Bob the dinosaur as Godzilla and you can be Raymond Burr! - Shouldn't Godzilla get top billing? Quiet on the set!! Dogbert is letting me be the "key grip." Darn! All I got was the Raymond Burr sh069a -- role. - In this first scene, Bob, you rip the arms off the "Ken" doll while Barbie and Skipper watch in horror. - Dilbert, you'll be eating a cheeseburger and the shock waves will cause you to smoosh it into your face. - Then I come in and sh069a -- waste both of you with a fire extiguisher. Raymond Burr dies? What, no sequel? sh070a -- Happy Airline I'm sorry, Sir, but you've been "bumped." WHAT?! - I've got a ticket! I demand satisfaction! I'll call the president of your stupid company!! - I wonder if there's really such a thing as the "duct tape section." sh070b -- DING DONG Must be your blind date. I'll let her in. - How's she look? Well, you cuold say she's a full-bodied individual. - You mean she's a little overweight? I mean sherpas have established a base camp on her ankles. sh070c -- You're saying my blind date is a tad on the large side...? - I'm saying her family portrait was taken by "Voyager II." Funny. - I'd better not keep her waiting at the door. Do not anger "Jabba the Date." sh071a -- Dilbert greets his blind date This is the biggest woman I've ever seen. Uh...hi. - I have only one chance of financially surviving dinner. Hi - Say...why don't we go to the "All-You-Can-Eat House of Starch and Pasta"? Can't...banned for life. sh071b -- I will *never* go on another blind date. - So, mean, Janety, have you dated many other men? - Yes, but they all disappeared without a trace. Incidentally, you look delicious tonight. sh071c -- Y-y--ou m-m-mean *all* of your ex-boyfriends disappeared without a trace? - Yeah. It's the strangest thing... Good lord, she must have eaten them!! - while she was sucking the cheese-cake off the dessert cart, I dove out the window. sh072a -- Sometimes I dream of a kinder world... Trouble... - A world where all creatures live in peace and harmony... - Where nobody pursues retribution for some tiny little misdeed. Big trouble. - Where bygones are bygones...forgive and forget... - sh072a -- STOP IT! STOP IT! PLEASE JUST TELL ME WHAT HORRIBLE THING YOU'VE DONE! - You know, studies have shown that people with pets live happier, less stressful lives. AAAAAEEE!! sh073a -- Excuse me...Sir? - I'm trying to paint this view. Would you mind not walking right in front of me? - Oops. Sorry. It's alrerady too late. sh073b -- Remember, one of your duties as dog is to guard the house. - That might entail ripping intruders to bits with your teeth...or taking a bullet for me. - Boy, all that and I get to drink out of the toilet too. sh073c -- I've got to make the engineering newsletter more interesting. - It needs pathos and human drama. - "How to cope with the loss of the loved data..." Wait...I better get some tissues. sh074a -- When I was a kid I threw spitballs at girls to show I liked them. - Now I just grovel and beg for dates. - Frankly, the old way was more satisfying. sh074b -- Burger Queen 99c Special Only 99c?!! Ha ha ha!! Give me ten thousand of them! For *here*!! -These lottery winners are really starting to bug me. sh074c -- What I look for first in a man is honesty. - Okay...I'd like to skip this boring conversation and go smooch. - I didn't mean honesty about relevant things. sh075a -- The secrets of the universe will be revealed if you meditate. - Can't you just tell me the secrets? - To meditate you must clear your mind of all thoughts. If I have no thoughts how will I know if I'm meditating? - And how do I come out of it? sh075a -- I won't be able to think about stopping. - And shouldn't stupid people be the best meditators of all? - Perhaps you are not ready. Perhaps you should spend more time with some thoughts. sh076a -- Did you hear that the tiny east european country of Elbonia has abandoned communism? Whoa! Big changes ahead. - Elbonia: monday Mud Farm - Elbonia: tuesday My Mud Farm My Tree My Pig My Feet sh076b -- Dilbert, I'm sending you to Elbonia to open our new subsidiary. Elbonia? - But they only renounced communism last week!! They don't understand capitalism or economics. They have no appreciation of the real life. - ...he thinks they'll make fine sh076b -- engineers. sh076c -- Dilbert arrives at the ex-communist country of Elbonia. I need a flight to your capital. - For a moment I was worried that this backward little country wouldn't have a commuter flight. - I hate living near the airport. sh077a -- Dilbert takes a slingshot ride to Elbonia's capital. There it is... - SPLUNK It's a good thing this whole country is made of mud. - I have come to teach you capitalism. Did you bring blue jeans? sh077b -- How do we know you came to Elboniajust to teach us capitalism? - Yeah...maybe you came to steal our secret process for making mud!! Dirt and water? - He knows... We'll have to kill him. sh077c -- The basic problem with your economy is that the only product you make is mud... So? - Nobody needs mud. Who the heck is in charge of planning this economy, anyway? - sh078a -- Oh no, it's Helena. I had a bizarre dream about her last night. Hi, Dilbert. - I'm always afraid that somehow people know when they've been in my dream. Gee...seeing you reminds me of something...but I can't quite put my finger on it... - sh078a -- was something bizarre. She knows. - Stop it! Stop it! I'm sorry I made you wear a cheerleading outfit and glue miniature horses to the couch!! - There - it's out. The pressure is lifted...I can live again... Oh no, I remember--I was sh078a -- wondering why you've never been married. But now I understand. sh079a -- The first thing you Elbonians must understand about capitalism is the incentive system. - If you're willing to work twelve hours a day, eventually the guy who owns your factory will get rich. - Am I missing something here? Then you guys get to sh079a -- watch great TV shows based on the millionaire's life! sh079b -- My trip to Elbonia was a complete success. - I opened our subsidiary, taught capitalism to the locals and showed them how to make computer chips out of sand. - Oh they will become an industrial giant and compete against us. Don't sh079b -- worry. I also taught them other management techniques. sh079c -- What's wrong, Bob? I can't deny my feelings anymore. - Not the roof again! I have to tell people. - I CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TOM BROKAW AND PETER JENNINGS!!! sh080a -- What's this business of you climbing on the roof and shouting when I'm at work? - Sorry. We dinosaurs have always been bad at concealing our fact... - "Honesty caused the extinction of many early species." Don't let the spines sh080a -- fool you; I'm great eating! sh080b -- Are you saying dinosaurs are incapable of lying? Almost. - Dawn and I taught ourselves some simple lies for survival...we'll show you... - "I've never been tempted to eat the *National Enquirer*." "I only watch the news and some educational sh080b -- programs." sh080c -- Look, a lucky penny in the street... - SPLOOSH - A penny doesn't go as far as it used to. sh081a -- I always get a warm, satisfied feeling right after paying my taxes. - Sure, it's a sacrifice... But my money goes to support vital public services. KNOCK KNOCK - We're the IRS mop-up crew. - We came to take your socks and shave sixty percent of sh081a -- your dog. bzzzz - Remind me to adjust my witholdings for next year. sh082a -- Loose thread. - I can't remember if it's better to cut these or just yank on them. - THOOP! sh082b -- Dogbert, could you give me a hand? "Paw" - I pulled a loose thread on my shirt and my head got sucked into my torso. - What should we do? This might be a good time for a family portrait. sh082c -- After tugging a loose thread on his shirt... Do something. Hmm...head got sucked into torso, huh? - I'll try flattery... Your head will expand and pop right out... - Later ...and you are superior to mollusksin every way but looks... I felt sh082c -- something that time. sh083a -- Every single tissue box has a female design. - Men have noses too. This is sexist. I can't support this practice. - Sandpaper? I had to make a statement. sh083b -- About 400 women turned me down for dates this year. - I can only conclude onr thing... - Not enough quality women. Sadly. sh083c -- It's one of those days my brain feels lazy. - I'd better avoid any mental stimulation. - It's times like this I really appreciate knowing you. Thank you. sh084a -- The great thing about adult males is that they've become immune to verbal abuse. Adult females may have something to do with it. - Hey, you groteque pile of petrified cat spittle... Hi, Dogbert. - Is that your head, or has some kind of zucchini sh084a -- sprouted from your torso? - Would you like to join me for some chocolate cake? - If brains were beans, you wouldn't have enough to make a bee burp. - Hey! We don't insult bees in this house! sh085a -- ...So then I sez to my boss, "you can just stuff this stupid project..." - Then I sez, "let's see *you* do this job." And I sez, "I should get a raise." I gotta go. - The more they sez "Isez," the less likely it is they really said what they sh085a -- sez they said. sh085b -- Ahem... I think I'll call my stock broker... I'm an investor, you know. Ooh...I'm impressed. - What? No profits yet? I'll call back in an hour. - I wonder if this is a bad time to be in chocolate coins. sh085c -- You dinosaurs have probably never seen a computer. - This makes me so efficient I can save hours every day. What do you do with all the spare time? - I work on the computer. Wow! Then you can save even more time! sh086a -- You know, Bob, I always pictured you dinosaurs as...uh...much bigger. - Ah, well, you see, practical jokes were very popular in the mesozoic era... - Wroopee cushios in stock Ooh-ooh! Give me the giant plastic bone and one fake vomit! Shall I sh086a -- wrap them or just toss them in the tar pits? sh086b -- Tired of being teased because of thinning nose hair? - Get the "Rivco Nose Toupee" for only $9.95! - It's totally undetectable. sh086c -- Here's a picture of uncle Tim before he got lost and froze to death camping. - Didn't he have a compass? His diary said it got jammed. - Just great... I need south and all I get is north, north, north. sh087a -- My credit card has been cancelled. The stupid bank's computer thinks I died. - This is an opportunity for some righteous indignation. I love that. - Hello, credit card department, an underpaid employee speaking. - Well, yes, apparently you are sh087a -- alive. But it would be very difficult to reprogram the computer... - I'm sure you'll find a solution. - Kill him? Unless you'd *rather* read this computer manual. sh088a -- Uh-oh! I'm being sucked into my own computer program! - I've always feared this... - Hi, I'm Michael--Michael Chip. Cover charge is two bits. ...get it? sh088b -- Dilbert gets sucked into his computer're a microchip... I am. C'mon in and have some coffee. - Chips drink coffee? Gallons. It keeps us fast. - Doesn't that make you irritable with the other microchips? Not since I killed them all. sh088c -- Let me show you around the inside of your computer. Neat! - Here's where we generate the hypnotic signals for your display screen. Why? - To make you think you need more computers. Good Lord, you've learned to reproduce! sh089a -- A microchip gives Dilbert the tour inside his computer you see, it's mostly a trick... - We've been sending you subliminal hypnotic suggestions through the video display for years. Like what? - Goofy stuff, like "computers are fun" and sh089a -- "put all of your pens in your shirt pocket." sh089b -- ...after you leave you will not remember being inside your computer talking to a microchip. - You will purchase worthless computer upgrades and argue that it saves money in the long run. - It's a static byte dwinkelizer...a necessity really. sh089c -- Hear about the new guy? He's from *New York*. Gulp HERE HE COMES! - AAGH! AAAEEEE!! - Well, I suppose I could hunt them down and kill them one by one. sh090a -- Hey dog! What's the quickest way to go to the hospital? - Drive as fast as you can into that tree. - What's the second quickest way? - Hmm...well, go left, then right, right, left, left, left, right, left, left, left, left. - Thanks! - sh090a -- Actually, I have no idea how to get to the hospital... - But I didn't want him to think I'm a jerk. sh091a -- in out Hey! Big guy, how are ya! - out HOW'S THE FAMILY? YOU LOOK GREAT... NICE WEATHER, HUH? - I hate outgoing mail. DO YOU FISH? sh091b -- I've noticed that all the cool guys use gentle kidding with women. Women must like it - Excuseme, Miss, does your face hurt? It's killing me! Giggle Giggle Snort - The cool guys must hate it when this happens to them. sh091c -- Apparently you ignored my advice and got no exercise. - But you're in perfect health, which really annoys me professionally. - I'm prescribing two packs of cigarettes per day...don't cross me again. sh092a -- I read that half of all teenagers can't locate this country on a map. - One frustrated teacher handed out maps labeled "you are here." - She spent the rest of the year trying to explain why the "X" doesn't move when you drive around. sh092b -- Dogbert, have you been bored lately? Yeah, why? - I found this teeny-tiny little sweater knitted out of dental floss. Oh. - This is very bizarre. I didn't use a pattern. sh092c -- Dilbert presents BAD HABITS FROM A PARALLEL UNIVERSE! - Table for phleem? Yes. In the "no slapping yourself with a sea bass" section. - slap slap slap slap Great, one table away... Do you ever wonder about the first person to try that habit? sh093a -- DILBERT SPECIAL! Bob the dinosaur will rip the underpants off guys we hate! Example rrrip! - Case#1 ...bought my first house for 74 cents. Sold it a year later for $400,000... - AAEEEE!! Now he drives a "beemer." - Case #2 It's a great movie. sh093a -- You'll be surprised when you find out the parakeet is the murderer. - AAAEEE!! I love surprises! - Case #3 Wait here and I'll try to convince my boss to sell the car at your price. - AAAEEE!! He's on your side! - Finally... Only an idiot would sh093a -- think computers are confusing. sh094a -- I've decided to become an ambush reporter, like Mike Wallace. - Is it true you made all of your money unethically and you're having an affair? - YES!! YES!! HOW DID YOU FIND ME?! You were chosen randomly. sh094b -- Dogbert the ambush reporter looks for another victim. - Is it true you have often fantasized about marrying a rich guy and ditching your career? - YES!!! YES!!! AND I...I...SECRETLY LEARNED TO *COOK*!! Is that *yarn* sticking out of your sh094b -- briefcase?!! sh094c -- I never realized that being an "ambush reporter" could be so much fun. - Is it true you used steroids to gain your massive size? - NO! I SWEAR! I JUST USE THIS LITTLE AM RADIO. I DON'T EVEN OWN A STEROID SYSTEM! sh095a -- Just a moment, little girl. I'm Dogbert, the ambush reporter. - Is it true that you *pretend* to be cute in order to *manipulate* adults!! - sniff sniff Oh, hey, wait... I'm just kidding. Can I buy you something expensive? sh095b -- Excuse me, young man. May I ask you some probing and embarrassing questions? - Is it true that you spend a great deal of time contemplating the effects of firecrackers on investigative reporters?!! - I'll bet this hasn't happened to Mike sh095b -- Wallace even once. sh095c -- I wonder if Dogbert is enjoying his sky diving lessons. CRASH WHUMP!! - wonder they only charge six bucks. sh096a -- How's it look, Doc? You came in just in tie. - I'm way behind in my alimony payments. I'll have to do some unnecessary surgery on you. - You have a fair number of redundant organs. - Two lungs...two kidneys...large *and* small intestines... - sh096a -- And I'm sure you aren't taking full advantage of you pancreas. - I find that humor helps my patients relax. sh097a -- ...So, would you like to meet after work and go to dinner? What kind of car do you drive? - Ugh! You women are all so shallow!! It should not make any difference what kind of car I drive!! - Except that it will help me find you in the parking sh097a -- lot... But you could just stand on top of it and thump your mighty chest. sh097b -- I can't believe she agreed to have dinner with me. - I'm afraid to say anything to spoil this moment... - I guess I should say something to break the ice. Did I mention that I'm a witch? sh097c -- Thanks for asking me out. Most guys get scared when they find out I'm a practicing witch. - Then they say something I don't like and I end up turning them into lawn ornaments. - That's awful! Tell me about can't believe how tacky my sh097c -- lawn is now. sh098a -- So...uh...why did you decide to take up witchcraft? It comes in handy. - For example, suppose I want to get rid of this annoying fly here. - Now be a luv... sh098b -- You're back early. How was your date? - Not so good...she's a witch...turned me into a frog. - Oooh! When I think about it I just get Hopping mad? sh098c -- Dogbert, I need you help. Check my computer to see if there is any way to reverse the spell and make me human! - Hmm... "The only way to reverse a 'Frog Spell' is a kiss from a dog or a princess..." - What'd it say?!! Gargle. You're gonna visit sh098c -- Lady Di. sh099a -- Plans for the corporate takeover are complete. What corporate takeover? - It's a hostile bid for control of the Meowco Cat Food Company. - When I become CEO, I'll order them to add a hairball to every can of cat food. heh heh - That is cruel sh099a -- and senseless. I'm thoroughly ashamed of you. - seems so much more efficient than hassling one cat at a time. sh100a -- Hello...Buckingham Palace? I was wondering if the princess would be willing to kiss a frog and remove a witch's curse for us. - Oh...Lady Di does not kiss little hideous creatures... - That must be mighty awkward at family reunions...Hello? sh100b -- Dilbert needs a kiss from a princess to remove the frog curse. It's hopeless... - There's one chance, but we'll need some props. - You seriously think this will fool Lady Di? I'd wait until she's had a few Margaritas sh100c -- Note: Some new readers of this strip may be confused by the presence of a character who looks very much like a potato. The following comparison should clear things up: - Dilbert (turned into a frog and disguised as Price Charles). A potato - A sh100c -- handy rule for the telling which one is a potato is the look for the presence of glasses. Although potatoes do have eyes, they are known to be vain and generally prefer contact lenses. Keep this reference guide with you. sh101a -- By now Dilbert should have infiltrated Buckingham Palace. - One kiss from the princess and his "frog curse" will be lifted... I just hope his disguise works... - Charlie, why does your breath smell like flies? Uh...I had lunch with a common sh101a -- person today... sh101b -- I'm just a one-woman kind of guy. - Some guys like to play the field. Not me. I'm happy with just one woman. - Just one. Uno. That's best for me. You can take her for rides in the Space Shuttle you'll never have either. sh101c -- Your new project will be *vital* to the performance of the company! Uh-oh - The more he talks it up the stupider the project must be. ...high visibility, a chance to excel and be noticed! - In fact, I stand to salute you for the job you will be sh101c -- doing! You're what makes this country great!! Does this have anything to do with the janitors' strike? sh102a -- Why do people collect stamps? Because they're valuable. - Why are they valuable? - Because people collect up all the good ones. - So, you collect stamps because they're valuable, and they're valuable because you collect them. Right. Sounds sh102a -- pretty fulfilling. To be honest, I just do it for the adrenalin rush. sh103a -- I'm going to form a personality cult to honor me. - I'll take everybody's money and make them wear bathrobes with my picture on the back. - Wouldn't it be cheaper to brand them and let them run naked? As a rule, we're not talking about sh103a -- attractive people here. sh103b -- I'm hoping you will accept me in the Dogbert cult. You do have a strong resume... - Looks like you've been fleeced by several spiritual leaders already. - I think that demonstrates a complete absence of independent thought. Can you chant? sh103c -- We heard you're forming a cult. Can we join? Hmm... - Yeah... I could use some enforcersto help me conceal the hideous and cynical nature of my organization. You're in... - YES! WE MADE IT! Bob, should we ask about the hideous part? sh104a -- Bob and Dawn join Dogbert's cult. You two are in charge of security. - Your job is to neutralize anybody who questions my motives. Actually, we have some questions of our own... - Or should we just neutralize ourselves? Make it look like an sh104a -- accident. sh104b -- Um...Dilbert, could we get your advice? - We just Dogbert's new cult. And he ordered us to kill each other for questioning him. - Hmm...maybe you could shove each other in front of trucks. sh104c -- How did we ever allow ourselves to be drawn into Dogbert's evil cult? - Maybe he has strange hypnotic powers. Maybe we were mesmerized by his oratorical skill. - It says here you have brains the size of a walnut What's your point? sh105a -- This is a very interesting employee question. Thank you, Sir. - If I read this correctly... - You observed that everybody is smarter than his boss... - Exactly... So we all just switch jobs with our bosses and boost productivity by 200%!! - sh105a -- I've decided to do a limited trial... Something died in the stairwell. Take care of it. sh106a -- I have a plan to deprogram you from the control of Dogbert's cult. - My theory is that the brain reflexively embraces the most ridiculous explanation of reality. - So, we just have to think of something more ridiculous than following a dog's sh106a -- commands. Like listening to you? sh106b -- Dogbert, we've come to resign from your cult. You can't push us around anymore. - Resign?!! Ha! You're unworthy! I kick you out. The cult doesn't need your type! - NOOO!!! TAKE US BACK!!! PLEASE!!! - I think this explains why dinosaurs don't sh106b -- rule the earth. sh106c -- I think you've taken your cult idea too far. Who says it's a cult? - *You* said it's a cult! That word has a bad connotation. - I prefer to think of it as a bunch of morons who have nothing better to do with their lives. sh107a -- Today on "Geraldo" our entire show is about a dog who started his own cult! - Actually, Geraldo, I don't know what you're talking about. - I love live television. sh107b -- I'm dissolving the cult. You two are free to do as you please. - WE'RE FREE! WE'RE FREE! - don't know ugly 'til you've seen dinosaurs dance. sh107c -- One more clever move and I will have written the perfect computer program. - YES! Spike it in the end zone! - Another failure of the sports metaphor. sh108a -- I programmed my computer to analyze any situation and predict the female response. - I should clarify a few things. - I'll type in "watch sad movie." - Result: crying. - Now I'll try "receive flowers." Result: crying. - Let's try "date with sh108a -- Dilbert." Result: crying. Boy, the truth gets vicious when you corner it. sh109a -- FREEZE!!! I'M A DOG CATCHER! - What, no collar? You're going to the puppy penitentiary, pal! - Your human turned you in? He didn't think a pit bull should wear his hair this way. sh109b -- No stupid dog pound can hold me for long. - Hey, Screq! Don't I get one phone call?! - Hello, is this the Big Ball Demolition Company? ...good, I have a rush job for you... sh109c -- Don't worry, killer, I'll get us out of this pound by nightfall. How? - I used my one phone call to call a wrecking company to destroy this place. That sounds dangerous to me. - Coming up: A near-death experience or possibly just a stupid dream sh109c -- sequence. sh110a -- Uh-oh. That looks like my body on the ground. - I must be dead. And that light... It's beautiful... It must be *god*!! - Next: A really big let down. zzzzzz sh110b -- Dogbert dreams of death I'm coming toward the light... - The's so could only be light of *god himself*!! - No. just new batteries. God doeas have a sense of humor? Of course! It explains everything. sh110c -- I'm so embarrassed...I dreamed I died and saw the light of god... - I trust you will just let this incident pass without comment. - I COMMAND YOU TO BUILD AN ARK... grrrr... sh111a -- Would you like to hold hands? We'd better dog is around here someplace. - What's your dog got to do with everything? He's a bit prudish. He won't allow it in his house. - *His* house?! Ha ha ha! He's *your* dog! *You're* the master! - sh111a -- Your dog is just a stupid hairball! And it must be a first-class wimp! Ha ha! - Ha ha ha! With my blessings. sh112a -- This could be my most important technical achievement yet. I'll call it the "sonic obliterator." Hmm...catchy. - This baby can blast a buffalo into random particles in about half a nanosecond. - Of course, it might have limited application sh112a -- around the house. At least the buffaloes will show us some respect. sh112b -- May I play with your "Sonic Oliterator" invention? Sure. - Just be careful. It has a hair trigger and can blow a truck to bits. - You have to show them that you trust them. I'll be down at the post office truck yard. sh112c -- On one hand, I know it's wrong to use Dilbert's invention to blow up these empty mail trucks. - On the other paw, this is gonna be more fun than sneezing on strangers. - It's a moral dilemma...but I like to think that difficult choices like sh112c -- this build character. click sh113a -- Our top story: a dog with glasses was seen blowing up empty mail trucks with some type of "sonic obliterator." - Much of the city is in ruins, as the dog blasted through buildings to escape police and national pursuit. - On the plus side, we sh113a -- have a buch better shortcut to the post office. sh113b -- Just've destroyed half of the city with my "sonic obliterator" invention... - You're being pursued by the police, FBI and national guard... I *trusted* you. Is there anything you'd like to say to me? - Oh, yeah, thank you very much sh113b -- for letting me borrow the's been great...can I use it again tomorrow? sh113c -- Looks like the police found your trail, Dogbert. You'd better hide. - We're looking for a dog who destroyed half of the city. Does this sketch look familiar? -'s "Mister Potato Head"...or maybe "Ziggy." We gotta get a better artist. sh114a -- We're so glad you guys could stop by. thanks for inviting us. We hardly know them. - I'd offer some coffee, but that would be a bother. Uh. None for me. Thanks. - I noticed you didn't bring any food as a courtey to your hosts. I guess we'll eat sh114a -- when you leave. - We usually watch television now, but I'll try not to appear bitter about your visit. - Why haven't we done this sooner? We thought you were scum? sh115a -- Here's a "help wanted" ad for a babysitter. - I could do that. Kids love dinosaurs. One problem. - Your species is known to be carnivorous. I'll put "strict disciplinarian" on my resume. sh115b -- Hi. I'm Bob. I called earlier about the babysitting job. - To be honest, we didn't know you were a dinosaur when you called... - That's okay. I didn't know you were yuppie bigots. sh115c -- ...we should at least interview him. Nobody else even answered our ad for a babysitter. - Frankly, Bob, we're concerned that xou might try to eat the children. - Well, of course, in that case there would be no charge for the evening. He's more sh115c -- than fair. sh116a -- Before we hire you as our babysitter, we want to test how a dinosaur like you would respond to a variety of emergency scenarios. - What if there's a fire? Dial 911. Burglary? Dial 911. Injury? Dial 911. Poisoning? Dial 911. - Giant asteroid sh116a -- collides with earth and triggers an ice age? Oh, wow...I'm drawing a complete blank here... sh116b -- - Boo! EEEK! - The good news is you'll handle better on corners... sh116c -- ...and the doctor says it's all in your mind. - Your ears will return to normal when you forgive me for scaring you yesterday. - Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge. sh117a -- WHAT IF PEOPLE HAD TAILS? - First of all, it would look darned silly. - Only the unobservant would loose at poker. He's bluffing. Control...dont't wag... - Jury trials would be simpler. ...then I found my husband dead. - And parties would be sh117a -- even more awkward. - That's when I learned that if you drive a Porsche, you should never make fun of a man on a steamroller. Tragic...really. sh118a -- Hi. You must be the new secretary. Well, yes and no... - Granted, I'm temporarily being paid for performing secretary-like duties. But I'm really an author, a Jazz pianist and a thespian. I have a Ph.D. in psychology. - Sounds like a little sh118a -- crisis with the ol' self-image. And a gourmet chef... sh118b -- Dilbert, I'm putting you in charge of the department secretary. - See if you can get him to cut down on the personal phone calls. - ...just be a little more discreet...for example, try *not* wearing the traditional costume of the countries sh118b -- you're calling. sh118c -- As your new supervisor, I want to discuss your carreer path. - You're a secretary now, but what do you want do be in two years? A famous actor... or maybe a doctor. - Uh...I don't think I can help you here... Oh, right, but you'll expect me to sh118c -- work hard for you. sh119a -- My boss asked me to supervise the department secretary. I don't really know how to manage people... - Try positive reinforcement. Praise the things he does right. Trust him to make the right choices. - I forgot to write down your messages, so I sh119a -- just put a bunch of gibberish on little pieces of paper. sh119b -- How's the new secretary for the department working out? - I think he's having a self-image problem. - Sure, I'm a secretary, but watch me crush this paper clip!! sh119c -- Auto Service Just a quick question: is it necessary to change my oil... - ...or can I just keep letting it run dry and then add new oil? - AAAEEEEOO I think the asnwer is going to be "no" to that second option. sh120a -- Thank you all for coming to IRV Klepfurd's Retirement Celebration. - Many of you know that IRV has been pilfering office supplies for his entire carreer. - In fact, he's only retiring now because he finished construction of his garage made sh120a -- entirely of paper clips. - This bill is for $87,000 of personal phone calls made from the office. - Instead of a gold watch, I'm going to write the current time on this yellow sticky pad and slap it on his forehead. - SLAP! - Now...I understand sh120a -- we have some birthdays today... sh121a -- Prehistoric Dilbert... What is it? - I call it "The Wheel." - sh121b -- I'm feeling timid today... I felt timid yesterday too... - Holy cheese! I may be a timid person. - I've decided to build a blanket fort with the living room furniture and live in it forever. I'm so proud of you. sh121c -- I like a man who makes eye contact. - Oh no...uncontrollable urge to look away... I've got to blink about twenty times. Why did she have to bring that up? - AAEEEEII!! GASP* blink blink blink blink blink blink I love doing that. sh122a -- We can no longer compete against the Japanese with their technology advantages. - So we're sending you to Japan on an employee exchange program. - To learn their technology and bring it back here? Just do for them what you've done for us. sh122b -- People catch worms to go fishing. - People eat fish that just ate worms. - There is definitely a wasted step here. sh122c -- I've taken the liberty of calculating a twenty-percent tip. - It's written on the back next to a picture of a smiling diner...a fifteen percent tip is shown by the picture of a guilty-looking diner. - Below that is a picture of a diner and his sh122c -- dog with salad forks in their backs... sh123a -- - HOLY HAIRBALLS! WHAT ARE YOU?!! - I am the "dust bunny," an emerging cultural icon. - Once a year I come to every home and hide clumps of dust under furniture and major appliances. - You must honor me ny decorating closet doors and singing sh123a -- dust hymns. - What about gifts? Do I get any gifts out of this? - No. The dust bunny symbolizes only love, goodwill and very poor housekeeping. - I know, it seems harsh, but you have to nip these things in the bud. Okay, gifts! sh124a -- Here we have a lab rat, specially bred to be susceptible to peer pressure. - How about a Brewski? I don't drink. All the cool rats drink beer. Okay. - Of course, there's more to science than just hurting animals, but frankly it's the part I sh124a -- like best. sh124b -- Doc, we have to talk. - Everyday you feed me over a hundred pounds of macaroni and first I thought you were just being a good host. - But lately I've been thinking it could be something far more sinister. Macaroni and cheese causes sh124b -- paranoia... sh124c -- Lab I hate my life. - If I eat one more ton of macaroni and cheese I think I'll die... Of course, that may be the point. - Tonight I'm going "over the wall." Wait...I'm a rat...I'll go *through* the wall. sh125a -- What's that noise? skritch skritch skritch - It sounds like a rat, escaped from a nearby laboratory, chewing a hole through our front door to avoid sure death from a hideous macaroni-and-cheese experiment. - That's amazing. These babies aren't sh125a -- just for good looks, you know. sh125b -- Greetings, dog. I've come to live in your house and escape from my job at the laboratory. - You could think of me as a political exile seeking sanctuary in a friendly embassy. - I could think of you as a rat. Okay, but I don't expect any sh125b -- special treatment. sh125c -- I wasn't getting any respect at the lab...I felt used. - Sure...the food was good - and *lots* of it...but I don't think the professor valued me as an individual. - And a rat without respect is Like you. sh126a -- - Greetings, Dogbert, I am the god of thunder. Yip! - I am Thor!! - Take some Athpirin. - We're looking for some new norse gods to update our image. Your name came up. - It's the same way I got started. I worked my way up from God of static sh126a -- cling. - Hmm..."God of Velcro" looks interesting. - Don't laugh. I put your name in for god of mayonnaise. sh127a -- Dilbert, this is a rat. Rat, this is Dilbert. I've come to live here! - How lucky for us. We were just saying how much we needed a plague-carrying vermin to round out the household. - He doesn't have much of a personality... I usually drown him sh127a -- out with the television. sh127b -- I xou're going to live here, you need a name. How about "Mickey"? - No...big trouble. How about "Rodney the Rodent"? How about "Bill the Rat"? - "Vernon the Vermin"? "Ratbert" sh127c -- Let me introduce you to our dinosaurs, Bob and Dawn. Cool! - EEEEK!! A MOUSE! Not a mouse, a rat!! - Ooops. Sorry. You look kinda like a mouse. No offense taken. sh128a -- Yes? I'm looking for my escaped lab rat. The trail leads to this house. - Can't you use just another rat? No. I'm on a very limited budget. - What will you do if he dies? CPR sh128b -- Ahaa! There's my runaway lab rat! I'd recognize little XP-39C² anywhere! - All is forgiven. Come back to your job at the lab. I love you. - He was specially bred to have no will power. Hold me. sh128c -- Goodbye, Dogbert. I must return to the lab with the professor. sniff That's stupid. - He says he lovea me. That must be why he fed me so much. You're getting stupider. - I have to follow my heart. causes stupidity in lab rats. 921207 -- I've decided to use more humor in the workplace - experts say humor eases tension which is important in times when the workforce is being trimmed. - knock-knock Who's there? Not you anymore. 940105 -- We're flattening organization to eliminate levels and put everybody in a wide salary band. - Now instead of not getting a promotion you'll only not get a raise.- So, what job title do we use? You'll all be named Beverly. 940106 -- The boss's brain Hummm - Theoretically, if I cut costs enough we'll be profitable without selling any products. - How do they get the ink into these things? 951026 -- Wally and I have bet about why you assigned me to the same task as three other people. - I believe it's a clever ploy to create healthy internal competition. Wally thinks you're just dumber than the average cauliflower. - May I point 951026 -- out that cauliflower is the brain of the fruit kingdom. Yes! 951027 -- Three other people asked for that same information. You must be on redundant projects. - Here's a big binder which at first glance seems useful, but you'll realize later it's not. - I've got a few more useless binders. Do you want 'em? 951027 -- Sure. I'm using them to build an addition to my cubicle. 951028 -- It looks somebody is using binders to illegally increase the size of his cubicle. - You think status will increase with your cubicle size, don't you! Well it won't work! - Here's a raise. I don't know why. Psst. Is he seeing anybody? rrrr 951029 -- Helen, do you have any staples in the supply cabinet? - No, I only stock the basics: cheap pens with green ink, big jars of glue and ribbons for obsolete printers. - Could you order some staples? You need to give me the order number. 951029 -- Okay. Can I see your supply catalog? Wally borrowed it. - rrring I'd better get that; it might be personal. sob - Wally, do you have the... I need your help with this. Pull up a chair. - I need both of you to come talk to a vendor that 951029 -- we'll never use. - Thanks to technology, I almost stapled something today. I'm so proud to know you. 951030 -- Headquarters: Hey, Chuck's looking unhappy today. What's the problem, big guy? - All of my bad decisions are catching up on me. Could we do another reorg to cover my tracks? Yeah, I've got some bodies to bury, too. - "..These changes will 951030 -- allow us to focus on our core business." Whoa! Let me get my reorg boots. 951031 -- I don't understand how the new reorganization will help us "focus on our core business." Did our core business change? Or are you saying that *every* reorg prior to this was a misdirected failure? - Wally, when a car gets a flat tire, 951031 -- do you do? Well, if I'm you, I rotate the tires and drive home. 951101 -- Guess what, Wally. What sadistic plot has H.R. come up with now, Catbert? - We're giving you a real plus a "dotted line" to another boss who has different objectives. - The status reports alone will take forty hours a week. I'm gonna 951101 -- staple myself to death. 951102 -- I heard you got assigned on a "dotted line" to out boss' archival. Groan - Look on the bright side. Think of yourself as leading the exciting life of a secret double-agent! - Don't most double-agents get captured and executed immediately? 951102 -- They *wish* it was immediate. 951103 -- The "Dogbert Corporate Art Source" will provide low-cost paintings for your walls. - Our motto is "if it's in a frame, it will look like art of you." - How much do the paintings cost? Six dollars a pound. 951104 -- How did you get the contract to supply our company with wall art? Low bid. - As we speak, my assistant is scouring the earth in search of low-cost art. - "School-o-Art" I'll take it!! 951105 -- I worked all night but I finished the presentation package you wanted. - Put the presentation date on each page. - Those are color transparencies. It would take hours and cost hundreds of dollars to reprint them. - There's no reason to date 951105 -- them. In fact, it would limit future use and clutter the page. - But since you're incapable of admitting error... - I eagerly await your bizarre, other-worldly explanation for putting the date on each page. - Some people might not have 951105 -- calendars, and we have to make sure it's not holiday. BAM! - Ouch. My brain exploded. The first presentation is february 30th... 951106 -- I've come to be your personal digital assistant. - Use the little pen to write messages on my stomach. I'll use state-of-the-rat technology to interpret your handwriting. - 951107 -- Why are you putting a sign on the coffee maker? - It's an ISO9000 requirement. Everything must be clearly labeled. There can be no exceptions. That's stupid. - Believe me, I don't like it any more than you do. (stupid label guy) 951108 -- The project status is "yellow light." - In user tests we found that the product locks up every twelve seconds. The interface is incomprehensible and the manual is pure fiction. - I think it's clear what we need to do... Ship it and hope 951108 -- somebody writes a "dummies" book about it? 951109 -- Saint Dogbert enters the land of cubicles searching for the demons of stupidity. - Suddenly he finds an over-promoted computer guru spouting useless database concepts. You'd be fools to ignore the boolean anti-binary-least-square approach - 951109 -- The monster is dispatched to the dark world by the sight of its most feared object. Look! Actual code! sssssss Cool! 951110 -- How long will it take to fix any problems we find in our beta product? - It is logically impossible to schedule for the unknown. - Try to think as a manager, not as an engineer. In that case, we'll fix the problems before we find them. 951111 -- The next transparency is an incomprehensible jumble of complexity and undefined acronyms. - You might wonder why I'm going to show it to you since the only possible result is to lower your opinion of my communication skills. - Frankly, it's 951111 -- because I like making complex pictures more than I like you. 951112 -- Mister Catbert will explain our new "total compensation plan" for excellence. - We no longer view compensation in the narrow terms of salary alone. - Danger! Danger! - If employee benefits go up, then salaries can go down and it all balances 951112 -- out. - For example, did you know you could lower your blood pressure by rubbing my soft, furry belly? - It might be a trick! What's the worst thing that could happen? - HA HA HA!!! Its a health benefit! Now I'll cut everybody's salary! - I've 951112 -- noticed the more health benefits I get, the worse I feel. 951113 -- Our goal is to write bug-free software. I'll pay a ten-dollar bonus for every bug you find and fix. - YAHOO! We're rich! Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! - I hope this drives the right behavior. I'm gonna write me a new minivan this afternoon! 951114 -- The company pays me ten dollars for every bug I fix in my code, Ratbert. - I want you to do your little rat dance on my keyboard so I'll have lots of bugs to fix. - How am I doing? Not so good. You just authored a web browser. 951115 -- My accomplishments this week is that I've become an agent of change. - I foster and reward those behaviors that contribute to a culture of teamwork. - I've become slightly more cynical. Keep up the good work, buddy. (Pat Pat) 951116 -- I used to write programs using punch cards...but I'd be rather be fishing... - Look, you bearded road apple, if you answer one more of my questions with an irrelevant story I'll snap you into next week! - Sometime next week... Looks like a hole 951116 -- in the space-time continuum. Did you hear a snap? 951117 -- I think we should build an SQL database. Uh-Oh - Does he understand what he said or is it something he saw in a trade magazine ad? - What color do you want that database? I think mauve has the most RAM. 951118 -- From now on I'm going to be more proactive. - YOU'RE FIRED!! - For what?? I don't know yet. That's the problem with being proactive. 951119 -- We need to ship the V-1 product tomorrow. I promised our CEO he can say it at the shareholder meeting. - That's two months early!! We haven't added any features yet!! - What would we ship? Our lab prototype is the only V-1 in in existence! 951119 -- NO...YOU WOULDN'T! - I've scheduled press tours so you can do demos all next week. OH WHAT!! - We'll need twenty thousand dollars to build another prototype! - That reminds me; I froze the budget for the rest of the year. - If there's anything 951119 -- you'd like me to do, don't hesitate to ask. Yeah, I'd like you to do something... - Ooh...I think I should have hesitated to ask that. 951120 -- Dogbert the consultant: I recommend that you reorganize to strengthen the core compentency of your company. - As luck would have it, your core competency is "giving money to consultants." - I don't think that's the *only* thing we're good 951120 -- at. - It depends on if you count "whining." 951121 -- My consulting partner, Ratbert, will demonstrate how to inform employees that their jobs will be outsourced. - You're history, scram. - How do I get them all stooped over? I recommend a program of very bad ergonomics. 951122 -- This new policy of keeping our keyboards on the floor is ridiculous! - The only possible explanation is to make us all stooped over so it's easier for management to kick our behinds! Ha Ha Ha!! Ha Ha Ha! - Wait a minute...that is the *only* 951122 -- explanation. Cover me; I'm going to the printer. 951123 -- The company has decided to outsource all of the functions that we're not any good at. - Yipee! Yay! - When's your last day? Uh-oh...They're not good at knowing what they're not good at... 951124 -- I don't understand why some people wash their bath towels. - When I get out of the shower I'm the cleanest object in house. In theory, those towels should be getting cleaner every time they touch me. - Maybe I could hug you every day so I 951124 -- don't need to take showers. Are towels supposed to bend? 951125 -- I've gotta run to the post office. - You go to the post office every day. Are you aware that you can buy more than one stamp at a time? - Apparently you don't understand the concept of "float." 951126 -- The clever Salesman evaluates his prey. Badge (Visitors sign in) - I hope he's an important decision-maker. - Take any seat. I call the good chair. Warning! Cubicle! Low-Ranking employee! - Here's our organization chart: President...Senior 951126 -- Vice President...Vice President... - Okay, lift your foot. Do you see that coffee stain on the carpet? That's you? - No That's my boss. I would be under the carpet. - Do I have any hope of talking to somebody who can make a decision? Let me 951126 -- check. - Hey, Wally. What's a "decision"? It sounds like something our competitors do. (Sob) 951127 -- My password for the network isn't working. Fill out a help request online. - I can't get online because my password doesn't work... Send me an E-Mail message about it. - I CAN'T SEND E-MAIL BECAUSE I CAN'T GET ON THE STINKIN' NETWORK!!! 951127 -- Geez, you're worthless... 951128 -- does human resources offer any treatment programs for people with dysfunctional internet connections? - I recommend the "yarn therapy." You'll be wrapped in a huge ball of yarn and used as furniture in my office. - Is this like the famous 951128 -- "ropes" course where I learn to solve problems as part of a team? Exactly, except here you learn to be my couch. 951129 -- Alice, did you hear that Dilbert's network connection isn't working? Uh-oh - He is what we call a technology "have not." His competitiveness in the global economy will last as long as this french fry. So sad. - After lunch, I'm going to use 951129 -- something called "electronic mail." You can watch if you promise not to touch anything- Snork! Gulp 951130 -- We've been dating for a year now, Liz. There's something I'd like to do tonight... - There are some needs that I can't fulfill at work. I understand. - YES! YES! How long has your internet connection at work been broken? 951201 -- We just shipped our newest product. You folks in tech support will need to be trained so you can avoid any embarrassments. - We had a monk write the training material on a grain of rice. We could only afford one, so you'll have to share it. - 951201 -- To be honest, I'm not sure we had a real monk. He wrote everything in pig latin. 951202 -- Does your boss give you orders and later deny it? Do you get in trouble for doing what you're told? Yes - The "Dogbert Detective Agency" will videotape it all and embarrass your boss with proof! - What??! Why did you do this??! This is the 951202 -- happiest moment of my career. Lights! 951203 -- Working late again, huh, Alice? - Seventy hours a week... - Me too. Thank goodness for overtime pay! - Overtime pay? Allow me to explain. - Unlike you so-called "exempt" employees, my income increases if I work additional hours. - I'm 951203 -- pulling in seventy-five thousand a year, and half the time I just hide in the basement reading "fishing" magazine. - The only down side is that I don't get to enjoy the intellectual stimulation of my co-workers the way you do. - I don't 951203 -- know what I like better - deep sea fishing or cubicle fishing. 951204 -- On one hand, my company does use inferior technology in our products... - But on the other hand, I'm the most attractive female who has paid attention to you this year. - What kind of engineers do you think we are??! - Do you have pictures 951204 -- of your field support people? 951205 -- I can't believe you're recommending this lousy vendor just because the sales rep is gorgeous. - Here's a picture of Thor, their field engineer. - Does he really work without a shirt? Only if you buy the "Indian Chief" maintenance package. 951206 -- Your employees have recommended a vendor who has an attractive salesperson. - But the "Dogbert Technology Company" can provide you with a hardware solution for *half* the cost! I'll save the money! - What if I need to upgrade later? Is it 951206 -- expensive? I must have left that price sheet in my other fur. 951207 -- So, you ignored my recommendation and bought a low-cost system that's totally inadequate... - You compensated this blunder by making it part of *my* objectives to make the system work... - You'll get a bonus for saving money. I'll get fired, 951207 -- thus saving more money and earning you *another* bonus. I'm on a roll. 951208 -- It's funny - Before your company bought that critical system from me, *you* had all the power... - BUT NOW, ONLY *I* CAN PROVIDE ESSENTIAL UPGRADES!! *I* CALL THE SHOTS, YOU SIMPLE FOOL!! - Send in the next employee. At least we don't have any 951208 -- multi-vendor compatibility issues. 951209 -- It's inexplicable, but the low-cost system I sold you seems to be woefully underpowered. - You could replace it with another vendor's system, thus showing everybody you made a mistake. Or you can pay my outrageous upgrade fees. - How big a fool 951209 -- do you think I am? I won't know until I see if you go for the lease option. 951210 -- Hello, is this the "Help Desk"? - No, that group got reengineered out of existence. - I'm the new "No help whatsoever desk." My job is to make sure you never call again. - Can you tell me how to make a pie chart? - Crush your computer into 951210 -- small chunks, add flour and bake one hour. - While you're waiting, read the free novel we sent you. It's a spanish story about a guy named "Manual." - Repeat the process until you get the desired result. - This has lost a *lot* in the 951210 -- translation. 951211 -- Send this by E-Mail. - Fax it, too, in case he doesn't check his E-Mail. And mail the original so he has a clean copy. - Goodbye "paperless," hello "clueless." 951212 -- It's status report time where each of you gets to prove what poor communicators you are while I act interested! - Remember to use lots of acronyms that only you understand. And speak in a whiny monotone that makes us all want to slap you! - 951212 -- I'm starting to lose my idealism. 951213 -- No, you fool. That modem will never fit your need. - The specs look okay. You're an idiot compared to me! Put that down! It's the wrong interface! The *wrong* interface!!! - Is he on commission? Yeah, he pays us a dollar per customer. rrrr 951214 -- Wait-a-minute... I'm starting to realize something. - My job is senior associate, yet I spend my time doing clerical work...and unless I'm mistaken, I'm the lowest paid employee. - Is this a bad time? AAAGH!! I'M A SECRETARY! 951215 -- I read somewhere that certain religions require their initiates to perform pointless never-ending tasks to rid them out of their egos. - - What now? 951216 -- When I conquer the world I'll have a secret handshake to identify the people who will be part of my new ruling class. - Cross your eyes and stick out your tongue. Good, now vigorously slap your face. - The people who aren't doing that will be 951216 -- identified as my new ruling class. SLAP! 951217 -- Alice, our records show that you haven't taken a vacation all year. - Company policy requires you to use your vacation days. - How?? You told me to work seven days a week to prepare the project for your boss's year-end review. - Do you want 951217 -- me to meet the artificial project target or the artificial vacation target? - HELLO!!! THESE ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE GOALS!!! HELLOO!!! - Ooh...sorry. I usually just think that last part in silent frustration. - Moving right along... Kudos to 951217 -- Wally for using all of his vacation days ahead of schedule. - Get over it, Alice. We can't all be superstars. 951218 -- Our new slogan is "Everybody is in Sales." - Imagine all employees convinced their friends to buy our product, eventually... - ...We'd have no friends? What's this "friend" thing I keep hearing about? 951219 -- My company asked all employees to act as salespeople to friends and family. I think you could use this, Mom. - Why would I need a primary rate circuit? I've already got a frame relay drop to my web server in the sewing room. - This is going to 951219 -- be a tough sale. - Hello-o-o! Earth to Dilbert! This is packet data... 951220 -- Hey, what's Dogbert doing here? - This is "bring your dog to world day." - There's no such thing. - I'm through the security firewall and into the personnel records. We need to talk. 951221 -- It isn't ethical to hack into the payroll computer and give me a raise, Dogbert. - Not ethical?? Is it ethical for them to make you work seventy hours a week and only pay your for forty??!! - How about a five percent raise? Well, there's the 951221 -- issue of the quality of your work... 951222 -- Most business plans fail. Obviously, success is not a realistic goal. - But the people who manage most spectacular failures get promoted first because of their experience. - That is the most cynical thing I've ever heard in my life! Thanks. I'm 951222 -- blushing. 951223 -- On the advice of my dog, I'm asking for an additional ten million dollars for my project. - That will make a more spectacular failure, thus guaranteeing a promotion for me. As your boss, I'd get recognition too...okay. - Wow! Do you have any 951223 -- advice for me?! Breath mints. 951224 -- Happy Airlines - Vacation, here we come! click click click click - Why do they have to enter so much stuff in the computer? click click click click - They already have our reservation and seat assignment in there. What else do they need? click 951224 -- click click click - I'm developing a sudden fear of flying. Step aside. click click click click - WHAT'S GOING ON UP HERE??!! - Gate 13. Have a nice flight. Okay. - "They never saw their beloved luggage again. The misfits always regretted 951224 -- offending Tantra, the goddess of flight. The end." 951225 -- I got myself one of those "900" phone numbers. I make money every time somebody calls for my valuable advice. - RING RING RING RING RING RING - Do you ever answer it? Voice mail...get with the nineties. 951226 -- This is a living document. - AAAAH!! - Next time, just say you plan to update it. Mine's dead. 951227 -- Okay! This is one tidy little cubicle now! - The cleanliness one's work place is a sign of how much one enjoys one's job. - Give me the cleaner; It's my turn to fantasize that I'm a maid. Five more minutes...please. 951228 -- I declare myself "King Dogbert," the first ruler of the Internet!! - BOW BEFORE ME OR BE EXPELLED FROM THE KINGDOM FOREVER!!! - Are you aware that the Internet is comprised of millions of individuals and organizations that operate indepently? 951228 -- Until now! 951229 -- Your new software is successfully installed. Do you want to send your registration info by modem? Yes - The software has found your credit card number and is placing orders for new products it thinks you need...please wait. - Making room on 951229 -- your hard drive... I can't tell if it's a virus or just excellent marketing. Either way... 951230 -- Correction A recent dilbert strip used the words "Ant Farm" to describe a habitat for ants. - Lawyers have informed me that "Ant Farm" is a trademark of "Uncle Million Industries, Inc." They demand a public clarification. - What *should* we 951230 -- call a habitat for worthless and disgusting little creatures? Law school. 951231 -- I've got an idea! We're doomed. - Why can't we run our inventory database over our E-Mail system? - Fact: That is the stupidest Idea in the universe. - Fact: His comprehension is so limited that debate is futile. - Fact: We could spend hours 951231 -- unsuccessfully explaining why it's a stupid idea. - Fact: He would never know if we used his idea or not. - No problem. We'll get right on it. My work is done. Stupidity is like nuclear power; it can be used for good or evil. And you don't want 951231 -- to get any on you. 960101 -- A while back I asked for options about this new character, "Tina the brittle tech writer." - Results Most people, including nearly all self-described feminists, said keep her. But there were many requests to add "non-stereotypical" female 960101 -- characters for balance. - In the interest of balance I give you "Antina." Is anybody up for some math? 960102 -- Hi, I'm Antina the non-stereotypical woman. - That computer monitor you're using is supposed to be 17 inches. But it's more like 16.5 inches. - I took the coffee machine apart just for fun - want to see? 960103 -- I've decided to mask my boyish looks by growing a beard. - I didn't think Ted was smart enough to know how to grow a beard. Hee Hee - Two weeks later How do you like my beard? My search for a new manager is over. 960104 -- I promoted Ted to be your new manager- I used to think he looked boyish, but his new beard changed that. - Are either of you the least bit concerned that Ted's beard is growing from his forehead? - She made it sound as if it's wrong. You can 960104 -- punish them for having bad options. 960105 -- As your new boss I have yet to select my "pet" employee. I shall do this by closing my eyes and pointing the beard on my forehead. - To make it fair, I'll close my eyes while one of you spins my chair! - this isn't 960105 -- "spinning." Stairs 960106 -- How do you like being a manager, Ted? - Yesterday my staff pushed me down then flights of stairs. My soul left my body and now I'm a lifeless evil entity. - Just in time to perform reviews! I couldn't have planned it better. 960107 -- Why do I have a feeling of impending doom? - Good news! Uh-oh. - You won't have to spend another lonely day in this tiny cubicle. - I'm getting an office? Better! You're getting a roommate! - Why!!! We've got plenty of empty cubicles! Our 960107 -- company owns the whole building! - The finance department charges my budget for the square footage we use. - It's a false savings! You're hurting the company! All I hear is a faint buzzing. - Oh well. How bad could it be? I hope you like baked 960107 -- beans and square-dancing as much as I do! 960108 -- Performance Review Your engineering work was excellent. But there was the little incident where you... - SHOVED ME DOWN A FLIGHT OF STAIRS AND KILLED ME, THUS INVITING THE FORCES OF DARKNESS TO POSSESS MY BODY!!! BACK! - How'd it go? I swear, 960108 -- this job is all politics. 960109 -- My new boss is possessed by an evil force. We need your advice, Dogbert. - There is only one solution. You must drive a stake through his heart. - There's no way we could be so cruel!! Can I borrow your pen? All I have is this wimpy retractable. 960110 -- Alice is ready to drive a stake through the heart of our demon-possessed boss. - WHACK WHACK WHACK - It's times like these when I'm glad my heart is the size of a raisin! I need all of your pens, including "Blue Betty." 960111 -- I would never buy something over the Internet. I'd hate to have my credit card number floating around out there. - There are a lot of unscrupulous people on the net. - Later ...Bottom line, it just isn't common sense. 960112 -- It's time for a visit from "Camping Girl." - There goes my entire morning. I'd like to begin with a monologue entitled "Woe is Carl." - I'm working every minute! They all laughed when I built the escape tunnel. 960113 -- Gotta hurry. One...Two...Three... click - I have twelve seconds to get to the shared laser printer. - Guess who saved the Apollo 13 mission. Did you know that Wally invented the cursor? 960114 -- We need to have a little talk... - You told me to finish my project in a week but it's taken two months. - This doesn't look good for your ability to estimate resource requirements. - Frankly, it's not much of an endorsement of your leadership 960114 -- either. I was uninspired the whole time. - And don't even get me started about your incompetence at budgeting. I spent *way* more than you predicted! - Your incessant demands for status reports were like a rope that strangled my productivity! - 960114 -- Bottom line, your performance did *not* meet my expectations. - So, Wally, do you still think the best defense is offense? It seemed like such a good idea. 960115 -- I call my new operating system the "Dogbert 2000." - Soon I will dominate the entire PC industry! Heh-heh... It looks like "Windows 95." - I use some of the graphical metaphors, but I pronounce them differently. - How do you pronounce the 960115 -- "Microsoft" logo ? 960116 -- After I become a billionaire from my software company I'll do a little dance. - I'm so rich its me you hail if I'm obnoxious kiss my tail - Do you plan to do any charity work? Let me put it this way - you just saw my contribution to the fine 960116 -- arts. 960117 -- If you plan to remain in the computer business you'd better bundle the "Dogbert 2000" operating system with every unit you sell. - Otherwise, after I dominate the market you'll be last on my list to receive new products! - You remind me of 960117 -- somebody... It's the glasses, isn't it? 960118 -- Dogbert meets with the software developers Note the huge market for software that runs on the "Dogbert 2000" operating system. - But who cares? The important thing is that I brought a bag of toys. - Some say that the computer industry is built 960118 -- on silicon. I think foam and plastic are equally important. 960119 -- Thanks to my software empire, my net wealth is twenty million dollars. - Contrary to popular opinion, it does seem to make them happy. - Money can't buy a sunset, Dogbert. No, but I was able to license the digital rights. 960120 -- I heard you were doing some baby-sitting. Bob. - Yeah! I did the Morton triplets last night. - It's not easy to juggle three screaming toddlers. - When you say "juggle"... It's the Mortons with a question about their ceiling fan. 960121 -- Hee hee! This is my most diabolical work yet as director of human resources. - Thanks to E-Mail I can play with hundreds of employees at once! - Uh-oh... A message from the evil mister Catbert. - "In order to reduce our janitorial expenses..." 960121 -- That's a phrase you don't want to see. - "Every engineer will be required to strap a broom to his or her..." - "...buttocks." - - On the positive side, marketing invites us to a lot more meetings now. Five minutes, we're still eating cookies. 960122 -- The company announced a new compensation plan today. Bonuses will be paid only to the top ten percent of the employees. - In related news, 89% of the employees resigned in bitter disgust. The top ten percent also left, realizing they could 960122 -- get better jobs elsewhere. - This could have an impact on those of you who remain. We get the bonuses? 960123 -- I'm inventing a new technology to prevent kids from seeing smut on the Internet. - So, you're pitting your intelligence against the collective sex drive of all the teenagers who own computers? - What is your point? Did you know that if you put 960123 -- a little hat on a snowball it can last a long time in hell? .... 960131 -- Wally writes the critical code for a our nation's new air traffic control system. The crowd is silent. - Suddenly the gifted programmer employs a rarely seen strategy of "code reuse." - The crowd goes wild. - So you used the code from the 960131 -- payroll system? Here's a tip: Don't fly on pay day. 960201 -- Thanks to my leadership, the new air traffic control system is designed on time and under budget. - I had to cut a few corners. This big radar-looking thing is a wall clock. And most of the buttons are glued on. - It looks like it might be 960201 -- um...dangerous. Great...I finish early and what do I get: "Feature Creep." 960202 -- I need everybody to help in the shipping department. - Every product that ships before the end of the month gets counted as revenue for the fiscal year. Unfortunately, we don't have inventory. - So we'll ship whatever is lying around, book it 960202 -- as revenue and sort it out later. This one's getting gum. 960203 -- Hey, Wally! The boss sent his first E-Mail message! - And you said he wasn't bright enough to figure out how to use E-Mail! What's his message? - "I forgot my watch. Does anybody know what time it is?" Time to change jobs. 960204 -- I'll never understand what you do for a living. I told you I'm an engineer, Mom. - So you say. But you also say you spend all day in meetings. When do you do your engineering? - Good point. Let's just say I'm what the experts call a 960204 -- "Knowledge Worker." - Which experts call it that? I don't know. - What's the name of the product you're working on? I don't know what the acronym stands for... - What kind of market penetration and return on investment do you expect? 960204 -- Um...I don't know... - Oh, dear... Well, I'm sure you're very punctual. - Ask me another question!! C'mon... Why do they call you a "Knowledge Worker" ? 960205 -- I have discovered the cause of your project delays. - Somebody in this room is a piece of deadwood pretending to be a contributor! - IT IS YOU! Hey, I made some calls and I'm waiting for information! 960206 -- Alice, you've got to lock up these proprietary documents you have in your cubicle. - If our competitors see our plans, it could be very dangerous. For us or for them? - The competitors Ooh! Ooh! They're planning to "utilize synergy." We're 960206 -- in trouble now! HA HA HA Stop! You're killing me!! 960207 -- Why it it that the people with the least need for storage space have the biggest offices? - I know! You're using your office as kind of a living monument of inefficiency! - Is this because I wouldn't let you get a file cabinet? Where 960207 -- would I put it? My cubicle is full of stacks of proprietary documents. 960208 -- I told you this project would take a year. But on my objectives you say I must have it done in three months. - Which of these reasons best describes why: A. You have great confidence in me. B. You think I padded my estimate. C. You have my 960208 -- guts. - We don't really need the project. It's just a way to keep raises low. I just felt a little dip in my motivation. 960209 -- Wally, I've decided to move your project due date up a month. - Every time it looks like I'll reach an objective, you move it! What does this prove about my performance? - It proves I'm better at setting objectives than you are at 960209 -- achieving them. 960210 -- I have too many passwords in my life. What if I forget them? - You'd lose your job! You wouldn't be able to withdraw money or check phone messages! You'd be dead in a week!! - That would have been a good time to be quietly supportive, 960210 -- Dogbert. Oh, yeah, that's a lot of fun. 960211 -- Simple Molecules combine to make powerful chemicals... - Simple cells combine to make powerful lifeforms. - Simple electronics combine to make powerful computers. - Logically, all things are created by a combination of simpler, less 960211 -- capable components. - Therefore, a supreme being must be our *future*, not our origin! - What if "God" is the consciousness that will be created when enough of us are connected by the Internet?!! - That would certainly limit the types of 960211 -- files I download- I wonder what it would do to response times. - It's so nice to spend time alone with my thoughts. My web browser would *fly*! 960212 -- Catbert the evil human resources director The employees have too much time off. It must be stopped. - I SUMMON THE DEMONS OF DARKNESS TO ASSIST ME!!! - ...eliminate sick days. Make them use vacation days when they're ill. Call it a "Time 960212 -- Bank." It's playful... It's cruel... I like it. 960213 -- I know I should be off tormenting people... - But I can pry myself away from this most excellent butt-warming device. - It's probably because of the hype, but I'm thinking this would be even better with "Windows 95." 960214 -- As a co-op employee, you can't expect the same lush cubicle environment that the regular employees enjoy. - You'll be sharing this cubicle with our other co-ops. - I heard that the new new co-op only lasted one day. He didn't fit in. 960215 -- Here's the revised standard employment agreement. Sign it or be fired. - "This agreement is between the company (hereafter referred to as 'the only company that would ever hire you') and you (hereafter called 'pudding head')." - It seems 960215 -- to have a bit of attitude. Our lawyers turned on us. I suspect rabies. .... 960217 -- Look at the agreement my company is forcing us to sign. They claim the rights to any idea an employee ever has. - No problem. Just retype it with a few strategic omissions and sign it. They can't proofread every one. - Wouldn't that be 960217 -- dishonest? Maybe you could just show them some of your ideas and they'd grant a waiver. 960218 -- Here's my project time line. - The "work" portion will take one week. (Work 1 week) - I'll spend three weeks meeting with people whom you send to me because you don't feel like talking to them yourself (3 weeks) - I'll spend eight weeks 960218 -- getting competitive bids from companies that I know I won't select. - ...six weeks to get the wisdom and approval of executives who are too busy to understand the issues. - During that time you will randomly reorganize the department and 960218 -- cut out my funding. - In the final phase I leap to my death, a bitter and broken shell of a man. EEEE!!! - Is there some sort of manager thing I should be doing now? If I time my leap right you'll just be leaving the building. 960219 -- This 3-D colored pie chart shows an unexplained rise in expenses. ? You each get a binder of colored pie charts so you can help find the cause of our rising expenses. - How much do color copies cost? - I think I see it! - It's not the 960219 -- "magic eye," doofus. 960220 -- I moved our software development work to the impoverished nation of elbonia. - I'm brilliant. They write high-quality code for six cents a dy! There's no risk! Red Alert! - Elbonia Tomorrow, *you* be the computer. 960221 -- I heard that our software development work has been moved to the tiny nation of Elbonia. Things can't get worse than that. - Dilbert, you're in charge of integrating the elbonian's software with our existing systems. - Okay, *now* it can't 960221 -- get any worse. You might want to get a tuberculosis vaccination. 960222 -- Somewhere in Elbonia I've been assigned to check the software you're writing for us under contract. - The documentation is written in our own elbonian language. Is that a problem? - That's better than I hoped. I was afraid nobody here knew 960222 -- how to write. Writing is easy. Someday we hope to read, too. 960223 -- Before I accept the software you wrote under contract, tell me what development methology you use. - We hold village meetings to boast of our skills and curse the devil-spawned end-users. Sometimes we juggle. - At the last minute we slam 960223 -- out some code and go roller skating. - I would find this humorous if not for the pig on my back. 960224 -- You saved one million dollars by having programmers in Elbonia write software for us. - But we wasted four million dollars trying to debug the software. - And the entire staff of our quality assurance group quit to become mimes. - Let's 960224 -- blame the mimes; they won't talk. 960225 -- I'm embarrassed to work at my company, Dogbert. - We can't even pay a simple invoice in less than six months. - "First it comes to our mail room for aging." Do we like Dilbert? Bad haircut. Penalty box. - "Months later it gets to our 960225 -- department secretary." It's urgent. I'll start ignoring it immediately. - "Eventually my boss gets it. He uses it to demonstrate his inability to grasp the concept of time." Let's get some more bids. That was the *past*. This is the 960225 -- *present*. "If it makes it to the accounts payable group, it will be eaten by trolls." No, thanks I'm full. Just a taste. - How would you protect your reputation if you were associated with something so pathetic? - I'd tell everybody that 960225 -- the doofy guy is my butler. Hypothetically. 960226 -- I hate my shirts. Each one has either a stain or a missing button. - They say engineers are not concerned with fashion, but that's not fair. - Which stain goes with this tie? Definitely the marinara. 960227 -- I just got our consultant's report. He's identified our biggest problem. - I recommend that we build a tracking database. We can put it on the network. - Would you like to hear what the problem is first? I hate to dwell on the negative. We like 960227 -- databases. 960228 -- You haven't heard what the problem is yet; how can you recommend building a database to solve it? - We always build a database. And we'll need coffee mugs for the project team. - The *problem* is that we have poor processes. That could be the 960228 -- slogan on our mugs! 960229 -- Dogbert, I need you to facilitate some meetings. What kind of meetings? - We're creating a process to fix our product development process. But first we're having some preplanning meetings... - decide a project name. How about "Death 960229 -- Spiral"? 960301 -- I've been asked to facilitate this meeting. I alone will determine who can speak. - I'd like to begin with a raw display of my power. You may not speak. - Hey, Wally... Did you ever hear of a thing called exercise? 960302 -- I think you'll agree that this meeting went smoothly with me as facilitator. - The breakthrough was when I realized I was the only one here with anything valuable to say. - Let's have a moment of silence to honor me for my brilliant work 960302 -- despite being surrounded by dolts. 960303 -- I want you to interview the new candidate for engineering. Don't reveal any ugly truths. - At this company we're dedicated to the principle of employee empowerment, Jennifer. - The "Principle of employee empowerment"? - Uh-oh. Why would you 960303 -- have a special phrase for something like that? - If you could really make decisions on your own it would never occur to you to invent a phrase for it. - My shields are down...a hull breach is imminent... - Just don't tell me you have "Quality 960303 -- Teams". RUN FOR IT, JENNIFER!!! IT'S TOO LATE FOR ME BUT YOU CAN SAVE YOURSELF!!! RUN!!! Whoa! Hull breach. Any survivors? One. I had to jettison my dignity but she made it to the escape pod. 960304 -- Add an executive summary to the approval page. - Keep it simple. Our executives don't understand as much about technology as I do. - How could they know less than you do? You haven't figured out how to make your car go uphill. Wrong; I got AAA 960304 -- road service. 960305 -- I have to turn this fifty-page proposal into a one-paragraph executive summary for our CEO.- It's impossible. Simple. - How about "Give us three million dollars so we can buy cool technology, pump up our resumes and escape this festering boil 960305 -- you call a company"? - I feel obligated to say something about our customers. How about "I'm glad I'm not one of them." 960306 -- Could you do a demo of the new product for our VP next week? - Well...that would delay the ship date, lower morale and create an unending demand for more unproductive demos... - Logically, since your objective is to show that we're doing 960306 -- valuable work... And we'll need a banner that says "Quality." 960307 -- We had to cut some corners to get the demo ready this soon. - Wally is under the table. He'll pretend to be the 3-D interface that we could build if we weren't doing useless demos. - He's a little fuzzy. Can you adjust it? Try the electric 960307 -- shaver. 960308 -- Our new VP is coming. Is the demo of our holographic interface ready? - Everything should be fine...unless we're suddenly visited by the dark angel of product demos... - Hello-o-o Wally. Did somebody say "Demo"? I'm Dilbert; loyal peon. 960309 -- We planned a dazzling demo for you, but as you can see we're visited by the dark angel of demos. - The demo is a sham. Their product is doomed. Cut their funding before your name is associated with it. - The worst is over. Look at some of the 960309 -- pictures the "boys" store on the file server .. 960310 -- Mysteries revealed How do ceiling tiles damaged? - It begins with a lowly engineer who makes a technology decision. - Th engineer writes up his recommendation. Ten pages. - The boss summarizes it for the executive director. One-page summary. - 960310 -- The executive director summarizes it for the vice president. Three bullet points... - The VP summarizes it for the president. Nice necktie. Thanks. Have some stock options. - The president sees a CNN report and makes a technology decision. 960310 -- Interactive holograms are hot! Get me some of that! - The engineer is assigned to justify the president's technology decision. He took that well. Ouch! 960311 -- Wally and I came up with a great new product idea! - Inspiration alert in effect!! DANGER! NEW IDEA! - State your idea now Crush-o-matic Um, you tell him. 960312 -- If this company won't use our product idea let's quit and start our own business! - Why quit? We can run our new company from our cubicles and get paid too. - Wouldn't that be immoral? That's only an issue for people who aren't already in hell. 960313 -- It has come to my attention that some employees are running side businesses from their cubicles. Really?? - I don't want to see any signs of that in my department. Fair enough. What about "Yellow Pages" ads? Software outlet Sale Palms read $25 960313 -- Shoe world Walbert Inc. 960314 -- Ratbert, we'd like you to to be the director of marketing for the company we're starting. Okay! What do I do? - Be as annoying and illogical as you can. We'll whack you in the head with balled-up socks to make you shut up. - It's definitely 960314 -- better to be an owner than an employee. Let's link his salary to earnings! Hee hee! 960315 -- The business plan for your start-up is idiotic but I'm going to provide the venture capital funding anyway. - We'll generate lots of media hype, go public and make millions by shafting greedy and ignorant investors. - The latin word for "Close 960315 -- your eyes and open your mouth" is "prospectus." This is exactly why I'm afraid of dogs. 960316 -- Wally and I started our own company. We're selling the product that you said nobody wants. Soon we will be rich. - We do our victory jig in your face. Ba-bum - When he showed you your employment agreement - where you gave all patent rights to 960316 -- this company - what part of the jig were you doing? Turbo mooning. Sob 960317 -- I have an ethical question, Dogbert. I'm here to help. - Is it better to give customers a low quality product in a timely fashion... - Or is it better to lie about product availability until the bugs are fixed? - I will need my assistant, 960317 -- Ratbert, to address your ethical question. Snap - Let's say Ratbert is a trusting and innocent customer. - Suppose somebody abuses his trust like this... Smack - - How does this relate to my situation? To be honest, I wasn't listening to you. 960318 -- Hey, everybody. Meet our new intern, Asok. - I hope this one's sturdier than the last one. - My staple remover is broken. Somebody toss that intern to me! 960319 -- Asok the intern As an intern, your assignments won't be as glamorous as mine, but you'll gain experience. - Dilbert, I need a status report on the mouse pad inventory. - See? My assignment has the word "status" built right in. Danger! Alert! 960320 -- Asok the intern Asok, come quickly! It's an emergency! - You must crawl through the jeffries tube and shut down the furnace before it fries us all! - Today young Asok learns that life is *not* like "Star Trek." I'm stuck. Spank the intern 50 960320 -- cent 960321 -- I want everyone to prepare a presentation for the executive review board. Urgent. - What's that smell? Yes!!! ... It's the scent of unnecessary work for a meeting that will be cancelled. Sniff Sniff - Did you smell the unnecessary work? We can 960321 -- ignore it! It's like popcorn for the soul. Urgent 960322 -- Why aren't you slaving away, preparing for the executive review board meeting? - I have the male "work avoidance chromosome." I can detect unnecessary work, thereby avoiding it. - We *all* have to be ready to present something! Could you hold 960322 -- it down? I'm trying to sleep. 960323 -- I don't believe man have a special chromosome to tell them which assignments are a waste of time. We do. - I will test the theory on young Asok the intern. Mmm...the sweet smell of unnecessary work. - Maybe men are more perceptive than you'd 960323 -- think. She's aroused. I'll make my move. 960324 -- Here's the analysis you asked for... I worked all night. - But you said this was vital for your meeting today so I know it was worth the effort. - This is excellent work, Alice. - A rare compliment; it was all worthwile. MMM - I'll use it 960324 -- as backup material. - Backup?!! Nobody looks at backup material! - I'm going to grab your pointy hair, yank you out of that cheap suit and fling your naked body down the hall. - She's always irritable the week before her performance review 960324 -- cycle. Her distance improved this year. Ow 960325 -- At long last our product is complete. It ships tomorrow. - That's terrific. I only have a few additional features to add and the marketing department will be happy. Okay - I believe that our customers want hardware, not software. It's 960325 -- times like these when I wish I were a psychopath. You're not? 960326 -- I want you three to write the department newsletter. It's an important, high-profile assignment. - I am an experienced technical writer. You have placed me on a project with an intern and a rodent. - *My* next raise will depend on *their* 960326 -- performance. I'll do the sports page! I'll be the topless model on page two. 960327 -- Let's get one thing straight before we start writing the department newsletter... - I'm an experienced technical writer. You are an intern and a rat, respectively. Therefore I will be the editor. - I have no skills whatsoever. Therefore 960327 -- I'll be the executive editor. Is "publisher" taken? 960328 -- At the risk of dying from boredom, I must interview you for the department newsletter. - Let me give you some background before I talk about my project... - "The project is good." quipped the engineer. there I am in my mom's 960328 -- fallopian tube... 960329 -- Wally, I'm hoping you'll agree to write about your project for the newsletter... - And in the grand tradition of engineering, I expect you'll give this the lowest priority, thus making me despise you. - So...are you saying you don't 960329 -- despise me *now*? WE ARE *NOT* HAVING A "MOMENT" HERE! 960330 -- Performance Review Your main accomplishment was the department newsletter which was both uninteresting and unimportant. You get no raise. - The newsletter was *your* idea, and it's boring because most of the articles are contributed by my 960330 -- idiotic coworkers. - You don't seem to understand the value of teamwork. I understand its value; it just cost me a two-percent raise. 960331 -- It's my honor to present this special bonus check to Barry. - That's you. *My* name is Barry?? - This is for working hundreds of hours of overtime. - While you quitters were going home by 9pm every night... - Barry remained at work staring at 960331 -- his computer for hours. - It's important to recognize extra effort. - Burp Sadly, that's the end of the special bonus budget for the year. - In retrospect, I shouldn't have told Barry that his screen saver is an epic miniseries. 960401 -- In an effort to boost sales, laptop computers have been given to every member in the sales force. - That could be a problem, given the recent cuts in the training budget. - Meanwhile, in the field And if you order today, I'll throw in this 960401 -- rectangular plastic thing. 960402 -- I wish I had an ivy league degree so I could be promoted to vice president. You don't need one. - It's impossible to be a vice president without one. I'll bet $100 I can turn a rat into a vice president. - That was good, but try saying it as 960402 -- though your soul just abandoned your body. - "We've reorganized to focus on our core competency." 960403 -- Remember everything t taught you, Ratbert. - If you can pass yourself off as a corporate vice president, I'll win my bet. - Yo, headcount! If you have any issues, put together an action plan. Our people are the best. Don't spend money. - Do you 960403 -- think he's really a vice president? Maybe. But I'm not ready to rule out "annoying rodent" yet. Quality. 960404 -- Mister Ratbert, I don't think I can hire a rat to be our vice president of marketing. - You need experience in the technology industry. - I spent a week in a dumpster at Procter and Gamble. - Close enough! Welcome to the team! I'll bring some 960404 -- cronies with me. They're flies. 960405 -- I had years of valuable experience as a rodent before I became vice president of marketing. - My marketing plan is simple. Each of you will cling to the leg of a technology columnist until we get some good press. - It looks like yours is full. 960405 -- You can cling to the cat until a space opens. 960406 -- I quit my job as vice president of marketing... - I was losing my scruples...becoming unscrupulous. Yes, I learned a valuable lesson about scruples. - And that lesson would be? It's fun to say "scruples." 960407 -- Go home, Dilbert. Relax! You're working too hard! - You told me to finish this by tomorrow. You said it's urgent. - Relax! Go home! Shoo! - Suddenly Dilbert is sucked into the "Boss Zone" where time and logic do not apply. - How can I relax 960407 -- *and* do urgent work at the same time? - Work smarter, not harder. AAEEII!! - Mercifully, the angel of cynicism appears. Slap something together in the morning. He won't look at it anyway. - The inspirational moral... Freedom's just another 960407 -- word for not caring about the quality of your work! 960408 -- The executive review board meeting is canceled. I hope you didn't work too hard preparing for it. - Must..control fist...of...death... Unlike Alice, I saw it coming and did not work whatsoever. - Did you see *that* coming? What does this do to 960408 -- headcount? 960409 -- Stupid machine, you've taken my coins and with them my sunny disposition. Soda - THERE'S NOTHING LEFT TO GIVE!!! YOU'VE TAKEN IT ALL!!! - Okay, you got my dignity and my career, too...but I am drawing the line *here*, buster! 960410 -- Catbert the H.R. director This report says you went nuts at a vending machine because it took your money. - The company used to offer counseling in these cases. But we found it was more economical to apply the death penalty. - WHAT?! HOW IS 960410 -- THAT POSSIBLE? I'm not sure yet. You're too big for the microwave oven... 960411 -- Today was a bad day. First the vending machine stole my money... - ...and by the end of the day I have been sentenced to death by the director of human resources... - I've become totally desensitized to tragic news! The execution is scheduled 960411 -- for tomorrow. I should call in sick. 960412 -- Dogbert versus Catbert I understand you've sentenced Dilbert to death. Is that a problem? - My assistant, Bob the dinosaur, will now demonstrate how to give a cat a "fur wedgie." - I've been pardoned. Somehow they lost the paperwork ordering my 960412 -- execution. It probably fell into a crack. 960413 -- The internal job postings are out. Here's a job I love. - "Experience required: The candidate must be a guy named Eric, potbellied, nearsighted, must drive a red Ford Bronco." - They might have someone in mind already. If I squint...and leave 960413 -- my "control top" pantyhose at home... 960414 -- Dogbert would like to speak with you about the changes you made to my engineering proposal. - While Dogbert was getting his masters degree in electrical engineering... - You were majoring in art history so you could look at pictures of naked 960414 -- statues. - Dilbert often contributes articles to technology publications. - You, on the other hand, rub those same publications with a nickel, looking for hidden "Scratch and Sniff" panels. - In summary... - NEVER QUESTION AN ENGINEER'S 960414 -- OPINION, YOU THUNDERING MORON! - Nicely done, but I wouldn't have said "thundering." What were you drinking when you wrote this piece of crud?!! 960415 -- Alice, you've been working eighteen hours a day. I realized I must add a person to the effort. - So I hired a night shift manager. After I go home at five o'clock he'll take over and ask why you're behind schedule. - I like my status reports 960415 -- rendered in 3-D, but don't spend a lot of time on it- 960416 -- This dog is specially trained to detect wasted resources. - He'll help me find out why your project is behind schedule even after adding me as manager. sniff sniff - We'll begin as soon as he's done playing around. 960417 -- Oh my! This is shocking! What? - 40% of all sick days taken by your staff are fridays and mondays! - What kind of idiot do they think I am? Not an idiot savant. They can do math. 960418 -- It has come to my attention that 40% of all sick days are on Fridays and Mondays. This is unacceptable. HA HA HA!!! THAT'S A GOOD ONE!!! - Please tell me he was kidding. Welcome to hell, kid. 960419 -- I can make your employees more creative and spiritually fulfilled. - I use my special blend of poetry and dance to touch their souls. Okay. You're hired. - There once was a dog with a hat... Who got paid to dance like that... Hey! My soul just 960419 -- healed! 960420 -- Have my poems and dances healed your soul yet, Alice? The company cares about your total well being. Excuse me. - WE WANT MORE MONEY, NOT DANCING DOGS!!! M-O-N-E-Y!! - So you're saying those primal screams are healthy? Can you teach me to do 960420 -- it? Here's my invoice - Go wild. 960421 -- Yo, Dil-man! Uh-oh, it's Ken from sales. - I told our biggest customers how great our next product will be. - Now nobody will buy our current product. - When will the new version be available? In a year or two. - - Hmm... I seem to have 960421 -- single-handedly destroyed an entire product line. - Luckily our biggest competitor is hiring sales people. And I'm betting *they'll* have brisk sales this year! Commisions galore! - If there's justice in the world, the idiots will be 960421 -- punished... - ...before they get promoted. Um...we need the new version by Tuesday. 960422 -- Catbert, H.R. Director Wally, it might not seem fair that new employees are paid more than you... - But you could always quit and then reapply for your old job at a higher salary. - I just might do that!! Would you mind rubbing this catnip all 960422 -- over your body first? 960423 -- So I'm thinking I'll resign, then I'll reapply for my current job at a higher salary. - That's a good plan except for the fact that you're thoroughly unqualified for your current job. - I need to share some unrealistic plans with a friend who 960423 -- isn't an engineer. I'm more of a co-worker than a friend, per se. 960424 -- And that's the marketing plan. Any comments? - It appears to be a bunch of obvious generalities and wishful thinking with no apparent business value. - Marketing didn't turn out to be the glamour career I expected. - I circled all the words you 960424 -- won't find in any dictionary. 960425 -- Experiment #1: I am exposing a rat to my company's marketing plan. - He seems to have no adverse response to the introduction and background. - This is already far more exposure than humans could tolerate. Sales Projections... Brain Tumor... 960425 -- Get Tylenol... 960426 -- Here's my time sheet, including guesses for the next two days so I can meet your arbitrary clerical deadline. - If anything important comes up, I'll ignore it to preserve the integrity of the time-reporting system. - Are you finished annoying 960426 -- me yet? According to my timesheet I'll be here for another 14 minutes. 960427 -- I got myself a little work-avoidance device. - If I want to leave a meeting early, I just look down and say "Uh-oh" and scurry away. - What's the pager number in case I need you? You're not quite grasping the concept here, Alice. 960428 -- Great news! The company set a new record for profits! - That means T-Shirts for everyone! - You can choose from sizes "small," "petite" or "elfin." - Shouldn't these have the company name or logo on them? Hey, that's an idea for next year!! - 960428 -- It's 1% cotton, 99% "miscellaneous" and all hand-made by authentic slave laborers. - That's great! With slave labor you don't have the problem that the shirts made on Fridays aren't as good! - Do you ever worry that our career expectations have 960428 -- gotten too low? - Don't go there, Alice. "Casual day," here I come! 960429 -- Catbert, H. R. Director I've come to give you "employee orientation," Wally. - You still have a glimmer of hope. You'll have to watch this mandatory training video. - So, you still have hope... Relax...let it go. 960430 -- I'm pleased to announce another banner week of accomplishments! - I streamlined the business processes while honing my participatory style and my proactive attitude, all while valuing diversity! - You watched the mandatory training videos? And 960430 -- I lost my free will! 960501 -- I just watched the mandatory video on sexual harassment. It worked! - In only thirty minutes, that video corrected a billion years of evolution. Do something sexy and watch me ignore it! - I probably shouldn't have fast-forwarded through the 960501 -- boring parts. 960502 -- Here's your problem. The connection to the network is broken. - Uh-oh. It's a "Token Ring" LAN. That means the token fell out and it's in this room someplace. - You are the wind beneath my wings. I'll wait a week then tell him the token must be 960502 -- in the "Ethernet." 960503 -- We have to eliminate a few steps in order to hit the marketing window. - I think we can get rid of market research an technical testing. They're basically "overhead." - Gone! Now we'll hit the market window! ...Like a bird. 960504 -- Here are my budget estimates for the year. - Thanks to management bungling and indecision, I plan to use no capital for several months followed by a reckless year-end orgy of acquisition. - Is that what you were looking for? Tell me again what 960504 -- "capital" is. 960505 -- I need to move you one cubicle down. Why? - That way people will be in a square pattern. - You're in a random pattern now. The symmetry is bad. - You want me to waste two days of work to move... - I'll have no phone and no network 960505 -- connection for a week... - I'll have to order new business cards and update my cubicle address on dozens of records. - And you still won't have a *square* because there are *five* of us. - I got downsized. Apparently somebody complained 960505 -- that I formed a pentagon. That can happen. 960506 -- This week I kicked off the "Wally Compensation Equilibrium Project." - My goal is to lower the quality of my work until it is consistent with my salary. - I hate the first month after they see their raises. I'd go on, but I just achieved 960506 -- equilibrium. 960507 -- Catbert, the evil director of human resources We're moving to "Cafeteria Style" benefits. - Under this system, if you need health care, you wander through the cafeteria asking "Does anybody know what this red lump is?" - What if it's a 960507 -- life-threatening problem? That reminds me, the cafeteria won't be labeling the entrees anymore. 960508 -- I'm going to try my paw at being a career counselor. - Insecure people will seek my advice and I'll tell them to be more self-reliant. - That sounds lazy and unhelpful. Would you want career advice from somebody who has to work hard? 960509 -- Dogbert, Career Counselor You can't expect your employer to take care of you forever, Wally. - Don't expect raises, don't expect to be trained and don't expect a pension. - That's depressing. I need a sourball. Those are marbles wrapped 960509 -- in cellophane. 960510 -- Dogbert, Career Counselor According to your occupational preference test, you like to remove vital organs from helpless people. - That narrows the career choices to doctor or serial killer. Do you get along with other people? - Other 960510 -- people are insignificant insects. - We'll have to go a to a tie-breaker question. 960511 -- Dogbert, Career Counselor I'm a low technical writer now, but my goal is to become a famous novelist. - My plan is to write witty and scathing E-Mail messages about co-workers until a publisher gives me an advice. - They might expect you 960511 -- to write a book at some point. BLOOD SUCKERS! 960512 -- I'd like you all to meet our new vice president in charge of cost containment. - My first priority is to reduce our spiraling expenses for office supplies. - From now on, your supply cabinet will be locked. - The only key will be under 960512 -- the control of your bitter an inefficient secretary. Questions? - I am only an intern so please excuse this naive question... - I've noticed that the employees are all dispirited hollow shells, management is random and our products are 960512 -- shoddy. - How are you going to solve that by making it hard to get supplies? - I thought you said they like honesty. Ask how much he's paid. It shows you care. 960513 -- The company announced we're being bought by our long-time rival. - Don't worry about layoffs. They like engineers. In fact, they already have a division that does what we do! - Except they're younger and the aren't paid as much as we 960513 -- are... Spin 960514 -- After the merger, we'll reduce staff in areas that are redundant. - I hope the employees of this company will be evaluated fairly compared to those in the buying company. - We already have a bald guy. Does yours steal office furniture, 960514 -- too? 960515 -- I'm paralyzed with fear because of the pending merger. - Thanks to your leadership I've gone from being unmotivated to being inert. - I think I'm advancing to the next phase. Hello, Rigor Mortis!! Take me, I'm ready!! It might be time for 960515 -- a morale-boosting potluck lunch. 960516 -- In the "due diligence" phase of our merger you will give us access to all of your proprietary information. - Wouldn't that let you know how to crush us completely? Couldn't you cancel the merger and take our customers without paying a 960516 -- cent? - Must...contain...maniacal...laugh... 960517 -- "Due Diligence" before the merger You must reveal your secrets so my company knows what it's buying. - All of our projects are doomed. Most of the good employees left. Our customers are starting a class action suit... - At least the 960517 -- building is worth something. If you feel a tickle, that's asbestos. 960518 -- With all this talk of "diversity" there's no mention of the pain we smart creatures endure while surrounded by dolts. -Good point. I don't know how we do. - It looks like I'll have to hold secret meetings. Yeah, our lives are a constant 960518 -- struggle. 960519 -- Dogbert's Dream Analysis - I was in a big field full of Tofu and Carburetors. - It means you're a gullible moron. That's $25 please. - Then I was running, running, running against the wind. That means you're ugly. - Then the butterfly 960519 -- turned into an opera singer. That means you're bald. - Suddenly I saw a new algorithm for data compression. It means you're boring. - Then I told the car dealer I wanted the anti-rust sealant, the extended warranty and the lease option. - 960519 -- What do you think it means? It means I'm going to make some serious money today. 960520 -- It has always been my goal to become supreme ruler of earth... - But lately, I've been wondering if you dolts are worthy of my leadership. - Do you think maybe is your ego out of control, Dogbert? I like it that way. 960521 -- Our new policy forbids the use of weapons or any violence in the workplace. - Ummm...what was the policy before this? - I'm not sure... Maybe if you had a permit and it was season. There goes another company benefit. 960522 -- Alice, these unsightly stacks of papers are a violation of my "clean desk" policy. Alice - - ...And don't even get me started about the ergonomics of *this* situation. Wally 960523 -- Yesterday I was lying in a sun spot thinking about how you work, work, work but your net worth remains constant. - HA HA HA HA HA HA!! - Well... I guess you had to be there. 960524 -- I had a cat once... Soda - I petted that thing for two hours but I didn't feel any better. - Petting is for the benefit of the cat, not your hand. They're so selfish. 960525 -- A TWO PERCENT ANNUAL RAISE?!! WOWEE!! - Ha ha! You tried to disappoint me but I compensated by drastically lowering my expectations! - Yeah, it *might* be a good sign, but I'm thinking not. WEEEE!! 960526 -- BUSINESS LANGUAGE EXPLAINED - "We have to be more competitive" Meaning: Say goodbye to salary increases. Nice barrel. This old thing? - "We must focus on our core business." Meaning: We can't find our butts with both hands. Hello. - "You 960526 -- are empowered." Meaning: You're the monarch of unimportant decisions. I proclaim this to be "green ink day." - "We're reengineering your function." Meaning: Adios, Tonto, and the horses you rode in on. - "Training is essential." Meaning: 960526 -- We're trying to hire some trained people. You were a cannibal? I'm a people person. - "We're market driven." Meaning: We blame customers for our lack of innovation. What's your favorite odor? Research - "We value employee input." Meaning: 960526 -- We think humor is important. Thanks for listening. HA HA HA! 960527 -- He slips in like a panther to take the last cup of coffee and not make more. - I AM PHIL, THE PRINCE OF INSUFFICIENT LIGHT! I DARN YOU TO HECK!!! Phil? - You were always Mom's golden boy. Somebody brought potato salad. Give me your spoon. 960528 -- Mom wanted me to be a manager like you. But I chose my own path. - I became Phil, the ruler of heck, the punisher of minor sins! How do you make money? - Corporate sponsorship. "Procter and Gamble" pays me to stay away from them. You 960528 -- should sell a line of home-exercise spoons. 960529 -- This is Phil, ruler of heck, with a special offer for my patented "Exerspoon." - You can do over seven million exercises with the "Exerspoon." It even trims problem areas! - And thanks to the innovative spoon shape, storage is a breeze! 960529 -- MMM... 960530 -- I need this information today. Plus a complete analysis of the alternatives. - CRINKLE CRINKLE STUFF - That wasn't nice. - In today's lesson, you learn that you're my co-worker, not my boss. 960531 -- Wally, I need your input on this by the end of the day. - Please drop your request here, in "Wally's pile of perpetual ignorage." - Can' I just give it to you? I don't like to touch that stuff with my hands. 960601 -- When Dilbert comes by, tell him to add "walk the talk" to his presentation. - He wants you to use a "Walkie-Talkie" to do the presentation. - Um...Did he say why? - Hey, look at my paycheck! I just realized *I* don't get paid the big 960601 -- bucks! 960602 -- My next victim. - I am Phil, the prince of insufficient light and supreme ruler of heck!! Hi, Phil. - You must choose one of these two hideous fates to pay for your sins. - You can choose eternal high pay, but all of your work will be burned 960602 -- in front of you at the end of each day... - Or you can choose eternal poverty, but your work will be useful and appreciated. - WOW! They're *both* better than my current job! - Hey, Wally, you might want to get on this! - I watch TV when 960602 -- I'm supposed to be telecommuting. DO me first! I hate the nineties. 960603 -- Halt and submit the the mind scan of "Brainitor, the guardian of security." - The bag contains one computer..."Pentium" processor...One gig hard drive...Highly fragmented... - Please wait while I optimize your hard disk... This is vaguely 960603 -- unsettling. 960604 -- Do you see "Time" as a sequence of discrete events or simply as a line of perception through infinite possibilities? - I see "Time" as more of a magazine. - You know these moments we have together. We really must have them less often. Ask 960604 -- me about "Life." 960605 -- Although we are nothing but pond scum in this company... - It's nice to know we can still find someone of lower status to torment. - You call these brochures? How can I even consider buying products from a "Ven-Duh" such as you? Tell me if 960605 -- it hurts. 960606 -- Tormenting the vendor You must do our bidding, vendor. We control your economic future. - Of course, our buying will be based solely on quantifiable performance measurements. - Your competitor completed the "Vendor challenge course" in 37 960606 -- seconds. And he gave us *very* nice T-Shirts! 960607 -- Dilbert, I found your father. He's been at the "All you can eat" restaurant in the mall since 1989. - He's so literal - He doesn't want to leave until it was "All he could eat." - When's he coming home? I'm thinking of joining him. He got 960607 -- a booth. 960608 -- I can't believe your father has been living in the "All you can eat" restaurant since 1989! - You have the oddest family. What did he look like when you saw him after all these years? - I haven't seen him yet. I'm waiting for "Burrito 960608 -- Night." - Now is when you should be saying "just kidding." 960609 -- Where's Dogbert? - Uh-oh. - Are you gullible? Do you spend money on stupid stuff? - Call the "Dogbert gullible friends hotline" for help. Only four dollars per minute. - Hello, Dogbert. I bought an exercise machine and I'm still lazy. - 960609 -- Please hold. Okay! - Call now, and I'll replace your old television with a new one that looks just like it, while you sleep! - If you don't have a touch tone phone, stay on the line...until you get one. 960610 -- These are some of the advanced materials I'm designing at work. That jar holds a pyrophoric substance. Let's see. - FLASH - Yep, that's a good batch. - A person from a smarter gender might have said "What does 'pyrophoric' mean?" 960611 -- The Dogbert Consulting Company will help us design a new company logo. - Glug Glug Glug - When will you start? I just finished. I call it the brown ring of quality. 960612 -- Your new logo might look like a simple coffee stain, but what does the image say about you? - We're sloppy and unimaginative? We give lots of money to consultants and get little in return? - Wow. This is almost *TOO* good. - Ooh Ooh! How 960612 -- about "our opinions don't matter"? 960613 -- Our objectives are unclear and our mission statement is gibberish... - but thanks to an artificial sense of urgency, I'm working harder then ever! - What's the good nes you said you have? Apparently I'm insane. But I'm one of the happy 960613 -- kinds! 960614 -- This company makes perfect sense, now that I'm insane. - For example, it might seem as though we're woefully understaffed, but I can compensate by working smarter not harder. - Hey, if I'm capable of working smarter, the why do I work 960614 -- *here*? The healing has begun. 960615 -- Dilbert, I notice you've been looking depressed lately. - Here's a prescription for an antidepressant drug. Be sure to exercise regularly and don't skip meals. - What makes you think you're qualified to diagnose my mental health?!! I'd 960615 -- better double it. 960616 -- Dilbert, I've decided to downsize you. - It's nothing personal, just an economic necessity. - I calculated how much your salary was dragging down the value of my stock options. - Without you, I can afford to go to the movies one additional 960616 -- time per year. - And let's face it: recreation is important when one has a stressful job. - Hey, why don't you downsize Wally instead. You'll save enough in office supplies to buy popcorn too. Sheesh! - Mmm. - How'd it go? You know that 960616 -- team-building exercise we did last week? I didn't take. 960617 -- The status of my action is 50% done. - Specifically, I finished the item part but not the action. - Do you have an estimate for when the action will be done? Yes, and that estimate is 100% complete! 960618 -- 10 injury free days - BAM! AAAEEII!! R-R-ROLL THUD - This is very ironic. No, it was ironic when it happened eleven days ago. 960619 -- Some idiot stood on a chair and fell off. - Now we all have to take twelve hours of chair safety training. - Is that a "Do" or "Not Do"? 960620 -- Carol, I asked you to enroll me in the quality college, but the confirmation says clown college. - It's a prerequisite course. - This is gonna cost me on secretaries day. I hope it's okay to be an angry clown. 960621 -- I was going to get the "bus of steel" video but I'm making excellent progress without it. - When they say steel, it refers to hardness, not weight. - I *knew* it seemed to easy. Stay away from large magnets. 960622 -- The only employee suggestions that get accepted are the ones that are harmless and stupid. - I submitted some stupid ideas to test my theory. - Suggestion: Replace all #2 pencils with #4 pencils. The hard lead lasts longer yet costs the 960622 -- same. That could work. 960623 -- I won't always be around to be your mentor, Asok, . So I've captured all of my career wisdom in this software, which I call the "Automentor." - Automentor, how can I achieve job satisfaction? - Try giving yourself a massage is your cubicle. - 960623 -- Automentor, how can I make sure my accomplishments get noticed? - That's not a problem at this company; nobody accomplishes anything. - Should I look for a new job? - Too late. They don't call this place the "resume stain" for nothing. - How do 960623 -- you handle all the hopelessness? - I give it to the new guy. 960624 -- Here's a draft of my new objectives. I tried to make them achievable. - "No matter how stupid my co-workers are, I will not punch a hole into anyone's torso, rip out a vital organ and keep it in my cubicle as a warning to others." - I hope she 960624 -- gets those objectives approved. YES! IT'S MEASURABLE! 960625 -- I could sit here doing nothing. - Or I could implement a bold quality initiative with the help of my talented and energetic coworkers. - I crack me up. 960626 -- What exactly is the Dogbert Day Care Concept? - Progressive companies can provide day care without spending a bundle. - Wouldn't we spend a fortune on duct tape? It's reusable unless it gets slobbered on. 960627 -- Alice, I need to gather some requirements before designing the company child care facility. - Do you mind if your children spend the day sewing garments in a windowless room full of illegal aliens? I mind. - I'll put you down as maybe. Would I 960627 -- get discounts on those garments? 960628 -- Here's my final plan for the company's day care facility. - I call it free range day care. The children are allowed to roam free among the cubicles. It's very economical. - I don't believe he's really an evil troll. Look at the "Powerpoint" 960628 -- slides he's making. It's not human. 960629 -- The results of the employee satisfaction survey are in. Scores for my department are dismal. - I'm assigning you to the satisfaction task force until the problem is solved. - Please...anything but that... How satisfied are you *now*? 960630 -- I call my invention the D-Chip Television Filter. I feel safer already. - It screens out any show with violence. - There goes the news, sports and dramas. - It also gets rid of shows that feature dishonesty or sexual innuendos. - Goodbye comedy 960630 -- and commercials. Let's hook it up. - All we're getting is weather reports. - A huge tornado ripped through the Beep ssssssssss - It works! The evil can't get to us now, Dogbert. Unhook that #!*% thing or I'll rip off your leg and beat you to 960630 -- death with it. ..... 960704 -- In the short time you've worked in quality assurance, you've found a huge number of flaws in out prototype. That's my job! - You're jeopardizing our schedule. The entire project will fail and it's all *your* fault. Why is it *my* fault? - If a 960704 -- tree falls in the forest...and we've already sold the tree...does it have quality? How many angels can dance on your hand? 960705 -- Let's have a little premeeting to prepare for the meeting tomorrow. - Whoa! Do you think it's safe to jump right into the premeeting without planning it? - Okay, let's get this preliminary premeeting meeting going. You think you're funny, but 960705 -- you're not. 960706 -- I couldn't help noticing the bugs in the program on this old diskette you threw away. - I fixed the bugs and tightened the code from twelve thousand lines to sixteen. - It took me three months to write that program. I took the liberty of 960706 -- updating your resume. I'm guessing you'll need it soon. 960707 -- I'll be writing your performance review this afternoon. - But this morning I'm helping my daughter sell cub girl cookies. - For your shopping convenience, I have assigned a name to each volume level. - Zero to four boxes is the "downsizer" 960707 -- volume... - Five to eight boxes is the "low performer" level. - Let's say six hundred boxes Ahh... The "fast tracker." An excellent choice. - What's your daughter's name? Ooh...gotta go. - I only bought twelve boxes. - Now I'm the "united way" 960707 -- chairperson. I just signed your name for six hundred more.. 960708 -- Someday when I become the supreme ruler of earth... - I'll order everybody to go outside once a day and run around with their mouths open. - Because you support fresh air and exercise? Because I hate flies. 960709 -- Thanks for making that product mock-up last week. The customer liked it so much that he ordered a thousand! - That was a *mockup*! We don't make that product yet. It would take three years to make one. - Just give me a thousand mock-ups. The 960709 -- first one was terrific! The mock-up was our competitor's product with duct tape over the logo. 960710 -- I'll need your full management support in this meeting with sales. Just watch the master work. - I promised a customer a product that we don't make. You need to engineer-up a thousand units by early next week. Is Thursday okay? - Wait until he 960710 -- finds out that Thursday isn't "early next week." Hee hee! 960711 -- I'm assigning each of you to a separate "quality" initiative. - Is there any risk this will devour our productive hours, lower our morale and have an impact on our profitability? - And we'll have a contest with a name for the overall 960711 -- initiative. How about "Qualicide"? 960712 -- He's with the other managers in an employee ranking and rating session. - Your salary depends on how well your boss can defend your proposed raise to the other managers. SOB - I'm fairly sure this Dilbert guy works for you. Doesn't ring a bell. 960713 -- Catbert, the evil director of human resources Wally, it's time for your mandatory blood test. - I don't take drugs. I'm testing to see if you're stealing time from the company. - Time? How can you test for that? We test your general health. If 960713 -- it's good, you're not working enough hours. You thief. 960714 ** According to this phone bill, you've been making personal calls. - That's like stealing from the company, Alice. - Must..control..fist...of...death... - I spent eighty cents to tell my family I was working late. - Here's a dollar, the extra 960714 ** twenty cents is for the personal thought that I'm about to have on company time. - MMM - And here's my bill for $40,000 in unpaid overtime that the company stole from me. - That's not stealing; that's being competitive. I think I'll be 960714 ** competitive with a few bushels of office supplies later today. 960715 -- Catbert, the evil director of human resources. According to my sources, you've been enjoying your job, Wally. - It was temporary. I don't know what got into me... PLease refer to page one of the employee manual. - "Job satisfaction is the same 960715 -- as stealing from the company." I'll have to charge you for admission unless I start hearing some shrieks of pain. 960716 -- In the year that we've dated, Liz, you've mentioned various problems in your life. - I have compiled those problems into a list of requirements and developed a comprehensive set of solutions. - How thoughtful. I didn't even know I was broken. 960716 -- No, no, not broken... just a bit buggy. 960717 -- Um...when I've shared my feelings with you, I wasn't hoping you'd design an action plan to solve all my problems. - Why else would you tell me all of your problems...unless it's some demented plot to make yourself feel better at my expense? - 960717 -- You were right. It was all a demented plot. I'm trying to gradually lift your veil of ignorance. 960718 -- Our new "recognition program" assigns the names of precious gems to your levels of performance. - The highest level is diamond. You get a new ring at each level. - Are you sure talc is a precious gem? I think I saw it sparkle. 960719 -- As you can see from my ring, I'm a member of the "Talc Club" at work. - With hard work and a bit of luck I will rise to the next level: Shale. - I can honestly say my respect for you has never been higher. Someday, god willing, I'll make it to 960719 -- aluminium. 960720 -- It's time for me to update your objectives, Alice - We need targets that can only be achieved by amazingly hard work plus the constant support of management. - I'm busy, so you'll have to write them yourself. What's wrong with this picture? 960721 -- Dogbert, do you think love is the strongest force in the universe? - No, I'd have to go with stupidity. - Followed closely by its cousin ignorance. - Morning breath is number three. Thanks for reminding me. - Then you've got selfishness, lust, 960721 -- fear, money and luck. - But love is in the top ten, right? - It's fourteenth, right after foolish optimism. - Someone needs his little round back scratched. Do not. - Where's love now? It's down and to the left... LEFT!! LEFT!! LEFT!! Oowahh... 960722 -- Now that job security is a thing of the past, I've noticed that my company loyalty has vanished, too. - And when you made my bonus primarily depend on the blunders of senior management, my motivation fluttered away like a lonely sparrow. - So 960722 -- your point is? - No point. I just didn't have any reason to be working. 960723 -- I may be an ignorant rat, but that's okay because ignorance - *Bliss*...Ignorance is *bliss* - Oh, great. Now it's gone. Oops. 960724 -- I admit I was skeptical when you said I would be empowered to make my own decisions... - But I give you credit. You've let me work indepently for three months... What's that look on your face? - Please tell me that it was empowerment I was 960724 -- experiencing. Did I ever mention that your project was canceled? 960725 -- It looks like we'll release our new product on time, despite its many defects. - We've minimized the economic impact of the defects via an advanced business process called "hoping nobody notices." - And we've doubles our projected income by 960725 -- modifying our assumptions! A lot of this job is mental. 960726 -- Here in the "Dogbert Institute for Advanced Thinking," I have devised a plan for ending poverty. - My plan is to wait until there are so many talk shows on television that all the people with wretched lives can be paid guests. - What about the 960726 -- poor people who don't want to be on talk shows? We'll get the stragglers on "Cops." 960727 -- From now on, I will not try to reason with the idiots I encounter. I will dismiss them by waving my paw and saying "Bah." - Just because someone thinks differently from you doesn't mean he's an idiot, Dogbert. - Bah. 960728 -- The budget trap I need a quick estimate for how much your next project will cost, Wally. - How should I know? You haven't even told me what my next project is. - That's okay. I only need a rough estimate for planning purposes. - I see where 960728 -- this is going. You're going to turn my wild guess into a budget. Later I'll be blamed when it's wrong. - No, no. I won't hold you to these numbers. - Well...Okay, let's say two million dollars. - Oooh...can't afford that. I'll put you down for 960728 -- twenty thousand dollars. - One year later... You're way over budget. Can you show me the cause? It depends. Can mirrors reflect your image? 960729 -- Larry, I'm here to announce my candidacy for supreme ruler of the earth. - That's funny! Tell us about your next movie, Sharon. I'm not Sharon Stone. I said that to get on the show. - So...when I embraced you before the show... I think we're 960729 -- both glad I have no visible mouth. 960730 -- Vote for me and I will reform the tax code so that only idiots have to pay taxes! - YAHOO!! DOGBERT DOGBERT DOGBERT - I hope nobody asks me to define "idiots." ...So, under your plan I wouldn't pay *any* taxes, right? 960731 -- I'm from the association for products that are bad for you. Here's a generous contribution to your campaign. - This is cool! I'll use your money to get elected, then I'll put your entire industry in prison to cover my tracks! - This probably 960731 -- wrecks my chances of being named briber of the month. 960801 -- The votes are in. I've been elected to the position of supreme ruler of earth. - I won in a landslide, thanks to low voter turnout and the fact that I voted for myself many times. - I hope you'll be a benevolent ruler. I think I'll make caning 960801 -- an olympic event. 960802 -- My dominion over the planet is not widely recognized by the dolts who are breathing my air. - SO I've declared total sovereignty over a small, ever-widening zone surrounding my body. - How big is the zone? You have just entered Dogbert-Land. 960802 -- Pleas show your passport and leave the oxygen alone! 960803 -- If we are to succeed, you must become change masters in an ever-changing, change-adaptive environment. - Let me get this straight...Every change seems to increase our workload while decreasing our job security and real earnings after 960803 -- inflation... - And the problem is *our* lack of flexibility? - Not entirely. There's also your bad morale. 960804 -- Carol, from now on I'd like you to type up all my incoming voice mail so I can just read it. - And print out all of my E-Mail every day so I don't have to log on to the network. - And get me a sandwich from the cafeteria. Ooh, no cash. I'll pay 960804 -- you back. - Do you want me to prechew the sandwich or can you handle that on your own? - Listen up, you overpaid engineers... - By order of our reclusive boss, the new dress code for engineers is bumblebee costumes. - If you don't believe me, 960804 -- send him voice mail and ask for yourself. Oh, and he wants you to buy him a sandwich. - Still no messages this week? Is everybody out sick? I heard they have hives. 960805 -- Tom, you delicious hunk of burning love: if you were in my cubicle right now I'd... - It looks as if I'm working. Nobody can tell that I'm sending steamy E-Mail to my new boyfriend. - Tina, two things: Watch out for the "send to all" address, 960805 -- and thank you very much. 960806 -- I accidentally send my torrid love letter to every person on our E-Mail system. - Should I hide forever or can I count on the professionalism of my co-workers? - We'll complete our "career day" tour with an exhibit that I call "Tina, the 960806 -- red-faced monkey of love." It's hiding. 960807 -- Catbert: Evil HR Director It has come to my attention that you use company resources to send E-Mail to your boyfrien. - I'm willing to overlook this ugly incident in exchange for five minutes of quality petting my soft, furry belly. - This 960807 -- seems so wrong. Try using both hands. 960808 -- It's time to do peer-performance reviews! - Remember, there's a limited budget for raises. Your best strategy is to slander your co-workers so there's more money for you! - I plan to say very nice things about *you*. Nice try, weasel-boy. 960808 -- Managing is easy when you hate the employees. 960809 -- Wally, these peer reviews are like the famous "prisoner's dilemma." - If you rat on me but I say good things about you, you get the biggest raise. But if we praise each other we can *both* get a small raise. - Wally, if you rat him out, I'll 960809 -- let you look at my "Victoria's Secret" catalog. This is exactly why there are no coed prisons. 960810 -- You employees are the key to our success. - Anytime we need a little stock-price boost, we just fire another batch of you. It's like printing money! - In fact, "incompetence" has become our most profitable product. Wow. It beat out "lying to 960810 -- customers." 960811 ** This voice-mail message is for the whole department. - Every morning from now on you'll get my "quality thought of the day." - Today's thought - Let's see...according to Webster's Dictionary... - Aardwark is a burrowing african 960811 ** mammal that eats ants. What if we were more like that? - I mean like the aardvark, not the ants... - That's weird. Every time I leave my quality thought of the day, the shared printer starts spewing resumes. 960812 -- Catbert: Evil HR director Hey, Wally... Big layoffs coming. - I've seen the list. I know more about your future than you do. But it's a secret. - Sadly, cats don't keep secret very well. Nice chair. 960813 -- We don't do "layoffs" at this company. But *you* have been selected to participate in our mobility pool! - As the name implies, you get to scurry around trying to find a nonexistant internal job before the ax falls. - How's this different from 960813 -- a layoff? With layoffs you get to keep your dignity. 960814 -- I hear you're on the layoff list, Wally. Has anyone claimed your chair, yet? - I claimed it a few minutes ago. LIAR! - I guess it's true what they say about layoffs being hard on the survivors. 960815 -- Dogbert: Career Counselor I was fired once, but I came back as a contract employee. Later I was rehired at a higher salary. - Now I'm being downsized again. Do you think they'll be dumb enough to hire me a third time? - Your story reminds me 960815 -- of the parable of the and and the spider. Really? How? - They're both boring. 960816 -- Dogbert: Career Counselor The company won't lay you off if enough people quit first. - Your best strategy is to convince your co-workers that their jobs are intolerable. - We do this for all the young employees, Asok. I'll capture on video the 960816 -- exact moment that your life force leaves your body. 960817 -- Good news, Wally. Most of our smart employees quit to get much better jobs elsewhere. Now we don't have to do any downsizing. - your job is safe. We need you to do the work of all the people who left. - Is it just me...or is the quality of 960817 -- "good news" really going downhill lately? I'd have to say you're both going downhill. 960818 -- People are getting stupider every day, relatively speaking. - The complexity of the world is increasing geometrically. - But your ability to learn is at the same slow trickle it has allay been. - Information is gushing toward your brain 960818 -- like a firehose aimed at a teacup. - You're at a crossroads in history. Even the smartest among you has become "functionally stupid." - Your only hope is to choose a leader whose vision can penetrate the thick fog of human incompetence. - 960818 -- DOGBERT FOR SUPREME RULER OF EARTH!! - Do you want my opinion? What are the odds of that? 960819 -- I've hit the glass ceiling. I'll never be promoted again. - That's because you're not willing to "play the game." You have to look and act like the person who can promote you. - Ooo-la la! This had better work. 960820 -- My idea is that everyone should be required to use smaller fonts. That way we'll save disk space. - And I've noticed that many people use entire colons in situations where a semicolon would do just fine. - You're right. That was fun. The 960820 -- real fun starts when he describes his new ideas at the next staff meeting. 960821 -- I invented a new data encryption program called P.H.B. which stands for pointy-haired boss. - It converts E-Mail into manager babble. Nobody can intercept and decode my private messages without the key. Who would want to read *your* 960821 -- messages? - Somebody *might* want to read my messages. It could happen! And maybe you should carry pepper spray in case supermodels try to kiss you. 960822 -- I am only a lowly intern, but I see an obvious solution to your problem. - Just click here...Clear your buffers and initialize the link...Now use this code patch for the memory leak. - This is funny if I consider that your salary is twice 960822 -- as much as mine. - I'm laughing on the inside. 960823 -- Asok the intern I came over the weekend and looked at the design you've been working with all year. - It turn out you could have built the unit at half the cost with just one minor change. - Is it true I can win awards for this sort of 960823 -- thing? Fetch the internapult. 960824 -- I'm going to use bad grammar more often. - My leadership will change the language through the principle of common usage. - And I won't stop until the entire language is reduced to a grunting and pointing! BUWAHAHA-HA!! I really got ripped 960824 -- off by that dog obedience school. 960825 -- Our senior vice president will be dropping in today. - Remember to increase your lies accordingly. - And decrease the details you provide. - If I think you're being too informative, I'll signal by fidgeting. - Just say everything is fine, 960825 -- but we need more funding. Here he comes. - Sorry I'm late. How is everyone? - I'm not saying. I'm fine, but I need more funding. I have a wide variety of super powers. - I feel a sudden, urgent need to unload my stock option. Fidget fidget. 960826 -- Catbert the HR director Morale is low because the employees are underpaid. - You can compensate by having more frequent performance reviews. They love feedback. - The hardest part is keeping a straight face. Tell me again why I'd want 960826 -- morale to be high? 960827 -- Good news, Alice. I'm going to have quarterly performance reviews to boost morale. - Wow! In addition to working sixteen hours a day in this big box, now I'll get 300% more criticism! - I'll have a chance to hear employee concerns four 960827 -- times a year. I assume comprehension will remain on the bicentennial plan. 960828 -- At first I thought you committed me to an impossible deadline. But I have a theoretical solution. - It involves flying around the earth so fast I can travel back into the past. - And then you'll have enough time? No, then I'll give you 960828 -- parents this pamphlet on contraception. 960829 -- ...So the salesperson made an idiotic promise to our customer. Now it's *my* job to fix it. The brain is an amazing thing. - Are you saying that if I use the untapped power of my brain, there's a solution? - No, I'm saying my amazing brain 960829 -- filtered out your boring story so I could enjoy my walk. 960830 -- I've become one of those people who misinterprets everything you say. Why? - Why? Are you saying that nothing should ever change? Maybe you shouldn't be so rigid. - This could be very annoying. Maybe you should see a therapist for your 960830 -- emotional problem. 960831 -- I hear you're becoming an annoying person who misinterprets everything. Yes, I'm more assertive. - I said annoying, not assertive. Apology accepted. - Whatever you do, don't climb in this clothes dryer. Yeah, it does look cozy in there. 960901 -- In this two day workshop, you will learn to embrace our company's mission and vision. - At first glance it will appear to be a bunch of useless jargon created bay functionally illiterate executives. - But after we do some mind-numbing 960901 -- group exercises... -'ll forget that you're underpaid and you have no job security. - We'll begin by writing down all the things that "ethical behavior" means to you. - I've got a better idea: If you let us leave now, we'll give you 960901 -- high marks on the class evaluation. - Ethical Behavior - Good job. You touched me. You wish. 960902 -- Why do you want a job as our network administrator, Mister Dogbert? - I don't like people. This is a good opportunity to annoy idiots such as yourself for my own entertainment. - Wow. You're perfect. Can you star tomorrow? Sure, as far as 960902 -- you know. I'll give you my pager number. 960903 -- I got hired as the network administrator for your company. - Here's my card. You can only reach me by E-Mail or by pager. - When the network breaks, no E-Mail. I'll just sit around and wag my tail. - Your pager number has a tilde... How do 960903 -- I dial a tilde? 960904 -- Network administrator I have total access to every employee's E#Mail messages. - With a few strategic edits I will transform the office into "Melrose PLace." - Yes, Alice... I *will* be your "monkey of love." 960905 -- Network administrator I have forgotten my password. I humbly beg for assistance. - I have no time for boring administrative tasks, you fool! I'm busy upgrading the network! - You could have given me a new password in the time it took to 960905 -- belittle me. Yes, but which option would give me job satisfaction? 960906 -- As network administrator I can take down the network with a keystroke. - AAGH!! WAAA!!! AEEE!! EEEK!! MY WORK!! - It's just like being a doctor but without getting gooky stuff on my paws. 960907 -- The Network administrator Can you program the routers to block employees from all fun web sites? - Why stop here? I can program the routers to block *all* useless activities. How long will that take? - Done. I've seen your business plan. 960907 -- Poink 960908 -- Tina, we need a few minor edits on our product brochure. Minor? Uh-oh... - We've discovered that our product causes hallucinations and sterility. - See if you can put a positive spin on that. - This will be my greatest writing challenge 960908 -- yet. - "Are you tired of the same old sights? We've got you covered." - "...makes a great gift for those people who - in your opinion - should not reproduce." - Ooh.. I feel a tiny pang of conscience. That's one. - So the brochure was only 960908 -- a three-pager? Yeah, and I think I faked the third one. 960909 -- I've hired the "Dogbert Touchy-Feely Institute" to teach us about teamwork. - We'll start with an exercise about trust. I want each of you to sign blank checks and give them to me. - What will this teach us about trust? It will teach you 960909 -- that trust is an excellent quality for other people to have. 960910 -- Teambuilding exercisee This exercise will build trust. The partner in front will fall. The partner behind will break the fall. - - Okay, maybe trust isn't your biggest problem here. %*#!!* 960911 -- Teambuilding exercise This next exercise will challenge your ability to solve problems as a team. - Build a working sundial using only a pencil and a donut. - Four hours later... One more bite isn't going to make any difference. SOB 960912 -- Teambuilding exercise It's hopeless! You're losers! We'll never make a sundial out of a pencil and an eaten donut! - Hee Hee! All you had to do was stick the pencil in the donut. - We just broke all kinds of union rules. But hey! Look at 960912 -- the shadow from the pencil! ........ 960914 -- In today's news, our company has decided to buy another dying company in a business we don't fully understand. - Our stock rose five points on the announcement. - Why does our stock go up every time we do something boneheaded? I like to 960914 -- think of it as our competitive advantage. 960915 -- Mr Catbert, our evil director of human resources, will describe our new cubicle plan. - Last year we reduced the size of cubicles in the desification project. - We didn't save much money, but we did lower morale. - This year we'll build on 960915 -- that success... - With the patented "Head Cubicle." - Hold still, Wally. - And the head cubicle can be recycled after you're downsized! - We really need to draw the line at some point. While we still have our dignity. 960916 -- On weekends I'll feel my pager vibrate...but when I go to check it, I realize I'm not wearing it. - It's a classic case of phantom-pager syndrome. It's common among technology workers. - There's no treatment for it. I don't want to treat 960916 -- it. I want to relocate it. 960917 -- When the year 2000 comes, your computers will think it's the year "00" and cause major problems. - The Dogbert consulting company can fix the problem for only ten million dollars. Our work is guaranteed for one full year, starting today. - 960917 -- But why should I care? The year "00" is before I'm born.'d actually have to be *smarter* to do something *stupid*. 960918 -- Ratbert, your job is to review eighty million lines of computer code in the company's systems. - You're looking for any reference to the current year. Those pieces of code will be a problem when the year is 2000. Gotcha - Six months later 960918 -- I'm happy to report that the date did not show up once. In fact, it was all just zeros and ones! Oops. 960919 -- Here's my invoice for fixing your "Year 2000" computer problems. - AAAEE!!! - ...So his head spun, but *didn't* explode? Yeah. I guess I left some money on the table. 960920 -- Tina the technical writer To insert a column, click the insert column menu. - But let's be honest, userboy, if you need to be told *that*, you're too stupid to use this product. - Have you reviewed the draft yet? I'm up to the chapter 960920 -- titled "Duh." 960921 -- I've got an idea. Let's add a battery backup to our product. - One...Two...Three - I've got an idea. Why don't we add a battery backup to our product? Because our product doesn't use electricity. 960922 -- It's time to use my speakerphone to do voice mail. - I can't remember if I use the speakerphone because I'm inconsiderate or I'm too stupid to know how annoying it is. - I'll leave that question to the philosophers. - HI. THANKS FOR THE 960922 -- INFORMATION. TALK TO YOU LATER!!! - DID I TELL YOU ABOUT MY CYST? Dogbert, send Bob the dinosaur quickly! E-Mail sent - I'm here to deliver a wedgie. Use the service elevator. - Yank! AAEEE!! - What's the best part -- The look on their 960922 -- faces or the way they yell? I'll leave that question to the philosophers. 960923 -- I don't know how to fix any of the problems in this company. Maybe I'll just sit here quietly. - No, that wouldn't look managerly... I'll have to do something idiotic and hope it looks like leadership. - We're going to have an "iron man" 960923 -- team-building competition. What a bunch of leadership... 960924 -- My boss is making the engineers compete in an "iron man" event. It's supposed to improve teamwork. - I'm glad I take the stairs sometimes instead of using the elevator. I'm in pretty good shape. - Yes, you are, to the extent potato is a 960924 -- pretty good shape. I just wrenched a muscle. 960925 -- The first leg of the "iron man" team-building exercise is a ten-mile swim, I think. - I won't be participating because my teamwork skills are already excellent. - Two phrases you don't expect to hear in the same day are "iron man" and 960925 -- "doggie paddle." Hey! No splashing! 960926 -- The team-building exercise Uh-oh...I'm a mile from shore and too exhausted to swim back. - My only hope is that an intelligent dolphin will se my plight and rescue me. - I'm in luck! Two words: Tuna...Net. 960927 -- Some dolphins in my situation would help you get to shore safely. - Others might try to distract you while an accomplice played a cruel joke. - COME BACK WITH MY TRUNKS!!! Let's ask the humming fish to do the "jaws" theme song. 960928 -- ...There I was, naked and exhausted, miles from shore. Dolphins taunted me for hours. - Suddenly a deep sea sport fishing boat happened by. I grabbed the line and held on for my life. Wow! That's lucky. - That's what I thought...until the 960928 -- second time they threw me back in. I meant lucky for them. 960929 -- Groan. Accounting - I saved $500 in airfare by extending my business trip to saturday. - Why won't you reimburse me for the saturday hotel costs? - Saturday was not a business-related activity. - Hmm...let me see if I understand this... - It's 960929 -- not business-related to make sensible economic choices... - But it is business-related to waste money like an ugly, brain-dead troll... - Then he beat me up and took my lunch money. Are you saying I can get free lunch money by beating you up? 960930 -- Catbert, evil HR director I need to hire a programmer for my project team. - Our policy is to first seek candidates from within the company. If none is qualified, you must use a sock puppet. - How many of your policies are designed for the sole 960930 -- purpose of satisfying your sadistic tendencies? All of them. Some are just more obvious. 961001 -- We'll be having an ISO9000 audit soon. They'll check to see if we follow our own documented procedures for everything we do. - I've divided our preparation tasks into two groups: unethical and unproductive. - I'll train our department to lie to 961001 -- the auditor. You can document our inane procedures. No fair. You did unethical last time too! 961002 -- Carol, I need to document your procedure for ordering office supplies. It's an ISO9000 requirement. - If someone asks for something, I check the supply cabinet first. Then I say, "there's one left. You can't have it because then we'd be all 961002 -- out." - Then I spend the rest of the day complaining about the person who asked. Uh-oh... I'm out of ink. 961003 -- I need to document your job processes to satisfy our ISO9000 requirements. Okay. - I try to anticipate the shifting political winds. Then I wrap myself in the relevant buzzwords and try to achieve importance without adding value. - What's your 961003 -- job title? Director of ISO9000 quality process design. 961004 -- Your product looks good, but you can't be our supplier unless your company is ISO9000 certified. - So... You don't care how bad our internal processes are, as long as they're well-documented and used consistently? - That's right. Our documented 961004 -- process says I must now laugh in your face and double our price. 961005 -- You know what's funny? I'll tell you. - You're working hard. I'm doing nothing. In a hundred years we'll both be dead. - You might not have to wait that long. I think I'll spread some joy over this way. 961006 -- Nobody has nominated a co-worker for a special achievement award. - Someone in this group must have done *something* good this year. - No...I don't think so. We'd remember something like that. - This looks bad. All the other departments are 961006 -- giving themselves awards. - We might have to lower our standards a bit. I've been proactive in that area. - Why are we standing in the hallway? - We think the room is locked. We don't have the key. - Later that month This award goes to Alice 961006 -- for boldly trying the door knob. When I find out who nominated me... 961007 -- You'll head our technology alliance with a small Silicon Valley start-up. - Their corporate culture is a bit different from ours. Try to be flexible. - I've never seen a pierced brain before. I think I'll call you "Mister Conservative." 961008 -- Strategic Alliance These are the procedures my company uses to approve projects. - I guess a small company such as yours is used to flying by the seat of the pants. Not necessarily. - You mean you're flexible? I mean I'm not wearing pants. 961009 -- Our strategic alliance is working well. My company provides amazing technical skill and your company... - ...has a seemingly endless supply of three-ring binders. - Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. It it true that if your name is 961009 -- written in a binder you loose your soul? 961010 -- Issue one: Our two companies have very different corporate cultures. Strategic Alliance Issues - While you were droning I slammed out some beta code and put it on the Internet for comments. - My company prefers to have that kind of decision 961010 -- made by uninformed executives. We call it "Empowerment." I'll mention that in the press release. 961011 -- The status of our strategic alliance is "doomed." doomed - Our ponderous and inefficient management style caused their best people to quit and create a competing company. - We must find a way to destroy that new company. I'll se if they're 961011 -- interested in a strategic alliance. 961012 -- Catbert, evil H.R. director When I'm in a bad mood, I like to think of ways to humilitate the employees. - about an employee recognition program with a thoroughly worthless award. purrr purrr purrr - It's pocket lint from a vice 961012 -- president's trousers. He was wearing them on the day he left for a better job. 961013 -- Alice, your performance this year is "meets expectations." You get a two percent raise. - MEETS EXPECTATIONS?! I worked eighty hours every week! - Yeah...Well, I expected that. - I earned three patents this year! The company will make 961013 -- millions!! - Really? Wow. I mean... I expected that too. - I donated bone marrow to our biggest customer!!! TWICE!!! - I noted that under "attendance problem." - I told you the bone marrow thing would haunt you. I'm starting to think the time I 961013 -- worked through lunch was for nothing. 961014 -- Alice, I'm putting you in charge of developing our booth for the big trade show. - I picked you because the males in the department have disqualified themselves through a process of strategic incompetence. - What is strategic incompetence? I had 961014 -- written down someplace, but I lost it. 961015 -- If you plan to have a booth at the trade show, you need the "Dogbert Trade-Show Consulting Company" to design it. - I recommend the deluxe booth. It's guaranteed to generate the most revenue. - How would the deluxe booth generate more revenue 961015 -- for my company? Oh, suddenly this is about *your* company? 961016 -- Your booth at the trade show must be attention-grabbing. You have several option. - 1. Magic tricks 2. Special effects 3. Raffles 4. Booth babes - For the best result, combine all four: Create the illusion that you're raffling off the booth 961016 -- babes. Booth babes? 961017 -- Our consultant suggested putting attractive women in our booth at the trade show. - I rejected that idea. It is sexist and demeaning. I have a better idea to increase traffic to our booth. - What's the dental floss for? It's your thong bikini. 961017 -- You'll stand in front of our competitor's booth. 961018 -- At the trade show What kind of free stuff do you have? - Cheap pens? That's original. Okay, fill 'er up. But I'm afraid I can't give you any eye contact. - That's enough industry research for today. It's time to hit the buffet. 961019 -- At the trade show What can you tell me about your products? - Our products are defective, much like yourself. - I probably shouldn't have stayed up all night setting up the booth. What are you doing later? 961020 -- My project is right on plan. - It began last week as a bad idea from somebody in senior management. - Thanks to my leadership, it is already an object of widespread mockery and derision. - As I speak, our lawyers are purging every last trace of 961020 -- value it might have had. - With luck, the project will be a gigantic failure in a month. - People will forget my failure and remember that I'm experienced. Promotions will follow. YES!! - In six months I'll be dating an executive secretary 961020 -- named Yvonne. Good plan. - Wally, have you ever read our mission statement? Yeah, but I don't subscribe to a literal interpretation. 961021 -- On the surface, you seem to make some good points about technology... Click Click Click - But your E-Mail address reveals your newbie identity. You're probably a goat herder or a cartoonis. Click Click Click - How does it feel to be an elitist 961021 -- technology bigot? I prefer to think of myself as a technology "have." 961022 -- Thanks for the meeting. Here's my card. - You call that an E-Mail address? It's eighty characters long and mostly meaningless. - People with embarrassing E-Mail systems... I tell people, the reply function doesn't work. You have to type in my 961022 -- address." Loser. 961023 -- Catbert: Evil H.R. director I feel like committing random acts of catness. - Woman in suit approaching...activate purring and shedding. Purr Purr Purr - So, Alice, how long does it take to curl and style a suit like that? Do you dry-clean it or 961023 -- just give it a perm? 961024 -- The cubicle warrior prepares for a battle. - Fighting, fighting against the overwhelming boredom! - When my grandchildren ask me what I did for a living, I'm going to lie. I usually tell people you're a hobo. 961025 -- Catbert: Evil H.R. director Wally, you've been too busy to get the required forty hours of training this year. - So I hired a contract employee to help you out. When does it start? - Yesterday. He already finished eighty hours of your training. 961026 -- I'm a manager, so I don't do actual work... - And all the decisions are made above me... - Carole, tell me again what I produce. Carbon dioxide. Our plants would need that if they weren't plastic. 961027 -- Alice, I'd like you to meet the newest member of my management team. - Keith is highly qualified, he has a masters in business administration. - Very impressive. They must have taught you a lot about motivating employees. Not really. - 961027 -- Well.. You probably learned how to identify and hire good people, right? That might have been optional reading. - Did you learn negotionation skills? No. Strategic Thinking? No. Business writing? No. - It was mostly finance and accounting. 961027 -- and economics. - So, you're a highly qualified leader because... you'Re good at math? - What should I do here? In these situations I like to use swearing. 961028 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Hey, Wally, is there anything you still like about working here? - Um... I like making popcorn in the microwave and eating it while I pretend to work. - Your body language tells me that something evil is going 961028 -- to happen to my popcorn privileges. I love my job. 961029 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director *To: all employees* The smell of popcorn in the office is unprofessional... - He's banning popcorn! First it was tobacco, then perfume, now this... There's only one pollutant left. - ...This brings me to the 961029 -- unpleasant subject of Wally... 961030 -- This award goes to Tim for his incredible accomplishment. - After two days of stonewalling all progress, Tim finally agreed to do the work for which he was hired. - We look forward to working with Tim in the coming year. As if I'd have 961030 -- time for that. 961031 -- This next award goes to Kim for her exceptional work. - Kim worked evenings and weekends to fix the problems that were caused by her own incompetence. - And it looks like Kim has a full plate for the coming year, too. Which side faces the 961031 -- wall? 961101 -- Clip Clip Clip Clip Clip Clip Oh, no...It's the maddening sound of Wally clipping his nails. - The sound makes me crazy, but I can't complain because it would sound silly. Must... Must... Clip Clip Clip Clip Clip Clip - You made your own 961101 -- screensaver? It's called "Wally's 101 annoying cubicle sounds." Slurp! Mmm... 961102 -- What are you doing in the marketing department. It's an experiment. - I sneak down here once a week and move this guy's cubicle wall in by a quarter-inch. - What's this experiment going to prove? I forget. It's been a long time. 961103 -- Mmm...soon you will be mine, little chocolate bar. I think I have exact change. - I can smell it through the wrapper. Here's a nickel. - I rub it on my arm to get the total body experience. No, that's breath mint. - I am transformed to 961103 -- another dimension. Ooh, a roll of pennies...No, lipstick. - I'll give you a check. Where's that checkbook? - SNATCH - STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP - What a funny day to forget my wallet. 961104 -- The Dogbert Consulting Company will add credibility to your own selfish and idiotic opinions. - For example, your current budget should Doubled Doubled. It should be doubled. - Hey, what's that tingle I feel all over my body?!! 961104 -- Credibility. If you want another hit, it'll cost you. 961105 -- I hired the Dogbert Consulting Company to add credibility to my decisions. - As my analysis shows, it's much better to give your money to me than to waste it on future downsizees such as yourselves. - What analysis? This is a page ripped out 961105 -- of the magazine in our lobby. Perhaps you should upgrade to my deluxe service. 961106 -- I've decided to date other men. - NOOO!!! DON'T BREAK UP WITH ME! I'm not. I just want to date other men at the same time. - I am *not* happy right now. That's exactly why I need a spare. 961107 -- Liz started dating other men. Two can play at that game. - I will use the power of the Internet to find a hot babe. Ah! There's one. - She wants your credit card number. Ooh! She's inquisitive. I like that. 961108 -- Men who understand technology are the new sex symbols. Your online personals ad should emphasize your technical prowess. - How about "looking for woman who likes moonlit walks so I'll have more time alone with my computer"? - And "must 961108 -- like to dance." That's so I won't get a flabby, u ncoordinated applicant. Don't call them "applicants" on the first date. 961109 -- You have to move slowly with these online relationships. I'll ask her what she likes to do for fun. - YIPE! - You'd think that a woman named Madame Cruella would compensate by being extra nice. 961110 -- I've been offered a promotion in another department. - Fantasy I'm outta here, you worthless piece of snail crud!! HA HA HA HA HA HA !!! - Reality I meekly request to be released from my current assignment. - Fantasy I would never stand in 961110 -- your way. Congratulations! - Reality I can't release you. You're too valuable. - Fantasy If I'm so valuable, explain my last raise!!! - Reality In fact, I have *another* valuable assignment for you. Stunned silence - I'm doing a survey to 961110 -- find out why morale is so low. I think it's your breath. 961111 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director There are two ways to get an extra engineer for your project. - You can transfer some unqualified loser from within the company... Or? - Not so fast. I like to savor the moment before I crush your misplaced 961111 -- optimism. 961112 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Here are the resumes of highly qualified applicants for your opening. - It's too bad we don't pay enough to hire qualified applicants. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!! ZIP -- Let's see...we've got resumes in 961112 -- pencil...crayon...pencil...eyeliner... Hey! Dot matrix! 961113 -- We like to ask our applicants some questions that will allow us to see how you think. - If you have a five-gallon bucket and a fifty-gallon bucket, how can you tell which one holds more water? - When I said, "see how you think," what I 961113 -- meant was... Ow! Ow! Ow! 961114 -- Your resume looks good, but we could only pay half of what you're making now. Are you interested? -'re looking for a brilliant engineer who is actively seeking a pay cut? - Well, you have to consider the many intangibles. Such as 961114 -- my savings account if I worked here? 961115 -- If you were hired, what would be your long-range career goal? - I'd have your job in six months- In a year you'd be working for me, you big pile of dinosaur dung. - I see you attended an all women's college. Does that experience really 961115 -- make you more confident and assertive? Either arm. Let's go. 961116 -- So tell me...Brian...why do you want to work for this company? - Well, to be honest, I don't. I'm using this as a practice interview. - I guess we're done here. Hello-o-o!!! It's lunch time and I don't see sandwiches. 961117 -- The powerful leader enters cubeville to inspire the wretched underlings. - He spots one of the little people in desperate need of a morale boost. - The leader carefully assesses the situation. Every solution is unique. - Try identifying 961117 -- the problem and the solving it. - The leader waits while the brilliance of his contribution sinks in. - That's a much better idea than what I was doing. - I've been sitting here all day randomly pressing keys, but you've shown me a better 961117 -- way. - Suddenly the leader remembers why he really visits cubeville. My morale is soaring. 961118 -- Catbert, evil H.R. director Are you stressed out, Wally? I have a solution. - Start smoking. That way you'll have frequent company-sanctioned breaks throughout the day. - This is your strategy for downsizing, isn't it? Try it, you big 961118 -- wuss. 961119 -- I've decided to start smoking. I'll be able to take more breaks that way. - And frankly, I'm hoping it will add an interesting edge to my personality and help me socially. - Not that I need any help. I can only hope that your personal 961119 -- magnetism won't erase my hard drive. 961120 -- Here's my first cigarette ever. I'm looking forward to the many smoking breaks I'm entitled to. - I'll probably see you three times a day, just smoking and chatting and enjoying the fresh air! - I assume you light the color-coded end, 961120 -- right? I quit. 961121 -- According to the ads, this brand of cigarette will be like mountain biking past a sparkling waterfall. - Puff Puff Puff - Are you getting that weird "smokers' cognitive dissonance" yet? - Man, this mountain biking is overrated. 961122 -- How do you like your new smoking habit? - My teeth turned yellow, my breath is putrid, I'm a social outcast, I'm going broke, and my house burned down. - So you're going to quit? No, I'm trying to take a long term view of it. 961123 -- I never noticed this warning label on my cigarettes before. - "If this product doesn't kill you right away, the executives of our company will drive over to your house and finish the job. We know where you live, Wally. Quit now!" - Why am 961123 -- I paying for a color printer? - It's also an air freshener if you know how to use it. 961124 -- Last week our consultants warned us about a serious threat. - They said our competitors would "eat our lunch." Eat our lunch - I'm happy to tell the executive committee that I leapt into action. - I hired a security guard to protect the 961124 -- cafeteria. - Our lunches are safe. - I always thought that was just a figure of speech. Fool! Give me your department! - Let go of my hair!! SLAP OUCH!! This is going better than usual. - Why is the cafeteria closed? Someone ate all the 961124 -- lunches. Burp 961125 -- When will my raise be effective? - The same time you are. - The evil Mr. Catbert, director of H.R., is feeling "in the zone." It's as if all the employees are moving in slow motion. 961126 -- Whenever we disagree, I always end up yelling. - That's an indication that you have poor interpersonal skills. I'm sending you to a class to improve them. - It looks like you've gained weight. Would it help if I started jogging? This is 961126 -- exactly what I'm talking about. 961127 -- Dogbert's school for interpersonal skills The secret to good relationships is to be a huge phony. - Let's practice the three fundamentals. Loud Simple Smiley - HEY, HOW ABOUT THAT LOW-PRESSURE SYSTEM, HUH?!! Again, but this time say 961127 -- "weather." 961128 -- This lesson in interpersonal skills involves listening to a stupid person without rolling your eyes. - My computer screen says, "Press any key to continue." Can I borrow your keys? Mine are locked in my Yugo. - Must focus...must...focus... 961128 -- I could break the driver's side window...but it's bad enough that the windshield is gone. 961129 -- Here's my presentation package. I worked twelve straight hours on it. - That includes three hours of creativity followed by nine hours of stupor, senseless twiddling and outright dementia. - I suppose there's only one thing that could make 961129 -- this presentation worse. Send it around for comments. 961130 -- I found many areas for improvement in your document, Alice. - I'm only an intern, but these errors stand out like huge, red, blinking lights. - You could put this on top of an ambulance as a warning. I was thinking the same thing about 961130 -- you. 961201 -- Catbert the evil director of human resources My tail is twitching... - That can only mean it's time to write some more evil policies. - To: all employees: new policy - Employees must wear shoes that are one size smaller than their feet. - This 961201 -- will reduce wear and tear on carpets by 5% - This is may favourite part. We must do this to be competitive. - I'm a reporter for "evil hr politics weekly." Do you have any success stories? purr purr - This is how industry practices are born Has 961201 -- anyone complained about the "footsizing" program? I haven't listened to a single complaint. 961202 -- This metric shows an excellent trend in the number of days since the beginning of my project. - That growth rate compare favorably with the best companies in our time zone. - I'm working smarter, not harder. It's a whole new paradigm. 961203 -- I'm going to enter a profession that will make a huge difference in my self-esteem. - I'll be a corporate trainer in a company that's downsizing. - Are you sure that will raise your self-esteem? Why would I want to *raise* it? 961204 -- I'm looking for a new corporate trainer to help me teach classes in stress reduction, conflict resolution, and teamwork. - I'LL BURN IN HELL BEFORE I'LL DO YOUR WORK PLUS MY OWN, YOU FILTHY WEASEL!!! - And they hired you? A good trainer doesn't 961204 -- have to be a subject matter expert. 961205 -- Ratbert, corporate trainer Pssst! - I'm the grim downsizer. Trainers are the first to go. I'll just hang around here until the next budget cuts. - Do you mind if I sit in your stress-reduction class? I don't think I'll read the class evaluation 961205 -- forms from this one. 961206 -- Ratbert, corporate trainer Let's go around the room and say who we are and what we hope to get out of the class. - I'm the grim downsizer. I'm here to decruit the entire training department plus all of the people who have time to attend the 961206 -- classes. - My name is Dilbert. I'm here in place of Wally who is working hard to build a better tomorrow. Nice try. I'm somebody else to. 961207 -- You're being downsized, Ratbert. Fortunately, there's a generous retirement plan. - Let's see.. For your length of employment, at your grade get a wall calendar. - When do I get it? As soon as I'm done with it. 961208 -- Our pointy-haired boss will be joining us by speakerphone. - This is an important part of your engineering training, Asok. What do I do? - When ALice presses the mute button, you make witty and sarcastic remarks. ring ring - Hello, everyone. 961208 -- I'd like to talk about the new company plan. - Tell us some lies, you ugly, two-faced, hypocritical troll! - I am Asok the intern and I spit on your feeble compensation plan! - I've found stuff on the bottom of my shoe that was smarter than 961208 -- you!! HA HA HA!!! - Next time, a bit wittier...and make sure Alice really presses the mute button. 961209 -- Catbert, evil h.r. director The mandatory unpaid overtime is immoral. It's destroying the quality of my life. - Alice, Alice, Alice... Companies are designed to maximize stockholder value, not employee happiness. - Maybe the head of human 961209 -- resources should be a human. Privately I refer to myself as the director of disgruntled cat toys. 961210 -- Dogbert the consultant Let me do the talking when we meet with your boss. - As you know, any idea from the pointy-haired wonder is crud, but when you add my ability, what do you have? - Crudability? And good looks too! 961211 -- Your first draft was boring, so I added a bunch of exclamation points. - Wow! Those exclamation points make this technical document come alive! - This might be that sarcasm thing I keep hearing about. I'm in the presence of genius! I beg you to 961211 -- father of my children! 961212 -- I'm flattered. But I can't date you because we're different religions. - I'm flexible. I'd change my religion to get a date. It wouldn't work in this case. - Did you know there's a religion based on not dating me? Where do you think I go every 961212 -- sunday? 961213 -- We must change our culture of cynism and negativism. - You two will be the "happiness commitee." Come up with some ideas to improve morale. - So far we've got: 1) raises, 2) slap-the-boss day and 3) nude fridays. I feel the cynism melting away 961213 -- already. 961214 -- After I graduate from "quality school" I'll be a quality blackbelt master. - Is the title metaphoric, or is there a chance you'll be beaten senseless during a breakout session? Zip zip zip zip. - Was that necessary? I'm not sure. I haven't done 961214 -- the pre-course reading yet. 961215 -- I made an upgrade to your product design. - This would make the product overheat. - Let's try to look at the big picture. - Okay... let's see... Your upgrade has no benefits and it costs more. - The overheating would start office fires and put 961215 -- all of our customers out of business. - If our sales are strong, we could create economic chaos and a global firestorm. - Your "upgrade" would destroy civilization as we know it. Keep me informed. - So you're going to end civilization as we 961215 -- know it? I don't think I'll miss it, frankly. 961216 -- Our elbonian database product can replace every one of your current systems. No thanks. - It can do payroll, accounts receivable, inventory, sales... No thanks. - And I'll throw in some golf balls. It's a deal! Just toss them in the lake with 961216 -- all my other ones. 961217 -- We're going to replace our computer support systems with the elbonian database. - It's risky, but don't worry. I've hired an outrageously expensive consultant who has never done this before. - I earned five hundred dollars just coming to this 961217 -- meeting. How's *your* day going? It won't make my top ten. 961218 -- Ratbert the consultant I don't know much about computers so I compensate by being extremely exuberant. - YES!! YES!! COMPUTERS!! WAHOO!!! - Hey look! It's not my fault! It's some guy named "general protection." It's time for your flying 961218 -- lessons. 961219 -- As a consultant, I earn $150 per hour even when I'm unproductive. - I can earn 42 cents by wiggling my furry little behind for ten seconds. - C'mon, count with me!!! When I imagine my ideal career, It's never like this. 961220 -- Ratbert the consultant ...then we'll turn off the existing computer systems and fire up the new one. - What if the new system doesn't work on the first try? Won't the economic impact be devastating? - Let me check my contract... Nope. I get 961220 -- paid exactly the same. Yeah, same here. 961221 -- I am only an intern, but may I make a suggestion? - The elbonian database system you're installing for our company will never work... unless I rewrite the entire thing with just six keystrokes...done - I thought this was only possible in bad 961221 -- movies. Hey, let's hack into NATO's system. I can guess their password in three tries. 961222 -- Today is your ten-year service anniversary, Wally. - Pick a gift from the service anniversary catalog. - Is there a ceremony? Yeah. We just had it. - May I say a few words? Anywhere but here. - The selection of gifts at the ten-year level is 961222 -- somewhat meager. - The golf ball is nice. I'm leaning toward the "I'm with stupid" shirt. - All I see is a blank shirt. It comes with a fabric pen. - I can almost feel the love our company has for us. What do you mean "us"? 961223 -- I'd like a direct flight...aisle seat...and an upgrade to first class if possible. - The best I can do is to put you in an overhead luggage bin...with one stop in North Korea. - Is it non-smoking? That depends on how accurate the anti-aircraft 961223 -- fire is. 961224 -- This is Marily Vos Savant, the smartest human alive. - She will help you understand your airline "often flier" program. I'm stumped. - After this, could you tell me which phone company saves me most money? My brain's trying to escape; you 961224 -- scared it. 961225 -- This suitcase is the decoy. - While the airline is distracted trying to loose the decoy, I'll sneak aboard with this emergency carry-on bag. - What if they try to make you eat their food? Fake vomit. They'll think I already ate. 961226 -- This bag contains all the mail you've sent me about my "often flier" status. Happy Airlines - I'll trade everything in the bag for a seat upgrade. I'm currently assigned to an overhead bin. Okay - Whew! Disaster has been averted. Are you guys 961226 -- going to the colicky baby convention too? 961227 -- Welcome to the hotel. Allow me to touch your bag so you'll feel obligated to tip me. - I've got to make it through the gauntlet of bag-losing hotel zombies. $ $ - No room?!! I have a reservation!! Oh, that's original. 961228 -- This taxi is yours. Here's a description of how he'll cheat you. - It says you'll be running the meter despite the flat rate. Then you'll feign poor language skills when I question you. - I can't fault your efficiency, though. Whump Whump Whump 961229 -- Dogbert's tech support This is Dogbert. How may I abuse you? - I need to move my cursor to the right but my mouse is at the edge of the mousepad. - Have you tried rebooting without saving your files? - Yeah, several times. - Have you tried 961229 -- moving your desk? - - It didn't work. You need my $800 mousepad upgrade. - What account does this get charged to? "Idiot expense," just like everything else. 961230 -- No rooms?? If the pope showed up, would you have a room for *him*? Yes. - Okay, then give me *his* room! I am so clever. - Let's see how you squirm out of *that* logic, weasel-girl. 961231 -- The business traveller - - When I bought the suit, it said "wrinkle-free" on the wrapper. The wrapper? 970101 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Hey Wally, I pulled some strings to get you moved to a window cubicle. - It's for my own benefit. I plan to take naps while lying in the sun on top of your head. - Every day this job teaches me that I can get used to 970101 -- anything. zzzzzzz 970102 -- You need a million dollars but I only have authority to sign up for up to ten thousand. - Break it into a hundred separate business cases. - Thank you for your value-added management support. It was nothing. 970103 -- Per your request, my request for a million dollars has been broken into one hundred business cases. - Each one is for ten thousand dollars, which is your exact level of approval authority. - I meant I can approve for anything *under* ten 970103 -- thousand if you wouldn't mind... Killing you? No, I wouldn't mind a bit. 970104 -- Our new corporate policy is that all employees must use the products we sell. - AAARGH!!!! WHAT HAVE WE DONE TO DESERVE THIS??!!! - So you're saying that many of these policies are *not* intended to be punishments? You get used to it after you 970104 -- lose your will to live. 970105 -- Alice, I'd like your input on something. - intuition is activating the fist of death. Must...control... - Our corporate culture is bad. - I'm trying to find the cause. - Well, obviously the problem isn't caused by managers who have 970105 -- no what could it be? - The culture problem must be coming from the other direction. Some *employee* must be causing the problem! - I think it's the guy in the mail room. His bad culture is infecting the rest of us. - If it 970105 -- is about that conference room full of mail, I don't know how it got there. 970106 -- I've decided to end my loneliness by getting a mail-order bride from Elbonia. - The photos were grainy, but the advertisement guarantees that she's cute. - Elbonia Blonde. wigs 970107 -- My elbonian mail-order bride will arrive any day now. Why don't you know the exact date? - Because they're sending her by mail. I wasn't willing to pay for overnight delivery. - She's one lucky gal. I'll probably keep her in the garage. It has 970107 -- a sink. 970108 -- Hey, Wally. I hear you're getting an elbonian mail-order bride! - It's so sad and pathetic, yet so funny! I feel sorry for her already! HU-HAHAHA HA HA HA HA HA And people ask why I gave up on local girls. 970109 -- My elbonian mail-order bride has arrived. - I must keep my expectations low to avoid any disappointment. - Where's the ladies sty? I desperately need to powder my snout. 970110 -- my elbonian mail-order bride turns out to be a pig with a wig. What a rip-off. - You're taking this well. I'd be mad if I paid for a bride and then I had to send her back. - You did send her back.. B.L.T. ? 970111 -- Wish me lick. I'm off to get my performance review. - Have you been napping? You've got a bad case of keyboard face. - What's wrong with your face? I have quertytis. It's from working too hard. 970112 -- Buying a car You're one tough negotiator. Thanks. - It only took you four hours to get me all the way down to the manufacturer's suggested retail price. - THERE'S NO PROFIT LEFT!!! MY FAMILY WILL GO HUNGRY!! BWAA! BWAA! - Sorry. I assume 970112 -- you want the rust inhibitor coating for only $500. Um...yeah. Rust is bad. - YES!! KA-CHING KA-CHING - Sorry. We also have an invisible spray that protects against scurvy and tax audits. Well...okay. - Initial here if you want your airbag 970112 -- to be full of fresh aspen air instead of gravel. Only $600 - And the lease terms are engraved on this free hood ornament! Be glad they didn't install it. 970113 -- This week I did equal amounts of work and anti-work. For every unit of work I did, I generated an equal amount of unnecessary work for co-workers. I figure I broke even. - Wally, come see me after the staff meeting. Oh, great. You're 970113 -- driving me into negative territory! 970114 -- I didn't read all of the shrink-wrap license agreement on my new software until after I opened it. - Apparently I agreed to spend the rest of my life as a towel boy in Bill Gates' new mansion. Call your lawyer. - Too late. He opened 970114 -- software yesterday. Now he's Bill's laundry boy. It must be dangerous for lawyers to iron pants; they'd always have one hand in a pocket. 970115 -- you didn't read the software license and you inadvertently agreed to be Bill Gates' towel boy in his huge new house. When do we move? - RRRUMBLE! - PREPARE FOR ASSIMILATION. The house has come for me. 970116 -- You have been chosen as Bill Gates' towel boy. But first you must answer this quiz. - You're in a room with three monkeys. One has a banana, one has a stick, one has nothing. Which primate is the smartest? Um... - I guess the successful 970116 -- towel boy knows that humans are primates too. Stupid trick question. 970117 -- Here's your annual performance review, Tina. - I focused on your performance for the past two weeks because I don't remember anything farther back. - I WAS ON *VACATION* FOR THE PAST TWO WEEKS!!! No time to chat. I need to spread some 970117 -- motivation over here. 970118 -- Business used to be like christianity; if you were faithful and obedient, you could obtain bliss in the afterlife of retirement. - Now it's more of a reincarnation model. If the worker learns enough in his current job, he can progress to a 970118 -- higher level of employment elsewhere. - These analogies aren't working for you, are they, Bob? My hope is that one day I will biodegrade and become "WD-40" oil. 970119 -- Office obstacle course Uh-oh, it's Phil. I never returned his call. Walk faster. - YES!! - Uh-oh, it's an unpleasant co-worker who wants to be my friend. - The crafty engineer blends with the herd to avoid detection. - Uh-oh, I owe Alice 970119 -- some information. RING - Hello YES!! - There's only one more obstacle between me and blissful productivity. - AAGH!!! MY HOLE DAY IS RUINED!!! It looks like you need a one-in-one coaching session. 970120 -- Bad news on your performance review, Wally. - Everyone performed the same. But I'm required to rank the group on a bell curve. - I had to make up some flaws to move you down the curve. Here's a pen. Sign it. "Employee does not wash hands 970120 -- after using the restroom". 970121 -- I can't sign this performance review! It's full of alleged misdeeds that you invented to lower my rating! - Yes, but I think it reflects things you *might* do. I had to make all reviews fit the bell curve. - I AM NOT SELLING CRACK FROM MY 970121 -- CUBICLE!!! 970122 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Effective immediately, the company will no longer allow time off for the death of a family member. - This "family friendly" policy will remove your incentive to extend vacations by killing relatives. - And more 970122 -- good news: We're cancelling your life insurance so your family won't try to snuff you out either. 970123 -- Don't mention any problems when you do your presentation to senior management, Alice. - They might try to solve the problems during the meeting. That would be a disaster. - As far as I can tell, every layer of management exists for the 970123 -- sole purpose of warning us about the layer above. Are you saying they have a purpose? 970124 -- I put you in for a compliment, Alice. - It's not automatic. The application must be approved by the executive review committee. - Executive review committee I don't think so. We don't want them to think compliments are an entitlement. 970125 -- The results of the employee survey have been tabulated. - As always, employees say they are underpaid, blah, blah, blah, and management is incompetent. - And your bizzare, unworldly response will be? Everyone gets a travel alarm clock with 970125 -- the company logo! 970126 -- What do you want for your birthday this year, Mom? - Oh, nothing. I have everything I need. - Oh, c'mon. There must be something you want. Well one thing. But it's silly. - You just name it. Okay. - I'd like a home entertainment theatre 970126 -- with a fifty-inch screen, "THX" surround sound and a 600 kbps satellite link to the net so I can view adult pictures during the commercials. - I was thinking more along the lines of a new toaster oven. - Oh, that's exciting. I'll put it 970126 -- next to the other one and watch them fight it out. - There's a real dark side to the information age. - Oh, and about the gift of life I gave you: you're welcome. 970127 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director We've decided to lower your base salary, Wally. - I realize this will be a hardship. But if you hand me your necktie I'll show you why this is being done. - What did he say was the reason? "Because I can." 970128 -- The network went down and I lost my work. The server crashed. - From now on, I want advanced notice of any unplanned outages. - And I need it yesterday. I used to think that was just a figure of speech. 970129 -- As you requested, here is a schedule of all future unplanned network outages. - I took the initiative to include a schedule of all future sick days, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and hurricanes. - This is the point when you realize how 970129 -- stupid your request was and we have a good laugh. Does CNN know about this? 970130 -- A pessimist says the glass is half empty. An optimist says it's half full. - Did you put your lips on my glass again? - And the engineer says... It's a good thing I put half of my water in a redundant glass. 970131 -- Asok the intern I installed calendar software on our network. - Now you can see everyone's schedule and easily set up meetings. - I say we grab him and apply some cubicle justice. Good idea, but I'm in meetings until the year 3006. 970201 -- The more work I do, the more I'm given. - It doesn't pay to be a talented and hard-working employee. - How's it pay to be *you*? Not bad on an hourly basis. 970202 -- Carol, could you check our pointy-haired boss's calendar? Grumble. - We'd like to schedule a celebration for the engineers who got patents. Grumble. - We're all available on the sixth, ninth, twentieth and the twenty-first. - I'll schedule 970202 -- it for the tenth. That's the only day he can do it. - Um... None of the engineers can make it on the tenth. - It's not a perfect world. - When's the patent celebration? Shut up. - On the tenth We should do this more often. Yeah, I like 970202 -- cake. 970203 -- Every department is required to create a web page for our internal network. - It should include enough information to be difficult to maintain, but not so much that it's useful. - As a security precaution, we'll make it too dull and 970203 -- unorganized to read. Is pornography in or out? 970204 -- I spent all week tweaking HTML for my intranet web page. You should see it, Mom. - I converted the video of my birth into an MPEG file. Anyone behind the firewall can view it. - You should hear the nickname they have for you at work! You 970204 -- should hear the one I have for you right now. 970205 -- Alice, I gave you a low performance ranking because you haven't bothered me all year. - Logically, if your job were difficult and important, you would have brought me many issues to resolve. - Can you think of *any* other reason I might 970205 -- not bring you issues? Yeah, laziness. But I gave you the benefit of a doubt. 970206 -- Catbert: Evil H.R. director I was so good at my job that I never needed to bother my boss. But he gave me a low rating because he didn't see me struggling. - I must refer to my human resources binders to see how to deal with this. - 970206 -- Downsize Downsize Hire losers Downsize Downsize Downsize .... 970207 -- Don't mind the stopwatch. I'm testing my theory that people get dumber every minute. - It's not so simple, Dogbert. You also have to consider my "emotional intelligence," which is defined in a book I haven't read. - Twelve seconds. click 970207 -- Give me that watch, you hog! 970208 -- My old slogan was, "work smarter not harder." - But people kept leaving for companies that pay more for less work. - Work like a frightened idiot! Catchy. 970209 -- Job interview We're looking for a special kind of employee, Wally. - Specifically, we like people with low self-esteem. - That way we can bully them into working unpaid overtime. - Do you think you're insecure enough to work here? Let me put it 970209 -- this way. - Sometimes I pretend to choke in the cafeteria... - Then when someone performs the Heimlich maneuver on me I spin around suddenly... - Just to get a hug. - Did he really say you're over-qualified? Aak! Mmph! 970210 -- I need a bullet point for your monthly accomplishments, Wally. - Put me down for "leveraged synergy across all technology platforms." - That was your accomplishment last month. It's more of a journey than a destination. 970211 -- Today I'll find out how big my bonus will be. - After the work I did on that project, I'm thinking four digits, maybe five. - Later How many digits? I used one on each hand. 970212 -- I need my own secretary. I'm too busy to help you unless I get some support. - Too busy? You haven't done any work for me in six months. - Oh, suddenly this is about *you*? 970213 -- Carol, do you know why my raise hasn't showed up in my pay yet? I haven't submitted the paperwork. - I'm too busy to do it. Maybe you should talk to my boss about getting me a secretary. - Carol, *you* are the secretary. That'll cost you 970213 -- another month. 970214 -- My raise didn't get through because your secretary didn't do the paperwork. - I demand that you initiate disciplinary actions against her! I'll try, but... - Carol, could you get me one of those disciplinary action forms? Sure, right after my 970214 -- Ski trip to hell. 970215 -- This is Wendy, my new secretary. I didn't know secretaries could have secretaries. - Now will you have time to process my pay increase? It's been on your desk for three months. - HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Here's another case where more is not 970215 -- better. 970216 -- Leadership Seminar Grumble Grumble - What would you call a manager who motivates employees to work fourteen hours a day? - A filthy sadist. Pointy-haired imbecile. - Umm.. No... That's not what I'm looking for. - I think he means what do we call 970216 -- him to his face. - Leader. - Right! And what do you call someone who can make unpopular decisions again and again? - A filthy sadist? Wait, it might be another trick question. I hate training engineers. 970217 -- You didn't give me your five-year budget forecast. You didn't ask for one. - It was discussed at the project review meeting. You didn't invite me to that meeting. - Did you accomplish *anything* this week? I trained the bats who live in 970217 -- my cubicle to juggle mushrooms. 970218 -- I'd like to start the meeting with a whiny, unanswerable question. - WHY CAN'T ANYONE MAKE A DECISION AROUND HERE?! - That was good. My little intern is all grown up. Sniff 970219 -- Hey, that's a union job. Put it down or I'll file a grievance. - I'm only moving it ten feet. If I wait for a union person, I'll be unable to do my job for a week. Watch me not care. - If anyone sees you move the PC tonight, try saying you're 970219 -- Jonny Cash. Maybe I should just use the elevator. 970220 -- The bold commando stealthily relocates his PC at night, thus thwarting burdensome union rules. - Freeze, miscreant. - I hope this works. You don't look like Jonny Cash to me. 970221 -- You're accused of stealing a computer. We'll reduce the charge to "lewd conduct with appliances" if you'll plead guilty. - That sounds fair. People will understand it's just a plea bargain. - Would you like a minute alone with "Mr. Coffee"? 970222 -- I've decided to abandon logic and manage by cliches. - It won't be easy, but I'll take it one bird at a time. - And remember, the customer is always right-handed. This is actually an improvement. 970223 -- I dread this part of the staff meeting. - Let's go around the table and describe our accomplishments for the week. Wally? - It was another week of amazing success in Wallyville. - On Monday I realized that my left bun had fallen asleep. - I was 970223 -- shocked. The "boys" had always worked as a team before. - Thinking quickly, I shifted my weight to my right bun and hoped for the best. - That's your left side, not your right. - That's the other thing; apparently the boys switched sides 970223 -- sometime during the night. 970224 -- I had to promise the customer we could build the thing in a month even though you said it was impossible. - I'll solve the timing problem by shifting blame to engineering while spending the huge bonus I got for the sale. - Your planning has 970224 -- improved. Beginning blame transfer now... rrr rrr 970225 -- I'm totally frazzled. There simply isn't enough time in the day to meet my upcoming deadlines. - Let's have an all-day meeting off-site so I can explain why the deadlines are so important. - So, your theory is that I'll have more time in the 970225 -- day if you explain something I already know? I don't have a lot of tools here. 970226 -- Have you set up our off-site meeting so we can talk about how overworked you are? - I was thinking we should invite the rest of the staff, too. We can discuss our mission statement, maybe have a sack race. - Did you know that if you're a state 970226 -- trooper, you can shoot any animal that's been hit by a car? 970227 -- I've heard that some primitive cultures had no mathematical concept of "zero." - Sometimes I think you're like that when I tell you I have zero time left for additional work. - The conversation went downhill from there. NO, THAT'S "ZORRO." 970227 -- YOU'RE *NOT* LIKE ZORRO!! 970228 -- Dilbert asked me to speak to you about the project plan you created without his input. - IT'S IMPOSSIBLE, YOU ARROGANT BABOON!!! - Lean over here so I can slap you. I'm having flashbacks to my honeymoon. 970301 -- As you requested, I have learned to "do more with less." - I'm doing more unnecessary work, with less planning, less intelligence, and less guilt. - I hate the first staff meeting after budget cuts. And less career aspiration, too! 970302 -- Our new CEO will be announced today, Dogbert. Rumor has it that they picked a tall caucasian male with no experience in our industry. - I can't wait to hear the bizarre logic behind this choice. - I like your necktie. Is it new? Shut up. - Our 970302 -- new CEO has never worked in our industry, but that's exactly what we're looking for... - ...because we wanted a CEO who who doesn't know what can't be done! - Other hand... Other hand. Why? - He looks a bit overqualified. I really took the 970302 -- wrong approach on my resume. 970303 -- Ratbert, I'm going back into the consulting business and I need you to be my engagement manager. - You'll seem very smart if you randomly combine the words on this list and make many references to "Wal-Mart." It's like "Wal-Mart." Migrate your 970303 -- value into the white spaces of the ecosystem. Wow! That's one smart rat! 970304 -- Ratbert the consultant "Wal-Marts" business strategy was very successful. You can learn from their example. - Does their strategy involve sitting around and making irrelevant comparisons to other companies? - All I know for sure is that they 970304 -- don't let rats try on all the pantyhose in the store. Good strategy. 970305 -- Ratbert the consultant Your strategy options can be shown in this matrix. - The four boxes are "something... something... some other thing and whatever." - In phase two I hope to turn this matrix into concentric circles with labels and arrows. 970305 -- I'm under the consultant's spell. 970306 -- Ratbert the consultant I am under your consulting spell. Really? - Your overly complicated matrices and diagrams have convinced me of your intellectual superiority. - I am afraid to act without your approval. Did I say you could put your arms 970306 -- up like that? 970307 -- Our boss has fallen under the spell of a consultant. Must...make assumptions. - Must...write...large checks to consultant...because...employees...are...morons. - Just because we pay inexperienced strangers to tell us how to do our jobs, that 970307 -- doesn't mean we're morons! Yeah! It's a coincidence. 970308 -- Ratbert the consultant Now that you're under my spell, I'd like to sit on your head and play bulldozer. - Make some engine noises with your lips! HA HA!! Brbrbr brbrbr - Do you think our consultant has to much power? Hah, he's barely moving 970308 -- that file cabinet. Brbr brbr brbr 970309 -- You're probably wondering how my day was. - It was terrible...until I did *this*! - It all started when I deluded myself into thinking my opinions mattered. - I sprang into action like a cheetah on a trampoline! - I drew lines and boxes 970309 -- and arrows for hours. It was pure adrenaline.. - SUDDENLY, TROUBLE STRUCK! IT WOULDN'T FIT ON ONE PAGE!! - So I shrunk everything until it was totally unreadable. AND IT FIT!! - The moral of the story is that you don't have to feel bad 970309 -- just because you're totally worthless. I'd mock you but the challenge is gone. 970310 -- And now for the most absurd activity of the week: the timecard. - There's no project code for "staring at the wall and fretting about the reorganization." I'll call it "Training." - Before I worked here I wasn't a thief or liar. You can't 970310 -- get that kind of training in school. 970311 -- I am young and unexperienced, so please excuse this naive question, Alice... - You spend hours every day "doing E-Mail." How does this contribute to net after-tax earnings? - Day I learned that Alice can stuff my entire body into the shirt 970311 -- sleeve. 970312 -- I can't let you telecommute because then I wouldn't be able to manage you. - You're managing me right now, and all it's doing is preventing me from working. - And your point would be...? Just beyond your grasp. 970313 -- I need your help to negotiate with my boss for more telecommuting days. - I'm too logical to be a good negotiator. You need someone who is relentlessly irrational. - Dogbert says you're an excellent negotiator, Ratbert. I'M INSULTED!! 970314 -- I'm here to negotiate for more telecommuting days. - My negotiating strategy is to have Ratbert say such illogical things that it drains your will to argue. - You can't work at home because you might do unproductive things there. I've lost 970314 -- my will to argue. 970315 -- I convinced my boss to let me telecommute. How? - Well, technically, I called in sick, which comes out of my time bank for total days off. - So, technically, I'm working for nothing, but I'm ahead in principle. *Way* ahead, now that 970315 -- stupidity is a principle. 970316 -- You'll love your new assignment, Alice. Uh-oh. - You're going to redesign all of our brochures. - I'm an electrical engineer, not a graphic artist. - We can discuss your huge inadequacies during your annual review. - I'm not inadequate. 970316 -- I'm a highly skilled engineer. And yet you can't make brochures. - Okay, let me try to explain this in the simplest possible way... - - The simplest possible explanation isn't always the best. Hey, it looks like a 970316 -- brochure, only uglier! 970317 -- It's noon. Let's grab a sandwich at the cafeteria. - Okay, but make sure thats's *all* you grab. I'd like to keep this on a professional basis. - And I'll need to borrow five dollars. - He's like a beautiful, untamed beast. Sigh. 970318 -- I always fall for the wrong guys. I'm a jerk magnet. - Tina, the turkey in your sandwich is already deceased. You don't have to talk it to death. - I must disguise my arousal. Hey, look! We're eating exactly the same quantities for lunch! 970319 -- Alice, I think I'm developing a crush on Dilbert. - Is that so wrong? - Apparently it is. I have a report of a tech writer desiring an engineer. 970320 -- You are guilty of being a technical writer with an unnatural attraction to an engineer. - It's not a major sin, so you only go to heck. I'm Phil, the prince of insufficient light. Sit down and type, "I proactively leverage my synergies," a 970320 -- hundred times. NO-O-O!!! 970321 -- It's called a "smart card," and we should build our next product to handle this sort of payment technology. - Aaagh!! - I've never seen that happen. His body rejected the "smart card." 970322 -- I've invented a quantum computer, capable of interacting with matter from other universes to solve complex equations. - According to chaos theory, your tiny change to another universe will shift its destiny, possibly killing every 970322 -- inhabitant. - Shift happens. Fire it up. 970323 -- Whoa... I found a huge bug in our new software product. - I could alert the development team and work many hours of unpaid overtime to fix it... - Or I could surf over to my online brokerage service and buy stock in our competition. - Are you 970323 -- going to lunch? No, I have to do an analysis. - When Wally works though lunch... it's time to buy stock in our competition. - Wally's working through lunch! Quick! To my online brokerage service! - Our competitor is up ten points on no news. 970323 -- We're up two, maybe from the industry halo effect. - ...or maybe our new compensation plan is motivating smarter behavior. I think you nailed it. 970324 -- I studied your technical recommendation and decided it's impossible. I already did it. - It will never work. It's working perfectly. - You spelled this word wrong. That's a number. 970325 -- Avoid the pointy-haired boss today. I proved him wrong about something. - Oh, terrific. Now he's in a state of boss disequilibrium until he proves he's *right* about something. - They're *PHOTOCOPIES*! You don't need to proofread *EACH ONE*! 970325 -- We'll see about that. 970326 -- We plan too much. From now on we'll have a bias for action. - I want posters that proclaim our commitment to action. And I want them soon! - "Measure once. Cut twice." I like it. Told you. 970327 -- When I was your age, we had things called "promotions" and "raises." - These days you can only get ahead by leaving the company for a year then coming back as a high-level manager. - So the theory must be that anyone who would return to this 970327 -- company is... A moron. Correct. 970328 -- Profits are down. Morale is low. What is the root problem? - It's got to be those anti-management cartoons the employees hang on their cubicle walls! - And they aren't funny. This one has our mission statement. 970329 -- I'm banning the posting of anti-management cartoons in the office. They hurt morale. - You're banning humor to raise morale? Is there something wrong with that? - It's the subject of today's cartoon. And you see how it's not funny? 970330 -- This security system cost a fortune but it's worth it. - I put a camera in every room to deter any criminal activity. - We may now go to the park knowing our fortress is protected. - - - I can't wait to show my kids what I do at work. - I can 970330 -- only think of one thing worse than having all of my stuff stolen. - And that is having some of it returned. This thing is hideous in good light. 970331 -- Wally, I forgot to tell you that all of the project requirements changed. - WHAT?!! ALL MY WORK WAS FOR NOTHING?!! - He actually believes you did work? I think I'll get some homemade cookies out of this! 970401 -- HEY, DILBERT! YOU'LL NEVER BE HUNGRY AS LONG AS YOU'RE WORKING IN THIS STRIP... - ...'CAUSE YOU'RE SURE OF *THREE SQUARES* EVERY DAY! - SOME OF US HAFTA KEEP GOIN' AROUND IN CIRCLES! Security? 970402 -- In order to reduce expenses, only the employees in essential jobs may have business cards. - I'd better order some business cards to find out if I'm "essential." - Carol, order some new business cards for me. Ooh. No can do. But you can borrow 970402 -- some of mine. 970403 -- I hate to interrupt your loud conversation outside my cubicle... - But if you don't go away, I'll pound your inconsiderate head so far into your torso that you have to drop your pants to say hello. - Did you just hear a strange noise? It 970403 -- sounded like, "Melp! Melp!" 970404 -- I'm sending you to a training course. That runs at night so you won't miss any work. - It might seem like an immoral abuse of my power, but I like to call it "a mutual investment in your career." - Must...control...fist...of...death... And 970404 -- they have vending machines if you get hungry! 970405 -- Company training Let's go around the room and we'll each say what we hope to learn. - I hope to learn whether that hing on your head is a bad toupee, a dead animal, or a hideous freak of nature. - Can I call that "general"? 970406 -- Dogbert presents The Life Cycle of a Business Idea - The brain creates an idea. mmm - The mouth-operating indepently of the brain-creates words. Let's form proactive synergy restructuring teams. - The words are written on large paper. Idiot. - 970406 -- The large paper is delivered to a bitter secretary. Please? Grrrr - The secretary types it. "Let's...form...protein...symphony reactionary...teens." Close enough. - The typed notes are delivered to the staff. Drop it into the "to do basket." - 970406 -- Repeat. Mmm 970407 -- Alice, your performance is good, but you must learn to deal with ambiguity. - Did I just get blamed for your indecisive leadership? - I'm not indecisive; I'm flexible. That would explain how your head got where it is. 970408 -- Here's the new org chart. I had to rearrange the layout to make it fit. - Why is my box lower than Alice and Wally's It means nothing...nothing at all. - Okay, who told you that every year I fish your secretaries' day card out of your trash and 970408 -- save it for next time? What? 970409 -- The new org chart has my name lower than yours, but it doesn't mean anything. - See? It wouldn't all fit across the page. It's just a graphical layout thing, that's all. - Hey, Dil-boy, put a head on this and fetch my mail. Are you asking me to 970409 -- be your mentor? 970410 -- I notice that the new org chart has your box lower than before. It means nothing. - Perhaps. But your box seems smallish. And your reporting line line brushes against my box. It means nothing. - No, I'm sure this means I'm your new boss. I 970410 -- wonder if I killed someone in your previous life. 970411 -- I don't care what it "looks" like on the org chart! You're an intern, not my boss! - I just saw the new org chart. Congratulations on your promotion, Asok! - Let's make some strategies and pretend it's work! Not so loud. The l-u-s-e-r might 970411 -- hear. Bonk Bonk 970412 -- Carol, I don't mean to be critical about the department phone list you put together... - But it's traditional to list people alphabetically, not by phone number. - Because what possible use...? Incoming call from... let's see... it's Wally... I 970412 -- can ignore it. Ring 970413 -- Here's my project plan as you requested. - Our team is already working day and night on other projects. - I assumed we'd give up eating, sleeping and bathing to fit this in. - By the second week we'll be starving, delirious and stinking. - 970413 -- We'll be like wild, unpredictable animals. - Specifically, we'd be like wild chipmunks. Non of us are very aggressive. - This clip-art represents us in week three as a pile of dead chipmunks. - Now he wants it in two weeks? Never mix sarcasm 970413 -- with good clip-art. 970414 -- Alice, I need this ASAP. - ASAP? Does that stand for *a* *s*tupid-*a*cting *p*erson, i.e., someone who ignores tasks until the deadline? - That was embarrassing. I hope the other things I say don't mean anything. 970415 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director The company has taken out a life insurance policy on you, Wally. - We pay the premiums and we collect the insurance when you die. Is this because I'm so valuable to the company? - It's because we think you'll be 970415 -- more valuable dead. This is exactly why I don't like cats. 970416 -- There's been a lot of joking and grumbling since the company took out life insurance policies on all of you. - So we're having these catered lunch meetings to discuss your feelings. - Do you want the mad cow burger or the chicken bone surprise? 970417 -- I found another dead employee in the conference room. - I don't know what got him - the boredom or the hard work. But headcount is down one and the company has life insurance on him! - It looks like I found my "employee of the week." 970418 -- Catbert: evil H.R: director. Wally , the company bought a life insurance policy on you. - Our plan is to raise your blood pressure to dangerous levels. - Did you know that out CEO makes fifty times your salary even though our stock is down? Ow! 970418 -- Ow! Ow! 970419 -- Your success at work depends on what you have in your hands when you walk around. - A coffee cup is bad. A document is good. A cigarette is bad. A binder is good. But the very worst thing... - It doesn't look like you're heading for the fast 970419 -- track, Wally. Actually, I am, unless it's occupied. 970420 -- Here are some money-saving tips from headquarters. - "When calling long distance, use short words." - "If everyone did this, out fifty-billion dollar company could save nine hundred dollars per year." - "Tip two: For faxes, use sans serif 970420 -- fonts. They transmit faster. Annual savings could exceed three hundred dollars." - Next on the agenda, remember I'll be in Switzerland next week on a fact-finding trip. - If you need to call me at my four star hotel, be sure to use short words. 970420 -- - You might want to save those short words until he's on his clue-finding trip. - Switzerland #!%**!! Those are *not* all short words. 970421 -- My study shows that the companies with "family friendly" policies have higher profits. - Question: Do family friendly policies cause high profits or do high profits simply camouflage the true costs of the policies? - We'll take a five-minute 970421 -- break so the married people can slap you for asking that. 970422 -- This so-called "family friendly" policy is like a tax on childless people. - *You* get child-care; *I* get lower profit-sharing. *You* get time off for family; *I* get to pick up your slack... - I'm a victim, but in some strange way I'm 970422 -- enjoying it. Then you'll love this. 970423 -- I'm going home early because my kid i sick. - Remember, we have a new "family friendly" policy. We do? - So that is why my family seems so friendly? Maybe, but I'd test them for drugs. 970424 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director I'm being discriminated because I take time off for family emergencies. - I'll handle this by telling your boss that you ratted him out to the director of human resources. - I thought we had a "family friendly" 970424 -- policy. The key word is *friendly*. You've been acting as is you *love* your family. 970425 -- Good news! Our business plan is in complete disarray! - FREE TIME!! NO DELIVERABLES!!! AND IT'S NOT *OUR* FAULT! Yippee!! - Do you realize that all our joy comes from perverse sources? I didn't know there was an alternative. 970426 -- Alice, our business plan is in complete disarray so we're taking a three-hour lunch. Want to join us? - No, I've got to work harder than ever to turn this situation around! - Sometimes it's hard to distinguish between dedication and insanity. 970426 -- Which one are we? 970427 -- Here's your list of fake acronyms for the staff meeting. - Try to keep a straight face when you use them. - I've got a few action items. Who isn't busy? - I'd be all over it but I need to prepare a btr for the cpd meeting. - I'd love to help 970427 -- but this is xrp week for the entire lbq. - my spoo has to much fleem. - What? rrrrr - That was smooth. Hey, if I could lie I'd be in marketing. 970428 -- It's time now for the Wally report, a weekly status update. - My income is 80% of industry average, enthusiasm is at 63% of capacity and my ego shield is holding at 15%. - Your enthusiasm is up from last week. Someone left the supply cabinet 970428 -- unlocked! 970429 -- Good news about your compensation plan... I hate good news about my compensation plan. - Twenty percent of your pay will now be in the form of stock options instead of cash! - To get your stock options, simply sign this updated employment 970429 -- agreement. Why does good news feel like a mugging? 970430 -- My company won't give me my stock options unless I sign this new employment agreement. Here. - Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada. - What do you think? I'm not reading it. I just like to look at documents and go Yada, 970430 -- Yada, Yada. 970501 -- You want me to sign an agreement that I won't work for a competitor for five years if I leave here? - No problem. Here you go. This is too easy. - I haven't done any work *here* for five years, so how hard could it be? New game? 970502 -- I want you to work with our marketing people to design a product brochure. Groan Remember, what we do here might seem like criminal fraud but it's not. It's marketing! - Okay, as long as it's not wrong... Here's a jar to keep your conscience 970502 -- in. I'll put it in the closet with mine. 970503 -- Designing a brochure We'll want to emphasize the things that make our product unique. Good good - Let's see... We have higher prices...stale technology...fewer features...and it's hard to use. - Can you work with that? Suddenly I don't feel so 970503 -- bad that we won't be using 100% recycled paper. 970504 -- Who was the world's first salesperson, Dogbert? - Some people say it was a guy named Noah. - Noah's last name was Content. I have a big, curly stick and I don't even know why. - His job was to sell an ark cruise to animals. Did I say ark? I meant 970504 -- yacht. - He invented something called sales-babble to disguise his motives. We'll partner to leverage our value-adds in a win-win proposition. ? - He pioneered the lame joke. How's the weather up there? Hee Hee! - When he couldn't reach quota, 970504 -- he got creative. Strap this to your head and don't ask questions. - But his greatest innovation he called "blaming engineering." I can't find the honey spa. Think fast. 970505 -- I calculated the total time that humans have waited for Web pages to load... - It cancels out all the productivity gains of the information age. - Sometimes I think the Web is a big plot to keep people like me away from normal society. Uh-oh, 970505 -- he's on to me. 970506 -- Are you telling me that *you* invented the first Web browser? Not alone, I worked with our garbage man. - Flashback I wonder how long people would sit in front of a computer waiting for nothing. Let's find out. - What if this thing gets out of 970506 -- hand? We'll blame it on some drunken college kid. 970507 -- Flashback to the invention of the first Web browser What should we call our prank, Dogbert? - Well, it's designed to make millions of people sit around waiting for nothing to happen... - A few years later Hey, I can almost see a recognizable 970507 -- blotch! This is awesome! Note 970508 -- Flashback: Dogbert and the world's smartest garbageman invent the first Web browser as a practical joke. It's out of control. - I wonder what will happen to that college kid we framed. He'll be okay. - Where would you like this bushel of money? 970508 -- Stack it next to the photographers. 970509 -- Wally, we don't have time to gather the product requirements ahead of time. - I want you to start designing the product anyway. Otherwise it will look like we aren't accomplishing anything. - Of all my projects, I like the doomed ones best. 970510 -- We did an industry survey to see how your salaries compared to the average. - We didn't get the numbers we hoped for, so we broadened the definition of "our industry." - I'm so happy to be in the industry of "high technology, textile workers, 970510 -- teen-agers, and dead people." I feel overpaid. 970511 -- I am Carl, the cubicle dweller's friend. - I travel from cubicle to cubicle to tell people how hard I'm working. - I am working so-o-o-o hard. Work, work, work. It's all I do. - How is that possible? - You walk around all day with that 970511 -- coffee cup resting on your belly. - Does your job description say "transport coffee cup on belly"? - He's a terrible conversationalist. How many miles per gallon do you get? - Hypothetically, if you were downsized, how would the cup get 970511 -- around? What's wrong with these people? 970512 -- It's freezing in here. - I'll just give the thermostat a little bump. - Can we at least agree that when my cactus shrieks in agony, it's too warm? Aaagh!! It wasn't shrieking *before* you took your shirt off. 970513 -- Thermostat wars Be reasonable, Alice. When it's warm enough for you, it's too hot for normal humans. - Logically, you could wear a sweater. But there's nothing **I** can do to be less warm. Therefore, you must compromise. - Did she buy the 970513 -- argument? No. But I'm going to shave my back and take another run at it. 970514 -- My invention can detect human stupidity. - It has a very simple interface. All I do is point it at people. - Then what does it do? Why would it need to do anything else? 970515 -- Oh, no! I time to apply makeup before my big meeting! - Okay, does everyone understand their tasks? I'll get right on it. Absolutely. - I wonder why they were so respectful today. IT'S NEWT GINGRICH! 970516 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director New policy: All company documents *must* use the official company font... - Let's see...what would be the most obscure and impractical font imaginable? purr purr purr - Somewhere in Elbonia I understand I can 970516 -- get the Elbonian font software from you. Yep. Unless you need consonants for some reason. 970517 -- Alice, here's the agenda for the next project meeting. - TWO HOURS?!! AAAGH!!! THERE'S ONLY TEN MINUTES WORTH OF TASKS!! - Uh-oh. I think I'm temporarily sane. Try breathing into a paper bag and repeating our mission statement. 970518 -- Thank you. PLease come again. - After I'm dead. - If we each put in twelve dollars, that will give her a healthy fourteen percent tip. - The service was excellent. I'll put in a little extra. Me too. Me too. - That gives 970518 -- thirty-four dollars. - One of us is a cheap, lying, unscrupulous weasel. - - Or maybe the service was bad. She didn't smile enough. Same as last week. 970519 -- Wally, two things... - Number one, I want you to chair the "fun committee" to improve employee morale. - Two, according to this report, you've been using the Internet for personal reasons. 970520 -- I was trying to decide whether you're stupid or just very ignorant. - Then I thought "Whoa, Dogbert, you're being narrow-minded about this." - You could easily be both. It only *looks* easy. 970521 -- It is physically impossible for me to finish both of my projects on time. Which one is more important? - Hmm... If I absolutely *had* to choose between them, I'd say... Do them both on time. - Wow. When you do that with your arms, it 970521 -- creates the illusion that you're thinking. What you need is a third project. 970522 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Any employee who uses the Internet for non-business purposes will be fired. - And any employee who sits in a company chair while having a personal thought will be executed by security. - The great thing about 970522 -- senseless, sadistic policies is that they don't require a lot of explanation. 970523 -- I wrote this labor-saving software. Watch it do its thing. - - How can you tell if it's working? You don't see any labor happening around here, do you? 970524 -- I've decided to become a consultant in the field of obvious generalities. - I'll work for small businesses that are run by artists. They'll think I'm brilliant, which I am. - Whoa! Are you saying we need *revenue* to make profit?? Ouch! 970524 -- I've got a headache on one side. 970525 -- Lately I've been feeling discouraged about my job. - You should talk to our pointy-haired boss. That'll cheer you up. - Maybe you're right. All I need is a little pep talk from our leader. - HA HA HA! HEE HEE! - You think you're 970525 -- discouraged... - I've been stuck in this dead-end job for years, grinding away, day after day. - And all I have to show for it is high blood pressure and worthless stock options. - It's so gratifying watch them grow up. - I need the number 970525 -- for doctor Kevorkian. 970526 -- I'd feel a lot more comfortable on this project if you'd tell me everything you know about it. - I've already told you more than I know. - I feel like I'm being followed. Doom 970527 -- I'll need everyone's help on this project. I hope you can overlook the cloud of doom that hovers nearby. Doom - BOOM! Doom crack - Doom Wow. It's luck that wasn't someone we like. 970528 -- Doom I notice you have a cloud of doom. I must admit it makes you seem dangerous and sexy. - Doom ZAP - Sorry. That happens to everyone who gets near me. No problem. I'm one of those women who never learn. 970529 -- I have a cloud of doom that zaps everyone near me once a minute. Doom - I'm looking for a woman who doesn't think past behavior is an indication of the future. Doom ZAP! - ...a woman with absolutely no sense of pattern recognition. Doom 970529 -- Ouch. I'm glad that won't happen again. 970530 -- The only way to get rid of your cloud of doom is to transfer it to a new host body. Doom - I will accomplish this with the help of our pointy-haired boss and a clueless co-worker named Tim. - We're secure. Begin transfer. Tim, your new job 970530 -- will be director of special projects. Doom 970531 -- Alice, I understand you had a conversation with my boss without my approval. - We don't want to give mixed messages. It would be very bad if she got any mixed messages. - I just gave her an honest status report. AAARGH!!! MIXED MESSAGES! 970601 -- I forgot my umbrella. I'm soaked. - Why don't you toss your clothes in the microwave and dry them off? - Would that work? - - Sixty minutes ought to do it. - We'll guard the door to the break room. - You know, ever since the downsizing began, 970601 -- I've felt much less company loyalty. Me too. - Why are you two so happy? There are free goodies in the break room. 970602 -- I put together some guiding principles for our network architecture. - I sure hope this isn't a bunch of obvious ideas disguised with techno-jargon and unclear writing. - Let the games begin. So tell me, do suspenders cause muddled thinking, or 970602 -- is it the other way around? 970603 -- I'm going into business as a professional bearer of bad news. - I'll try to find the humor that is inherent in every tragic situation. - I give up. What *is* the difference between my husband and the seventies pop group "Village People"? 970603 -- They're coming back. 970604 -- Dogbert: professional bearer of bad news We cannot offer you a position at this time, but you are obviously qualified. - Unfortunately, the other six billion people on earth are more qualified. - We'll keep your resume on file. 970605 -- Dogbert: professional bearer of bad news Your doctor asked me to tell that you have six months to live. - There must be a mistake. I'm here for a nose job. - Oh, you're right... I wondered why that last guy was so happy when I told him he'd 970605 -- have one huge nostril for the next forty years. 970606 -- Dogbert: professional bearer of bad news Wally, your boss asked me to tell you... - YOU'RE FIRED!!! AND THEY HAVE SECRET VIDEOS OF YOU STEALING STUFF!! - This can't be true. It's not. But watch how happy you are when I tell you about your 970606 -- one-percent raise. 970607 -- *Software license:* By opening this package, you agree... - will not make copies or export to despotic nations. You will submit to strip searches in your home... - rrrip Frankly, both of us would have been happier if you had just walked 970607 -- away. 970608 -- I'm happy to award the "clean cubicle award" to Matthew. - It's a ten-dollar "Travelers check." Where's Matthew? - He was cruelly downsized last month. - His cubicle was clean because he shredded his important documents out of spite. - All of 970608 -- his furniture and equipment were scavenged by bitter employees who have to do his work now. - This is not having the motivational impact I hoped for. - Okay...the "Travelers check" will go to whoever knows what number I'm thinking. - They sure 970608 -- were sore losers. 970609 -- I teach kids that these things are right and those things are wrong. Period. End of story. - Wouldn't that teach them to believe anything they're told without applying any critical thinking? - I don't think about that. Duh 970610 -- Dilbert, you'll work with "Kenny the sales-weasel" on our biggest project. - Tell me all of our product's technical specs on the way. I like to be prepared. - Our product is beige. It uses electricity. Whoa! Brain overload! 970611 -- Visiting the customer When I introduce you to the customer, smile and give him a hearty slap on the back. - Get ready. Here he comes. I'd better take some practice swings. - Next time, less follow-through, aim higher, and if he turns around 970611 -- suddenly, hold off. Sorry ow ow ow ow ow 970612 -- Visiting the customer I brought Dilbert to explain what makes our product special. - It's exactly like our competitor's product except we charge more to cover the cost of our deceptive advertising. - While you're up, could you get me a cup of 970612 -- coffee? 970613 -- Visiting the customer No one has ever been fired for buying our product! That's true. - There *is* the occasional savage beating... and more than our share of suicides... - But that has "statistical cluttering" written all over it. 970614 -- Someday it will be possible to clone our boss. But the clone would have no experience and no knowledge. - I just sent an e-mail message to Japan. I don't know the language so I took your advice and typed it all in caps. - Wow. That put it all 970614 -- in perspective. 970615 -- Asok the intern explains the new rules of body language Fake happiness - This means: I am not motivated by the size of my paycheck. AHH!! WAHH! WAHH! - This means. I am slightly concerned about the impending reorganization. - This means: I have 970615 -- decided to work in the marketing field. Counter-clockwise spin - This means: I am being sarcastic. Oh, *there's* a good plan. - This means: The recent employee satisfaction survey has not captured the extent of my feelings. - This means: I 970615 -- think you are attractive but it would be very improfessional to show it. - This means: my lottery investment paid off. YANK! 970616 -- I scheduled a T.h.n.p.l. meeting for seven o'clock on friday night. - T.h.n.p.l. stands for "Tina has no personal life." I'm scheduling useless meeting to fill the void in my life. - Tina, this is insane. Are you suggesting we have a meeting to 970616 -- discuss this? Is Saturday okay? 970617 -- You're invited to a four-hour meeting, Asok. - Tina, it would seem that all of your meetings have no purpose other than to provide you with a surrogate social life. - Can you bring chips? I wish, I wish, I wish I had a spine. 970618 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director People are complaining that you schedule unnecessary meetings as a substitute for a family. - That's ridiculous! Come to my next meeting and see for yourself! Okay, I will. - I got us a family cat. How was your day, 970618 -- Dilbert? SOB 970619 -- Dogbert, I need your help. I keep getting invited to worthless meetings and I can't say no. - *You* can say no to anything. You have such a clearly defined sense of self-interest. - Will you teach me to be like you? Nope... Can't be bothered. 970620 -- Give me a final design for project Caribou by Tuesday. That's Wally's project. - I know, but I'm thinking about it now and Wally isn't in the room. Tell Wally it's your project now. Do you see this thimble? I keep my morale in it. 970621 -- ...So our pointy-haired boss put me in charge of your project... - ...because I was standing in his office when he thought about the project. - If it makes you feel better, you can keep your morale in this thimble with mine. I keep mine in a 970621 -- "Tic Tac" container with my ego. 970622 -- I have a great idea to save money. - We can make the photocopier ink last longer by adding water to it. - Wouldn't that make the copies too light? - Ordinarily, yes. But we can compensate by setting the copier to "darken." - You'll need someone 970622 -- to implement this idea...let's see. - Hey, what about Dilbert? He isn't doing much work lately. - I'd do it myself but there's no reason to waste a creative thinker on an implementation task. - Are you still mad that I got a bigger raise than 970622 -- you did? No, I found a creative way to deal with it. 970623 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director New policy: key employees must travel on separate flights to reduce risk. - Other employees, such as Wally, are encouraged to take up dangerous hobbies. - I've noticed that when a new policy mentions me by name, it's 970623 -- never a good thing. 970624 -- Alice, here's a bonus for good work. On what? - I can't be specific, because the you might do it again and expect another bonus. - Congratulations; you've motivated me to act randomly. I'm going over here and I don't know why. 970625 -- I did less work than usual this quarter and I got a bonus. - The implications are staggering. The entire system of capitalism has a flawed premise. - There's only *one* thing that could make the bonus more frightening. I got one, too. 970626 -- I'm writing a book that debunks the effectiveness of business consultants. - But common sense would say that you're being a consultant yourself, so your opinion is logically flawed. - Only people with no common sense will buy your book. I 970626 -- prefer to call them the mass market. 970627 -- From now on, we'll nurture the passion of our rebellious employees and for strategies around them. - We don't have any rebellious employees. The last one got fired for wearing culottes on casual day. - It was such a good idea in my head. We 970627 -- still have some sarcastic employees. Can you work with that? 970628 -- We've identified the people who will create the system to develop a product process. - While we were doing that, our competitor created a new Internet product that added a billion dollars to their stock value. - Experts attribute the company's 970628 -- success to the "employee of the week" program. Quick! Hire those experts! 970629 -- I want a ten-percent raise. There's no budget for raises. - I have an offer from another company that will pay fifteen percent more. - I'll give you twenty percent if you stay. - I thought you said there's no budget for raises.'s 970629 -- supposed to be a secret but... - our policy is to give big raises to people who spend their time interviewing for other jobs. - Good news! The secret company policy is to reward disloyalty! - YIPEE! YES! WOO-WOO-WOO - What's the reward for 970629 -- leaving work early? He wouldn't show me the price sheet. 970630 -- I'm putting you on a "need to know" basis. - Here's a complete list of the things I need to know. if it's not on the list, I probably don't need to hear it. - Number one: "Run for it, Dogbert! The volcano is erupting!" Plurals will also be 970630 -- allowed. 970701 -- If the goal of all creatures is to be happy...and I'm happier than you are... - We can conclude that I'm more successful than you are. Isn't that right? - You are *really* starting to annoy me now. The gap widens. Yes! 970702 -- I finally figured out why everyone talks so funny in this company. - We're not morons incapable of clear communication. We're rebels like to "think outside the box." - It's always fascinating to watch an ego just before it dies. I'm a rebel! 970702 -- Task me with a "do it." 970703 -- Hi, Mom! Guess what. - I'm the process owner for our benchmarking initiative! - She's crying with joy... I used to think that too. 970704 -- beep beep boop beep - I am Dogbert, your lord and master! Submit to my will, you worthless cretin! - Does telemarketing work for that sort of thing? You'll know tomorrow; that was your voice mail. 970705 -- You two will be my telemarketers. Here's a list of known idiots to call. - I'll go first, Bob. Let's see... I dial the number. And wait for an idiot to answer... - ring ring ring C'mon, you loser. Pick up the phone. 970706 -- Hey, pointy-hair! - Thanks for your brilliant advice that I should, "work smarter not harder." - I didn't realize people could become smarter just by wanting to. - Watch me add a few IQ points right now! grrr grrr - Wow! Suddenly I can speak 970706 -- Latin! - Let's crank it up a few more points. grrr grrr - Why am I working in this dump? I should be a consultant. - When I woke up, my pillow was gone. Oh, wow. You woke up in the wrong joke. 970707 -- I hate it when the title of a book gives away the whole plot. - Take Hemmingway's "Old Man and the Sea." Geez, talk about leaving nothing to the imagination. - I guess the odds were very low that you would leap in the air and catch that. I'm only 970707 -- here to be a chick magnet. 970708 -- If you're such a chick magnet, let's see you do your stuff. - Okay. I'll wag. They love that. - It's working. You broke one out of the herd. She's coming this way. Be careful. I don't know how powerful this is. - Grumble. I'll be you work out a 970708 -- lot. I'm a dancer. Uh-oh 970709 -- Until I met you, Dogbert, I always fell for engineers. - But I'm tired of pretty boys. I want a guy who will appreciate my exotic dancing as much as my passion for physics. - Sob Scratch under this ear for a minute. Sure. I can't get enough 970709 -- touching. 970710 -- Wow. You're an incredibly sexy man. It's too bad I met this little fuzzy guy first. - But looks aren't everything. Studies show that women want a man who is in touch with his feelings. - AAGH!! I HATE MY LIFE!! Gee. That's enough to make me 970710 -- doubt the scientific method. 970711 -- As much as I like the petting, I still have to break up with you, Roxanne. Why?! - Humans are kind, intelligent, well-adjusted creatures. Until you get to know them. MAY THE HORNED DEMONS OF IXPAH SMITE YOU LIKE THE LAST SIX!!! This is what I'm 970711 -- talking about. 970712 -- It's done. I thought I asked for that to be in color. - Black and white are both colors. So technically... Oh, wait, I see what you mean. - Is that all it took to satisfy his need for irrelevant changes? And I did it while the color copies were 970712 -- printing. 970713 -- You're on the radio with Dogbert's "bad advice show." How may I hurt you? - My boss asked me for a date. We're both married. What should I do? - Divorce your husband. He sounds like a looser to me. - Yes, yes, it all makes sense when you 970713 -- explain it that way. - Then mail a dead woodchuck to your boss with a note that says... - "Unlike this woodchuck, my love for you will never die." Thanks, I love your show. - Moving on to household tips, did you know that black paint is an 970713 -- excellent stain remover? - Can we talk? ...and those are just *some* of the benefits of an all-cheese diet. 970714 -- I've been asked to give a presentation at the trade show. - I'd like you to put that together for me, Alice. What's your topic? - Technology. They didn't say if I'm for it or against it. I'll leave some wiggle room. 970715 -- I've prepared your pointless presentation for the trade show. - It's got the usual time-wasting filler: a graphic of moore's law, a "Netscape" comparison, and ironically... - ends with an impassioned reminder to think in new ways. Maybe I 970715 -- should give out some awards, too. 970716 -- I only have thirty minutes and he's babbled for twenty-eight. Blah blah blah - It took three weeks to get on his calendar. My only hope is to send ESP messages for him to shut up. - Shut up shut up shut up shut up Nice try, but it's time for 970716 -- his next filibuster. Blah blah blah 970717 -- Which version appeared in your newspaper? 970717 -- Ten of our fines executives got together and created a statement of our core values. - "We help the community and the world by producing state-of-the-art business solutions." - I'm glad we didn't skimp and try to do that with only nine 970717 -- executives. Yeah. It might have sucked. 970717 -- Ten of our fines executives got together and created a statement of our core values. - "We help the community and the world by producing state-of-the-art business solutions." - I'm glad we didn't skimp and try to do that with only nine 970717 -- executives. Yeah. It might have been useless. 970717 -- Last week an alternate Dilbert strip ran in some newspapers. Guess which one was controversial... 970718 -- Can you explain how the company's new "statement of core values" will change my behavior? - I was planning to poison the town's water supply. But wait! It's against out core values! - Is your sarcasm absolutely necessary? Let me check. 970718 --'s not addressed. 970719 -- Give me the name of any famous person. Sandra Bullock. - Sandra Bullock was in a movie with Kevin Spacey...and Kevin spacey eats bacon. - See that? Everyone on earth is only one degree away from someone named Kevin who eats bacon! That is *so* 970719 -- close to being fascinating. 970720 -- As usual, I worked until midnight last night, Mom. - Well, at least you made some extra money. I don't get paid for overtime. - Well, at least it was important work. Not really. - My boss made me change my "Powerpoint" slides, but the 970720 -- changes made them worse. - Well, at least you're prepared for your meeting. It was cancelled. - But that's okay, because the project isn't funded anyway. - worked for free to worsen a presentation for a meeting that won't happen 970720 -- for a project that doesn't exist? Yup. - least you could travel back in time without having any impact on history. Yeah, my glass is half full. 970721 -- Here's the agenda. The first hour will be u.b.r., as usually. - This reminds me of my first job, before crash dummies were popular. Man, I spent a fortune in Aspirin. - What exactly is u.b.r.? Unfocused boss rambling. Only 58 minutes to 970721 -- go. 970722 -- ...And that's your performance review. Any questions? One. - You talked about yourself for the full hour. Can we talk about me? - Okay. *You* don't seem to know that *your* meeting is over when *you* see me stand up. Ooh. 970723 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director I can't abuse people if they quit the company. I'd better find a way to reduce turnover. - All job titles will be changed as follows... - My new title is... "convicted felon." That'll look good on the ol' 970723 -- resume. 970724 -- Our new job titles from human resources are demeaning and insulting! - You've got to use your managerial influence to do something! My new card... - How'd it go? I don't expect much help from the "director of learned helplessness." 970725 -- Wish me lick. For what? - I'm going to find people who laugh nervously every time they talk. Then I'll smack them with my flyswatter. - And the reason would be? It wouldn't be a hobby if it had a reason. 970726 -- Alice, I found this article in a magazine. - I highlighted the most important stuff to save you time. - You highlighted the page numbers. It takes forever if you don't notice those. 970727 -- WHAT IF... Albert Einstein had been in marketing? - I have a great idea for increasing sales. - Nope. This will never work. - Um... is it possible that you don't fully understand the idea? - That's quite an ego you have there, Allan. 970727 -- Albert. - Experience managers know how to identify bad ideas... - Bad ideas come from other people. Now go work smarter, not harder. - I worry that a guy like that will go off and build a huge bomb. 970728 -- Great news! Our strongest competitor offered to sell us their entire product line. - Obviously they think their products are not viable. We'd have to be amazingly stupid... - And you'll be in charge of integrating their product line with 970728 -- ours. work here. 970729 -- Tell me the truth. Use the engineer's secret code if you must. - Are there any little problems with the technology that my managers agreed to buy from your company? - HA HA SNORT SNORT HA HA HA!!! 1100111... Good. Go on. 970730 -- It's my job to integrate the bad technology that our idiot boss bought with the good technology we already own. Your advice? - Throw away the bad technology. Goof off until the next planned upgrade of the good technology. Tell your boss 970730 -- the improvements are a result of his brilliant buying decision. - Wow. That's almost pure evil. You're welcome. 970731 -- Due to space constraints, some people will have to share cubicles. - According to the list, your new roommate will be...the copy machine. - Is it claustrophobic in here or is it just me? 970801 -- I hope we get more office space soon. Otherwise, I'll have to share my cubicle. - If they send someone here, I'll arrange the usual "accident." Hi! - Sproing! Wow. She got the box too. 970802 -- You'll need to share your cubicle with the elbonian audit team until we get more space. - This is their holy week so I expect you to be open-minded and flexible. - So, how do you celebrate the holy week? - Wedgies, mostly. 970803 -- Welcome to employee rock-climbing seminar. - You'll learn valuable teamwork skills by doing dangerous things unrelated to your jobs. - Isn't rock climbing a solo activity? I'll help identify your body. - It seems like you'd need a strong 970803 -- grip to climb rocks. - I can't even open jars unless I use special tools. - OW! OW! CRAMP!! - I'M DISORIENTED BY THE PAIN! HEY! - Here are your diplomas. Now get out. Go team! 970804 -- I'm in charge of the office relocation. Where do you want your cubicle? - What's this huge structure? Wallyville. It's two floors of luxury housing, shopping, and gambling. - Do you think you might be abusing your power? What would be the 970804 -- other reasons to have power? 970805 -- According to the blueprints, your cubicle has a support beam in it. - At least I have a window view. - It's 108° by the window. But at least there's a breeze from the people who walk by and laugh. Don't let me slow your search for someone 970805 -- who's interested. 970806 -- We're going to try something called "open book management." - We'll teach you to read the financial statements of this company. It's all very motivating. - ...and our CEO got paid more the the entire capital budget... Is this what 970806 -- motivation feels like? 970807 -- Open book management So you see, if you got a raise, our earnings growth wouldn't be smooth. - And smooth earnings are good for who? Stock market analysts? - Specifically, the lazy ones. I'm fine, now that I understand. 970808 -- I appreciate your new "open book management" philosophy... - For example, I've learned that we're repurchasing stock while I'm working unpaid overtime. - Yet I remain highly motivated because I understand that income and equity are 970808 -- distinct concepts. Who said ignorance is bliss? Ha! 970809 -- Open book management ...then I sez, "hey our debt to equity ration is increasing." - I leapt into action and started sweeping like I've never swept before! - Then I sez, "hey, why am I using a broom on carpets?" 970810 -- Announcing project "Sparkle," the clean desk policy. - This is a company-wide effort to keep our work spaces clean. - Tiny question. I'm curious about one thing. - I'm picturing our top executives in the "war room." - They talk about the 970810 -- competitive threat and our lack of resources. Suddenly, panic sets in!! - A lone voice of reason penetrates the confusion. Two words: "paper towels." - Is that pretty much how it went? - Moving along, you each get a laminated card with our 970810 -- mission statement. Let me do this one. 970811 -- I have a new method for blowing off the idiots who ask questions. - I say, "that information is on my web page. Shoo, shoo." - What happens if they find out it isn't? I'll say, "you must have misunderstood your question." 970812 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Here's the "clean desk" policy, Wally. - "Employees must lick their workplaces clean at the end of each business day." - Do they seriously think we're this spineless and stupid? Ahm nah chanting it. 970813 -- There's a rumour the company is moving to South Dakota for tax reasons. - Do you seriously think they would disrupt the lives of thousands of employees just to save money on taxes? - I think they'd kill us in our sleep and sell our organs 970813 -- if the return on investment was good. Stop it. I'll be afraid to sleep in my cubicle now. 970814 -- There's a rumour that my company will move to South Dakota. But I don't believe it. - South Dakota...isn't that where your CEO grew up? Maybe he wants to be near his parents to get free baby-sitting. - That is the most cynical thought I 970814 -- have ever heard in my life. Thanks. I'm blushing under my fur. 970815 -- I've asked Bob the dinosaur to call your CEO and give him a telewedgie. - Will that stop him from relocating the company? hold the phone behind you at belt level. - Stranger things have happened, albeit not often. YANK Aaiee!! 970816 -- I notice you only have one trash container with you... - Whereas I have two containers - one for trash and one for recyclable materials. - My theory is that you make two separate trips to each cubicle... Could you turn around for a second? 970817 -- I have a vague feeling of uncertainty. - It gets stronger at the office - The uncertainty saps my strength. My briefcase is getting heavier. - - The uncertainty feels like a piano upon my chest. - I decided to 970817 -- reorganize. Or maybe downsize. Unless there's a merger. - I summon the unholy demons of apathy, sarcasm and cynism!!! - Good thinking! Reorganizations always increase profits! Wow. Third time today. 970818 -- You'll be on the task force to recruit the smartest college seniors to work here. - Remember to lie often. And don't mock them for their lack of real life experience. - So you're saying meetings are just like parties? Well, I'm not allowed 970818 -- to say the "o-word"... 970819 -- Recruiting on campus I have better offers from twelve companies. Why should I work at yours? - - I'll se what I can do for you. Do you have enough copies of my resume? 970820 -- Recruiting on campus Nice to meet you... - CRUSH AAEEII! - I have to be honest: your company isn't my first choice. 970821 -- Recruiting on campus It's funny that *you*'re judging *me*. My engineering knowledge is current and yours is ancient. - I think I impressed him with my confidence. - Ooh! People skills! I forgot! bonk bonk bonk 970822 -- Ratbert, I want you to wear this pager at all times. I'll set it to vibrate. - YEEHAA!! - No one has actually paged you yet. IT GETS BETTER?!! 970823 -- Envy me, Bob. I have a digital pager and you don't. - I don't need one. My digital PCS phone has a built-in pager function. Oh, wow. - But the worst part is that he only uses it to clean his ears. I taught him that. The vibrating action is 970823 -- excellent. 970824 -- We have the results of the employee communications survey. The number one problem is "fear of giving negative news to managers." Negative News - What?! Why haven't I heard this before? - Well...maybe because it's negative news? - Do you 970824 -- have a solution or did you just come to insult me? Don't get involved. - Ooh. Um...maybe if we wait a few days it will take care of itself. - Happily, there are no other communication problems whatsoever. Heh heh. - I wonder why so many 970824 -- problems go away on their own. I have no comment at this time. 970825 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Alice you have to use your vacation time or you'll lose it. - But if you take time off, you'll lose your business. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! - This is embarrassing. I laughed myself fuzzy. 970826 -- It's a shame you have to work during your vacation. The same thing happened to me. Really? - Actually, in my case I went on vacation when I was supposed to be working. But the concept is the same. - Apparently she wasn't looking for 970826 -- empathy. 970827 -- I admire your work ethic, Alice. You're even working during your vacation. - It must be hard to remain motivated when you know you can never break through the glass ceiling. - So, it looks it's just tile after all. 970828 -- I'm going back to my old job as a systems administrator. Why? - I'm attracted by the potential for reckless abuse of power. - This new ethernet card could solve your problem. Would you like a sniff before I throw it in a big pile in my 970828 -- office? 970829 -- Dogbert the network systems administrator The software manuals are locked i this room. - I don't let users have manuals, for reasons that could only be described as mean-spirited. - Is there any way we can meet halfway on this? Hey, that 970829 -- door didn't always have a window. 970830 -- Dogbert the network systems administrator Wally, did you know your E-Mail system isn't private? - I've compiled a binder with all of your off-color humor, unkind references to co-workers, naughty propositions, and admissions of theft. - 970830 -- Where is this heading? I'd like to sing that question while hopping on one foot. 970831 -- I'll make a quick copy, then we can discuss it. - No, no, I'll have my secretary do that. - That will take longer. It's more cost-effective. - We're highly paid professionals. Carol is...well...I don't know if we pay her at all. - Now 970831 -- we're free to do high-level planning. - Um...we kinda need that document. - Ooh, time for lunch. - So... do you fish? 970901 -- "This is Dogbert the network systems administrator, to all ignorant employees." - He who controls your information controls you. *I* control your information. - "The board of directors has appointed me emperor for life. Bring the 970901 -- pointy-haired boss to me." - Uh-oh! The escape key isn't working! 970902 -- Dogbert: company emperor Tell the employees to get wheelbarrows to carry my salary out here. - Turn out the lights when you're done. You're all downsized. Shoo! - The media loved him. Can we call you "Buzz Saw Dogbert"? I bought your 970902 -- parent company today. You're downsized. Shoo! 970903 -- Dogbert: company emperor I don't like to call what I'm doing "downsizing." It sounds to negative. - I like to call it "wedgiesizing." Now clean out your desk and Shoo! YANK! - He didn't take that very well. You can't please everyone, Bob. 970904 -- I've downsized this company and plundered its equity by exercising my massive stock options. - Yet my victory seems hollow. Something is missing. - Maybe you're missing a sense of meaningful contribution to society. Maybe...but I'm 970904 -- thinking book deal and trophy white. 970905 -- Since I'm the major breadwinner here, I decided to name the house "Dogbert's Manor." - And I've decided to name you Jennifer because I like the name. - I don't know why I bought this. It's just a box full of electronics that you can look 970905 -- at. Shut up, Jennifer. 970906 -- We can handle your investments so you can retire and live off the earnings. - Just sign this incomprehensible contract, hand all your money to total strangers and relax! - We'll need to know what your tolerance to risk is. I think I just 970906 -- maxed out. 970907 -- This is Dogbert's technical support. How may I disconnect you? - What are my choices? - I recommend the abrupt disconnect: simple, gets the job done. - I had that last time, What else do you have? - You might like our "please hold," 970907 -- followed by the "wrong button." - Too predictable. Do you have anything new? - Try our "Kevorkian disconnect." I put you on hold and play an annoying message until you disconnect yourself. - Your call is important. Please hold while we 970907 -- ignore it... Your call is important... Not bad. 970908 -- It's been a stressful day. Luckily I have this little balloon full of sand to squeeze to reduce my stress. - Oops Piff - You need a new kybard? What's a kybard? JUST SIGN THE STUPID THING!!! 970909 -- I'm thinking of growing a beard to disguise the fact that I have no chin. - Then I'll get some loose seaters to disguise the fact that I have no waist. - Maybe you should get a Sherlock Holmes outfit to disguise the fact that you have no clue. 970909 -- - Maybe some mannequins as friends... 970910 -- Have a nice flight. Remember to turn on your laptop computer during takeoff. - I thought they tell you to turn it *off*. - Off?!! How would they transfer control to you if they had trouble? - TURN OFF THAT !*#% LAPTOP!! No way! I have to land 970910 -- this baby! ...can I do that in "Excel"? 970911 -- I just heard that our pointy-haired boss's plane crashed. - I must admit I have mixed feelings. You don't know if you should mourn or celebrate, right? - No, I mean celebrate or leave early. Hurry if you want some cake. 970912 -- Now that our boss is presumed dead, I found out I *like* to work. I finished three projects today! - I lost five pounds, gave up coffee, and applied for seven patents! Go, Alice! - Life without management is like paradise! Who wants to 970912 -- spoon-hug? 970913 -- Work has been great since our boss went down on the jet! Uh-oh - I survived with only minor hair injuries. I was lucky to be on a flight that had a hundred nuns onboard! - You were saved by prayer? No, padding. They don't do a lot of Aerobics 970913 -- at the nunnery. 970914 -- Carol, I forget... How do I address an envelope? I'll do it. - I'm training him to be helpless. - It's part of my master plan to eliminate him. - I do everything for him. Soon he'll lose his ability to solve small problems alone. - Then I'll 970914 -- "accidentally" book him on a one-way trip to south korea. - Before he goes, I'll tell him they have a death penalty for speaking english. - We'll never see him again. BUWAHAHA!!! - It's worth a shot. Carol, what do I dial for an outside line? 970914 -- I'll do it. 970915 -- I am Mordac the Refuser. I am here to discuss your request for a computer upgrade. - Crinkle! Mmphh! Chomp Chomp Chomp - We lotht thuh pahperwurk. That's a huge surprise. Luckily I made seventy-five extra copies. 970916 -- I am Mordac the Preventer, your liason from the information technology department. - I come with tales of resource shortages. Your request for our services is denied. - I didn't request any of your services. Don't try your reverse psychology on 970916 -- me. 970917 -- I'm not using reverse psychology! I really don't need anything from the information technology department. - Curse you! You know our goal is to give you the opposite of what you want. If you want nothing we must give you everything! - Please 970917 -- tell me how you got them to do this. Watch me launch the space shuttle! 970918 -- For those who joined us late, this is Bob the dinosaur. He lives with Dilbert and me. Hi - Dinosaurs aren't extinct. They're just hiding behind furniture. This is Dawn, my mate, and little rex. - You'll notice that they use a lot of space and 970918 -- they aren't very relevant. I think Rex has my eyes. 970919 -- There's not enough room for all of you dinosaurs. One of you must be downsized. - If it helps, these spikey things are a safety hazard. And little rex ate your ficus tree. - Thanks for being professional about this, Bob. When you put him in 970919 -- good light, how cute is he really? 970920 -- Should the dinosaurs be downsized? You decide their fate. - Vote by E-Mail: A. I love the dinosaurs! B. Stick to office jokes! C. No talking animals! D. I don't have any opinions but I like to vote! E. Get rid of 970920 -- everyone so I can use the blank space for notes. - There's a Jimmy Carter here to monitor the voting. Uh-oh. 970921 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Another evil policy. I'm a happy cat. purr purr - "Casual clothes will not be allowed this Friday..." - "...because we had hawaiian shirt day on Wednesday." ? ? ? - Um...can you explain the logic here? - We're only 970921 -- allowed on casual day per week. Why? - If we had *two* casual days, obviously it would have an impact on earnings. - Does stupidity have an impact on our earnings, too, or is it just bad clothes? - We're only sure about bad clothes. Alice, 970921 -- you're killing us with that outfit. 970922 -- Look at the "Rolex" watch I got from a vendor. Do you know there's a corporate limit of fifty dollars for vendor gifts? Sure. - And you know that's a maximum not a minimum. Ooh. Maybe that's why he whined when I took it off his arm. 970923 -- Do you realize this is our third date? We're not dating. I'm a vendor and you're my client. - You always say the only time we can meet is during lunch. That way I'm obligated to pay for it. - You're feisty. I'd better get the oysters. Make sale 970923 -- first. Then kill customer. 970924 -- I'm putting you in charge of ISO 14000 certification. - What's the difference between that and ISO 9000? Oh, about 6000. Ha ha ha ha!! - Hey, I think I'll use that one at the stockholder meeting. Yeah, that'll wake them up. 970925 -- I understand it's your job to make sure your company can pass an ISO 14000 inspection. - And I understand that your company *pays* the inspector for *each* inspection. So? - Dogbert: ISO 14000 inspector You fail again. That's $10,000 please. 970925 -- Next time, could you actually walk around and look at stuff? 970926 -- I didn't use my brain this week. - I listened to things I already knew; I waited for people who were late; I was a passenger in my car pool. - Let's start the staff meeting. YES!! KEEPING THE STREAK ALIVE! 970927 -- We have to improve our image in the Internet community. Let's do a mass unsolicited E-Mail campaign to tell people how nice we are. - You have the look of a man who was just put in charge of implementing his own sarcastic suggestion. 970928 -- Get my approval at each phase. Finish in one month. - Let's see... You're on vacation next week. Then you're traveling. Then there's your executive retreat... - ...It takes three weeks to get on your calendar...and the project has six phases... 970928 -- - What we have here is guaranteed failure. - You've left nothing to chance on this one. - I mean, normally there's a bit of uncertainty, but you've...oh. - You've slipped into the "boss zone" where you can't see or hear employee input. - It's 970928 -- weird, I lost ten minutes, and when I woke up, my doughnuts were gone. 970929 -- I have a question about this document marked "proprietary." - If I spent my entire life searching, do you think I could find *anyone* who would care about this? - As you gain experience, you'll realize that all logical questions are considered 970929 -- insubordination. 970930 -- I have a personal crusade. - I'm going to hunt down the people who have strong opinions on subjects they don't understand. Then I'll bop them with this cardboard tube. - That would include everyone on earth except you and me. Lean over here. 971001 -- People with bad opinions The Internet should be free. Why should I have to pay some greedy corporation or look at ads??!! - I will now use this cardboard tube to explain the intricacies of capitalism. - Lesson one: *This* was something that 971001 -- should be free. 971002 -- Uh-oh. All of the stupid people you've insulted have formed a mob and surrounded our house. - We don't have to take that abuse. Let's see how long he can survive without water! Down with Dogbert - They're taking turns putting our hose in their 971002 -- mouths. I think they're trying to drink all of our water. 971003 -- A mob of stupid people attack Dogbert's house. Our plan to drink all of his hose water isn't working. Down with Dogbert - Hey, careful! You're getting water all over the grass... Down with Dogbert Wait, that gives me an idea!! - How's the 971003 -- attack going? They tried to ruin our lawn by spraying water on it. But now it's turned into a hose fight. 971004 --'s going to be a glorious day of telecommuting. - There's nothing here to distract me. It's just me... - ...and my talking refrigerator. I'll bet you can't eat a whole jar of pickles. 971005 -- Mom, guess what...I got promoted! - You're talking to the new "executive engineer." - No...nobody reports to me.'s the same pay as before. - But I do get a *lot* more responsibility! - She's going to throw a party for me! - 971005 -- gifts. music. food. guests. - I guess it's just you and me. I'm busy that day. - I'm not allowed to get new business cards, but I can write my new title on the old ones! zzzz 971006 -- I like men who know how to communicate... - But not a man who only talks about sports, or computers, or his job, or TV, or sexx, or jokes, or his accomplishments... - That would leave...greek No greek stuff. 971007 -- I had fun talking to you tonight, Gilbert. - It got a little boring when you tried to steer the conversation away from me. But I managed to shut you down by looking uninterested. - It's Dilbert, not Gilbert. YAWN! 971008 -- How do you like telecommuting, Alice? It's good, except I've developed a tendency to snack. - Glug glug glug glug glug glug glug glug glug - I'm sure you'll keep your discipline. I *love* "zesty italian" dressing Burp 971009 -- Telecommuters can eat any time they want, just like wild animals. - There's only one way they'll ever get me back in the cubicle. - Here's the plan. You'll need tranquilizer darts, a flatbed truck and a giant shoehorn. No harpoon? 971010 -- Come out of there, Alice! We know you're telecommuting! - NEVER! I'M FREE! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME GO BACK TO A CUBICLE!! - Dang 971011 -- I ask for so little - - And boy do I get it. 971012 -- I have to make a quick phone call. - Do you want to make small talk? No. - I brought a magazine. - Could you tear out a few pages for me to read? That wouldn't be right. - Give me some pages or I'll ask Alice about panty hose. You wouldn't 971012 -- dare. - So, Alice, what do you think about the concept of panty hose? - AARGH!! WHAT MORON INVENTED LEG COVERS THAT CAN BE DESTROYED BY TOUCHING A TWIG?! - Here! Make it stop!! To late. KOOK AT THIS!!! 971013 -- I'm starting a mutual fund for investors who aren't bright enough to know their alternatives. - It must be a huge market. Otherwise most people would invest in index funds. - What's an index fund? Ouch, ouch! You're making me wag too hard! 971014 -- The Dogbert mutual fund As you know, past performance is no indication of future performance. - So my strategy is to use your entire investment for my personal expenses and see what happens. - Has that strategy ever worked before? Geez, it's 971014 -- like I'm talking to a wall here. 971015 -- Studies have shown that monkeys can pick stocks better than most professionals. - That's why the Dogbert mutual fund employs only monkeys. - Yes, our fees are high, but I don't apologize for hiring the best. 971016 -- Dogbert mutual fund I don't understand why any intelligent investor would put money in a fund that has no track record. - I try to steer clear of intelligent investors. Here's my life savings. - Do you want my name and address? No, I trust you. 971017 -- Dogbert mutual fund Is it hard to write an earnings report after you steal the investors' money? - I'll just compare my fund's performance to the S&P 500 under a common set of assumptions. Oh. - How did our Dogbert fund do? "Ten percent better 971017 -- than the S&P 500 if it were also managed by an unscrupulous dog!" 971018 -- My guest today on "money chatter" is the head of the "Dogbert mutual fund." - It's reported that your fund is the highest performer of the decade. Tell us how you made it happen. Okay. - Apparently, this guy will read anything you hand him. 971019 -- Catbert: the evil director of human resources You're next. - Wally, you've been randomly selected for an employee drug test. / Randomly? Why am I the only one who gets picked every week? - You're very unlucky at work. But I'm sure you 971019 -- compensate by being lucky in love. - HA HA HA HA HA HA - Anyway...our new drug test uses hair samples... - To be safe, give me six hairs...and one whole eyebrow. - I'll come back in an hour and say I lost the box. purr purr purr 971020 -- I'm going in the sports memorabilia business. - I've heard that most autographers are forgeries, so my initial investment will be low. - Can I interest you in a baseball signed by Moses? - Wow! That's going to be worth something. 971021 -- Sports memorabilia This is the best price I've seen for a baseball autographed by Babe Ruth. - But I don't see where the autograph is. - It gets autographed later tonight. I'll take this and three of the honus wagner cards. 971022 -- You say this football was autographed by Jesus... - But I'm no fool. This isn't a football. It has stitches. They healed. - Wow! And I think I heard it oink. 971023 -- Autographs for sale Wow...A softball signed by Martin Luther, leader of the protestant reformation. - I'm impressed, but what I'm looking for is something signed by Martin Luther *King Jr.* - Too bad you don't have anything from him. - 971023 -- Check back in ten minutes. 971024 -- If you want to be promoted, you have to be highly visible. - Ask questions at meetings. But make them easy so you don't embarrass your boss. - if there's an accident in a company car, where should we bury the survivors? I usually put 971024 -- them in the trunk. 971025 -- I've been seeing a beautiful woman. But something came between us. - Her curtains? - Venetian blinds. Totally unforgiving. Maybe she got spooked when you put the lawn chair in her yard. 971026 -- It has come to my attention that one of you has a social life. - There must be some mistake. - We can't be successful until our social lives are worse than the industry average. - Our competitors spend the nights in their cubicles. They 971026 -- eat from vending machines. - Someone here has *not* shown the same level of competitive spirit. - Someone had a social activity last night! - I'M SORRY! I THOUGHT THEY WERE FRIENDS... BUT THEY WERE ONLY RECRUITING FOR A MULTI-LEVEL 971026 -- MARKETING NETWORK!!! - What were they selling? Edible wax fruit...brochure? 971027 -- Alice, I've noticed a disturbing pattern. Your solutions to problems are always the things you try *last*. - With all due respect, are you using your skull to store old rags or what? - It's a good thing you said "with all due respect." 971028 -- I discovered that our pointy-haired boss doesn't know he's being insulted if you say "with all due respect" first. - I love the intangible benefits of this job. - With all due respect, is that your face or is a monkey climbing down your 971028 -- collar headfirst? 971029 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director I can't raise your salary level because you don't have ten years experience with "Java" coding. - Nobody has ten years experience with new technology! You're just being evil. Admit it. - And could yo *please* 971029 -- shake your head back and forth instead of spinning it around? 971030 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director There are several mandatory classes for managers. - *Avoiding contact with subordinates. *Misplacing important documents. *The joy of listening to your own voice. - Have you taken the prerequisite class in time 971030 -- management? Twice. 971031 -- Manager training Never be in the same room as a decision. - I'll illustrate my point with a puppet show that I call... - "Journey to Blameville," starring "Suggestion Sam" and "Manager Meg." 971101 -- Manager training You will often be asked to comment on things you don't understand. ? - These handouts contain nonsense phrases that can be used in any situation. -, let's dominate our industry...with quality implementation of 971101 -- methodologies. I'll get right on it. 971102 -- Marketing department Hey! It's a magazine! - Engineering department Danger! A magazine has been discovered in marketing! - Marketing has a magazine! Gasp - Gather the other engineers. We must get that magazine. War Room Check - We think it 971102 -- was a careless mistake by someone in the mail department. - As you know, there is nothing more dangerous than a marketing person with a little bit of knowledge. - We know where the magazine will be read. We need nets, rope and tranquilizer 971102 -- darts. I'll have to ask engineering to build one of these space stations... Phoot Men 971103 -- I'm starting my own business as a masseur. - My specialty will be in-office chair massages for cubicle dwellers. - Were you planning to touch my *back* at any point? It's a *chair* massage, pervert. 971104 -- We need Cobol programmers for our mainframe millenium problem. - If you see anyone who looks like a Cobol programmer, let me know. Turn around. - Are you a Cobol programmer? No, but I'm often told I look like one. You're hired. 971105 -- You two will be in charge of rewriting our Cobol code to fix the millenium problem. - I realize you've never worked with Cobol before, Asok. That's why I'm teaming you with Bob, so you can learn from his vast experience. - So, you 971105 -- recommend waiting for a meteor to kill us all. The glaciers are way too slow. 971106 -- Most problems go away if you wait long enough, Asok. - It might look like I'm standing motionless, but I'm actively waiting for our problem to go away. - There's been a reorganization... I don't know why this works, but it does. 971107 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director You don't need to reward employees. - Just torture them less. It will feel the same as reward. - You may skip my staff meeting this week, Alice. Thank you thank you thank you. 971108 -- We'll need a risk analysis on this project before I can approve it. - Risk 1: Indecisiveness Risk 2: Overanalysis Risk 3: Cluelessness Risk 4: Micromanagement... click click click - I don't understand these risks. That's number thirty-six. 971109 -- The theme of our engineering conference is... - "Employees are our most valuable asset." - And like most assets, you decline in value over time. - I know what you're thinking: not all assets decline in value. - For example, fine art is 971109 -- worth more every year. - But I don't think the Louvre will be asking for one of these anytime soon. - On your way out, Mister Catbert will give each of you a certificate of depreciation. - It's till better than last year's theme, "Have you 971109 -- earned your air today?" 971110 -- I'm with the cubicle police. This is a safety violation. - It's perfectly valid unless you tap it with a flashlight or a dog jumps on it. - This plays right into my theory that cubicles are living organisms. 971111 -- I heard that a stack of paper fell over and killed a cubicle cop. - What did you do with the body? I enrolled it in the quality workshop next door. - It's a temporary solution. The workshop is only three days. 971112 -- ...Well, that depends on many factors involving features and usage. - Do you engineers have a secret pact to withhold all useful information? You haven't answered one question and it's Two o'clock. - We hear you gave 971112 -- information to marketing. Just the time of day. He would have found out anyway! 971113 -- Dogbert's dating advice Women like men who have accomplishments. But they hate men who boast. - I will be your designated bragger, allowing you to appear humble. - One potential plan with this is that I have no accomplishments. If she 971113 -- isn't wearing makeup, we'll be honest too. 971114 -- Hi, Dilbert! Hi, Dogbert! Uh-oh. - She's a hugger on the first date. I never know where my arms should go. - I hope this doesn't seem awkward, but my watch is snagged on your bra strap. 971115 -- I loved it when you hugged your date and your arm got snagged on her blouse... - And it was hilarious when you tried to free your arm and accidentally ripped her top off. - But the best part was when you yelled, "I'm an engineer, not a 971115 -- diamond cutter, dang it!" Shut up. 971116 -- This is urgent, stop what you're doing and work on it right now. - Is this more urgent than what I was doing? - I don't know what you were doing. - Exactly. So how could you know if this is more urgent? - You could work late and do both. - 971116 -- Work late? Is this more important than my health? - Forget it! I'll have Alice do it. - Just out of curiosity, what *are* you doing? Playing "Quake." 971117 -- Tina, we're changing the job titles of all non-technical people. - Collectively, you'll be known as our S.C.C. group. - I like the sound of it - very dignified. We were beginning to feel like second-class citizens. What's S.C.C. stand for? 971118 -- All great ideas look like bad ideas to people who are losers. - It's always good to test a new idea with known losers to make sure they don't like it. - Dogbert's research Co. What a coincidence. We*both* lost three homes in flood zones. 971119 -- Let's begin. 971120 -- Dogbert research Co. First question: What would you losers do if a small dog with glasses took advantage of you? - We would complain to handles that sort of thing! Yeah! - Bureau of Dogs It costs fifty bucks to file a 971120 -- complaint? And ten bucks to borrow a pen. 971121 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director The company has no implied contract to keep you employed, Wally. - But we expect total loyalty out of you. - I really, REALLY wish you wouldn't do your face-stretching exercises here every morning! 1-2-3... 971122 -- The new fog is rolling in. - This can only mean one thing. - Carol, schedule a staff meeting. It's time to reorganize the department. 971123 -- When you show this to our VP, put in some revenue figures. - There's no revenue. All we're doing is upgrading our network. - I might have told him the project has revenues. - Let's not confuse him by changing the story now. Yi-yi-yi - 971123 -- O-o-o-okay. How much revenue do you want. A million dollars? - I might have told him it was more. - JUST TELL ME WHAT LIE TO USE!!! - Can't you calculate it on the spreadsheet? Must...control...fist...of...death... 971124 -- I'm here to install you ISDN phone line. - This will only take twenty minutes...unless something unexpected happens. - Great, because I need it tomorrow. Uh-oh...your wire goes into a little hole in the wall. 971125 -- Installing an ISDN line First we need to make sure your phone line is connected to our network. - I'll yank the wire while you listen for a "whump" sound at the central office. - I heard something. 971126 -- Installing an ISDN line These digital phone lines require a very different installation process. - You'll have to show me your spids now. - What happened after the slap fight? Then it got awkward. 971127 -- The installation is successful. I have 128 kilobits per second of digital access to the Internet. - As tradition requires, I do the engineer's victory dance. - ...So if I ever have to kill him, the jury will realize it's justified. Could 971127 -- you hurry? 971128 -- This is an authentic baby, less than one week old. - As I feed this authentic baby in front of you, recall how big my stomach was last week. - So, do I still need a note from my doctor to explain my absence? Yes, unless you can prove where 971128 -- Mickey Rooney is right now. 971129 -- From now on, we'll only hire people with masters degrees from the top colleges. - I don't have a master's degree from a top college. I'm insulted by this new policy. - And new hires must be this tall to work here. HEY!! 971130 -- Ken, may we have a word with you? - We heard that you gave an interesting presentation at the sales staff meeting. Thanks. - Our spies gave us copies of your slides. - You told them that our new product kills mold and mildew. Won't it. - 971130 -- WE MAKE SOFTWARE! - SO? HAVEN'T YOU EVER HEARD OF THE PLACEBO EFFECT?!!! - Stunned silence. - ...In company news, our entire sales force shriveled up and died for no apparent reason. 971201 -- Asok, at this company, we think our interns are as important as minks to a mink coat. - Um... Minks do not enjoy any of the benefits of the mink coat. - And they're good eatin', too! I must report you to the analogy police. 971202 -- Analogy police Open - My boss said I was as important as a mink is to a mink coat. That sounds fine to me. - But the mink dies. I guess you won't be leaving a full fifteen percent tip. 971203 -- Are you sure this is where I report the misuse of analogies? You're dressed very odd. - It's casual day. - That's the most frightening outfit I've ever seen. You haven't seen my bicycle pants. 971204 -- I used to be Phil, the ruler of heck. My pitchspoon was feared by all who committed minor sins. - Then I made the mistake of merging with a company that makes non-alcoholic beer. I was ousted. - THEY SAID WE'D HAVE SYNERGY!!! Maybe it was 971204 -- just a bad pun. 971205 -- Can you help me write a resume? Yes, for a large fee. - How do I know you're qualified? Check my resume. - I'm having trouble believing that you invented coffee. Check my patent. 971206 -- Career counseling I'd be good at any job involving sin. - Perhaps something in the Bingo field...or maybe budget work. How about marketing? - I *HAVE* a soul. It's just a small one. Gotcha. No garment 971206 -- manufacturing. 971207 -- It is my pleasure to present the weekly "Wally Status Report" - This week I developed what I call "process pride." - It all started when I realized I have no impact on earnings. - Obviously I can't take pride in the *results* of my work. 971207 -- Obviously. - But I need pride. Otherwise, how could I maintain my high level of morale? - So I learned to take pride in my processes instead of my results. - Everything I do is still pointless, but I'm very proud of the way I do it. - Is 971207 -- that all you did this week? Hey, I'm only one person. 971208 -- When you're with a woman, everything you say will lower her opinion of you. - But I can give her compliments, right? NO! That's the worst thing! - Women keep a log of all compliments. They analyze the pattern to identify negative trends. 971208 -- Should I use my real name? 971209 -- Grunt grunt. You're absolutely right. Grunt grunt grunt. - Grunt grunt grunt Someone coached you well for this date. You haven't said anything I object to yet. - Date-Analyzer Grunt I see cubicle have an office job. 971210 -- Grunt grunt. You're right. Grunt. All you do is grunt and agree with me. - I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. You're an excellent conversationalist... It's a trap. - Aw, shucks. I'm not excellent at anything. You're *too* perfect. 971210 -- You've been COACHED! 971211 -- Sooner or later you'll say something that will lower my opinion of you. Grunt. - Men are like time bombs. At any moment you'll say something that will ruin the magic. I'm an engineer. - AAARGH!! KILL ME!! KILL ME!! I'll give you one kiss, 971211 -- no tongue. 971212 -- I finished all of my work. Can I go home early? No. - You're an 'exempt' employee. That means you're exempt from having a live. - I guess I could clench an unimportant document and shuffle around in quiet desperation. That's the spirit! 971213 -- We'll probably have to work all night on this presentation, Asok. - That's brilliant! You plan to use your inefficiency to make your procrastination look like martyrdom! - Now I have to kill you. Please do. Reincarnation is my only hope. 971214 -- We don't have a cubicle available for you yet, Bruce. - So I'm declaring this part of the carpet to be your office. - If someone goes to a meeting, you can sneak into his cubicle and use his phone. - Our computer budget is gone, but we 971214 -- have an old monitor that you could put on top of your briefcase. - Can I put tape on the carpet to mark my boundary? - That won't be necessary, thanks to this hi-tech device. A dog collar? - It will give you a mild shock if you cross your 971214 -- invisible boundary. - The new guy hasn't left that spot for a week. - Wally taught him to beg for food. 971215 -- Dilbert, I hired some contract employees from North Elbonia to help your project. - North Elbonia is an evil totalitarian regime. My project will create top secret military technology to use against them. - Sure, but you have to weigh that 971215 -- against the fact that they're willing to work for free. 971216 -- I'm a *little* concerned about your hiring communist north elbonian contractors to help on my top secret military project. - Don't worry. What's the worst thing that could happen? I could be executed for treason. - Talk to our legal 971216 -- department. Could I opt for the execution instead? 971217 -- The company lawyer I'm working on a top secret military project. My boss hired some North Elbonians to help me. - They're communists. If I give them any information, I could be guilty of treason. I could be *executed* - Can you help? Sure. 971217 -- What would I have to do - pull a lever? 971218 -- Don't worry that we'll take any military technology secrets back to North Elbonia. - We signed these little agreements that say we won't. - HA HA HA HA HA!! Moving on... 971219 -- My project has hit a little snag. - Our north elbonian contractors stole our military technology for their belligerent homeland. They're building a huge laser to vaporize us. - Next year, remind me to include contract employees in the 971219 -- team-building workshop. The floor is warm! 971220 -- ...The North Elbonians stole our military technology. We think they're building a huge laser to use against us. - Ask Tina the tech writer to create a user manual for them. Remind Tina how the North Elbonians treat women. - Later in North 971220 -- Elbonia Okay...the timer is set...we're lined up in single we sing a Helen Reddy song. 971221 -- I'm back from training. - I got a big binder. - The training is already forgotten, but the binder will last forever. - A living monument to temporary knowledge! - I'll put it in my cubicle with the others. - Speaking of my cubicle, which 971221 -- direction is it? - Okay, thanks. That information should be in a binder. - Did he approve funding our project? Not yet. Step one was to free up funds from the training budget. 971222 -- Hi, I'm the illogical scientist. - I'm much smarter than you because scientists have invented many things. - But those are *other* scientist, not you. - Apparently you don't understand science. 971223 -- Hi. I'm Dan, the illogical scientist. - That idea won't work. I know because I've read many reports about ideas that didn't work. - You haven't even looked at my idea. Oh, I get it: you're one of those religious nuts. 971224 -- Hi. I'm Dan, the illogical scientist. That software you're writing will never work, and I can prove it. - I don't mean to be rude, but it's not logically possible to prove something *can't* be done. - It's impossible for most people, but 971224 -- *I'm* a trained scientist. Did the training involve electric shocks? 971225 -- You're my role model, Wally. - Despite all the pressure and frustration, you press on. You bend but you do not break. - My motto is "they can't break you if you don't have a spine." Wow. You're like a philosopher! 971226 -- My role model is using deception to improve his time management. Wally is dead. Sorry. - And now the daily planning session. zzzz - Asok, I don't think you've picked an ideal role model. Asok is dead. 971227 -- Wally the role model There's an art to sarcasm, Asok. - If you use your boss's own words, you can't be disciplined for insubordination. And do this with your lips. - Today I focused my resources on adding value to the product process. Our 971227 -- shareholders would be delighted to know that. 971228 -- Making soup is easy for a highly trained engineer. - I don't seem to have any "coarse sea salt." - I'll just mix regular salt with water. - Corn starch...hmm...that's basically flour. - Marjoram...I think that's french for butter. - "five 971228 -- inches of parmigiano-reggiano cheese rind." Uh-oh. - Eggs are basically cheese that comes from chickens. - Is this supposed to be served hot? You're thinking of Gazpacho. 971229 -- So, I'm thinking: What if every photon is just a densely packed universe, and to them, our universe looks like a photon? - If I'm right, I might be the first rat to win a Nobel Prize. - Stranger things have happened. Name one. 971230 -- So...each photon is a universe...then mass is just a probability cluster? That's how I see it. - Wow! I think my tiny skull is so full it's going to explode. Let me get a tarpaulin. - Have you been talking to our garbage man again? Don't 971230 -- get too close. 971231 -- ...As your consciousness passes through each universe, you tend to follow a line of probability. Got it. - And since it's more probable than matter is near other matter, you have the illusion of gravity as your consciousness moves toward 971231 -- the norm. - Did you get all that, Ratbert? - Hey, I'm not stupid. Does this Norm guy have a last name? 980101 -- I submitted our garbage man's philosophy to the Nobel Prize Committee. - I hope I wrote the theory right. I don't know shorthand so I used pig latin to save time. - Nobel Prize Committee What's an "Otonphay"? I love what you're doing wit 980101 -- your hair. 980102 -- Nobel Prize Committee Okay, we've narrowed it down to the theories we don't understand. - In science, the simplest solution is usually the best. Which of these theories is the simplest solution? - Well...that would be whatever is on top of 980102 -- the pile. Are we *sure* we can't vote for ourselves? 980103 -- Now that you've won the Nobel Prize, I guess you'll leave the garbage industry. No. - I'd miss the action. I'd miss the smells...the sights...the people... ...the rats. - I accidentally threw out a paper plate last week. Would you look for 980103 -- it? I'm kidding about the people part. 980104 -- I'll never get drunk. I don't want to be out of control. - Are you in control at work? - - Are you in control when you're on a date? - I can't get a date. - And whose idea was it to go on this walk? Yours. - Are you saying I 980104 -- should get drunk? No, no. - I'm saying the decision will be made by the beer companies. I hope they say it's okay. 980105 -- Did you go for a walk at lunch? Not exactly. - I got a bomb threat. I didn't tell anyone else, just in case it was a hoax. - It was only yesterday that I was saying my morale couldn't be lower. I bought a lottery ticket to increase the 980105 -- potential irony. 980106 -- Performance review Alice, I had to ding you for not keeping me informed about your project. - May I take a peek at your computer? - You have twelve thousand unread messages. Well, it's a little late for that now. 980107 -- Let's looks like you haven't signed Ted's card yet. - STAMP - Do you thin "Congratulations" is appropriate for a death in his family? You never know. 980108 -- Are you free on Friday for Ted's surprise party? - Party? You don't give a party for someone who has a death in his family. Well...we got him a card, then flowers. It just snowballed. - I assume this will all be in good taste. I can't 980108 -- promise that. Karaoke is really hit or miss. 980109 -- Ted's brother was a mobster. Last week he was killed by a rival family's hit team. - We got Ted a sympathy card, then it snowballed into a surprise party for tomorrow. My job is to write a funny song. - For *he's* a buried good fellow... 980109 -- for he's a buried good fellow... which nobody can deny. Good. 980110 -- You'll have to write this in less technical terms for me... - Make it even less technical for my boss... even less for our VP... even less for for our EVP... much less for our CEO. - ...and compared to all the other technologies, there's a 980110 -- big difference in the mouth area. 980111 -- Wally, this is Rex Tangle, our newest employee. - Rex was specifically bred to work in a cubicle. - He looks like he'll fit right in. - Ask him about his personal life. - Rex, how's your personal life going? - I don't have one. That would 980111 -- be like stealing from the company. - Do you eat lunch? I would enjoy a good square meal. - Meet the future. Hello, you round pegs! 980112 -- Blind people often have excellent hearing. The brain compensates for any lost function by bolstering others. - In all likelyhood, Ratbert, you're so dumb that you have telekinetic power. Wow! - I have the power to watch Television! 980113 -- I will debunk your ludicrous claim of psychic ability with one hundred flips of this coin. - Call it. Edge. - That is just a coincidence. I call edge for the next 99 too. 980114 -- Just because you guesses a hundred coin flips in a row doesn't mean you're psychic. Coincidences do happen. - I call seven rotations followed by an inexplicable hovering and hen noises. - That is luck... luck, luck, luck, luck, lick! Are 980114 -- we done now? 980115 -- Is this the "Skeptics Association"? I need your help to prove my rat isn't psychic. - My name is Dilbert. Yes, I can prove it: I have a passport and a driver's license. Well, yeah, it's easy to get fake id, but... - Hours later... ...okay, 980115 -- what if I take a DNA test? NO, I CAN'T PROVE I'VE NEVER BEEN CLONED!! 980116 -- I'm glad the "Skeptics Association" sent you to debunk my rat's claim of ESP. - The others don't go out much since their bad experiences as jurors on the O.J.Simpson trial. - Well, I'm glad you could make it. Let's hurry. I have to debunk 980116 -- the so-called Hubble Telescope later today. 980117 -- Ken the Skeptic... I alone know the contents of this envelope. - It's a charcoal drawing of a woodchuck eating a small orange. - Nice try, you little fraud, but that's a long way from an ink drawing of a beaver eating a tangerine. 980118 -- Here's my bill. - It's for all the time we've spent together when I didn't enjoy it. - If it wasn't fun, it must have been work. - Dogbert, let me explain what friendship is all about. - Friendship is about giving freely of oneself. It's 980118 -- about trust and sharing. - Now, I expect you'll want this back. Yes. - I need to round it up to the next hour. - No checks. You have the face of a deadbeat. I don't think I'm reaching you. 980119 -- I've used the scientific method to debunk 100% of the people who claim that they have mental powers. - Are you saying that every test you perform turns out the the way you predict it will? - What's your point? YOU'VE PROVEN THAT YOU'RE 980119 -- PSYCHIC! 980120 -- Dogbert and the Skeptic If your controlled tests have *never* found psychic powers, how do you know the test works for that sort of thing? - Isn't that like using a metal detector to find out if there are unicorns in your sock drawer? NO! 980120 -- - Later that night A Skeptic checks *all* the drawers. 980121 -- The sales force was offered a retirement buyout package of fifty dollars. - One hundred percent of the sales force elected to take the offer. - I wonder what they know that I don't know. *There's* a hole with no bottom. 980122 -- I'd quit and become an entrepreneur, but I don't know how to handle such huge risks. Denial, probably. - We got bought by our archrival this morning. - Their CEO says he plans to be as "humane" as possible. He sounds nice. Maybe we'll get 980122 -- bonuses! 980123 -- Don't worry about my flu, Alice. Germs don't fly through the air. - ACHOOO! - Remember, germs don't fly through the air. Yours are gonna. 980124 -- I finished my work despite having a slight flu. Here's your copy. - should give that copy to Wally. Wally isn't on this project. - I know. I just figure he has the least reason to live. 980125 -- It's time to go home. That means... - Hi. Right on schedule. - Wait, let me guess why you're here. - You want to discuss a document that's been on your desk for a month. - It's something that could easily wait until tomorrow. - But you'll 980125 -- insist that I handle it now because you're a sociopath. - Wrong. I majored in Anthropology. - But that was a spookily accurate guess about the document. 980126 -- I appointed myself "deputy of common sense." - I will apply swift justice to those who exhibit a lack of common sense. - So, it's swift justice for people who aren't too swift? And I'm using a chocolate gun for irony. 980127 -- Deputy of common sense FREEZE! - You scheduled a four-hour meeting to find out why people are behind schedule! - No, look at the agenda! The fourth hour is a discussion about why morale is low! Shoot him. 980128 -- Deputy of common sense You are accused of trying to motivate your employees with insulting gifts. - You're missing the symbolism. I gave them chess pieces to show that we're all on the same team. - Specifically, you gave them pawns. I'm 980128 -- saving the rooks for bonus day. 980129 -- Deputy of common sense Are you the government safety inspector? Yup. I love my job. - Watch your step! HEY! - How does your boss determine your pay? It's based on the decrease in accidents after my inspection. 980130 -- Maybe I should quit and work for myself at home. - I would miss all the human contact. - Same as now. I'm testing my E-Mail. Did you get the "E" I sent? 980131 -- I'm thinking of quitting and working for myself. Come work for me. - Doing what? You'll invent valuable things and I'll exploit you...I mean them. - I'm not sure you'd be the best boss, Dogbert. Don't give me that input, you "resource." 980201 -- Let's start by introducing ourselves. - I'm Susan Block from I.T.G. I work for Emily Wooten. - I'm Max Blumf, I work for Susan. - I'm Alice, I work for...uh...I... - AAAGH!!! I'M FILLED WITH SHAME BY ASSOCIATION!!! - WHY ME? WHY WHY WHY - 980201 -- PLEASE TAKE ME INTO YOUR GROUP! I'M NOT TAINTED!!! - Can we start over? I forgot who the first three people are. SOB 980202 -- WARNING!! Author Norman Solomon has determined that the Dilbert comic strip is harmful to workers. - I will demonstrate the danger with this carefully controlled experiment. - Have your plans for rebellion been replaced by sarcasm and 980202 -- complacency? And I think I'm going bald! 980203 -- My new policy is to discriminate against single people. It's totally legal! - Write your marital status on this list, so I know who has no reason to go home at night. - Dang! What are the odds you'd all be polygamists? 980204 -- I'd like to talk about my career path. Okay. - My plan is to work you until your health deteriorates and your skills are obsolete. Then I'll downsize you. - I'm ill. Really? I've never had a plan work this fast before. 980205 -- I'm wearing my work clothes while I telecommute, to maintain discipline. Is it working? - I'll test the theory by seeing if my clothes stop me from going to the kitchen. - Apparently my clothes are defective. Haven't I been saying that? 980206 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director The company knows about you, Wally. - We have logs of all your phone calls, Web hits and E-Mail. We have your urine test, college grades, salary and family contacts... - It's against our policy to kill employees 980206 -- and replace them with low-paid impersonators, but I wanted you to know it's feasible. 980207 -- Our new E-Mail monitoring system shows that you sent a personal message last week. - Coincidentally, the new Alice monitoring system detects twenty hours of unpaid overtime. - According to the manual, productivity will soar now. 980208 -- detecting cluelessness in the vicinity. 980209 -- I suggest that you deal with the issue on a going forward basis. - Thanks for ruling out time travel. You're usually not that helpful. - Are you saying he understands the concept of "time" now? Or he just got lucky on this one. 980210 -- Is it my imagination or am I getting sexier every day? - The mirror doesn't lie. I*am* getting sexier. - I've decided to be a supermodel. Okay, but stay away from Kryptonite. 980211 -- Do you have any "silly putty" I can use as a fake beauty mark? - Maybe you should use less. There's no such thing as too much beauty. - Meanwhile, at fashion headquarters... We got away with "heroin chic." What's next? How about dogs with 980211 -- tumors? 980212 -- Fashion headquarters You could be our next supermodel. I love the tumor. It's a beauty mark. - We prefer our supermodels to look unhealthy, in a sexy way. Okay, it's a tumor. - I can add a few more. It's just "silly putty." No, it would be 980212 -- easy to overdo that sort of thing. 980213 -- Dogbert the supermodel Your first assignment is a lingerie shoot. You'll be wearing black socks. - There's nothing sexier than a short, round guy in black socks. - Wow! It works! QUICK! GET ME A BIG BLOCK OF ICE TO SIT ON! 980214 -- How does it feel to be a sex symbol? Good. Playgirl In socks! - I realized that what's inside a person doesn't count because no one can see it. - I didn't realize you were such a philosopher. That's my point! 980215 -- I finished the technical recommendation you requested. - At first I was miffed that you told me what recommendation you wanted. - It made me feel useless and weak. - But rather than dwell on my powerlessness... - I decided to find joy 980215 -- in the one decision I *can* make. - I chose a Helvetica type font. And I never looked back. - Oh, so that's what's wrong with it. - I coach and I coach, but they still walk out of here all rubber-legged. 980216 -- I've been chosen for the industrial espionage program. - The plan is that I quit this job and work for our competitor. Every week I'll send back secret reports. - Bob, this is how we fire dumb people. That's why it's the perfect cover. 980217 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director The company's goal is to double the efficiency of all employees. - Question: If we double our efficiency, won't you downsize half of us? - Don't talk to anyone in marketing; they aren't so good at math. 980218 -- I'm going to make an infomercial. - I'm targeting the people who want to invest their savings but don't know how. - I hope you plan to sell educational information about how to avoid scams. Good idea for phase two! 980219 -- Would you like to make $1,000 per month for a whole year? - Send $13,000 for complete information about Dogbert No-load funds. - I'll include my free pamphlet explaining how to lose weight by eating less food. Show the number. 980220 -- Dogbert the consultant From now on, refer to your employees as "knowledge assets." - That will send an unmistakable message. - He calls us "knowledge assets" now. He must think we're complete morons. It's an unmistakable message. 980221 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Your personal lifes reflect on this company. - From now on, a strict dress code will be enforced in your homes. - On the plus side, it's one less decision I have to make every day. 980222 -- Happy birthday, Alice! - I was planning to get a gift... - But then I thought... - Why not give the money to charity an Alice's name? - Really? Which charity? - Um..."The united society of poor people with major health problems." - ...and 980222 -- Dilbert got me an ashtray, even though I don't smoke. You don't? - They say this sort of thing builds team spirit. It must be gradual. 980223 -- I believe it's what's inside a person that counts. How can you get respect for hidden qualities? - You have to act humble while generating as many clues as possible. - So, you recommend being a deceitful, manipulative, hypocritical, braggart? 980223 -- It's a funny world. 980224 -- I've been hired to find the gullible fool who continues to send anonymous chain letters to everyone. - I place the "curse of Dogbert" on all past and future senders of chain letters. - I think I saw Wally flinch. 980225 -- Oh-no! I got an E-Mail chain letter. It says I'll die if I don't send it to ten more people. - But if forward the message, the "curse of Dogbert" will be upon me. - ...So, I figured a curse is better than certain death, right? Spank you very 980225 -- much. 980226 -- ...And the "Dogbert curse" strikes anyone who sends a chain letter. But the letter said I'd die if I didn't. - You're the world's smartest garbage man; how would you handle this? - Did you know there's also a "garbage man's curse" for people 980226 -- who send chain letters? 980227 -- Are you a victim of a curse? Yes, I am. - Next on "20/20," John Stossel shows you the cure. - Ha! After the commercial I will get valuable information for people like me! Well, well. It seems my old nemesis, John Stossel, has been busy. 980228 -- Our new slogan is, "pressure makes diamonds." - How about, "pressure makes garbage more compact"? I wonder if that one is that taken. - I hate this strong job market for engineers. - "Irritation makes pearls." Or maybe "pressure makes whine." 980301 -- Good news on our budget. I made some recalculations last night. - I found a way to give more money to every project without increasing the total budget for projects! - Question: Does your new way involve poor math skills? - Ignore the skeptic. 980301 -- Hey, I have a suggestion! ? - Maybe you could recalculate our salary budget next. - And when was the last time you recalculated our vacation days? - I calculate that we have an hour left for this meeting. But I'm interested in *your* 980301 -- calculation. - I think we got greedy when we asked if he had change for a five. 980302 -- I need help on the assignment that you said is a "no brainer." - It's easy. Just skip the "interface design" phase and make everything beige. You can't go wrong with beige. - I always know where to go for no-brainer decisions. 980303 -- Project status Due to budget cuts, our new project will have no user interface. - Our target market is people who are too shy to return products. - Is it a bad sign if you spend the day wondering why there are no laws against what you do for 980303 -- a living? 980304 -- Sales conference Here's the product you'll be selling next quarter. It has *no* user interface! - That means no bulky user manual. And no loss of function during a power outage! - You were right. Our sales people can't distinguish good from 980304 -- evil. I strained a smile muscle. Clap clap clap clap 980305 -- From now on, I'll be using the chaos theory of management. - ? ? ? - And this will be different how? Now there's a name for it. 980306 -- It takes a certain type of personality to telecommute, Dogbert. What? - Just because other people have personalities doesn't mean *you* should try to develop one. - I *have* a personality! Let's not get into that "is zero a number" debate 980306 -- again. 980307 -- I estimated the hours it would take to do an excellent job on all the projects you've assigned. - That would be fifty hours a day. So I recalculated for "adequate" results. That would be forty hours per day. - Well, to make a long story short, 980307 -- let's skip down to "complete fiduciary misconduct." Blah blah blah blah blah 980308 -- Tina, we need to set measurable objects for you. - I'm a technical writer. How can you measure good writing? - Everything is measurable if you try hard enough. - Is that your well-reasoned opinion? - Or is it the dogmatic babbling of a manager 980308 -- in total cognitive surrender? - For example, we could measure the number of words you type. - We'll have to subtract the words you delete. That way we won't motivate the wrong behavior. - In this edition of Tina's hourly newsletter, I compare 980308 -- our projects to various types of wood. 980309 -- This is very technical. I'll explain... - SNAP - Gallery of googly-eyed marketeers Drool! Good one. 980310 -- Alice, I'm sending you to Elbonia to inspect our factory. - Fill out a trip justification form for my approval. - So, I need your approval to do what you told me to do? It will not be unreasonably withheld. 980311 -- I'm off to Elbonia, the land of waist-deep mud and misogyny. - On the plus side, you can kick people and blame if on the mud weasels. - What's wrong, Yugi? One second you are complimenting this chick, next second screaming. Mud weasel. 980312 -- Elbonian factory tour This is the sweat shop where we make our company's product. - We attach huge clamps to each employee's head. Why? - We tried cubicles but it damaged morale. 980313 -- Here's my report on the hideous treatment of employees in our elbonian factory. - The employees are forced to wear huge clamps on their heads. - Then I said, "the employees can't complain because they have no union." Swift. 980314 -- I'll call you back in one hour, Irene. - You're in a different time zone, so you'll get the call hours. - Really? You're three hours *ahead*? Then that means...whoa! You're freaking me out here! 980315 -- While you toil in utter futility, I'm building my personal "brand equity." - I'm increasing my skills and my contacts every day. - My dream is to become the "Kleenex" of engineers! - 'Scuse me. I have real work to do. - Ooh...sneeze coming. - 980315 -- AAAAH... - CHOO! - I think of Wally as the "Kleenex" of engineers. Me too. 980316 -- I just read that the average woman is paid 75 cents for every dollar that men make. It's an outrage! - I'm the highest paid engineer in the company. - That's impossible. The article says "average women" earn less. Suddenly, the problem comes 980316 -- into focus. 980317 -- This article says men are paid 25% more than women. How do you explain that? - Actually, it says women make 75 cents for every dollar that men make. That's *33%* more for men. - I suppose there's almost no chance you'll praise me for my math 980317 -- skills right now. 980318 -- Alice, one day I hope we can be judged by our accomplishments and not our gender. - I got my fourteenth patent today. I'm on my way to a lunch banquet in my honor. - And you wore *that*? 980319 -- Our user manual has a typo. Our technical support calls are going to a phone sex place. - Complaints are way down. - Customer's house Well, okay, but...has that ever worked? No complaints yet. 980320 -- I'll need a letter of reference to apply for a job in another division. No problem. - ...For a man of his hygiene, he doesn't steal as much as you think. I suspect he's on drugs. - And then he says you're prone to anger and denial. Is that 980320 -- true? NO!! 980321 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director My boss is preventing me from transfering to a great job. - That's outrageous! There shouldn't be any great jobs in this company. - Once again, you've made a bad situation worse. That's the human resources promise. 980322 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director - There's been a slight change in the vacation policy. - Are we getting more vacation days? - You must be new here. - As you know, all vacation time must be used in the year it is earned. - I realize this is not 980322 -- always convenient. So I've decided to be flexible. - From now on, any time you spend in the restroom will count as vacation. - We should complain. If you need me, I'll be taking a porcelain cruise. 980323 -- My new product is a database of famous serial killers. - You can search the database by name, weapon or tattoo. - Let me guess, Wally: Six months ago our young intern asked you what the term "killer application" meant. 980324 -- I can replace your cubicles with "personal habitats." - They look exactly like cubicles, but we've made huge advances in what they're called. Is it expensive? - If money is an issue, you could start with the "hellhole junior" model and 980324 -- upgrade later. Do you have pictures? 980325 -- Your cubicle has been replaced by a "personal habitat." - It's exactly like your cubicle but much less cluttered. - Hey, all my stuff is in the trash can! That's a funny thing to call your personal storage unit. 980326 -- I'm the rag man from project luser. - Budget cuts have hit our project hard. I'm forced to beg for resources. - I can spare some pencil shavings. Excellent! We make coffee out of that. 980327 -- Can you spare any office supplies? I'm on an underfunded project. - How about a three-ring binder with one ring? Score! - I'll melt into the background and let you get back to your palace and your fancy coffee. It's a mocha. 980328 -- I hate being on an underfunded project. - Can you spare some resources, lady? How about that intern? Are you using him? - First you have to learn how to give yourself a sponge bath at the water fountain. 980329 -- I can only give you a two percent raise this year, Alice. - Because your job was not very challenging. - How could you possibly think it wasn't challenging? - You exceeded all your goals without complaining. - Compare that to Wally's 980329 -- performance. He complained all year. - And he missed every goal! Now *that's* a challenging job! - WALLY IS A FILTHY WEASEL! - Maybe his hygiene isn't the best, but he was right when he said you would stab him in the back. 980330 -- I can't give you a raise because you're above the salary midpoint. But at least your stock options are doing great! - I don't have any stock options. Oh. I'm probably thinking of me. - Next, it says I should coach you on your interpersonal 980330 -- skills. 980331 -- Is it my imagination, or is your necktie getting shorter every day? Heh heh... - I'm gradually moving toward casual clothes. In six months this necktie will be gone and no one will notice. - Everyone noticed when you went bald. I'm bald? 980401 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director I'm not enjoying my job. - Take this powerful anti-depressant drug for the rest of your life. I didn't know H.R. could prescribe drugs. - I'd hate a world where that was illegal. "Boss-proof cap." 980402 -- Human resources is prescribing powerful antidepressants to improve morale. - The label says it may cause "unwarranted optimism about your dead-end job." - I gotta get me some of that. 980403 -- Look at the warning label on Alice's anti-depressants. - It can cause fatigue, disorientation, memory loss, and lack of sex. - I wonder how long we've been taking them. There's no way to know. 980404 -- Alice is overdosing on antidepressants. We must induce vomiting. - Look at our mission statement, Alice. The people who wrote it earn ten times your salary. - The plan worked perfectly, up to the point where all three of us were heaving 980404 -- and Alice was punching on us. 980405 -- ...Now let's look at our year-to-date variance in depreciation. - Only five minutes left of our four-hour meeting. zzzzzz - If he keeps droning, there won't be any time for *my* presentation. zzzzz - I spent a whole week preparing my 980405 -- presentation. zzzz zzz - Everyone else is already asleep. - My only hope is to stun the presenter with a stale donut. - As you can see, there's nothing to report. - I wasted a donut. zzzz zzzz 980406 -- I am Mordac, the preventer of information services. I bring new guidelines for passwords. - "All passwords must be at least six characters long...include numbers and letters...include a mix of upper and lower case..." - "Use different 980406 -- passwords for each system. Change once a month. Do not write anything down." Squeal like a pig!!! 980407 -- I am Mordac, the preventer of information services. I come to confiscate your non-standard computer. - You'll give me a new one, right? This is heavier than it looks. - I'll have to disable it and leave it here. The new one is already on 980407 -- its way, right? 980408 -- Request denied. The information services department does not upgrade non-standard computers. - It's not a upgrade. It's a replacement. Our policy is that it's an upgrade unless you discard the old one. - Your trash is declined. Our policy 980408 -- is "no computers." 980409 -- I'm not allowed to get a new computer until I get rid of this old one. - The janitor won't allow it in the trash; union rules won't let me carry it to storage. So I built this catapult. - Like I always say, every problem has an engineering 980409 -- solution. 980410 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director There will be no layoffs after the merger. - However, many of you will be transferred to jobs on a frozen asteroid. - Will we have protective space suits? I label you "not a team player." 980411 -- If I don't accept the transfer to a frozen asteroid, I'll be surplussed. - Ted, let me show you something on this map. - See this tiny island? Yes. That's where the people who care live. 980412 -- I criticize my co-workers to make myself look smart. - Apparently it isn't working. - What do you mean by that? - Nothing. Ooh, that reminds me to add nuts to my grocery list. - I recommend that we have weekly sessions until you run out of 980412 -- money. - Can you cure me? - No, I'm paid by the hour. I'll give you problems you've never even heard of. - We have a few minutes today. Would you like a false memory? Maybe something with aliens? 980413 -- I just gave my two-week notice. - YES! YES! THE ARROGANT, OBSTRUCTIONIST BORE IS HISTORY! - Everyone seems to be taking this rather well. Count me in for the goodbye lunch! 980414 -- I'm glad he quit. He was such an obnoxious, useless co-worker. - We had to be nice to him because we needed his his cooperation. The jerk! - He should check expiration date on his cologne! Next time, I will *not* give two weeks' notice. 980415 -- I'm collecting for Ed's farewell gift. - Ed, you treated me like dirt. I find you guilty and I fine you five dollars. - I just put that in here. Come back if you get more. 980416 -- Heh heh. Ed is barely out the door and I got his old computer. The scavenging was good today. - Alice is going to be miffed that she's too late for the good stuff. - You got his pants? It wasn't easy. He'd already made it to the bus. 980417 -- I fought to get your project classified as our top priority. - Did you get my E-Mail saying the project isn't feasible? - I'll wait until tomorrow to tell him he's chairman of the "quality festival." 980418 -- Alice, I'm the new guy. I look smarter than the people who already work here. - As you get to know me, I'll look dumber and dumber. - That was fast. Ooga. 980419 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director You look stressed out, Alice. - I could fix that by becoming a champion for improvements in the workplace. - Or I could give you a little booklet called "stress no more." - Hmm...I wonder which way is best. - - 980419 -- "Stress is your body's way of saying..." - " haven't worked enough unpaid overtime." - I've never seen a woman's forehead ignite her hair before. 980420 -- I'm going to a very important conference. What's it for? - The brochure says the goal is to "create interaction around local and global issues of the coming century." - You're being sarcastic with your ears again. It sounds so exciting! 980421 -- At the airport Hey, Dilbert! We must be taking the same flight! - I'll change my seat assignment so we can talk for six hours. Oh, no! That's okay! - These flights can be very long if you don't have someone to listen to your golf stories. 980422 -- Before I check you in, let me explain something... - You're here for a technology conference. I am the only attractive woman who will talk to you for days. I am not free for coffee later. - Can I brush your hand when you give me the key? 980422 -- I'll toss it to you. 980423 -- At the conference They have some great keynote speakers here. - There's a CEO... A politician... Another CEO... And a cartoonist. - In this cartoon, Gilbert goes to a conference that has no useful content. I know guys like that. 980424 -- At the conference I liked your talk about your comic strip. Do you ever feel burned out? - You have to be funny every day. Then there are the books, the media, the speaking. So much stress... - Oops. #!*@* 980425 -- Ahh...sweet cubicle, I have returned from my trip. - It's just like being in a womb. - I just wanted to poke my head in and say hi. 980426 -- Our special guest is Tod, from the research department. - We recently did a study to assess the value of our previous research. - Sadly, all of our past work was either ignored or totally misinterpreted by idiots... - ...such as yourselves. 980426 -- So from now on, rather than do research, we'll just lie. - Play along and we'll make sure the "industry salaries" study goes your way. - Well, it's two o'clock, and that's quitting time in the research department. - You're not my role 980426 -- model anymore...I've found a new one. 980427 -- Dogbert the consultant I can give you excellent advice for $50,000 per month... - If budget is a problem, I also offer *bad* advice for the low price of $45,000 per month. - That's not a good sign. 980428 -- I saved a lot of money by hiring a low-priced consultant. - These aren't the best recommendations in the world, but the price was very reasonable. - I don't like this one about rolling on unwashed hamburger patties. Keep an open mind. 980429 -- Although your company is very profitable, I wouldn't be much of a consultant if I didn't recommend changes. - You recommend jailing our ombudsman and declaring martial law...makes sense. - Then could I shoot employees who make personal 980429 -- phone calls? It's okay with me. 980430 -- As a consultant, I am overpaid even if I do bad work. - Whereas you're underpaid even if you do good work. It's funny if you think about it. - I might have a terrible job, but at least I don't have any job security. 980501 -- Alice, I checked with the other managers; they don't know you well enough to promote you. - So we've decided to hire someone from outside the company. - At least the other managers have heard my name now. I didn't use your real name. 980502 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director I'm having trouble finding qualified external applicants. - All I have are a headless man, a mime, and a frozen Cro-Magnon guy we found in a glacier. - Does the mime bring his own invisible cubicle? I love 980502 -- those! Only if we pay his relocation costs. 980503 -- Dilbert, this is our newest employee, Matt. - Would you mind... Crushing his spirit? Right. - This little box will be your home for sixty hours a week. - It comes with an obsolete computer and a binder about safety hazards. - Your 980503 -- challenge is to look busy until someone gives you a meaningful assignment. - How long will that take? - I'm still waiting for mine. - *Safety tip 1*: Don't sit near any obsolete computers. 980504 -- I had a strange dream last night. - Research has shown that nothing is less interesting than hearing about someone else's dream. - ...But this was no ordinary grape. It was a *seedless*! My brain is gnawing its way out! 980505 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Alice, the experts say you need to balance work and home life. - You worked 80 hours last week. That's less than half of the hours in a week. - Give us some balance, you selfish hag. This conversation took a 980505 -- nasty turn. 980506 -- The marketing department saves the day! Check out these brochures I made. - This new product will allow us to dominate the market! - But we don't make this product. That hasn't hurt our sales so far. 980507 -- Maybe it was wrong to promise our customers a product that hasn't been designed yet. - But our motto in marketing is, "it's better to ask for forgiveness than to seek permission." - Your motto needs some design work too. 980508 -- I donated a million dollars to the United Nations today. That's nice of you. - My only condition is that they name something after me. - United Nations For the millionth time: Yes, I'm *sure* we want to keep calling it France! 980509 -- Alice, you'd get more accomplished if you were less of a perfectionist. - I've asked Wally to work with you - to teach you how to be less perfect. - When did apathy and low standards become positive traits? I call it the intrapreneurial 980509 -- spirit. 980510 -- What the...? - Alice, you know we don't allow anything on cubicle walls. - It destroys the acoustic absorption of the fabric. - OUCH!! MY EARS! DON' SHOUT!! - You're right! I've ruined the acoustic absorption. - It seemed so harmless. I'll 980510 -- remove it immediately. - - Why is it worse when they agree with me? What? Eh? 980511 -- Someday I'd like to see your office. It's a cubicle, Mom. - What's a cubicle? Imagine the most beautiful place on earth... - Okay, I've got it. Now imagine you can never go there because you work in a box. 980512 -- It's so exciting to vivit my son's cubicle! - I worked hard to put you in college. Now I'll se the results of my investment! - did attend classes, right? 980513 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director When you dumped more work on Wally, did he moan? Or did he scream? - It sounded like this... Aaoo-muw aahh-ow-ow!! - The staffing levels sound about right. 980514 -- The company is giving free flu shots, Wally. - The shots will be delivered by wealthy stockholders who will hunt you down and shoot you with flu darts. - At least I won't get the flu, right? You're probably thinking of the flu *prevention* 980514 -- shots. 980515 -- No one likes being hunted down and shot with flu darts, Wally. - But remember: companies are managed for the benefit of stockholders, not employees. - *I* own stock. It's in my 401(K) account. I'm not supposed to tell you, but none of that 980515 -- is real. 980516 -- I had to make some optimistic assumptions to meet the revenue target. - In week three, we're visited by an alien named D'utox Inag who offers to share his advanced technology. - Then we use his technology to design our new product? No, we 980516 -- kill him and sell the autopsy video. 980517 -- Are you the pompous airbag of the office? - Indeed. - I've been asked to deflate you. - My source tell me that you combine arrogance with trivia and try to pass it off as intelligence. - That's because I'm surrounded by fools who don't 980517 -- even know the capital of Elbonia! - I have a signed statement from your wife... - ...that you put wet laundry in the oven last night. - That explains the chewy casserole she served me this morning. 980518 -- I'm creating a comic strip called "Pipy the Ziphead." - I'm cramming as much artwork in there as possible, so no one will notice there's only one joke. - The joke is on the reader, isn't it? I'd better cram some more art in there. 980519 -- Your comic strip seems to be nothing but a clown with a small head who says random things. That's Pippy. - I'm maintaining my artistic integrity by creating a comic that no one will enjoy. - The important thing is that *you* enjoy it. The 980519 -- first two were okay, but now I'm just bitter. 980520 -- Dilbert, this is Allen, my new sycophant. - His head nods whenever I talk. But that's not the best part... - Very impressive. Is that great or what? 980521 -- So, Allen, what's it like to be a hideous sycophant? It's okay. - What's it like to have no hope of career advancement? Not bad. - Were you born that way or is it a lifestyle choice? I'll ask Mom, but I think it was bad parenting. 980522 -- That's my plan. What does everyone think? - THAT IS THE BEST PLAN EVER MADE!! WOW! OOH-WAH! YOU DA MAN!! - That's the type of hones feedback we need. I love it when you exhale in my direction. 980523 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director My eyes are sore from using the computer. - Try typing with your fingers, the way everyone else does. - Personally, I find computers very restful on my eyes. 980524 -- I'd like you to meet our newest customer. - You won't be sorry; we're one of the top five companies in this field. - I thought you said no one else makes this kind of product. - No one else makes one with so few features. - So...your 980524 -- strategy is low price, right? - No, high margins! - YOU! - I'd better ask someone what a "margin" is. 980525 -- I will now test my theory that people like to be told what to do. - QUIT YOUR JOB AND BUILD ME A PYRAMID, YOU HOMELY DOLT!!! - I liked it until the dolt part. I've noticed that honesty doesn't mix well with anything. 980526 -- What's the crown for? - There aren't any charismatic leaders in the world lately. I'm going to fill the void. - Don't charismatic leaders usually turn out to be egomaniacal, philandering sociopaths? And they look good in hats! 980527 -- Why are there no charismatic leaders anymore? Cable TV. - Scandal is the most economical way to fill new programs. They'll go after you, too. I'll need a diversion. - I don't care if it's a great news story; I will *not* take any fertility 980527 -- drugs! They're in your coffee. 980528 -- My dog put fertility drugs in my coffee. - At first I was mad. Then the tabloids offered me a million dollars for my story. - Have you seen a doctor? My agent advises against that. 980529 -- I've been eating like crazy since Dogbert put the fertility drug in my coffee. - I'm guessing I have ten of fifteen babies in there. It's hard to keep them fed. - And your only evidence of pregnancy is weight gain? Here comes another 980529 -- hoagie, kids! 980530 -- My dog slipped me a fertility drug. How soon before I give birth? - Um... It's impossible to have babies unless a woman is involved in some way. - Ooh, right, for the diapers. I'm going to give you a prescription for painful shots. 980531 -- PHARMACY - Is this one line or two? - I'll hedge my bets by standing in the middle. - This guy is confused too. - Get behind me... Get behind me... Get behind me... Get behind me... - Oh-no! He's forming a new line behind the fast cashier! 980531 -- #!%* - He's distracted! I take the angle! I win! - Stress medications are the other line. 980601 -- I'm having a severe case of telephone shyness. - I'm afraid to pick up the phone and make business calls. - I'll duck into a restroom stall until the shyness passes. 980602 -- I've been having severe shyness attacks at work. I can help. - I'll send nude photos of you to everyone on the Internet. - Will that work? All of my previous clients are dating "M”tley Cre" band members. 980603 -- I'll cure your shyness by putting nude photos of you on the Internet. - AAEEII!! COUGH COUGH UNH* - I didn't know the Internet could reject a body. I didn't know it could scream. 980604 -- STUPID SOFTWARE! WON'T COMPILE; EH?? - #%!** - We call it "code rage." I'm seeing a lot of it lately. 980605 -- How much budget do you have for my project? I can't tell you. - If you knew what your budget was, you'd spend it all. - Can you at least tell me what our company strategy is? No, I don't want you to lose hope. 980606 -- Our pointy-haired boss won't tell me our company's strategy. - So I spend my days wandering from cubicle to cubicle, trying to deduce the strategy. - So far I've outruled "first to market." and "premiere" anything. 980607 -- I need coffee. - But I'm too tired to go get it. - I'm in a downward spiral! - My arms go limp. The antidote is only yards away but I am immobile. - Maybe someone will notice and bring coffee. - My co-workers found me. I'm saved! - - As 980607 -- the frenzied mob yanked off my trousers, someone spilled coffee on me. Wow, lucky. 980608 -- Catbert: evil H.R: director Bad news: the employees are reading a newspaper. - If they see the low unemployment rate, they'll know the balance of power has swung their way. - I plan to use the cat as a gargoyle on my cubicle roof. If you 980608 -- run a current through him you can zap bugs. 980609 -- This week I discovered that the demand for engineers exceeds the supply. - I responded by increasing my insolence and decreasing my productivity. - I will never hire another engineer as long as I'm alive. Equilibrium has been restored. 980610 -- Your cubicle roof is looking good. Yep. - I love being a skilled worker in a period of low unemployment. I can get anything I demand. - Hey, Poindexter, fetch me a lemonade. Poink Ouch 980611 -- Unlike you people in marketing, I have highly sought technical skills. - I'm too valuable to fire. So from no won, I'll deliver my project status on a balled-up piece of paper. - Is the cheerleader squad ready? Grrr 980612 -- I'd like to reopen the question of what vendor we'll use, even though it's too late to change anything. - I darn you to heck! You will spend an eternity with other indecisive dullards! - WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME??! Here is fine. 980613 -- Dangerous asbestos has been found in every room in our building. - The problem will be addressed using a...scientific process. - Something called attrition. 980614 -- DOGBERT'S FIRST LAW OF BUSINESS Reality is always controlled by the people who are most insane. - Example Thanks for agreeing to work on my project. - I never agreed to work on your project. - You can't change your mind now! It's too late 980614 -- to get someone else! Um...I'm not changing my mind. I clearly said I would *not* work on your project. - YOU LYING WEASEL! I'LL RUIN YOU!! - OKAY! OKAY! I'LL WORK ON YOUR PROJECT! - Wally, thanks for agreeing to donate your computer to my 980614 -- project. What? 980615 -- No one in my division is using the company drug treatment program. This is very embarrassing. - My boss will think I'm not managing the drug problem. Don't *any* of you have a drug problem? - #!*%* CHILDPROOF "MIDOL" CONTAINER!! Hmm... 980616 -- Drug treatment program The first step is to admit you have a drug problem. I don't - My pointy-haired boss forced me to be here because he thinks it makes him look proactive. - Hallucinations are common during withdrawal. Let's do an 980616 -- inkblotch test. AAAGH!! 980617 -- Drug treatment program Alice, I'd like to talk to you about your registration form. - Under "objective", you said you want to use my "turnip-shaped head as a battering ram to break out of here." - Alice, drop the duct tape. Stay tense; 980617 -- that will help. 980618 -- Out top executives are in a special strategy lockup meeting, . The meeting won't end until they agree on a new strategy, so it might be a while. - Maybe if I wedge my broom here I won't forget where I put it. 980619 -- I just heard that all our top executives got locked in a conference room and starved to death. - Why didn't they use the phone to call for help? - One wee ago... It's agreed: we dial 8.3 to get an outside line. Uh-oh. This one doesn't do 980619 -- decimals. 980620 -- An executive search firm is trying to find a new C.E.O. for us. It'll be tough. - No ethical person would board a sinking ship just to plunder its treasure. - Are you ready to take the challenge? Oh, I'll take more than that! 980621 -- What the...? - You responded to quickly to my E-Mail. - Obviously you aren't focusing on priorities. - I do E-Mail while my program is compiling. - You can't weasel out of this with you technical Mumbo Jumbo. - You win. I'll ignore your 980621 -- E-Mail from now on. - The important thing is that I win. - I wonder if *my* programs ever compile. 980622 -- Mister Dogbert has returned as our C.E.O. because no one else wants the job. - I can't tell you my plan for the assets of the company...but it rhymes with "village." - I hope it's "fillage." 980623 -- Dogbert the C.E.O. I need a personal "gopher." Are you interested? Sure! - Good. You'll wear a special uniform and have a special office to show your status. - Sheesh. I haven't made a bank shot yet. 980624 -- Dogbert the C.E.O. I've decided to manipulate our stock price for personal gain. - I'll spin off a few divisions, buy back some of our stock and announce massive budget cuts. - you even know what products we make? How would that be 980624 -- relevant? 980625 -- Dogbert the C.E.O. I make a motion that the board of directors double my pay. - All in favor, bleat like sheep. - Ba-a-a Ba-a-a Ba-a-a I think we're missing a check or a balance somewhere. 980626 -- Dogbert the C.E.O. The "United Charities" would like you to be chairman this year. - I'd be honored. Oh, and while you're up, cancel the company health plan. - One week later Under his leadership, our free clinics have handled *twice* as 980626 -- many people. Thanks United Charities 980627 -- Dogbert the C.E.O. I'm an investment banker. I can help you loot this place and escape. - You'll merge with my other client company. Your golden parachute kicks in. Then you exercise your stock options on the uptick. - You rarely see a 980627 -- merger announcement with the phrase, "so long, suckers." Ouch. 980628 -- Our next product will determine the future of our company! $ - I need a project leader who has a passion for success! - Would that leader get extra pay? - It's not about money, Wally. It's about passion for success! - All I have is a vague 980628 -- preference. How about you? - Yes, I'm feeling something...maybe it's... - No, it's just my allergy medication. - What was it like? It tingled. 980629 -- Where's that budget forecast I asked for? - I put it on your chair this morning. - I'd better look again. 980630 -- Dogbert's tech support I don't know how to use my E-Mail. - You need to upgrade your I.Q. a few points. Try listening to classical music. - My old nemesis, Mister Radio, we meet again. 980701 -- Dogbert's tech support Our software is perfect. The problem must be with you. - Go to the cat scan machine in the break room and insert your head. I'll monitor you from here. - DO YOU SEE THE PROBLEM? I blame it on the tight labor market. 980702 -- Dogbert's tech support How may I abuse you? The Internet is slow. What causes that? - That can only be caused by you looking at porn. - I'll need your name for our records. click 980703 -- I like men who have a sense of humor. - ...but not the joke-telling kind - the spontaneous kind - like when you spill something and we both laugh. - Maybe I'm trying too hard. 980704 -- I don't understand why you like the things you like. - I'm forced to conclude that you're socially defective. - Isn't it normal for people to have unique preferences? Do you have to argue wit *everything* I say?! 980705 -- My posterior is growing to fit the size of my chair. - Is that possible? - Posteriors are like goldfish. They grow to the limit of their environment. - That's ridiculous. I have the biggest chair. That would mean... - Forget that I brought 980705 -- it up. Well, back to work. - Mission report. Success. - The glue on his chair should be set by now. - I guess this is why goldfishes don't use chairs. 980706 -- Catbert: H.R. director "Consistent with our effort to eliminate privacy and dignity... - "...employees must share hotel rooms on all business trips." - After they get used to this, I'll introduce the tandem showering policy. 980707 -- Wally, as you know, employees must share hotel rooms at the conference... - So I was wondering if you'd like my roomie. Sure. - We'll have to agree on some rules. I can only spoon on my right. 980708 -- I hate sharing a hotel room on business trips. - I need to do my exercises before I go sleep. Do you mind? - There are so many ways this could be bad. I'm still a bit winded from yesterday. 980709 -- Sharing a hotel room I forgot to pack my exercise shorts. - I guess I can do my jumping jacks without clothes. It's just us guys. - Single occupancy isn't so hard to get. 980710 -- I don't see why our web pages need URLs. Get rid of them. - Did that make sense at all? Yes, it's brilliant. - Give me a month and I'll replace our URLs with uniform resource locators. Perfect. 980711 -- I'm pleased to report another week of stellar accomplishments! - I moved more than 800,000 bits of data to a disaster recovery back-up facility! - Did you just take credit for copying a file to a diskette? It was my resume. 980712 -- I can't believe I get paid for this. Blah Blah - This thing lasts two more hours. - Maybe I should fidget with my pen. - I'm too late. Now I'd look uncreative. Fidget. - I wonder how long I can hold my breath. Fidget. - Fidget. - WHUMP! - 980712 -- Ooh, *two* pens. What would *that* be like? 980713 -- I hired my son to manage our technology development group. - He's young, but I'm almost positive he went to college. - Where did you go to college? Actually, I hid in our attic for four years. 980714 -- My Dad taught me everything I know. - He used to say "don't drink the pickle juice until the pickles are gone." - Was this a big problem at your house? Have you ever been hit in the eye with a pickle? 980715 -- Son-of-a-boss You have to make our product so simple that even my Mom could use it. - It's already so simple a hamster could use it. How much dumber is your Mom? - Maybe we should leave my Mom out of this. *My* Mom is a physicist. 980716 -- Son-of-a-boss My complete lack of knowledge has not gone unnoticed. - I've been promoted to vice president of marketing! - If you feel the need to buy me a gift, I'd love a piano. 980717 -- Is your project plan done? I can't do a plan until you tell me the strategy. - My strategy is to make you do the plan. - Sometimes the leadership just radiates from my body. 980718 -- My name is Myron, not Moron! - Next time that you run spell check, don't automatically take its suggestions. - What's "spell check"? 980719 -- Here's the goal that will motivate you for the next year. - "Build a global satellite network. Budget: $12,000." - Motivation feels much different from what I imagined. - I was expecting a light, energetic feeling. - But it's more like 980719 -- being pinned under a burning couch. - Whoo! I'm getting dizzy. - I'd better lie down until the motivation wears off. - He's going to be trouble during the next round of budget cuts. 980720 -- Excuse me. I couldn't avoid hearing your conversation outside my cubicle. - I think I speak for a lot of cubicle dwellers when I say... - SHUT UP!! 980721 -- You haven't interfered with my project in weeks. Something must be wrong. - I believe in empowering my employees and staying out of the way. - Am I going to find my real boss's body in a dumpster? There's extra money in the budget. Would 980721 -- you like a bonus? 980722 -- I think the earthlings are getting suspicious. - Keep acting competent and caring. Our prisoner says that's how leaders act on their world. - Carol, let me do the org chart on my PC. You have too much work already. AAAGH! 980723 -- No one suspects that the real boss is in a prison tube on my spaceship. - Is it okay if I wear shorts? Sure. I only care about the quality of your work. - If our boss were replaced by an alien, would that be a bad thing? It depends on the 980723 -- alien. 980724 -- Apparently my boss has been replaced by a highly intelligent alien. - That means my real boss is being held captive in some sort of hideous alien prison. - What do you to plan to do about it? It was just an observation. 980725 -- Tell us your management secrets, earthling. - You have too many full-time aliens flying this UFO. Downsize half of them, then roll out the ISO9001 process. - ...But despite all of my help, they still plowed into a snow-covered alp. 980726 -- I need some management fire power. - The VP of marketing says we can't use the vendor we selected... - Let me write this down. - Do you want some paper? No, I'll use this tissue...oops. - Anyway, the other vendor can't deliver. Oops. - I 980726 -- have some note paper. No, this is fine. Oops. - All you have is a blotch on a scrap. - It's more of a reminder than a detailed note. -'s not so useful when I put it with the others. 980727 -- My boss told me to buy a bunch of equipment we don't need. - That way our budget won't get cut next year. I'm so proud of you, son. - How do you say this with a straight face? I try to imagine you as a Navy seal. 980728 -- ...And we'll buy a dozen of these. We're trying to spend our budget so it doesn't get cut next year. - This is great! You guys are so dumb that I don't even have to use my fake personality to make the sale! - ...and nine of these blue 980728 -- things. There's a full moon on the horizon! 980729 -- I haven't talked yet, but all the good points have been taken. Blah blah Blah blah - We must make sure our momentum aligns with our value-added distribution! - That was just babble, right? All the good points were taken. 980730 -- I have no useful skills or knowledge. I compensate by "raising issues." - Our salespeople haven't been trained for the new product!! - Someone should have a meeting about that. Wow, I can actually hear oxygen being wasted. 980731 -- I'm a wothless employee who cuts out newspaper articles and routed them around. - I used to make sure the articles were relevant, but that was more work than it was worth. - I saw this already. It's from your paper. You always leave it in the 980731 -- third stall. 980801 -- Do you mind I jump on the grbage? - I don't even know why, but when I see a fresh pile of garbage, I just want to jump up and down on it. - The best things in life are silly. YEE-HA!! 980802 -- Performance review Let's see how many of your objectives you met. What objectives? - Didn't you know you had objectives? - I don't see how I would have any time to work on objectives. - My schedule was packed. - Doing what? - Every morning you 980802 -- leave things on my chair with notes that say "urgent: handle this." - No I don't - Wally, can I see a sample of your handwriting? Uh-oh. 980803 -- Let's see what's on my schedule today. - "Give vigorous wedgie to myself." - You're right - he *will* do whatever is on his schedule. Ow! Vigorously? 980804 -- Meeting with a vendor - I'm Larry. - And these people are my vast array of unnecessary tag-alongs. - What does your product do? We didn't bring the guy who knows that. 980805 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director I'm grossly underpaid for the type of work I do now. - Write a description of your current duties. I'll be happy to do a compensation review. - Based on a true story Sadly, it appears you're not qualified for your 980805 -- own job. But one of your subordinates is. 980806 -- We won the bid to create a digital archive of the world's greatest art. - This will give us a chance to fix any errors made by the artists. Errors? - For example, there was a guy who used too much blue for a whole period. 980807 -- We've digitized and indexed the world's greatest art. This is "The Last Supper." Nice, but... - The composition is cluttered. Delete a few of those guys. Do you have any clip art of bagels? - Do they look happy? Compared to me, yes. 980808 -- I'm creating a digital archive of the world's greatest art. But my boss insists on "fixing" the artist's mistakes. Hee hee - This is such a funny story for the newsletter. It's a funny story, but change "fixing" to "dramatically 980808 -- improving." 980809 -- We're discontinuing technical support of all our products. - A recorded message will explain it to the caller this way... - "In order to serve customers better, we've discontinued technical support." - How does that serve customers better? 980809 -- - We'll redirect those resources to other areas. What other areas? - Profits. - That makes your bonus larger. Any other questions? - Apparently I'm engulfed in evil. That's the spirit! 980810 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Are you able to work while being constantly interrupted? - No. I would be totally inefficient, just like anyone else. - We were done with the section you had to answer honestly. Oj. In that case, interruptions 980810 -- make me stronger. 980811 -- Initiate launch sequence. - We have liftoff. - I keep waiting for this to seem like a bad ides. 980812 -- We're the fist cubicle to land on the moon. - The temerature and oxygen levels are fine. Apparently the space program is a hoax. NASA must be hiding something here. - Hi. We're the women who love engineers. 980813 -- NASA put all the women who love engineers on the moon. They say it's an important experiment. - Every weekend they send a shuttle full of male NASA engineers to check on our status. - Uh-oh. We have company. 980814 -- Somewhere on the moon So, you discovered where NASA hides the women who love male engineers. - How about a little drinking contest, tough guy? The loser can never return. - We probably shouldn't have insisted on entering the contest. I'll 980814 -- miss them. 980815 -- I need this vital information by one o'clock. - If I do a shoddy job, I can finish this and still make it to the lunch! - Today I traded my work ethic for a banana. I ate that banana years ago. 980816 -- The evil director of human resources spots his prey. - Wally, you haven't filled out a vacation request form yet. - If we don't get it by tomorrow, you lose your your vacation. - Where do I get a form? We're all out. - DID THEY EVER EXIST? 980816 -- - Wally, does anything really exist, or is it all just shadows on a cubicle wall? - I leave you with that thought. - Who says philosophy is useless? Bonk bonk 980817 -- This is today's motivational message for all employees. - Today is the first day of the rest of the week. - Or is it? 980818 -- Wally, did you review my draft of the user manual yet? - The characters in the examples gave me no reason to care about them. It left me empty. - Sadly, User "B" could never love user "A" because he was a bald engineer. 980819 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director You've been a good contract employee. We'd like to make you a regular employee. - You mean you want to pay me less? - We want you to be motivated by something other than money. Like... Stupidity? 980820 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Yes, regular employees are paid less than contract employees such as yourself. - But if you join the company, you'll get many intangible benefits. - MAybe your stockholders would like some intangible benefits. 980820 -- They can have mine. 980821 -- The employees aren't falling for the old "intangible benefits" story anymore. - Uh-oh. We don't earn enough money to give tangible benefits to employees *and* stockholders. - Stockholder meeting Stock let's discuss your intangible 980821 -- benefits... %#!*# 980822 -- Here's my time sheet, in exquisite detail. - Crinkle Crinkle Wad - It's easier to input the numbers if I make them as I go. 980823 -- Happy combined birthdays. - Today we honor the employees who had birthdays within the past year. - That's Dilbert...Alice...Asok...Did I miss anyone? - Um...You missed me. - You too? That's spooky. - I'd cut the cake but it's a plastic 980823 -- prop. - Let's sing. Does anyone know the words to "Happy Birthday"? - I'll bet those weren't the real words. 980824 -- I like to con people. And I like to insult people. - If you combine con and insult, you get "Consult." - I'm here to consult you. It sounds expensive and demeaning. ...okay. 980825 -- Dogbert consults My recommendations are based on an analysis of accountability. Ooh. - As a consultant, I'm not accountable to your stockholders. So I can recommend anything that amuses me. - I recommend that you convert all of your U.S. 980825 -- Dollars to Elbonian currency...whatever that is. The Eyecrud. 980626 -- Your performance was excellent, but there's no bonus this year - Why not? - The company lost a fortune in the elbonian currency collapse. - But in a way, it's your own fault for working here. - Thanks. - That takes the sting out. 980827 -- At this phase, the project will be reviewed by a worthless manager. - Hee-hee! I wonder if he knows what people say about him. - Why are you marking it "done"? Did you decide to skip that phase? 980828 -- Our department mascot will be the industrious beaver. - That's a picture of a woodchuck. - He looks perky. That's close enough. He could be a beaver who lives in a hole. 980829 -- Don't think of yourself as a powerless peon in a box. - You're an agent of change in a dynamic, natural work group! - Can I put that on my business cards? I'd rather not leave a paper trail. 980830 -- I need to document your procedures. It's an ISO 9000 requirement. - So...the engineers submit their time cards and then you do what? - I put them in a pile until I'm sure they're all here. - Then I move them to the magic cylinder. The trash 980830 -- can? - No, it's a magic cylinder. I put my work in there and by morning it's gone. - I've been giving you my time cards for five years. - No one has complained yet. - After today, I am *not* rounding to the nearest fifteen minutes. 980831 -- It's nice, but the weasel down the street is selling it for less. - You should never settle for the lesser of two weasels. - Now that you mention it, it *did* seem too convenient. 980901 -- This project needs your complete attention. - Wally's right. Forget the other projects and focus on that one. - Did I miss anything at the meeting? We got you a little helper for your project. 980902 -- We can only succeed if each of you works nights and and weekends for a year. - I quit. Me too. I'll clear out my desk. - Or was that supposed to inspire us? Like I'd know. 980903 -- I can't process your voucher because these receipts look fake to me. - They aren't fake. Then why aren't they notarized? - BECAUSE THEY'RE JUST RECEIPTS! And now you'll tell me there's no DNA evidence either. 980904 -- How long will it take to process my voucher? - I assign a priority to everyone. I'm happy to say you're a "one." - One chance in a million. 980905 -- Alice, thank you for your twelve-page response to my E-Mail last week. - But I was only sending it to you as an "FYI." Those decisions are already made. - If I read your reaction right, you're wondering why I didn't say FYI on my E-Mail. 980906 -- Why did the I.S. department deny my request for a PC upgrade? - BECAUSE WE ARE EVIL INCARNATE!! BUWAHAHAHA!! - I was looking for something more specific. - You didn't provide a dollar estimate of the benefits. - That's ridiculous. I can't put a 980906 -- value on every tool I need to do my job. - If you can't quantify it, then it must not be necessary. - Then why does the company give me a chair? I can't quantify that either? - Here's one more reason why it stinks to be me. 980907 -- Ring - Hello, I'm a rat. This is a consulting company. We'll pay you $200,000 per year to work for us. - I'm more interested in investment banking. *#!* Job market. 980908 -- Come work for our consulting firm and you will get this bushel of money. - All we want in return is twenty hours of work each day... - ...with clients who hate you for a variety of good reasons. At least there's no travel, right? 980909 -- Ratbert the consultant As our newest partner, you'll get the least desirable assignments. - We'll load you in the consultant cannon, shoot you to the client's site and monitor your progress. - The window is more to the left. The client is more 980909 -- to the right. 980910 -- Ratbert the consultant I'm making $200,000 per year! - - Apparently that's all I know. 980911 -- Thanks to my consulting job, I'm wealthier than you. - And I'm cuter, obviously. The only thing left is personality. - Shouldn't you be spreading disease somewhere? Three for three! Yes!! 980912 -- I built a ring with a tiny computer i it. - It only displays one character at a time. Then what good is it? - No time for chit-chat. I'm surfin' the net! Don't make me come over there. 980913 -- It's time for my annual inspirational talk! - We must work twice as hard, or the competition will crush us! - I want you to feel afraid twenty-four hours a day! - Question: Wouldn't that lower the quality of out lives? Seems like it might. - 980913 -- I'm too afraid to work here now. I wonder if our competitors are hiring. - Question: Should we continue to be afraid of our own mamagement's incompetence? - Let's compromise. I'll cut the meeting short if you'll all agree to feel worse in some 980913 -- way. Now I remember why I only inspire them once a year. 980914 -- I got caught in traffic. - Let me recap what you missed. - We spent the past hour deciding not to change the name of our department. - You just inadvertently trained me to be late to all meetings. Oops. 980915 -- I've been building up my forearm so I'll have a bone-crushing handshake. - Why? Hey, what's this - some sort of hen party? - That was very witty, Wally. Congratulations! Oh. 980916 -- The safety award goes to Ted for his five years of injury-free work. - Thanks for this award. Without awards, there would be no incentive to avoid injuries. - 980917 -- If I work too hard, I get stressed out. But if I don't work hard, I get bored. - I recommend submerging your hed in icy water twice a day. - Wouldn't that hurt? Is there no end to your list of complaints? 980918 -- I'm finding it a burden to remember your name. - From now on, I'll refer to you as either "Buddy" or "Big Guy." - How aobut if I get a name tag? Then you just could read it. Do I look like I have that kind of time? 980919 -- I don't have any meetings today. - I'll change all my software settings until something doesn't work. - Keep up the good work. Keep up the good managing. 980920 -- I'm going to do some personal business during my lunch hour. - Normally I would work through lunch. - But this will take a full hour. - It would only take two minutes if I used the Internet. - But the Internet is for business use only! - 980920 -- Our company has a limited number of zeroes and ones. - When tey're gone, they're gone! Furthermore... - You mocked him for a full hour. Now it's time to eat. 980921 -- You're under arrest for stealing empty cardboard boxes! - The company needs those boxes to meet its recycling goals. But reuse is better than recycling. - There's got to be a way out of this cell. 980922 -- Catbert: H.R. director You can improve an employee's performance by making him feel bad about himself. - So, although that wouldn't work on me, it works fine on other people? Exactly. - I'll read your faults one at a time. Tell me when 980922 -- your performance improves. 980923 -- My source tells me that you're not meeting your objectives. - Tht's not true. Who are these sources? Name one objective I haven't maet. - I don't even know what your objectives are. Must...control...fists. 980924 -- Who said I wasn't meeting my objectives? I can't remember. - Therefore, I have no reason to doubt the accuracy of the information. - Check the facts! That sounds like something a guilty person would say. 980925 -- I've decided to be one of those guys who says whatever is on his mind. - - Still nothing? Boy, this is a real eye-opener. 980926 -- Do you mind if I fill the gaps in our conversation with random observations? No. - So, you got a little pillow there, eh? Eh? - When I say, "Eh?", that's your cue to answer. 980927 -- Based on a true story I'm drowning in work! - You have to do sometinh. - I could build a partition right here. - How will a partition help? - Carol, you shouldn't be afraid of new things. - If it doesn't work, we'll try something else! - - Are 980928 -- you over there? It works! 980928 -- Asok, you're the winner of the prestigious "broken binder award." - It's a once-in-a-lifetime award that is voted on by our peers. - How long have you been dumping your trash here? Since my can got full. 980929 -- We're having an all-employee talent show for charity. Tickets are three dollars! - We'll give you three dollars apiece to forget the whole thing. It works out the same. - Deal. Ironically, math is my only talent. 980930 -- This is urgent. I need it by tomorrow. - You've known about this for weeks. Now I'll have to work all night! - Could you at least say something that sounds grateful? I'm glad I'm me! 981001 -- I am Mordac, the preventer of information services! I summon the Y2K demon! - roar roar You're not as big as I imagined. I wonder why everyone is so afraid. - Cute! 981002 -- 981003 -- You've been a great temporary employee. Would you like to be a permanent one? Yes! - HA HA HA!!! YOU SIMPLE FOOL!!! - What was that? That was your employee orientation program. 981004 -- This bell will improve your morale. - You ring the bell whenever you achieve a goal. - THEN YELL YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENT TO THE REST OF THE OFFICE - I know it sounds corny, but the bell has worked at other companies. - Does your information 981004 -- come from the *bosses* of other companies? - No. It comes from a magazine who interviewed those bosses. - I'll go first. CLANG CLANG - I RESISTED KILLING MY BOSS WITH A STUPID BELL!! 981005 -- From now on, anyone who misses a staff meeting must buy donuts for the next meeting. - - Did I just sell them their freedom for donuts? 981006 -- Here's another shovel full of assignments. - How am I supposed to get all of that done? Only do the most important ones. - "Identify all the acronyms that have never been used." That's an important one. 981007 -- I have time to do *one* of these two assignments. - One is essential to the business. The other one is not. Which *one* do you want me to do? Both! - I know you *want* both. But if you can only *get* one... Combine them and just do the 981007 -- one. 981008 -- It's not my policy to fire morons, Donald. Firing is expensive. - It's my policy to make your job so unpleasant that you quit. - So, your project involves being bitten by coyotes? Only two more years and I'm vested. 981009 -- Put this strip on your nose to get more oxygen to your brain. - I'm hoping it will make you a more interesting conversationalist. - How 'bout that? I'm no longer optimistic. 981010 -- I can no longer hold this inside. - YOU CALL THAT BREATHING??! GET THE OTHER NOSTRIL INVOLVED! - I wonder if he'll ever realize that I just enjoy yelling. 981011 -- It's not enough to "serve" our customers... - We must *delight* them! - You mean we have to stop price-gouging? - No, I think we can still do that. - Ooh ooh! I know! - We could stop selling products with known defects. - I'M TALKING ABOUT 981011 -- CUSTOMERS, NOT PRODUCTS!! - Do you feel like delighting customers? I barely have the empathy to pity them. 981012 -- I'm sending you to teach a class in Cobol. I don't know Cobol. - Maybe you can learn it in the plane. - Maybe I'll take some Scuba lessons up there too. I'm making my getaway. 981013 -- Why are you sending *me* to teach Cobol th the Elbonians? Wally is the one who knows Cobol, not me. - Wally said he's busy that day. Can't you reschedule the class? - Okay... Does tomorrow work for you? YOU'RE SOLVING THE WRONG PROBLEM! 981014 -- Somewhere in Elbonia I've been sent to teach you Cobol. - We don't have any computers. That's okay. I don't know Cobol. - ...and if you had a keyboard, you would do this. do I delete? 981015 -- Dilbert teaches Cobol in Elbonia ...and that's how you fix your "Year 2000" problem. - This concludes my four-day class. Are there any questions? What's a year? - And is Cobol a kind of cabbage or what? Class dismissed. 981016 -- Catbert the H.R. director Asok, it's time to groom you for management. - I don't see too many bugs in your fur. Can you lick the top of your own head? No, I can't. Then you can't be a manager. 981017 -- We'll take away the cubicle walls and force employees to work in an "open plan" office. - Surveillance cameras will record their every move. We'll monitor phone calls and Web use. We'll even test their blood! - Can we flog them? Whoa, 981017 -- Cobboy! Wait for phase two. 981018 -- It't time to delegate. - Dilbert, I want you to give me a new cash flow estimate for your project. Okay, fine. - When will I get it? When do you need it? - As soon as possible! Okay! - And when do you think that will be? - I usually wait a 981018 -- few days to see if you change your mind. - Then I'll give you last year's cash flow as a test to see if you read it. - The more experience they get, the worse they are. 981019 -- Catbert: H.R. director New policy: Employees are not allowed to eat at their desks. - Because why? I need a semi-plausible reason. - Because I hate you. 981020 -- Alice, meet the newest member of our team. - I hired him myself. That means I can never fire him; it would look like I made a bad decision. - Microsoft hired his head. It's in a jar in Redmond. And we got the part that goes to meetings. 981021 -- If we're going to work together, I should know your name. - Let's see if you have a wallet with some identification. - Geez, Alice, could you let the new guy settle in first? 981022 -- According to his driver's license, the new guy's name is Edward Mann. - Is his middle name Lester? How did you know that? - What we have here is an Ed Less Mann. 981023 -- The new guy isn't working out. Why not? - Maybe because he has no head. So, you think I made a mistake hiring him? - But the new guy thinks so. Then he's fired for insubordination! 981024 -- Dogbert the consultant You must brainwash your customers to prefer your brand for no reason. - The long-term goal is to train your customers to mail you money every time they see your advertisements. - Would we send them our product? 981024 -- Hello-o-o, brain stem. 981025 -- In order to improve communications... Please don't. - Every morning I'll give you two pennies. - Every afternoon, you return them and "give me your two cents worth." - Get it? It's cute. - So, I get to keep the money if I avoid seeing you? 981025 -- - - How much will you pay me to ignore your voice mail too? - I'll pretend you're dead for a nickel. I hate them all. 981026 -- Thank you all for coming to the meeting that has no real purpose. - Maybe we could raise issues and then form action plans. - I have an urge to stomp you to death. That's not very professional of you. 981027 -- That's the plan. Now I will pretend to listen to your irrational concerns. - Go! - This is another situation where ambiguity would be better. 981028 -- Dogbert the consultant Our target market is the gullible moron segment. - Our commercials will feature an actor who seems sincere. I care about the rain forest...and you - I like kittens...and you. Wow...we made it into his top two. 981029 -- Dogbert the consultant Our ad campaign featuring phony sincerity is working. - In phase two, we'll introduce our newest product, the invisible robot. - We don't know how to make an invisible robot. Do you know how to make an empty box? 981030 -- Dogbert the consultant Some customers might complain that the invisible robot they bought from us... - nothing but an empty box. I will train our support staff to handle those calls. - Customer's house According to our sensors, he's 981030 -- in your house...and he's watching you. 981031 -- Cublicle walls will be removed "in order to improve communication." - Why do the worst ideas always have the noblest sounding reasons? - Employees will be leashed and branded "in order to improve morale." 981101 -- I have a solution to our morale problem. - We need a nickname for our group. - Can it be something scatological? - - How about something that involves monkeys? - I don't think so. - Ooh... But could it be something that's both 981101 -- scatological *and* involves monkeys? - It's hard to be optimistic while he's so grumpy. 981102 -- I must warn you. I'm one of those women who like to curse at work. - %#**!!* - That was a warmup. MY EARS FELL OFF!! 981103 -- If you anger me, I will curse at you until your eyebrows burn off. - I will demonstrate my power by burning Wally's left eyebrow. - %#**!!* OW! OW! THAT'S NOT AN EYEBROW! 981104 -- Get out of my way, weaklings! - This closed door can't stop me! I'll curse it off its %#**!!* hinges! - You could have knocked. I'm a barger, not a knocker. 981105 -- Ann, I made a bet with Ted that you could ignite this match by swearing at it. - HOW DARE YOU BET AGAINST ME, TED, YOU #%*!!*! - Dang! How about double or nothing? I want my dollar. 981106 -- Dilbert, I'd like you to meet the humorless blob I hired. - Blob is our new creative director. His job is to foster innovation. - I have some ideas. Whoa, loose cannon. 981107 -- The presentation This cartoon says it all! Hee hee! - Uh-oh. I just realized you're all humorless blobs. - Join us, Dilbert. Be a blob. Yes...humor is uncalled for. 981108 -- Wally, you haven't done any actual work for years, yet we continue to pay you. - Have I said thanks? - I'd fire you, but your performance reviews are all "excellents." - So, my plan is to make your job a living hell until you quit. - 981108 -- You'll never win! My standards are lower than you can imagine! - I'll start by moving you to a smaller cubicle. - IS THAT THE BEST YOU GOT? HA HA HA!!! - Mom, guess who got an office wit a door! 981109 -- Catbert: H.R. director I work hadr, but all I get is tiny raises. - If we gave you everything you wanted, then you would have nothing to motivate you. - I don't want to be motivated. That's why I enjoy doing it! 981110 -- I'll need a project plan to justify the resources we need to change our software. - I can make those software changes in ten seconds. Done. - Good work. Now all we need is that plan. 981111 -- I don't understand your technical recommendation, Alice. - I will rely on my keen insights about you as an engineer. - That too would require knowledge on your part. Shush! 981112 -- I AM YOUR KING! BOW BEFORE ME, PEASANT! - This was a test of the emergency monarch system. - If this were a real monarchy, you would already be wretched. 981113 -- You need to sign the non-employee certification form before I process your raise. - But this would be a lie. I'm not a non-employee. I'm only the messenger. - Where did it come from? The file cabinet. 981114 -- Why should I fill out this form? It would take an hour and it doesn't even apply to me. - I don't make the rules. I just apply them with a helpless and defeated attitude. - You're doing an excellent job. Seven more hours until quitting time. 981115 -- From now on, the organization chart will not be distributed. - And the internal phone lists will be shredded. crumple - This will prevent headhunters from easily picking us clean. - Why would headhunters call *us*? - They want to steal you away 981115 -- and double your pay at another company. - What makes you think we won't leave on our own anway? - Because working here drains all of your initiative. - Let's prove him wrong! Yeah! I'm *not* going to shred my phone list! 981116 -- You expect me to sign this? The legalese is totally incomprehensible. You will. - Do you expect me to give up legal rights just because it's too hard to figure out what any of it means? Yes. - And initial the "involuntary biological testing" 981116 -- box. Okay, okay! 981117 -- Our new line of business is testing experimental medical procedures on employees. - Today's test is called the unicorn antidepressant therapy. - According to the instructions, in a few minutes, I'll see something that will make me laugh. 981118 -- Lately, I've been growing a unicorn horn. - In some cultures, this would be a sign of great virility. - It's time to admit that I don't know what women want. 981119 -- Don't complain to me. You signed the form giving us permission to alter your DNA. - No one reads legal documents before signing them. It makes you look stupid. - You have a point. That is *so* not funny. 981120 -- At least I can count on my Mom to love me, despite my horn. - Yes, of course, albeit not as much as before. - How much less? Don't worry. My love of unicorns practically covers the gap. 981121 -- Looks like someone has a bad case of unicornitis. - I've got a pre-horn sample of your DNA in the truck. I could fix you up with my cell normalizer. - Why do you have my DNA in your truck? It's for exactly this sort of situation. 981122 -- Our goal in this year is zero disabling injuries. - Last year, our goal was twenty-six disabling injuries. - In retrospect, that was a mistake. - We had to injure nine employees to meet the goal. - If you have an injury, fill out these forms 981122 -- immediately. - These are resignation forms. - If you cover the word "resignation" with your thumb, it's an injury report. - This place makes me sick. We'll miss you. 981123 -- I'd love my job if not for my slow-witted co-workers. - - Am not. You're drinking my soda again! 981124 -- I'm feeling much healthier since I strapped all of these magnets to my body. - That's fascinating you show them to Wally. It would have a big impact on him. Okay. - YOU ERASED MY #%!!* HARD DRIVE!! 981125 -- I'm going to teach morons how to get high-level jobs. - Why? - I'm addicted to wagging. Carry on. - Now turn your ear clockwise to get your tongue back in. 981126 -- Job counseling We'll need to disguise the fact that you're a moron. - Ironically, the best way is to become an expert in something called "knowledge management." - We must develop knowledge optimization initiatives to leverage our key 981126 -- learnings. Smart. 981127 -- Then we need to PV the DCF and get the ROI to the EOC ASAP. - Are you our new CFO or a babbling idiot who just happened to wander by? - Which one pays more? The mystery deepens. 981128 -- Chief financial officer I need one-sentence descriptions of each of your projects. - You're planning to make critical budget decisions based on *that*? Yes. - Wow. Five pages without using a period. Thank god for semi-colons. 981129 -- Welcome to the mandatory Windows NT(TM) class. - Personally, I've only been using a computer for... How long? Anyone? - But a good trainer can teach any subject. - Okay, everyone stand up and stretch! - Or sit there and glare at me. - That's 981129 -- good too. - I forgot to reserve the room with the computers, so I'll use this box. - ...and let's say this eraser is the mouse. - I left when he told us to use our teeth as a keyboard. Ooh-yah. 981130 -- Alice, you're the first recipient of the motivational "Stone of Quality." - It cost a thousand dollars to have it engraved. It's my way of saying "thanks." - There's no weapon, but I found this cool motivational rock. 981201 -- The accident left him with no brain function whatsoever. - But that hasn't stopped him from talking. I'll drive him back to work. - If I double the length of our staff meetings, we'll accomplish twice as much! 981202 -- Microsoft Headquarters We misspelled a word in our spell-checking software. You know what to do. - Um...use our market power to make the new word an industry standard? And...? - Kill myself as an example to others? In our booth at "Comdex." 981203 -- What the...? I've been sabotaged! - No, I am not part of a global conspiracy to plant a misspelled word in your "spell checker." - GASP! THEY GOT TO WEBSTER TOO!!! 981204 -- If you want to get promoted, you need lots of "face time" with your V.P. - I recommend sending photos of yourself every week. - More photos...he must be a relative. I'll start the promotion paperwork. 981205 -- This report shows how much your raise would be if raises hadn't been canceled. - Wow! My imaginary life is doing great! - Now back to pretending to work. 981206 -- Wally, may I tap in to your vast wisdom? - Okay, but make sure you pull out before your head explodes. - I've noticed that many employees are evil, sadistic obstructionists. - Do all the nuts work *here* by some strange coincidence? - Or are 981206 -- most employees evil? Don't focus on the evil, Asok. - Focus on the few employees who seem good. - *They're* the ones who will stab you when you're sleeping! Trust no one but the lazy! - Ow! Ow! Ow! I warned you to pull out! 981207 -- From now on, Asok, you'll report to Alice instead of me. - You can never directly speak to me again. Everything must go through Alice. - Tell him I understand. Submit your request by E-mail. 981208 -- Alice, you never responded to my E-mail. - Maybe I could ask my question now. In person? Send me a voice mail. - Will you respond to voice mail? Sometimes the phone company loses them. 981209 -- No one returns my phone calls... No one reads the E-mail I send. - I find myself hanging around with other pathetic, defeated losers. - No offense. None taken. 981210 -- I created a complex financial model for our company. Let's see. - It's dangerous if you don't understand it. That's what they told Lindbergh... - But that didn't stop him from inventing the lightbulb. 981211 -- I did some financial modeling on my own. - But you don't know any of the assumptions that went into the original spreadsheet. - That didn't stop me from developing a strategy. Our pay is based on the tax rate now. 981212 -- Nothing is more dangerous than a boss with a spreadsheet. - If I increase the page number, our sales go up. I'm onto something. - On page 843 the sales would be higher, but I was exhausted. 981213 -- So... Justin, tell me why you want to work here. - I want to find a cure for Asthma! - We don't do medical research here. Oh - Then I want to build the biggest hydroelectric dam in the world! - We don't do that either. What do you do? - We sit 981213 -- in fabric-covered boxes. - Shrivel Crinkle Ack! - That was the sound of your idealism dying. Show me to my box. 981214 -- I discovered I'm much cuter when I put my ears up. - It seems impossible that I could be any cuter than I was. Maybe you aren't. - I could kill you and no jury would believe I did it. Okay, *that* was cute. 981215 -- I will now use my power of cute ears to abuse the banking industry. - I'd like to make alarge withdrawal from other peoples' accounts. - It was funny when I made her count it twice. 981216 -- I wionder if my ear-related cuteness will let me get away with crimes. - You passed an ambulance...on the right. - And your license is a blank piece of cardboard. I have to give you a verbal warning. I'll cry if you do. 981217 -- Hey, Alice, I brought my radio to work. You can hear it from your cubicle too. - Is there anything in particular that you want to hear? Yes, there is. - BAM BAM BAM HEY! 981218 -- I'm strongly opposed to your plan. You haven't read it. - Oh, right, but now I'm emotionally invested in my opinion. - THIS PLAN WILL NEVER WORK!! That's the meeting agenda. 981219 -- WE HATE YOUR PLAN!!! - Good, because the *real* plan is the opposite of what I just showed you. Real plan - Who wants a nice worm? 981220 -- We have a problem. - I ordered direction signs for our conference tomorrow. - But they all point to the right. I need left arrows. - Is it too late to change the site of the conference to match the arrows? - Well, that would put us in the 981220 -- middle of the lake. - I suppose we could use helicopters to build a deep-water platform tomorrow. - Okay, but get two bids...What? - Spooky. 981221 -- I'm chatting with a supermodel who has trouble finding dates. - She says men are intimidated by her beauty and her computer skills. - Dang! The system administrator is making a move on her. TYPE FASTER! 981222 -- I set up a date with the supermodel I met on the Internet. - Supermodels don't look good in person. That's silly. - I don't know how to use a vase. Do you mind if I throw those in the trash? 981223 -- Dating a supermodel I hear the camera pounds? - Yes. And if you use black and white film, the camera adds makeup too. - Does the camera add hair? Why would it need to? 981224 -- I'll have the jumbo spaghetti meal with a loaf of garlic bread. - I'll absorb moisture from the air and sniff the mints on the way out. - Is it fun to be a supermodel? It was until now. 981225 -- I realize we're from different worlds, Bonita. - You're a famous supermodel and I'm just a sexy engineer... - But when I gaze into sockets... Good night. 981226 -- We must maintain a sense of urgency. Speed is the key, we must be faster than the competition. - Does that mean you'll sign the stuff that's been on your desk for a month? - Logical questions don't mix with motivational messages. 981227 -- Alice, we have a new corporate policy. - And I quote... - "initiate the description of the criteria for requirements... - " developing a framework for the application architecture... - "...consistent with the planning corridor specified in 981227 -- our strategic initiative." so tired - zzzz Did you get all that - Wally, come here for a minute. - Read this and tell mes if she's doing any of it right now. zzzzz 981228 -- Every work group has one sadistic nut who makes the job unbearable for everyone else. - That's why I hired Dennis. - He already seems indispensable. YOU'LL ALL DIE IN YOUR OWN VOMIT! 981229 -- The sadistic nut Are there any questions? - WHY DOES YOUR BODY LOTION SMELL LIKE THE ROTTING FLESH OF A THOUSAND DEAD CAMELS? - I assume he has valuable skills. No, you're thinking of a prima donna. 981230 -- The sadistic nut HEY, IT'S A LITTLE INTERN! Please spare me, Mister Nut. - I'M NOT CRUEL, I'M HONEST! No-o-o-o - Let me tell you why you'll never be married. No-o-o! You have to admit, it's fun to watch. 981231 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Wally, I'm sending you home. Shorts are not acceptable dress. - These are not shorts! - Tomorrow I'll accuse him of being a skinhead. purr purr 990101 -- For the tenth year in a row, the employee satisfaction survey says morale is low. - Manager's bonuses are linked to these results. You can be sure we'll make big changes... - the survey. 990102 -- The company will no longer pay for newspaper subscriptions. - I pay for this myself. This news is highly relevant to my job. - Is there anything I can do to make it less enjoyable? Just keep jabbering. 990103 -- Catbert the director of human resources So, you want a job here, Tubby? It's "Toby." - Did you just correct me? Um... - I ALONE WILL DETERMINE YOUR NAME!! - Now, what is your name? Tubby. - Tubby, is it true that you're so dumb that you... - 990103 --- ...sent your resume to the human resources department? - Do you think that's what this department does? Let me show you what I do. - I think I just became an entrepreneur. 990104 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Your co-workers say that you're a sadistic nut. - GIMME FIVE, YOU BIG NUT! AND KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! - Hey, I'm having a party on saturday. Can you make it? Sure! I'll bring my spinach dip. 990105 -- Don't use the shredder today. - I rigged it to kill our new sadistic nut co-worker. Woa! Whoa! - Doesn't that void the warranty? I'll switch shredders with marketing tomorrow. 990106 -- From now on, we will celebrate our service reps who give exceptional customer service. - Question: Why would we celebrate employees who do extra work without getting extra pay? - It will make them happy. Can we celebrate the smart employees 990106 -- someday? 990107 -- We must be like eagles, not ducks. - For the eggs? - I didn't do the pre-reading. 990108 -- Alice, I need you to attend a meeting with me to handle the technical questions. - If they ask me a question, I'll move my lips while you do ventriloquism. - ...and that's why I suggest putting your IP router in a suppository configuration. 990109 -- Alice, your performance exceeded all expectations this year. - But I'm not giving you the top rating because I want you to have something to shoot for. - It's always good to have something to shoot for. Stay here while I get my harpoon. 990110 -- I'm writing a comprehensive "how to" book. - In chapter one, I teach people how to pick winning lottery numbers. - Chapter two: How to find free real estate in very niceneighborhoods. - Chapter three: How to lose weight by eating huge tubs of 990110 -- ice cream. - Chapter four: How to build strong ABS by joining a gym and never going. - Finally, how to see angels by giving yourself a near death experience. - That last one is just to get rid of all these witnesses. - ON the plus side, I don't 990110 -- feel so bad about not recycling. 990111 -- In this week's "Wally Report," I've decided to let my hair grow long in the back. - Eventually, I'll put it in a ponytail to show I have an artistic side. - What's your artistic side? I collect coffee mugs. 990112 -- Watch this, Asok. I start out looking like a middle-aged guy with bad hair... - But simply by putting my hair in a ponytail, I transform into... - the coolest guy in the office. Curse you for raising the bar for us all! 990113 -- Wally, we're venture capitalists. We want to invest in your Web-based business. - I don't own a Web-based business. I'm just an engineer with a cool ponytail. - That's good enough for us. We like to get in early. 990114 -- Venture capitalists gave me money to start a Web-based business. - Do they know you're lazy and dishonest? I didn't come up. - What'll you create...besides accounting irregularities? That's all I have the energy for. 990115 -- Venture capitalists Despite your cool ponytail, you seem to have squandered our investment. - You'll get no more funding unless you mutter empty Internet words that make us swoon! - E-Commerce. gurgle 990116 -- How's your Internet start-up company coming? Good. - My plan is to be the dominant Internet source for tuna sandwiches. - So, if I buy one, you ship it overnight? No. You have to come pick it up. 990117 -- Security Stop. - Show me your "equipment removal authorization form." - This requires the signature of *two* employees. - Good catch. You'd better sign it so it's legal. - This seems wrong...but I don't know why. - And I'll need to see your 990117 -- birth certificate. - I don't have one. Then how do you know you were born? - I have baby pictures, but they could have been doctored by my alleged Mom. 990118 -- I used company resources to build my own Internet company. - Apparently my low job satisfaction bred disloyalty, which drifted into outright theft. - Sabotage can't be far away. 990119 -- Wally, tell our viewers how your Internet start-up got so hot. - Beats me. I was wondering how *you* got so hot. I'm burning up over here! - It says here you were an engineer. Is my ponytail doing anything for you? 990120 -- I sold my Internet business and married Roxie. - Don't worry about my money. Roxie insisted that we sign prenuptial agreements. - Now for our honeymoon. - Whoa! That's not in our agreement. He didn't read it. 990121 -- I lost my fortune and my trophy wife today. But I learned a valuable session. - munch munch munch - I hope I wrote it down somewhere. 990122 -- Our profits were good until a manager... - ...used his credit card to make a 900 call from an airplane phone. - Hey, I'm allowed to call my wife when I'm traveling! 990123 -- Do you mind if I floss? - Yes. I would be thoroughly disgusted and hate you forever. - Well, I can't please everyone. 990124 -- You spilled red wine on your shirt. - You should dilute it with white wine. - You'll thank me for this later. - I think that helped. You need salt to absorb it. - Try my Margarita. - Salt didn't work. Let's try pepper spray. Perhaps lighter 990124 -- fluid... - No harm in trying. I have one more idea. - Just once, I'd like to go to a party and not be set on fire. There's a stain on your rag. 990125 -- ...and one box of those big binder clips... ring ring - TIMMY, UNTIE THE NEIGHBOURS AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK - Maybe I'll come back later. DO *NOT* LIGHT THAT GASOLINE! 990126 -- As usual, Carol is on the phone yelling at her kids. - I wait, like a cheetah, for a chance to ask her for the key to the supply cabinet. - Are you waiting like a cheetah? I'm more of a Panda. 990127 -- Bob, have you ever noticed that the people with the people with the most experience are the ones who die? No. - My plan is to spend the rest of my life in an old coffee can, experiencing nothing. Hence, immortality. - How was your first week of 990127 -- immortality? So far, it's overrated. 990128 -- I stayed awake for two days to finish this R.F.Q. by the deadline. - But it will all be for nothing if you don't send it out today. - I'll put it in the middle of this stack so I won't forget it. 990129 -- I'm taking your urgent document to the overnight drop box, with nine minutes to spare. - The box is only eight minutes away. I'll stop for coffee first. - Don't worry. If the truck is pulling away from the box, I'll wedge this in the back 990129 -- bumper. 990130 -- Alice, we lost our biggest customer because you missed the R.F.Q. deadline. - That's because *you* said all overnight mail must go through your evil and lazy secretary. - So you're probably going to apologize and give me a bonus for my effort. 990130 -- What's your second guess? 990131 -- Make your report consistent with our strategic plan. - What's our strategic plan? It's a secret. - Are you saying you don't trust me? - I don't think it's a coincidence that most employee sabotage is done by employees. - How can I do my report 990131 -- if I don't know the strategy? - Okay, okay. I'll let you glance at it. - TIME'S UP! THAT'S LONG ENOUGH! - That's the warranty for your chair. Really? I've been managing to this for years. 990201 -- Carol, I'd like to reserve the conference room. - HA HA HA HA! I laugh at your request without even explaining why. - Someday I will be so powerful that secretaries will *have* to eplain why they laugh at me. 990202 -- We didn't include engineers in the product planning sessions - Because we were art history majors in college. Pa-r-r-rty! - How soon can you build the cloak of invisibility? Let the man think, Clover. 990203 -- Bob, from now on, I will refer to myself in the third person. - Dogbert does this to emphasize his special brand of greatness. - Bob thinks that is a good idea. Hey! You're spoiling it! 990204 -- I need a job where my immense ego seems normal. - I've decided to be a doctor. I will determine who lives and who dies! - What? I can't die from an ulcer! Maybe not, but I enjoy the challenge. 990205 -- Doctor Dogbert I'm putting you on an extreme herbal therapy. - Come to my house once a week and eat my lawn down to one inch. - After six months, if your hair doesn't grow back, I have more herbs in my storm gutters. 990206 -- Doctor Dogbert I hurt my elbow, doctor. Let me see it. - - I recommend a carreer in marketing. And it's not a good idea to vote. 990207 -- I an Mordac, the preventer of information services! - I'll take your computer and your little P.D.A. too! - Do you recognize *this*? AAAGH! THAT'S MY NETWORK CABLE! - WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! - Mordac, it is I, Catbert, the evil director of 990207 -- human resources! - YOU MADE MY PERSONAL PRINTER A SHARED DEVICE! - GRRRR!! AAAGH!! - Two wrongs make a right. Welcome to my reality. 990208 -- The "Meeting Moth" is attracted to all meetings. - Excuse me. I can't resist the urge to beat myself senseless on your table. - You have to envy his sense of purpose. 990209 -- #!** - #!** - A "meeting moth" should never go to a meeting on an empty stomach. 990210 -- My moth sense has detected a meeting. - Hi, guys! What are you talking about? Is this a meeting? I can't resist joining in. - RUN FOR IT! I'LL HOLD HIM OFF WITH THIS CEDAR-FLAVORED DONUT!!! 990211 -- Dogbert's tech support First, I need to ask you many questions. - Then I will transfer you to someone who will ask the same questions again. - We do this to remove any hope you might have had that we understand technology. 990212 -- Dogbert's tech support I'll need your serial number, which is conveniently located inside the unit. - The sticker says my warranty will be void if I open the case. - Well, call me if anything changes. 990213 -- Do yout think I have too much false humility? - Try going a week without using any false humility, so I can see the difference. - Wake up, you piece of fetid carp, and experience the joy of knowing Dogbert!! This could be a long week. 990214 -- Catbert: H.R. director The ceiling in my work area collapsed. - No one else has complained. - A steel beam hit me in the head! - How can I be sure it didn't happen in your home? - There aren't any steel beams in my house!! - Maybe you removed 990214 -- them with your head. - Uh-oh...losing consciousness. - If you can hear me, don't worry! I'll write your suicide note!! 990215 -- I'd like to spend the first hour defining what "Information Technology" means. - Ooh ooh! Can I help pass out the materials? - It's not a good idea to mix enthusiasm with stupidity, asok. Oh. Sorry. 990216 -- Catbert: H.R. director I value the input of all employees... - ...including the morons. Although in those cases, I cover my ears and sing loudly. - So I was thinking maybe... HE's A PINBALL WIZARD 990217 -- I didn't know how to design a power supply, so I put a nail in a piece of wood. - I'm on vacation tomorrow, so I'll give you my files in case you need to make changes. - Once I had the idea, it all came together pretty quickly. 990218 -- Anyone who takes more than thirty minutes for lunch is unprofessional. - That's still too long! I say you're unprofessional after *six* minutes! - That's a little *too* professional, Wally. - DEATH TO THOSE WHO EAT! 990219 -- Would you like to see my pierced bellybutton? Um... - AAAH! AAAH! OW! OW! OW! - I still have a chance of a kiss if I keep this to dry heaves. 990220 -- This one has been on my desk for a month. It's critical. - I'll stick it back in the pile and see if it helps. - Yes, I feel better already. 990221 -- It's time now for the weekly Wally report. - By tuesday the pointy-haired troll had dumped record levels of work on poor Wally. - Wally's happiness was in extreme jeopardy. - It was a moral dilemma too. - Would Wally disappoint the stockholders 990221 -- to save his own skin? - Or would he fight with his last ounce of happiness to complete all the assignments? - In the end there was only one choice. - You wrote the Wally report instead of working? STOP READING AHEAD! 990222 -- Dilbert, meet our new sacrificial lamb. - I filled our headcount vacancy so we have someone to dump after the next budget cut. - Should we shake hands? I don't want to get attached. 990223 -- Allen, I have to cut the salary budget. I probably shouldn't have hired you yesterday. - Luckily, I have extra money in the furniture budget. - As God is my witness, someday I will be a credenza. 990224 -- Catbert: H.R. director My boss treats me like furniture! - I'd help you, but it might set a dangerous precedent. - I need a new position. Have you tried couching? 990225 -- Our executives have started their annual strategic planning sessions - This involves sitting in a room with inadequate data until an illusion of knowledge is attained. - Then we'll reorganize, because that's all we know how to do! Have you 990225 -- tried it with a magazine? 990226 -- Tina, you should have... I'm in trouble. Must use secret weapon. - WAAH!! WAAH!! EVERYONE HATES ME NO MATTER WHAT I DO!! - Thanks, that lowered the glass ceiling about a foot. I plan to marry a rich guy. 990227 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director " policy on reimbursement for travel..." - "do not tip more than ten percent for meals..." - "if the meal costs more than six dollars, bring back a fork." purrr 990228 -- Asok, I can't give raises to young employees. - Because as soon as you get a few dollars in your pocket... - you buy small motorcycles and disappear in the night. - I know that's generalization. - Some of you prefer the crack cocaine. - The 990228 -- good news is that I'm willing to be your mentor. - AAAGH! I GOT DOUBLE EIGHT HUNDREDS ON MY SAT!!! FOR WHAT?!! - Sometimes when I'm in a bad mood I tickle my own feet. 990301 -- ...and we know mass creates gravity because dense planets have more gravity. - How do we know which planets are more dense? They have more gravity. - That's circular reasoning. I prefer to think of it as having no loose ends. 990302 -- Prepare a presentation for our foreign visitors. On what topic? - It doesn't matter. I'm told they're from Austria and they only understand their own language. - Or was it Australia? 990303 -- They say people fear public speaking more than they fear death. - So technically, if you kill a guy who's scheduled to speak, you're doing him a favor. - When are you going to sleep? Never. 990304 -- I'd like to start with a cartoon. - It's about a guy who shows a cartoon before giving a boring presentation. - But it doesn't work because the cartoon has no punchline. 990305 -- This concludes my presentation. Are there any questions? - HOW DO I GET THE BOREDOM OUT OF MY HEAD?!! - The funny thing is that I'll list this on my annual accomplishments. AIR! I NEED AIR!!! 990306 -- I believe god created the earth because he hates people. - And I believe coffee tastes better if you stir it with your finger. - It sounds like a lonely religion. They all start that way. 990307 -- our morale...umm... - What's that on your desk? It's a family picture. - I might be wrong, but I think it's only a picture of you. - The rest of the family is hard to look at. - I see no reason why I should suffer. - Now what was your 990307 -- question about morale? - Alice? - We're surrounded by freaks. 990308 -- Mwa fwa fwa ooh mah fuh. I can't understand a word you say. - And you're poorly dressed. You must be some sort of technology expoert. Or a rodeo clown. - There's a fifty percent chance I hired a data network engineer. I smell hay. 990309 -- WAH-WAH! WOO-WOO! - snort YEE-HA! - Just as I suspected, the new guy is a rodeo clown. He's fast. 990310 -- You must use the stars as your management guide. Does that work? - If you believe it works, then you're not bright enough to make your own decisions anyway. - So randomness is probably an improvement. Q.E.D. 990311 -- My astrologer told me to approve your project plan as is. - What? That's the correct decision. What's going on here? - My theory is that his ignorance clouded his poor judgement. 990312 -- My astrologer tells me that someone here is plotting to rip me off. - How much is your astrologer charging you? - Are you plotting to rip me off? I prefer to call it hourly billing. 990313 -- Yesterday you told me to do the exact opposite of what you told me today. - It's my way of holding you accountable. - I have a vague feeling that I am not being all that I can be. 990314 -- I'm from the Dogbert wrecking company. - I'm running a special on crushing your boss's new car in the parking lot. - What does it cost? - The first one is free. - If you're satisfied, I hope you'll consider my monthly plan. - It's the red one. 990314 -- He brags about it every day. - And when you spend that much, the dealer gives you a free model of your car! beep beep beep - And next month can you crush that little one on his desk too? 990315 -- Who are you? - I'm a scapegoat. BANG! - Oops. I was aiming for the messenger. It's his own fault for being here. 990316 -- I'm sorry you got shot, scapegoat. I'm used to it. - The worst was the day I blundered across the National Rifle Association's chili cook-off. - At first, everyone wanted to stand near me. Then the accusations started... 990317 -- I'm transferring you to the sales department, scapegoat. - Then we can make useless products and blame you for our low sales. - Wouldn't it be better to make good products? In a perfect world. 990318 -- And then I said, "How am I supposed to do all that?" Then I glared at her. - Do you have that woman's phone number? She sounds nicer than you. - I don't see why it's *my* fault she can't tell a decent story. 990319 -- Wally, did you finish the analysis for tomorrow? No. - I'm waiting until the last minute so you won't have time to ask for unnecessary changes. - I'm a step ahead of him - the analysis itself is unnecessary. 990320 -- I have to disagree with you, Alice. - Have you noticed that every time we disagree, I'm eventually proved correct? - EVERY SINGLE TIME!! Yes, but I'm always right initially. 990321 -- Alice, I'd like you to work with this big dumb guy. - He doesn't know he's dumb, so he'll tell people *you're* dumb if you ever disagree. - He's also lazy and a habitual liar. - THEN WHY DO YOU LET HIM WORK HERE?! - He has an excellent track 990321 -- record. No one knows why. - - Look what I just did. Excellent work. - Remember, Alice, you're never too old to learn. 990322 -- You're getting a visit from Hammerhead Bob! - I can't tell when I'm boring now and I don't even know it. - There's no way to end a conversation with me; I'll follow you to the bathroom. I'm nailed. 990323 -- You can't escape the relentless conversation of Hammerhead Bob. - Buwhaha! Your body language can't stop me! - WHERE'S YOUR PERSONAL SPACE NOW?! SOB EAR PLUGS, ASOK! EAR PLUGS! 990324 -- Wally, what's your project budget code? E473. - I'm switching you to E947, effective immediately. Why? - That's my new code for bald engineers. - It will grow back! 990325 -- My wife had ababy! - I hope it's not a moron. Have you looked into Foster Care? - Maybe we shouldn't have gone with our first instinct. We meant well. 990326 -- I wish we could wear Jeans at work. I'm wearing Jeans right now. - I wear my work pants over the Jeans so no one will know how comfortable I am. - Why does Wally's butt look so good today? I'm sworn to secrecy. 990327 -- I use art as a way of finding myself. - You're over there, Ratbert, in front of a bad painting! - And I did it without using any art. 990328 -- I'm trying a little experiment tonight. - I'll attribute a stupid opinion to you... - Then I'll aggresively mock you while you sit there saying nothing. - So, according to you, the Internet is a passing fad. - YOU MORON! LOOK AROUND YOU! THE 990328 -- INTERNET IS EVERYWHERE! - AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! NOTHING!! - How did that feel? Quite satisfying. - I needed a back-up plan in case you ever get laryngitis. 990329 -- ...I'm going infrared from the keyboard to my "Linux" box. Nice, Mom. - I just sent a flaming E-Mail to Bill Gates, saying, "Linux rules!" You what? - Launch the competitionkeeper missiles. 990330 -- Dogbert, Mom told Bill Gates she uses the "Linux" operating system! - I'm tracking four incoming missiles. I'll launch our anti-Microsoft weapons to intercept. - I wondered why a press conference was being held on a huge catapult. 990331 -- Dogbert's Tech Support You'll need to do a hard reboot. Listen carefully. - Rent a van and fill it with stolen Dynamite. Park it near the power company's main relay station. - Can we talk? aim the Bazooka at the van. 990401 -- Wally, I've been calling you for two hours! Why don't you answer your phone? - Is that a trick question? - Wally, unless you're in a meeting... Hold on. I'd better get this. ring ring ring 990402 -- You're suggesting a process that will fail even if we do everything right. When can you start? - Listen carefully. No amount of skill or effort can make this plan work. no pain, no gain. - You're not working with many tools here, do you? We 990402 -- need some sort of conference call. 990403 -- I never told my last boyfriend what a despicable creep he was. - BUT YOU'LL PAY FOR HIS CRIMES, AND PAY DEARLY!!! - Why don't you call him and tell him how you feel? I have a date with him at ten o'clock tonight. 990404 -- Dilbert, this is Peggy the P.R. director. - I want you to review her press release for technical accuracy. - Who wrote this? A trained squirrel? - I don't know where to begin. - I'll cross out the run-on sentences and transparent lies first. - 990404 -- Then the failed attempts at cuteness...the spelling errors...grammar. - There you go. Remember, criticism makes you stronger. - It was a mistake to make her stronger. 990405 -- Our annual ISO9000 audit is next week. - We can pass the audit if we put all of our non-conforming documents in the trunks of our cars. - Doesn't that defeat the purpose of a voluntary audit? And then torch the cars. 990406 -- Asok, I've chosen you to put our budget forecast together. - It's a hard job, but you'll get the satisfaction of making everyone hate your tiny guts. - My guts are not tiny. 990407 -- The budget cycle And I'll need a helicopter, double rotor. - If you have any respect for me or the budget process, you will not ask for such obvious budget padding. - And I'll need that chopper filled with albino tiger cubs. 990408 -- Do you have the budget calculated yet, Asok? I need to double-check the numbers. - Give me a copy now. I'll mentally adjust for the possibility the numbers are wrong. - Am I making a hug emistake? This six is probably an upside-down nine. 990409 -- It's a funny thing about budgets... - No matter how hard you try, there's always a spreadsheet error that makes it all an exercise in futility. - Do you mind if I hum? 990410 -- I downsized the "ease of use" lab because there's no budget for a staff. - They *have* a budget. I put it on the back of these two-sided photocopies! - Well, they lived by the sword, and they died by the sword. 990411 -- There's Ted. He never sent me the information he promised. - Why have you ignored my request, Ted? - I was killed by a squadron of giant military squirrels. - He doesn't respect you enough to tell a plausible lie. - I DEMAND A *PLAUSIBLE* LIE! 990411 -- Okay, maybe I *wasn't* killed by giant military squirrels. - But I *was* imprisoned in their secret lair at the center of the earth. - You can't prove that one either way. He did say it was a "secret" lair. 990412 -- Introducing the new bonus plan. - Yes!!! I'm already working at peak performance, so that bonus is as good as mine! - Asok, Mr. Reality wanted to visit you, but his car won't start. I'm Phil. 990413 -- Asok, come to my secret lair and I will teach you about reality. - Your secret lair is a dumpster? Get in. - It's like my cubicle, but with much better lumbar support! French fry? 990414 -- Asok, life is like this dumpster. - On one hand, it stinks... - Both of my hands stink now. And you reincarnate. 990415 -- Phil, you have taught me so much about life. How can I repay you? - You can wax my huge spoon. - Why do you have a huge spoon? I'm just lucky, I guess. 990416 -- Hello. May I speak to the moron who designed my computer? - My computer locks up five times a day. I'm going to drive over to your house and kick your white, pimply... - Hi, Mom. Oh, I'll *find* it! 990417 -- We have a report that you threatened to kill a computer manufacturer. - It freezes up five times a day. I have to unplug it to turn it off. - Okay, we're with you. When's it going down? Is Tuesday good? 990418 -- Patty is our new "Process Manager." - Patty doesn't know how to *do* anything. - She only knows how to do things *better*! Process! - For example, this meeting is poorly managed because you have no process. - And this intern obviously had no 990418 -- process for deciding whether to attend. - Okay, Patty is annoying. All in favor of getting rid of her. - - You lasted longer than Timmy the "Facilitator." 990419 -- GOOD MORNING! - I said, good morning. - If I convince them they don't exist, I won't have to pay them. 990420 -- As requested, I did a "risk management" assessment. - I concluded there was no risk of any management. - Do you have anything to add? I'll get back to you. 990421 -- Dogbert Consults Eliminate phone support for your product. Provide help only via the Internet. - Then discourage people by making them answer an ominous list of personal questions. - 1. What is your home address? 2. When do you shower? 990422 -- I just realized that if my project is a success, my job will be eliminated. - The smartest thing I could do is fail miserably and blame it all on your indecisiveness. - I'm happy because I have a clear strategy! I haven't nodded in a while. 990423 -- Tell me what morale issues you have. I'll summarize them under the appropriate categories. - My managers are incompetent, arrogant, micromanaging miyogynists. - That's one under "Time of Month." 990424 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Alice, you blame others for your low morale. - BUT THE REAL PROBLEM IS YOUT TIGHT PANTYHOSE! - I don't think so. Then how do you explain your oversized head? 990425 -- Dogbert presents Managing by Analogies It's easy! - We'll solve our distribution problem the eskimo way. Hu? - The eskimos gather ice all winter long. - Latr, during the lean summer months, the eskimos eat the ice they stored. - We'll do the 990425 -- same thing! - But...the eskimos would starve if they only ate ice. - Maybe they eat penguins too. They're delicious. - Did you know that the zoo can ban you for life if they catch you using a hibachi? 990426 -- I lost two pounds! I'm happy. Guess why. - Because you're supportive? Because there's less of you. - I was hoping for a scrap of encouragement. I'm all trapped out. Try back tomorrow. 990427 -- Do you have those budget numbers from last month? They're totally inaccurate. - I konw, but those are the only numbers we have. Actually, we have infinite inaccurate numbers to choose from. - Let's keep those in our back pocket in case we need 990427 -- them. I'll encrypt them so no one else can use them. 990428 -- Asok, I've been calling and calling, but you don't pick up your phone. - I'd like you to meet a little something I call the "fist of death." - It looks like he gnawed through the wall to escape. 990429 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director I'm starting an employee skills database. - Question: is this the first step in moving everyone to jobs they don't want? - No, no, no...the *first* step was when I laughed myself fuzzy thinking about it. 990430 -- There's been a rash of thefts from cubicles. - The suspect is described as fat and slow-witted, with poiny hair. - The bulletin stops short of actually naming her Alice. 990501 -- I used a hidden camera to capture the thief who's been raiding our cubicles. - - The picture is grainy but I can almost make out a human form...or maybe a cat... 990502 -- The project will take six months... Time line - Unless there are unforeseen problems. - Question. - Your leadership has made me unmotivated. - Is that considered foreseen or unforeseen? - And Wally is dysfunctional on many levels. I really am. - Was that 990502 -- foreseen? Or are you saying the schedule is random? - He looks mad. I didn't see that coming. 990503 -- The boss is away. - An unscrupulous employee could send E-Mail from his account. - The following employees have odd-looking nostrils. 990504 -- Continue with your presentation while I take this quick call. Ring Ring - Go ahead and ignore me, you vice presidential pile of stinkin' money... OKay, bye. - Crapital spending. Look how small my phone is. 990505 -- Asok, when I was your age I'd eat a huge breakfast, so I wouldn't have to stop working for lunch. - Then I'd eat a huge lunch, so I could work all night, or until dinner, whichever came first. - That's how I got to be the man I am today. Fat? 990506 -- This is our most reliable computer, unless you try< to use software. - It'll freeze several times a day. But you can restart it by poking a spoon into a hole in the back. - Has that ever worked? We think people are doing it wrong. 990507 -- Chest pains... My heart... - I INVENTED AN ANTIGRAVITY BELT, BUT IT'S HIDDEN!! - Do you think it's true? It's what engineers say to increase the odds of getting CPR. 990508 -- Tina, I want you to write the chinese version of our product's instructions. - Can you tell the difference between chinese words and random scribbles? - No. I'll be done in five minutes. 990509 -- I made a few upgrades to your design, Alice. - Do you realize you're not an engineer? - I'm better! I'm a well-rounded graduate of a liberal arts college. - The broad exposure to diverse topics made me what I am today. - A modern renaissance 990509 -- man. - You scribbled out my timing circuit and wrote in, "Moby Dick by Charles Dickens." - Exactly. I'll bet you didn't learn *that* in your engineering classes! - Poor engineers; their world is so small. 990510 -- We've reduced the volume of technical support calls... - by replacing our "on hold" music with the sound that balloons make when you rub them. - Do you ever feel like we're driving the getaway car? 990511 -- I've finished all of my objectives for the rest of the year. - What happens now? Do you double my salary, or do I take the rest of the year off? - You were wrong, Wally: there *is* harm in asking. Oops. 990512 -- I fear I am not meeting my personal goal of self-actualization. - I put all of our outdated binders in alphabetical order as you requested, yet I feel unfulfilled. - I assume that in phase two of this project I will find meaning. Now ship the 990512 -- binders to the dump. 990513 -- Wally, what is the quickest way to send these old binders to the dump? - I ususally use "Fedex." Charge it to marketing; they never look at their expense reports. - Here's one more thing I can never tell anyone about my job. 990514 -- We'll redesign our processes to enable enterprise integration of knowledge resources and tools. - Question: Is it okay if I do nothing? - No. Well excuse me for making a suggestion. 990515 -- This completes my portion of the project. - This project is so well-engineered it would take a squadron of idiots to ruin it. - Meanwhile in marketing And when I'm napping, it is *not* okay to use my ears as coasters. 990516 -- Blah blah blah I'll have to be proactive to escape this boring meeting. - I'll fake my own death and hope someone drags me into the hallway. - AACK!! MY COFFEE IS POISONED! - Maybe we should drag him into the hallway. No. - Let's wait for him 990516 -- to stiffen. Then he'll be easier to drag. - We should pose him before he stiffens. - Something obscene? Or spread eagle, so he won't fit into a casket. - It never pays to be the proactive one. 990517 -- Look at this great alphanumeric pager I bought. - Wow! It's the kind that clips to your ear instead of your belt. Is it? - You're going to hell Ow! Ow! 990518 -- Wally, are you sure this kind of pager is supposed to clip to my ear? - It hurts. Maybe you can call someone to double-check. Good idea. beep beep beep - Bzzz bzzz bzzz Is there anything else I can do for you? 990519 -- Aaagh! I'm having a recovered memory of ritual abuse! - You had your annual performance review this morning. - Do the memories ever fade? It takes about twelve monts. 990520 -- Well, we're almost back to my place. - Thanks for the date. I can make it from here. - I'd better attach the tracking device. I'll run down that alley and hide until he leaves. 990521 -- My date tried to run away, but I attached a tracking device to her coat. - Now I'll just compromise a spy satellite and a radio network. -, if next weekend is good, nod once. 990522 -- Alice, I expect you to work all night to finish that project. It's vital! - Aagh!! I'm a victim of a random act of management! - I was sure the arm-pumping would make it seem less random. 990523 -- Can I ask a quick question? - I doubt it. - Oh, sure, it'll start as an innocent, work-related question. - Then you'll try to impress me with your knowledge of engineering... - the pathetic hope that I value intelligence over physical 990523 -- appearance. WELL, I DON'T!!! I ONLY CARE ABOUT LOOKS! - Do you drive a red BMW? The lights are on. - And you still tried to ask her out? She's hard to read. 990524 -- I'll give you a million dollars if you go to work like that. - I'll call your bluff. I'm doing it. I'm going right now! Go ahead! - Tonight I expect a long debate over the exact definition of "Go to work like that." 990525 -- A bathrobe! This can only mean he found out how much market power an engineer has. - I'LL GIVE YOU a 30% RAISE IF YOU DON'T QUIT!! - Um..okay. Take me, you terry-cloth rebel. 990526 -- When I saw you wear a bathrobe to work, I knew you were a rebel. - From now on, when you come upon a group of us cool rebels, we won't suddenly stop talking. - But if *I'm* right, and yellow *is* a flavor, I get to hammer a nail into *your* 990526 -- skull. 990527 -- You must be the new office rebel we heard about. Nice bathrobe. - We're called rebels because we're easily manipulated into doing stupid things. Give it up for us! Whoo whoo! - I dare you to use branding irons on each other right now. Start the 990527 -- fire! 990528 -- You say you'd give me a million bucks if I went to work like this. Pay up. - I'll bet you double of nothing that you won't go to work totally naked. - Wait...what were his exact words. 990529 -- Carol, give everyone a copy of my reorg announcement. - They're already organized this way because I never distributed your last reorg announcement. - LET'S SEE YOUR "EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK" DO *THAT*! 990530 -- Alice, make a few changes to this contract. - Changes? This contract was signed six months ago. It doesn't hurt to ask. - You want me to ask for a sixty percent discount? - No one said it would be easy. - You're asking me to be a clueless jerk 990530 -- in front of our primary vendor. - Please don't ask me to do this. - And ask if they'll change the part about "acts of god" to include poltergeists. - That's why our vendors never try to steal our best employees. 990531 -- But then I... Excuse me. - Does your story *ever* end? Or must I purchase your silence with my fist of death? - I might have to go to a two-warning system. 990601 -- Alice, it's okay to for men to be assertive, but when a woman acts that way... - Well, it's the "B" word. - Boxer? O-o-okay. 990602 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Alice, did you kill another co-worker? Yes. - But you did not discriminate, sexually harass, steal or take drugs. Hmm... employee manual - It looks like I have to give you an award for your cost-saving idea. Thank 990602 -- you. 990603 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Asok, you have taken too many training classes. Too many? - You're too skilled now. There's a risk you'll leave for a better job. - Does the "secret untraining method" work every time? I've never tried it before. 990604 -- Dogbert Consults Spray this Teflon(tm) on your body to better ignore the input of your subordinates. - SPLOIT! - Next time, shake well before using. Who cares what you say? 990605 -- That's my opinion. - That's my opinion. - Nice try, but I can wipe it off with a damp sponge!! 990606 -- E-Mail two copies to me when you're done. - Two copies? It's *E*-Mail. So? - Never mind. I'll e-mail two copies. - And fax a copy on green paper for my files. - Green? It's a *Fax*! - And bring me a hard copy of the Internet so I can do some 990606 -- serious surfing. - Motivation...gone...losing...consciousness... - How did I end up with all the lazy employees? 990607 -- I can't talk now, Wally. I'm rushing to meet my deadline. - Sounds like poor planning. Why must I suffer? - Do you mind if I stay here and think up new nicknames for coffee? Java-wava... Bean-brew... 990608 -- Will you *please* go hang around in someone else's cubicle? I need to finish my project. - Hey, I see Wally is helping on the project. Good teamwork, Wally! - I hope you do good work. I have a reputation to maintain. 990609 -- Dilbert, I'd like you to testify in the lawsuit against our company. - Tell the truth, but do it in your usual engineering way so that no one understands you. - Actually, I've decided to be a whistle-blower. Whatever. It'll all sound the same! 990610 -- The corporate lawyer Let's prepare for your court testimony. I'll pretend to be the other side. - LIAR! WHY IS YOUR ATTORNEY SO HANDSOME? WHAP? - They can hit me? I don't see why not. 990611 -- Can you explain the meaning of this internal E-Mail message? - It says we'll "use integration tools to leverage the utility of our enterprise-wide processes." - It appears to be something we call communication. PERJURY! 990612 -- Okay, whistle-blower, explain to the jury the alleged crimes of your employer. - ...then our applets were designed to corrupt cookie data from all competing portals. - Nice jury selection. So far you've made them hungry. 990613 -- So, that's my idea. What do you think? - Dilbert, you are so naive. - There are many things you don't understand. - That's because you never tell me anything! - LIKE NOW, FOR EXAMPLE! Dilbert, Dilbert, Dilbert... - Jeepers cripes! Just tell me 990613 -- what's wrong with my idea. - Lean over here so I can pat your head in a condescending way. - So you took the pat? I didn't want to leave empty-handed. 990614 -- Heh-hen...I'm using company resources to E-Mail my resume to a headhunter. - It's the perfect crime. - I've got mail! 990615 -- I just got this resume from a headhunter. - Evaluate her engineering skills and let me know if I should interview her. - Well, Alice, you're almost qualified to work here, but I'm concerned about your loyalty. 990616 -- I'll wear a clever disguise then interview for the engineering job here. - If he offers me more money than I make now, I'll take the job. Heh-heh. - You're suspiciously fashionable for an engineer. I store tools up there. 990617 -- I'm prepared to offer you $120,000 per year plus a parking space for your gigantic head. - Ha ha! It is I, Alice! I accept your offer for a higher-paying job! - Ha ha! It is I, Catbert! I'm not authorized to hire anyone! #!**ing cat! 990618 -- She's hiding her name tag so I won't get friendly with her. - I'll toss these fake babies in the air. When she catches them, I'll see her name and start flirting. - Dang! I knew I should have brought a third fake baby. 990619 -- These fake rubber babies will make me a chick magnet. bzzzzzzz - WHAP! Stupid fly. - It's tough love. 990620 -- Catbert: Evil director of human resources. I hired a new engineer for your project. - He's never been an engineer before. - But *you're* an engineer, so how hard could it be? - And he's cheap! I'll get a huge raise for being under budget. - AND 990620 -- YOUR PROJECT WILL FAIL! HA HA HA HA! - Uh-oh. I laughrd myself full of static electricity. Fuzzy. Cute. - ZAP! - He's dead. Now what? I guess you'll have to drag him to meetings. 990621 -- Now move the thing next to the other thing and label it "RAM Cache." - I'm your boss, so it stands to reason that I'm a better engineer than you. - I'm telling you I'm working on my timeline chart. No, I'm sure that's a cicuit design. 990622 -- Asok, I'm moving you to my "Quality Assurance" group. Gasp* - I realize tos is bad for you... and bad for the company... but it solves my headcount problem. - Will that be my contribution to the world: "He solved a headcount problem"? That tops 990622 -- me. 990623 -- They're transferring me to "Quality Assurance," Wally. - BUT I'LL BE BACK, NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES, OR HOW HARD! JUST STAY ALIVE!! - Wow. There must be a million web sites about Wiener Dogs. 990624 -- I'm exiled to the quality assurance department. My career is doomed. - I can't let my old department forget me. They're my only hope of returning to engineering. - It must be break time in the Q.A. department. I'll get the fire hose. 990625 -- Asok! Did you escape your job at quality assurance? - Yes. I had to take a job as a secretary's assistand. I'll work my way back up to intern. - It's four o'clock. Call my kids and yell at them. Cursing or not cursing? 990626 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director I will now use the science of face-reding to determine your potential. - I see your face riding proudly atop a mighty thoroughbred horse. - Jockey? Saddle. 990627 -- Someone should take care of that problem! - *You* could take care of it. - I can't do everything. - You don't do anything. Not a single thing. - It's my job to angrily identify problems. Wally... - That is *not* your job! What? - Everything is 990627 -- so ambiguous here! Someone should take care of that problem! - Is it just me, or is this meeting taking forever? 990628 -- Cube farming Weed. - Got it. - Sudenly there's more light...and I feel more nourished. 990629 -- Cube farming He outgrew his container. - I'll replant him in a big container with a door. - Why do tall guys always get picked? I'm sure there's a good reason. 990630 -- My cube farm has an excellent crop this year. - Here you go, fella. This will fatten you up. - If you ever need salt, just lick this pretzel stick. Mmm...ooh! 990701 -- My cube farm has an excellent yield this year. - I reckon I'll have to put this one down so he won't reproduce. - Sorry. No problem; I hear that a lot. 990702 -- Do you want to see a technical trick I taught myself? - If I shuffle my feet, I can make a tiny spark with my finger. - She's right; this thing does make an excellent doorstop. 990703 -- Dogbert's tech support If you upgrade your software, all of your data will be lost. - But if you don't upgrade, the old software will corrupt your data one bit at a time. - And if you try to back up your data, our software will hunt you down 990703 -- and bit-slap you until you delete it yourself. 990704 -- If you don't finish the project on time, I'll probably lose my job. - What would happen to us? - We would get a better boss. - We might get a better project too! - There could be weeks of confusion with no work at all! - YAY!! - It's all ours 990704 -- if we simply do less work! - Whoo! I've never felt my morale go up before. I'm dizzy. *!%*# 990705 -- It has come to my attention that some of you believe there are hidden cameras in the ceiling. - How did that come to your attention? - Hey, aren't you the one we call "Mister Itchy"? 990706 -- I DID IT! - It's a strategic technology plan that everyone supports. - If only there were a way to copy images from one piece of paper onto many. 990707 -- Your analysis disagrees with my intuition. - Your intuition also told you the Internet would be replaced by modems...whatever that means. - I'm misunderstood, just's-his-face. Satan? 990708 -- Before I eat a sandwich, I always remove the useless edges of the bread. - That tells you what kind of manager I am. - You're the anti-crust? 990709 -- I'm here to perform an exorcism. - YOUR MOTHER IMPLEMENTS MULTI_VENDOR PROCESSES WITHOUT SYNERGY!! - Here's the problem. Someone gave you this oversized coffee mug. REORG!! 990710 -- Meet with our vendor and come up with a plan. I'll do the same with their executives. - Can you see any reason why *my* meeting might be a complete waste of time? - Sure, lots of them, but I'm planning to spring those on you during your 990710 -- performance review. 990711 -- I need your budget estimate today. - We won't have useful numbers until next week. - It doesn't work that way, Asok. No? - As soon as he asked the question, he went into "Boss Hibernation." - He can't see or hear anything until we say a number. 990711 -- Watch. - Three million dollars. Uhn! - Three million. Good work. - The first time I saw it, I panicked and ended up with a budget of $911. 990712 -- What's your new management book about? - It's a bunch of obvious advice packaged with quotes from famous dead people. - Did Ghandi really say "get that #!*% dessert cart off of my foot!"? He might have. 990713 -- Dogbert gets a loan. I plan to buy all the copies of a book I authored, thus making it a bestseller. - And I'd like to use your house as collateral. Unless it's a dump. - How are you planning to pay us back? Do you take books? 990714 -- Dogbert in Hollywood I'd like to turn your book into a movie. - We have to keep it real, so any normal person can relate to it. Do you know any normal people? - No, but I'm willing to watch movies to learn about them. 990715 -- Mister Dogbert, would you autograph my book? - Sure, kid. But I'll need to use your back as flat surface. - He's got parents. "Matthew" won't fit, so I'll call him "Allen." 990716 -- Did you know you can buy your own island nation? - They even sell a kit that helps you conquer and oppress the indigent people! - I'd like to buy Rhode Island...and one "evil tyrant" conquest kit. Would you like a flag with that? 990717 -- In tape one, I'll teach you how to conquer a small island for no money down. - First, you must teavel to the place you plan to conquer. - I'm designed to sitting. That's why my butt is covered with soft fur. I think that's happening to me too. 990718 -- The Feng Shui consultant This office is swarming with evil spirits. It is? - There's one in your vent! Ooh - he ducked back in before you saw him. - Put rubber bands around your pant legs to keep the spirits out of your trousers. - I figure the 990718 -- evil spirits will mount a rear assault through that window. - AAAGH! - WHAT DID YOU SEE?!! It's gone now. - Your only hope is to turn your secretary's cubicle into a koi pond. - Do you feel any luckier? **!*%* 990719 -- May I have a tissue? NO! - Why should the low-paid secretary provide free tissues to engineers? - Hey, free tissues! Gaaa! 990720 -- Reorganizing didn't work. We're going to try something new. - Synergistic realignment! - What did I tell you about doing "The Wave"? I got swept up in the emotion. 990721 -- Tina the tech writer My derogatory and condescending E-Mail will set things right. - Send! click - Every time I send E-Mail, I get a stomachache and an urge to flee the country. 990722 -- Why do you seek Mordac - the preventer of information services? - I regret sending an insulting E-Mail message to our CIO. I need to delete it from the server. - The server was in that closet, right? That's the CIO's office. 990723 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Tina, you are accused of shooting the CIO's credenza five times. - I'm writing "Tina was bad" on this cardboard. I order you to attach it to a special hat for two weeks. - How did it go? I got a suspended sentence. 990724 -- Our new software will gently warm your keyboard so the keys are easier to press. - We'll bundle it with our software that makes your laptop lighter. - In a word, we have become "market driven." Create a diversion. I'll run for help. 990725 -- Welcome... - our annual employee meeting. - Our theme this year is "The Hindenburg." - ...which I'm told was a famous cigar-shaped balloon. - Let's all thank ALice for choosing the theme and planning the event. - Now please enjoy this 990725 -- film clip of the Hindenburg. - Aaagh! The humanity! - He's coming on you. Detonate the costume. One, two... 990726 -- You gave me a project that can't get funded because it's not in the strategic plan. - And you won't let me make waves by asking for a change to the strategic plan. - So I'll be in my cublicle creating "Powerpoint" slides and prayinf for a 990726 -- reorganization. 990727 -- Wally, your performance is slipping again. - This calls for my most severe disciplinary action. - HE MADE YOU WATCH HIM EAT? MONSTER! 990728 -- My name is Juan Delegator. I bring you an assignment. - This is *your* assignment. You're trying to get me to do your work. Teamwork! - Well, I guess I could do you a favor. And I wouldn't say no to a haircut. 990729 -- Juan Delegator ...and this one also requires your decision before I can work on it. - Do you have any more assignments for me that I can turn into work for you? No. - And have you learned your lesson? Yes: Give all work to Alice. 990730 -- Overtime is no longer mandatory. - It's required. - I manage and I manage, but nothing seems to make them happy. grrrr 990731 -- We need six weeks to make a good product design. You gave us three. - Thanks to your leadership, the product is bad, our stock will plunge, and our lives are totally meaningless. - Oh, and happy birthday. We all signed a card. 990801 -- The new policy from our CEO bans coffee from cubicles. - Because he says, "it causes a distraction" and can "mess up desks." - How did... Hold it, Dilbert. - It's Alice's turn. You get the next easy one. - Make us proud. Ahem, ahem. - How did 990801 -- he become a CEO... - ...if he's too stupid to drink coffee and work at the same time? clap clap - Our CEO also discussed unnecessary expenses. Lucky! Ahem. 990802 -- It took me three days to enter all of my appointments into this PDA. - I'll enter our next meeting. TUESDAY... TWO O'CLOCK. - Is it voice-controlled? I sure hope so. 990803 -- Finally! I've been in the tech support queue for an hour! - Loser. - Can I speak to your superior? There's some religious debate on that question. 990804 -- Dogbert's tech support Hello, I... Shut up and reboot. - Hey, it work... Shut up and hang up. - My average call time is improving. 990805 -- Computers aren't for everyone. I love my trusty manual typewriter. - Oops. - I hope I can correct that before all my friends evolve into birds. 990806 -- I feel sick every morning. - All day long, I feel like either crying or punching people. - You've got a bad case of mahjobis crappus. 990807 -- You're a tough negotiator, but I think we have a deal. - Just sign the contract and we'll deliver the equipment. - This contract is totally different from what we agreed. - Must act surprised. Really? - Why are you springing all these 990808 -- conditions on me at the last minute? - No one has ever complained before. - May I borrow your briefcase for a minute? Um...okay. - That wasn't nice. NO one has complained before. 990809 -- Your requirements document is the biggest I've ever seen. - It's to big to read, but I can guess from its weight what must be in there. - You know it's a multi-user, global system, right? No, I'm not getting that. 990810 -- One of us will have to read this gigantic product requirements document. - Unless it gets destroyed in a freak accident. - It's like watching Thomas Edison work. I have some oily rags in my cube. 990811 -- The huge product requirements document was destroyed in a freak accident. - I'll ask marketing to send you a new copy. - I told you we can't stop the one-bee-at-a-time. We have to go for the queeen. 990812 -- I'm going to capture the queen bee of marketing. - No matter what she says, don't be seduced by her marketing buzz. - A man with a rope is here to see you. I wasn't loyal enough to stop him. 990813 -- Queen Be of Marketing See if you can create a buzz over this. Yes, my queen. - Is that a free rope? Give it to me, you wothless engineer! - Look, everyone! There's enough to go around my neck and over that beam! 990814 -- It seems a bit dark in my office today. - I think you employees are hogging all the electricity. - You just double-clicked! I heard it! 990815 -- The pointy-haired boss wants to see you. - He tried to reach you by phone, E-Mail and pager. - But you resisted his electronic attempts to ruin your productivity. - So he decided to send in the ground troops. - DON'T MAKE ME USE THIS! - Could 990815 -- you wait outside while I return some phone calls? - Get to the back of the line. - Does anyone want to have a conversation? I have a magazine. 990816 -- Hammerhead Bob Are you going to lunch? I'll join you! - ...and that's why it's called a "clean room." But how clean is it really? - I'll speak louder in case the other tables want in on this. 990817 -- My spring-loaded butt will help me join neary conversations faster. - So then I... SPROING - Did you know I'm an authority on whatever you're discussing? 990818 -- Your invention will earn the billio dollars for this company. - By the way, you're not allowed to have decorations above the walls of your cubicle. - We both did something important today. Give me five. 990819 -- Asok, you've been chosen to head our customer appreciation celebration. - The theme is "Thank goodness there are so many idiots." - When do you plan to tell him it's a joke? Let's see how the posters turn out. 990820 -- Catbert: Evil H.R. Director So you think you're leaving for a better job? Yes. - Your agreement with us bans you from working in this industry if you quit. Ha! - Holy cripes! It *does* say you can dance on my head. Hold still. 990821 -- Catbert: Evil H.R. Director In order to eliminate all traces of individuality... - All computer wallpaper must be the same. What next? - In theory, with enough helium, the employees would all sound alike. 990822 -- There's no reason to be stressed, Alice. - Allow me to be your role model. - I remain calm despite the pressure of impossible deadlines. - That's because you have no pride and no ambition! - I've worked day and night to make this deadline! - 990822 -- And when I succeed, the glory will be mine! - Our new VP just canceled the project so the last VP would look bad. - They say that when the student is ready, the master will appear. 990823 -- Dilbert, I'm putting you on a team. - You'll be working with other intelligent, highly motivated people plus... - a stubborn dumb guy with a V-neck sweater. 990824 -- You've all been chosen for this team because of your talent and professionalism. - Except for Dan, who is a big stubborn guy who will prevent our success. - Shall we commence failing? I can't do work without a vision statement. 990825 -- Big Stubborn Dumb Guy We should remove the contract employees from our E-Mail bulletin list. - Um..they need that information to do their jobs, and there's no incremental cost. - This is when you agree with me and we move on with our lives. I 990825 -- will fight you to the end of the earth! 990826 -- I'd like you to meet the little stubborn dumb guy. - If for any reason I cannot fulfill my duty to thwart your project, the L.S.D.G. will take over for me. No, I won't - YES YOU WILL!! 990827 -- We can save money by cutting used paper into little squares to use as note pads. I made these in less than one hour. - Not counting the time it took me to print the blank pages. 990828 -- Then if you... ...analyze the data... - It's a hostile takeover of my presentation!'ll see a pattern... - And you let him do it? He had a laser pointer the size of your head. 990829 -- Remove that last bullet point. It's stupid. Gasp. - Yesterday you told me to add that bullet point. - So either you were wrong today or you were wrong yesterday. - Everyone come quickly! He has to admit he's wrong! 990829 -- - - Say it. - Alice heard me wrong yesterday. - It takes a big man to admit Alice is wrong. CAN YOU HER AU, ALICE? 990830 -- Catbert: Evil H.R. Director We like to promote from within the company, Asok. - But what we like even more is yanking your chain and then hiring from the outside! - Explain why you work here if you're so smart. I'm timid. 990831 -- In order to save money, I made a checklist of your most common mental errors. - It'll be a hot day in hell before you need that, my friend. - I need to add a new category. 990901 -- I'm off to a meeting about your project. Is there anything I should know? - Yes. You should know how dumd it is to have a meeting about my project without inviting me. - Everey time I leran something it makes me unhappy. 990902 -- Every employee gets a lovely mug with our new motto, "I made a difference." - Question: May I have the cash equivalent of the mug instead? - No. May I have a mug that says, "I didn't make a difference"? 990903 -- Mordac denies your request to add memory to your laptop! - But you would replace it if it were damaged, right? That is my policy. - Maybe I should rethink that policy. 990904 -- Catbert: Evil H.R. Director "To reduce airline travel expenses..." - "sprint across the runway and cling to the plane during takeoff." - That'll weed out the dumb ones. 990905 -- Good idea, Dilbert. I made a few changes and sent out. - GAAA! - You removed the parts that made it a visionary idea! - Now it's just an unimaginative retreat of an idea that has been widely discredited. - GAAA! AND IT HAS MY NAME ON IT! - That 990905 -- idea was the energizing force that gave me strength to work. - NOW IT'S DEAD! YOU KILLED IT! - I'd love to chat but I have to manage someone else now. gurgle 990906 -- Move out our budget system onto the under-utilized mainframe. - It's under-utilized because it's obsolete. - Reality versus management; who shall be the victor? 990907 -- Cost Everything went wrong in exactly the way I told you it would. - In the next phase you will experience something I call "reverse amnesia for managers." - Wait a minute; *I'm* the one who told *you* that the project wouldn't succeed. 990908 -- If your numbers are correct, my strategic plan is irrational. - SPOINK Cognitive dissonance takes over - You sure are bad with numbers. What was that noise? 990909 -- I found some numbers that support your strategic plan. - I had to take the square root of a negative number to do it. - The timeline is on the mobius strip. Good work. 990910 -- A prospective client will be touring our marketing department in an hour. - We need you to sit in a vacant cubicle so it looks as if work is done there. - Hey! That one is only *pretending* to work! 990911 -- Carol, come here! All of my words have squiggles under them! - The software is telling you that every sentence you wrote has bad grammar. - Press F1 for help's a third grade enrollment form. 990912 -- I'm relocating to a better cubicle. - Tonight a team of movers will take my boxed possesions to an undisclosed loaction. - They're also going to laminate my company I.D. - I'm supposed to leave it with the guard on the way out. - And I got paid 990912 -- two days early! - It's all because management appreciated the constructive criticism I posted on the message board. - As I hoped, my condescending tone helped then to see their folly. - Do you mind if I rifle through your boxes and take office 990912 -- supplies? 990913 -- This is the bare minimum budget I need for my project. - What could you do with half this amount? Fail. - When can you start? I think I just did. 990914 -- I'm working on a project that is too under-funded to succeed. - Every day is a slow but unevitable slide toward failure and humilitation. - At least I'll always have my mom's unconditional love. Are you going to hold me to that? 990915 -- I see some water damage on your ceiling, Mom. - That's usually the first sign that the roof will collapse. What should I do? - Well, if you hear any strange sounds, you might want to leap to a window. 990916 -- Your wall is warm, Mom. Is that bad? - There's no way to be sure unless you remove the sheetrock and look. - Please stop finding defects in my house. I smell propane. 990917 -- Thanks for dropping in. Too bad you have to leave so soon. - Your sidewalk is cracking. You need to build a drainage trench, with sump pumps. - When I told her she was living in a powder ked she made a weird yelping sound. 990918 -- As you recommended, I canceled the software upgrade project. - Tht's the exact opposite of what I recommended. You only hear what you want to hear. - Yes, I do look thinner. It must be because of the sit-up I did yesterday. 990919 -- The boss asked me to give his presentation. - I'll start with his irrelevant comparisons. - Our budget is lower than last year... - ...when we had completely different projects. - Our average product development time is less... - ...than the 990919 -- average for companies who make different products. - Let's move on to his list of blindingly obvious insights. - If it's okay with you, I won't read them aloud. Computers are getting faster! 990920 -- Asok, the boss wants to see you in his office. - He must want to thank me for all of my hard work. Am I right? - I'm supposed to measure your torso. Is he knitting me a sweater? 990921 -- I have been summoned to the boss's office. - He probably wants to give me some sort of award for my good work as an intern. - Why do you need to know where that air duct ends? It's been bugging me. 990922 -- I have never been summoned to your office before. It is a great honor for an intern. - I need you to crawl through this air duct and find out where air comes from. - Air comes from outdoors. No, I think it's coming from our building. 990923 -- Hello, Mother. I called to tell you I get your joke. - You don't know what I'm talking about? Ha ha! You're really playing this one all the way. - It turns out that this is my actual life. It's the good part. 990924 -- The wavy pattern on the carpet is making me dizzy. - I'd better go home and sleep it off. - I'll be back tomorrow unless all the sleep makes me groggy. 990925 -- Catbert: Evil H.R. Director Wally, you've taken sick days for unusual reasons. - For example, one day you got sick because you "...accidentally imagined what it would be like if you were a fly." - And today it's your hair? I lathered and rinsed 990925 -- but I don't remember repeating. 990926 -- Dogbert the Consultant This is my final report. - I'm recommending big, big changes... - Because I know you're too cowardly to implement them. - will be our fault if nothing improves. Exactly. - AAAGH!!! We can't do all of this! - 990926 -- Couldn't we just change the names of all our departments? - THOSE IMBECILES! HOW DARE THEY IGNORE MY ADVICE! - You're supposed to say that behind our backs later. I'm in a hurry. 990927 -- Our safety department has tested our drinking water and found no problem. - Then why do you only drink bottled water? - Because that's what the security department drinks. 990928 -- I'm going for a fifty-mile run. Would you like to join me? No. - I signed up for two triathlons this weekend. Do you want the entry forms? No. - Next week a few of us will be leaping into geosynchronous orbit... GAA! 990929 -- All new laptop computers will be Osbornes. - They come with something called a floppy drive. - Something tells me we're not operating on "Internet Time." 990930 -- I like your Internet business idea. Let's do it. - I sent you that idea a year ago. Since then, five companies have gone IPO in that space. - Can we buy one of them? If by "one" you mean one share of stock, yes. 991001 -- Here's what I don't understand... - You just asked me to follow a procedd that has failed thirty times in a row and you know it. - At what point can this no longer be called "optimism"? When it succeeds? 991002 -- So, what do you do for a living? - I slavishly obey the insane commands of a pointy-haired baboon. - The sad thing is that you're the best catch at the party. I work in a big box. 991003 -- I am Mordac, the preventer of information services!! - You have exceeded your allocation of disk space on the server! - I sentence you to one week without E-Mail. - No problem. - No problem? How can an engineer survive without E-Mail? - UP 991003 -- AGAINST THE WALL!! - WHERE IS IT? - He found the modem taped to my ankle but he missed my wireless pen modem. 991004 -- Wally, technology is a young man's game. - That's why I'm replacing you with this low-paid embryo. - Teach him to do what you do. He's already doing it. 991005 -- I hear you're being replaced by a low-paid embryo. May I see it? - He is so-oo cute! I'm teaching him to drink coffee. - Is that healthy? It must be. I drink six quarts a day, and look at me. 991006 -- How's the new guy doing? Not bad for an embryo in a jar. - I hate the fact that he only got fertilized a week ago and ge gets paid more than I do. - In all fairness, he does obstruct progress less than you do. Everyone sides with the cute one. 991007 -- I'd better ruin then career of this upstart embryo before he replaces me. - I need volunteers to give constructive criticism to human resources. - O don't like your attitude. 991008 -- As a leader, I must listen to my customers. - What are you hearing from our customers? Not a peep. - Our customers are defective. 991009 -- A good leader listens to his employees... - No matter how much he is laughing on the inside. - Maybe this isn't a good time. 991010 -- It's "positive attitude week," Alice. - If you see a co-worker with a positive attitude... - ...give him the positive attitude paperweight. - There's one! - - It worked. He's back to normal. #*!!** - HA HA HA!! Uh-oh. **!!** - ONE MORE! QUICK!! 991011 -- Your project is twenty percent over budget and two months late. - That's because you bungled the allocation of resources. - Bosses hate the word "bungled." 991012 -- Wally, you're invited to my new "After-5 Club." - A select group of employees will meet after work to think of creative ideas. - Is there a club for people who know how to think during business hours? 991013 -- Tina the tech writer I grew tired of writing the same old stories for the newsletter. - So I started inventing stories of bizzare workplace crimes. - Sometimes we in the media have to give the copycat criminals a little kick-start. 991014 -- Our company newsletter has reports of bizarre workplace crimes. - I've never thought of these crimes before, but now I have the urge to be a copycat. - Thank goodness my parents raised me to be lazy. They were very wise. 991015 -- Your compensation is related to the number of people you manage. - Likewise, my career as director of human resources depends on the quantity of employees. - It's as if there were a conspiracy to hire hordes of incompetent employees. 991016 -- If I eliminate the training budget, I can afford to hire two more people. - Then I'll have enough direct reports to get a vice president title. - Shouldn't we have a strategy? I have one. Thanks for asking. 991017 -- My boss is so dumb, he brought a tape measure to a distance learning class. - HA HA HA HA HA! - My boss is so dumb... - He puts postage stamps on his E-Mail. Now he can't see his PC screen. - HA HA HA HA HA! - How about you, Dilbert? Do you 991017 -- have any dumb boss jokes? - Dilbert, my PC is warm. I think our fire wall is acting up. - We're sorry. We didn't know. 991018 -- Write on a scrap of paper the names of employees who do great work and put them in the hat in my office. - And then do you select one name to receive valuable rewards? - No, the scraps of paper make my hat more comfortable. 991019 -- Every department was asked how it could reduce its budget ten percent. - Your project is vital to the future of the company, so I cleverly offered to eliminate it, knowing they couldn't accept. - Now this is the funny part... 991020 -- Photography is my new hobby. - Click - Do you want a picture of me? No, I like to look at them later. 991021 -- My long-term plan is to drift into a job where I have no impact on anything. - - He was to uninspired to finish swallowing. 991022 -- I decided to try motivating you. - ...if you do a great job, you get to go on a golfing day with co-workers. - Question: Can I take a pay cut instead. zzzz 991023 -- Lately, I've been feeling a lot of pressure to do work. Wally, do you realize this is your job? - There - that's exactly what I'm talking about. 991024 -- Dogbert's ad agency. According to my research... - ...people don't use your products when they are outdoors. - Somehow we must keep people indoors. - I recommend an intensive ad campaign... - Featuring this slogan... Outdoors is for loosers - 991024 -- The TV spot will show hummingbirds attacking a man in his garden. - Question: Wouldn't that destroy the happiness of gullible people? - We'll them it doesn't. 991025 -- We'll be destroying another healthy company via a process we call merging. - NO engineers will be downsized after the merger. - And tech writers... Yes?! Should write that down. 991026 -- Tina the tech writer Why must the tech writers be downsized after the merger? - If you prick us, do we not bleed like engineers? - What kind of experiment? 991027 -- Alice, I need a carreer that has job security. - Teach me to be an engineer. I don't care if it takes all day. - But don't tell anyone; they'll all try to get in on this scam. 991028 -- It takes years of training to be an engineer. - But you don't need any training whatsoever to be an engineer's boss. - It's unskilled labor without the labor. I could do that. 991029 -- I'd like to enroll in Dogbert's accelerated management course. - Take out your checkbook and begin your final exam now. - Question one: what is today's date? 991030 -- I can't give you a raise because you came to work on one of your vacation days. - Employees are not allowed to change vacation days without permission. -On an unrelated note, try to be more empowered. 991031 -- Here are the strategies from our seven silo teams. . your job is to merge them into a coherent company plan. - These are all mutually exclusive. - I'd have to totally change them to make them coherent. - In effect, I would be deciding the 991031 -- strategy for the entire company. - That's okay. Is it? - No one ever reads it anyway. - I feel sorry for those losers on the silo teams. 991101 -- Your project is to build a call center to handle customer questions. - Keep the costs down by making the workin conditions inhumane. - My conscience won't allow me to harm innocent employees. We won't be paying enough to hire any innocent 991101 -- employees. 991102 -- I've been ordered to build a company call center with inhumane working conditions for the employees. - But I don't feel guily because I'm only acting under orders. And maybe they did something to deserve it. - I might need your help to demonize 991102 -- them. I'm all over it. 991103 -- Designing a call center Give the employees six minutes of bathroom breaks per shift. - Tiny cubicles...and we'll monito calls and have incompatible objectives, such as speed and customer service. - How's the project going? I'm still collecting 991103 -- the abuser requirements. 991104 -- Designing a call center If the employees get this volume of calls per day they will wish they were dead. - But they won't be dead, just too beaten-down to look for better jobs. - I don't know how to make it any more inhumane. We can punish them 991104 -- for not being cheerful. 991105 -- So Mister Ratbert, why should I hire you to work in my call center? - I thrive on the challenge of inhumane working conditions. - Watch me go without a restroom break for four hours! You're hired. 991106 -- Call center Here's where you'll be working, Ratbert. - This must be where people leave their shoes. - Is it okay if I hang things on my wall? 991107 -- I'm the newly designated fire warden for this floor. - You might expect me to be bitter about this assignment. - Granted, It tells the world I wasn't productive at my regular job. - And if the building burns, I'm expected to be the last one 991107 -- out. - But my only concern is your safety. - In the event of a fire, don't be too proud to panic. - If the windows won't open, try flushing yourself to safety. - And never, *ever* get between me and the exit door. Wally... 991108 -- The attendance award goes toJudy for missing the most days. - I think we all agree that morale is higher when Judy isn't there. clap clap clap - We took turns coughing on the certificate. 991109 -- ...and since our bonuses depend on things we can't control... - ...can mine be based on the performance of some other company? - You ask one question and suddenly you're not a team player. 991110 -- I'll reduce turnover by showing I care about you. - Tell me about your kids, Asok. - I don't have any. - Let's say you do for the sake of this exercise. 991111 -- Alice, I care about you... - Bunt only enough to improve your morale, not enough to be illegal in any way. - So, tell me about your healzh in the least specific way possible. 991112 -- Do you mind if I pretend to like you? I hear it increases productivity. - - I need to go back to my cubicle now. It's working! 991113 -- I'll come around the desk so it appears that I consider you an equal. - - So, what's on your little mind? 991114 -- Sale - Do you have any questions? - What's your best running shoe? - They're all the same. Sneakers are sneakers. - Alan, may I have a word with you? - - The expensive sneakers are far superior. I'll take them. - I feel like I'm clubbing a baby 991114 -- seal. - Will these work with my old socks? 991115 -- Alice, your name was accidentally omitted from the reorganization paperwork. - You're in a place known only as org-limbo. - Stop making it sound scary! Where did Alice go? 991116 -- Forgotten in the reorganization plan, I exist in org-limbo. - The normal people can't see me or hear me. - Sometimes the unassigned have unfinished business. I can see them. 991117 -- I can contact employees who are in org-limbo. - Hello-o-o! Why doesn't anyone return my calls? - COME TOWARD THE REVISED ORG CHART, ALICE! It's so beautiful! 991118 -- The company will not buy PDA's for employees. - Question: will you still pay for business trips of no discernable value? Of course. - A lot of people are traveling to Palm Pilot California lately. 991119 -- rrring - I've been watching you through your Web Cam and I don't think you're working hard enough. - Well, it wasn't *much* of a fire wall. I'm using your mail server to spam my Mahjongg club. 991120 -- A hacker broke into our system and found our corporate strategy. - Did he post it on the Internet? I'd like to read it. - I'm also curious about my objectives for this year. Do you have the guy's E-Mail address? 991121 -- Young Dilbert Mom, can I go skateboarding at the construction site? No. - Why not? Everyone else does it. - If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you do that? - Well, that would depend on many factors, including height, training and equipment. 991121 -- - But if 100% of the people who jumped off cliffs said they enjoyed it, as in my skateboard example... - ...then I would conclude that it was safe. - A better question might have been, "if everyone wore clothes, would you do that?" - Her 991121 -- credibility gets worse every day. 991122 -- This is our new CEO. He has a reputation as a turnaround expert. - It is a pleasure to meet you. Do you favor TQM or more of a business process approach? - I'm partial to the value-based management method. I'm not familiar with that one. 991123 -- Everyone says you're a grat turnaround CEO. - What does it take to turn around a company like this one? - I guess it's better not to be noticed the first month. 991124 -- The turnaround CEO ...from a value-based management perspective it's clear... - ...that the training department's return exceeds the cost of capital... So please don't kill me. - Okay, you're next...and begging doesn't work. 991125 -- The turnaround CEO If you let me keep my job, I'll do the work of ten people. - Specifically, it would be the ten people in our strategic planning group. - They don't do much. I'd like you to be my traitorous mole. 991126 -- The turnaround CEO Tell me, mole. Who can I fire without affecting revenue? - In theory, you could outsource everything and run the company with one smaprt employee. - And at the risk of sounding rude, only one of us knew that. 991127 -- The turnaround CEO The turnaorund is complete. I'm off to my new job. - It's a meat packing house that needs to reduce overhead. - I figure I can switch a few room signs and finish in an afternoon. 991128 -- Catbert: evil director of human resources I love my job. - Hello, hapless employee - I've renamed the four levels of employee performance... - accurately reflect the views of management. - The category of "exceeds expectations" is renamed 991128 -- to... - ..."at least he or she doesn't drool on himself or herself. - "meets expectations" will be called "loser". "does not meet expectations" will now be called "die! die! die!" - I could send it out by E-Mail but I enjoy seeing the looks on 991128 -- their faces. 991129 -- In addition to ISO9000, we will strive to be QS-9000 compliant. - That means falsifying the following documents: QSR, APQP, FMEA, MSA, SPC, PPAP and QSA. - Remember, you can't spell compliance without "liance". 991130 -- I brought my kids to work because day care is closed. - Tess is a yeller and Smokey is a biter. - Why is day care closed? The towns-people torched it. 991201 -- I thought you were telecommuting today. I'm sick. - So I came into the office to get some rest and be pampered. - Fortunately, my pajamas look exactly like work clothes. 991202 -- I can't send you to this class, Alice. We need you here. - And after we use you up, we'll need you to be someplace else. - What will I do when my skills are obsolete? Try walking around with a coffee cup. 991203 -- The Web site needs to be more webbish. - But not too webbish. - How long will that take? 991204 -- I found a book about astral projection. - I'm gonna try this during our meeting. - Does anyone want to switch chairs? 991205 -- Congratulations to my secretary Carol for getting her MBA. - At this company we believe hard work should be rewarded. - The next time you fetch my coffee, get some coffee for yourself too! - You should be promoting me, you pompous baboon! - How 991205 -- can I explain this in the most sensitive way? - The secretarial stigma will cover you like a mountain of wet carpets until the day you die. - I'm glad we had this talk. I think it helped. - The next time you ask for coffee, we'd like to watch. 991206 -- I speak english but I think in french. - Someday I'll take french lessons to find out what the heck I'm thinking. - Croissant. 991207 -- You're all idiots. I quit! - There...I found a higher paying job two miles away. Adios, suckers. - I'm the new web designer. I hear you're idiots. Where's the Ethernet jack ? 991208 -- Webmistress Ming Our web site needs some dancing skeletons. - Normally I suggest dinosaur pictures but they're too big for our disk drives. - Are you getting this down, Ming? How do yu spell "#%**!"? 991209 -- I linked our web site to various sponsors who pay us for eyeballs. - Those sponsors link to other web sites who link to us. - The net-net at the end of the day is we owe ourselves a billion dollars. Eyeballs? 991210 -- Webmistress Ming You have a broken link. I know, I know. - You have a broken link. I know, I know. - The men are getting perverse pleasure from reporting my broken links. - Your graphics are slow, too. 991211 -- Webmistress Ming Ming, I think the Internet might catch on. - I rushed over her so I could be the first to say it's a new paradigm. - Did anyone beat me? I wish someone would. 991212 -- dilbert, come meet the two new employees. - This is Sophie, one of the best engineers in the business. - The other one is her incompetent husband. - We had to hire him so Sophie would agree to relocate. - Are you saying I didn't get hired for 991212 -- my talent? - You don't have any talent, honey. Oh, that's right. - Dilbert, your job is to do his job in addition to your own. - Do you want to see my collection of squirrel heads? 991213 -- I rescheduled the pre-meeting. - Now the pre-meeting is after the meeting. - I'll schedule some time for me to pre-care. 991214 -- Being a manager means never having to be less condescending just because you're wrong. HA HA HA HA HA - Did he finish my performance evaluation? I heard him working on it. 991215 -- I heard your project got cancelled. What? - NO! NO! WHY ME? I'LL NEVER LOVE AGAIN!! - I renounce my religion. Ouch. 991216 -- Free blood pressure screening today 135 over 88. - You're below the company average. Here's some more work. - How long did you think you could get away with that? 991217 -- We have the best employees in the world... - ...not counting the people who refuse to work here because the pay is so low. - Improve morale...done. 991218 -- Alice, I've been asked to counsel you about your abuse of co-workers. - The theory is that I can alter your personality by talking to you. - If you feel a tingle, that's probably your DNA changing. 991219 -- May I get a laptop computer? - No, but you can order one for me. - May I go to this technical seminar in Hawaii? - No, but can sign me up for it. - May I take this Friday off so I have a four day weekend? - No, but I can sit in for me while I 991219 -- take that friday off. - May I eat this caterpillar? Give me that. - I hope they never recognize the pattern. 991220 -- Asok, I want you to observe our VP so we can figure out what our priorities are. - We've built a duck blind in his office using cubicle material. - 10:28AM, the subject is flossing. 991221 -- 2:19P.M., the VP reads a document. - The subject tries to lose the document to avoid making a decision. - 2:21P.M., the subject learns to use tools. 991222 -- Wally, don't do anything until we get the market research data. - - No longer must I put my hand on the mouse when I hear footsteps. Yes!! 991223 -- I'm creating a Web site of free medical advice. - GET SOME EXERCISE, YOU LAZY HOG!! - That's it? Nothing to do now but wait for the IPO. 991224 -- had a successful IPO today, netting billions for Dogbert. - The company has no profit now and expects no profit later. - The company issued a press release that says, "neener neener. Profits are for losers." Succint. 991225 -- Now I'll use my hype-inflated stock to buy companies that have real value. - The lesson is that hype always triumphs over substance. - How's your moral compass doing? Spinning, just like you said it would! 991226 -- You were totally correct. - We *can* develop the product on time and under budget. - All we have to do is give up some features. - For example, the original design called for a scalable wide area network switch... - ...with multiprotocol 991226 -- support and full network diagnostics. - The new design calls for a shoebox full of yarn. - So we're in good shape..assuming yarn is free. - You're a serious threat to my open door policy. 991227 -- Our strategy is to detect any trends and react accordingly. - Isn't that exactly the same as not having a strategy? - Hey, this slide didn't make itself. 991228 -- I signed up for an executive MBA program. - It's one-hour long and I get a degree from a prestigious university. - I'd better run. I'm already a half-hour late. 991229 -- Welcome to the Dogbert one-hour executive MBA course. - Notice that I took your money and I'm giving you almost nothing in return. - That was a case study. We have time for one more. 991230 -- This concludes your one-hour executive MBA course. be boring $=good remember to embazzle! - On your way out. Pick up a diploma from the laser printer and fill in your name. - Remember, your degree can be prestigious if none of you ever discuss 991230 -- what happened here. 991231 -- I scheduled the meeting for 6:00 A.M. so everyone can make it. - I assume you'll show up at eight o'clock and blame traffic. - The great thing about being a sociopath is that I always get enough sleep. 000101 -- I hired the "Bait and Switch" consulting group because they're so smart. - I'm assigning Eddie to work on your account. You will never see me again. - So, what is it that you do here? 000102 -- CEO says... The research supports my strategy. - You can read the research but don't make copies. - Senior VP says... I can tell you about it but you can't read it. - VP says... I don't remember the reason but I'm sure there is one. - Assistant 000102 -- VP says... There's no reason. - Our strategy is a huge mistake but we have to do it anyway. - After I fall asleep tonight, please smother me with a pillow. - My people love me because I manage with data. 000103 -- Dogbert Consults You need to do data mining to uncover hidden sales trends. - If you mine the data hard enough, you can also find messages from god. - ...sales to left-handed squirrels are up...and god says your tie doesn't go with that shirt. 000104 -- Dogbert Consults My data-mining software has found another message from God. - It says you've been stealing lunches from the refrigerator in the break room. - Then it says, "Ha ha, that wasn't pudding!" 000105 -- Our consultant has been mining all the day. - The results are quite shocking. - According to the data, sales are always highest when I do this... - 000106 -- The Data Miner Eureka! I found another correlation. - Whe you're on vacation, all your employees telecommute. They do? - And 100% of all expense vouchers are signed when you're out sick. We have vouchers? 000107 -- Asok, your bonus is only 5% this year. Don't fell bad; I only got 5% too. - But 5% of your salary is four times more than 5% of my salary. - May I feel bad about *that*? Sure. Go wild! 000108 -- I've got a good crop of lint in my belly button today. - I'll leave it on Dilbert's keyboard. - I wonder if there's such a thing as managing too much by instinct. 000109 -- I quantified our marketing strategy because you insisted. - I listed the pros and cons on this sheet. - Then I added up the columns. - The pros outnumber the cons, so we're going forward. - Let's see. Your cons include...unhealthy and 000109 -- unprofitable. - Your pros are...waffles, eggs, bananas and milk. - Oops. That might be my grocery list. - YOU FOOL! I TOLD YOU QUANTIFICATION NEVER WORKS!! 000110 -- I completed all my assignments. How may I be of service now? - I think I have something in here. - My other assignments were on wrinkled paper, too. 000111 -- Mister Catbert, could you help me see the relevance of my work to the well-being of society? - Your shuffling of unimportant documents helps the air circulate. - All of my documents are E-Mail. 000112 -- Carol, you parked in my reserved space. - I scheduled you to drive to meetings all day. Oh. - Tomorrow I move my stuff into his office and the coup is complete. 000113 -- When you finish rhis, I have more assignments for you. - Carol, you're the boss's secretary, not my boss. And this is a page from a magazine. - Keep up the good work. You didn't listen. That can only mean you're my new boss. 000114 -- Look who's back early from his business trip. How did it go? - Excellent! I won every meeting by default. The other side never showed up. - Did you know your secretary uses your office when you're gone? For what? 000115 -- Hey Alice. What are you eating? Let me have a sniff. - SNIFF! - MY LETTUCE IS GONE! 000116 -- Asok, can you help me install an Ethernet card? - Tina, I am not your personal tech support. - But you know how to do it and I don't. - Well...that is true. - Could you carry the PC to my new cubicle? It's too heavy for me. - Someday I'll repay 000116 -- you by teaching you about semicolons. - How come I have many useful skills and you have none? - I guess I'm just lucky. 000117 -- Mister Dogbert will be CEO of our financial subsidiary. - My goal is one million victims in the first year. - Then I'll do some cross-selling, which I prefer to call "bayonetting the survivors." 000118 -- This investment combines the best features of an annuity plus a twenty-year car lease. - How can I tell if there are hidden fees? You can pay me 1% per year to advise you. - Wouldn't that be like paying a burglar to guard my house? Excluse me 000118 -- while I wag. 000119 -- Wow! The Dogbert Investment Fund has higher fees than any other! It's true! - That's how you can tell it's the best fund. I'm in. - Are you diversified? Yes, I have suckers of all types. 000120 -- Dogbert Investments For a 1% annual fee I will invest your money with a certified financial planner. - He'll charge 1% per year to put your money in mutual funds that charge 1% per year. - Will I make any money? I don't see you doing any of the 000120 -- work. 000121 -- Dogbert Investments So, you charge a fee every year even if you do nothing? - It takes years of training to know when to do nothing. - I guess that makes sense. Here's my bill for not removing your tonsils. 000122 -- Dogbert Investments Before I invest in a stock, I talk to the management in person. - What good is that? They're all huge liars. - You believe I really talk to them, right? 000123 -- We're changing to a cash balance pension plan. - It will make the company much more competitive. - Yippee!!! A cash balance plan is good for young employees! - Oh, yeah? Well it's not so good for me! - I demand that you change it back! NO! - 000123 -- I'LL SNAP YOU LIKE A DRIED TWIG, YOU LITTLE ZYGOTE! - OUCH! STOP CLUBBING ME WITH YOUR ARTIFICIAL HIP!! - On the plus side, they do seem more competitive. 000124 -- From now on, all teams will be formed on the basis of Myers-Briggs personalily types. - If you do not have a personality, onr will be assigned to you by human resources. - We need a quiet dumb guy to pair with an extroverted thinker. 000125 -- I have the results of your Myers-Briggs personality test. - You've been classified as a "PHB." - There's a fourth letter, but that was for an expletive. 000126 -- In this week's Wally report, I'll discuss a serious threat to my productivity. - By tuesday my brain was so full that I had to forget things to make room for new things. - Wally, I have some information for you. Great, I'll just forget the 000126 -- fifth grade. 000127 -- Ed, the experts say managers should over-communicate during times of uncertainty. - YOU'RE FIRED, YOU'RE FIRED, YOU'RE FIRED, YOU'RE FIRED, YOU'RE FIRED! - I'll come back in ten minutes to do that again. 000128 -- I'm stuck in an assignment that has no hope of succeeding. - HA HA HA HA HA - Can I hvave the first bite of our sandwich? 000129 -- I'm stressed out about work. Maybe i'd feel better if I verbally abused a co-worker. - YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF MONKEY SPIT! - Dang. I was going to use that one. Aah... 000130 -- My anti spam softwar eis complete. - It checks my incoming E-Mail for key words. - Then it deletes anything that looks like an advertisement. - Suppose a beautiful woman sends you a message saying... - "I am a model for Victoria's Secret. I 000130 -- want to date you on my sailboat." - But she spells sail S-A-L-E. What then - - What's she wearing? 000131 -- Another company offered me twenty percent more. Will you match it? - No, I prefer to hire someone who is loyal, even if I have to pay forty percent more. - Managing is supposed to be a science! My mime wall blocks your sound. 000201 -- I know I could earn more money at another company. So why do I stay? - Maybe the coffee is good and you enjoy watching the anthics of feeble, unaware losers. - No, I don't think that's... Zhis coffee is good. 000202 -- Should I stay at my current job where the commute is easy? - Or should I risk everything and join a fast-paced start-up company? - I joined a fast-paced start-up company while you were yanking. Mine went IPO. 000203 -- If I quit I'll lose some unvested stock. Tht's why I'm willing to suffer my job. - A normal brain irrationally puts more weight on a small loss than a huge opportunity. - But now that you explained it... Now you're just stupid. 000204 -- I can't do anything because I'm always waitnig for someone else. - And you can't quit because your stock isn't vested. - Am I in heck? No, I'm just working the overflow from Limbo. 000205 -- Limbo A Division of Heck Step inside. - You'll be sitting in the career limbo section. Goodbye. - Jeepers! The service here is terrible! 000206 -- My tests prove our product is defective. - Customers expect delivery tomorrow. - Our corporate philosophy is "quality is our primary goal." - want me to delay shipment until we fix the problems? No. - I want you to ship now so we can 000206 -- book the revenue. - GAAA! THAT'S THE OPPOSITE OF OUR PHILOSPHY!!! - Now you know why there aren't any rich philosphers. - There used to be one, but he believed I was a swiss bank. 000207 -- I need to see a web site that's blocked by our I.S. group. - Submit a business case to the Web Productivity and Security Committee. - Hey, bro, where's your shell? This ain't casual day. 000208 -- Wow! You've developed eight patentable ideas, Asok. - We'll have to bury them or else it will look like we have too much free time. - Then I said, "Literally?" and then he said... 000209 -- Come to the VP's office with me. You need to get some face time. - What is face time? It's very important. - And this is you asking for a raise. 000210 -- I'll get this information for you. - No you won't. You'll wait until I hunt you down and then you'll say you were too busy. - Today I started hating people in advance. It saves time. 000211 -- Dilbert, you've become too aware of reality. I'm sending you to "cynics anonymous." - A higher power will help you to regain the naive optimism that once made you a perfect employee. - Why can't the higher power change me while I'm sitting 000211 -- here? Fluorescent lights block his power. 000212 -- Cynics Anonymous My company sent me here to regain my naive sense of trust. - All in favor of using Dilbert's company-paid dues on beer, say Aye. - Make sure you sign up for our gambling cruise. 000213 -- Don't invite marketing to the planning meeting. - If I don't, they'll sabotage the implementation. - Yes, but if you *do* include them in the planning... - ...they'll hose the plan? Exactly. - And they'll still botch the implementation. - If we 000214 -- know it's doomed, why do we bother? - It's the same reason I had kids. - At least there's a reason. 000214 -- The new poicy says you must drive carefully while using cell phones. - This policy is just in time. I had planned to drive into a tree. - Is there anything there about handling poisonous snakes? 000215 -- Yikes! Our CEO is selling his stock! - Don't worry. It's routine diversification of his portfolio. - Oh...I guess that's okay. Sell, Sell, Sell. 000216 -- Dogbert Consults Management is like an organism that needs to survive and grow. - Employees are your fertilizer. - So I'm like a weell-fertilized plant? No, and sadly, weasels don't need fertilizer. 000217 -- Let me do all the talking to the customer. Check! - You'd better make up your mind fast. We plan to discontinue that product any day. - Well, excuse me for trying to fill al lull in the conversation. 000218 -- He's on the phone. You'll have to stand here and wait. - Don't leave. Don't make noise. Don't try talking to me. - Arm hair LX-943 is growing nicely. 000219 -- I created a prison morse code so we can communicate during the day. - Tap your secret messages on the cubicle wall. - tap tap tap I S E N T Y O U E M A I L 000220 -- Our division is unusually profitable this year. - That means our targets for next year will be set impossibly high. - Our only hope of reaching our profit target next year... - to sabotage profits for the rest of this year. - It's too 000220 -- late to stop customers from buying our products. - So we'll focus on increasing our wasteful spending. - Wally, I'm sending you to a leadership training class. - Did you ever stick out your coffee mug and just follow where it took you? 000221 -- My name is Paul Tergeist. error - I have a way with technology. system failure - Have you met your new lab partner? My pen is hovering! 000222 -- This technology will work or my name isn't Paul Tergeist. - - I wish I had a nickel for every time that happened to a co-worker. ow 000223 -- Put together a demo of our new product. Our CEO wants to see it. - My partner is channeling the angry energy of a thousand dead souls. - Why can't you be more like that? 000224 -- The technology demo The software isn't 100% complete. - If it had a user interface you would see something sometimes here. - And then you'd be saying, "I gotta get me some of that." Any questions? 000225 -- I', planning to give worthless awards to famous people. - If enough celebrities come to the award ceremony, it will become prestigious. - I've never heard of the Dogbert Gullibility Award, but it's an honor to be nominated. 000226 -- The Lifetime Gullibility Award goes to Bob Flabeau. - I would read Bob's biography but it's comprised entirely of false memories planted by his herbal therapist. - It looks like a stick but it's solid gold. Wow! 000227 -- I'd like to start with a diagram. - It's a bunch of shapes connected by lines. - Now I will say some impressive words. - Synchronized incremental digital integrated dynamic e-commerce space. - Any questions? - May I have a copy of your 000227 -- presentation? - - The results of my experiment are disturbing. 000228 -- I can't meet next tuesday because that's a B.V. day. B.V.? - Boss vacation. I don't need to pretend I'm working that day. - And on wednesday I'll be walking around all day with a binder. 000229 -- Did you do any action items this week? - I gathered costs for a strategy we had already decided not to use. - That helps the ol' GNP. I'm not giving back your tuition money. 000301 -- Ted resigned. Your job is to find out where he hid his file. - Our only clue is that he was disgruntled. - Negatory on porcelain patty. 000302 -- I have found where Ted hid his files before he quit. - A skeleton! I know what I must do. - Who's the babe? Stay away, home-wrecker. 000303 -- Asok, it's against company policy to date a skeleton you found in a closet. - We're just fiends! I swear! Eh! Eh! - It's just as well; I think I chipped a tooth. 000304 -- We can't make enough of our product to meet demand. - Our new strategy is to be more arrogant. We hope that will lower demand. - Can you teach me to be arrogant? Bah! 000305 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director We've decided to give you a new personality. - What? Why? - Your current personality is non-standard. - You must choose one of the approved corporate personalities. - The choices are sycophant, gladhander, sadist, 000305 -- quantoid, prima donna, empty suit or whining misfit. - Empty suit sounds interesting. - Excellent choice. Here's the spec sheet. - How did it go? Same ol' Same ol'. You got that right. 000306 -- This will be your cubicle. - In six weeks our I.T. people will connect you to the network so you can do your job. - I'll stop by every few minutes to see what you're doing. 000307 -- We don't pay enough to hire brilliant people for our Web team. - I need webiot savants who know they should have better jobs. - I'd expect stock options, of course. NEXT!! 000308 -- One out of ten research and development projects will succeed. - I recommend cancelling the other nine. - I wonder where he gets all these crazy ideas. 000309 -- Can you turn your one-page report into a two-page executive summary? - I was planning to spend the day snapping myself with the elastic band of my underwear. - But your idea is good, too. 000310 -- The employee appreciacion luncheon will be potluck. - Drop off your dish at my house on your way to work. - If this works, I'll never need to buy groceries again. 000311 -- I've been asked to quantify the benefits of our knowledge management systems. - I measured our intern's head to see if it got bigger. - The higher drag coefficient means we lost a little in the sandwich-fetching department. 000312 -- Alice - Stirrup pants are not professional attire. - I just filed a patent that will earn fifty million in license fees for the company. - Really? Wow. - But it's no excuse for bad pants. - Whatever. Did you sign the budget request I gave you 000312 -- last week? - No...I've been busy with various pant-related crises. - Here's another. 000313 -- My idea is to change our department name from engineering to... - e-engineering. - I'm working on a similar idea for marketing but it's not done yet. 000314 -- my head swelled up like a beach ball and the I.R.S. wants to put me in jail. - In summary, you're a basket case. - Women hate it when you summarize. 000315 -- I hired a psychologist to help you handle stress. - We need another engineer, not some freakin' quack!! - Is there a pill for that? I took it. 000316 -- The psychologist It's normal to have stress when a merger is pending. - Merger? What merger? - There I go again! 000317 -- Should I be trying to discover a shared vision that will foster enrollment rather than compliance? - Or should I modify my conceptual map to focus on organizational complexity? - Is any of that the same as work? It pays the same. 000318 -- I performed many tasks, but I can not claim any accomplishments. - Because things might have turned out better had I never been born. - Technically, it's true. Remind me to slap you later. 000319 -- We found a dozen bugs in the software you sold us. - We can fix these bugs for $20,000. What? - You can't charge us to fix your own defective product! - BUWAHAHA!! - Sorry...I was overcome by an evil euphoria. - I guess we have to pay. We have 000319 -- no choice! Excuse me. - Put more bugs in the software! I'm making a fortune out here! - Phblllt! I'm starting to question our single source strategy. 000320 -- As requested, I came up with a plan for doing more work with fewer people. - A future version of me will arrive via time machine to help on the project... - ...unless you say something now that makes me unmotivated. 000321 -- ZZOOP! - I am you from the future. Your time machine invention works. - How does may head get like that? Stick a finger in this hole. 000322 -- A future me built a time machine and came to help on my project. - Hello, you miserable pile of solid sewerage. - You always got bad assignments after today. 000323 -- Alice, this is me from the future. Hi. - At the next holiday party, she's all over you. - Is that true? No, but after today she never drank again. 000324 -- I know every tragedy that will happen in the future. - HERE IT COMES!!! - I'll never forget the day I spilled hot coffee on my crotch. 000325 -- I must return to the future now, your majesty. - They don't call me majesty, yet. You'll make it retroactive... - you could boss around the time travellers. In that case, dance for me. 000326 -- Tina, move that title... - ...over here. - AAAGH!! - YOUR FINGER OIL IS ON MY SCREEN!!! - Now I have to spend ten minutes cleaning it... - ...because you don't understand how to hover your finger. - See?! This isn't hard. You hover the finger! 000326 -- Don's touch! - I hope I'm not losing my aura of infallibility. 000327 -- Here's my CD-ROM business card. - It has a film archive of all my character flaws. - Including this one? It's number 34. 000328 -- I reviewed your CD-ROM business card last night. - I browsed your personal web page. - Maybe we should do some conversation. I already had one in my head. 000329 -- Anne, I need you to review my first draft. - TYPO! AAAGH! MY WORLD IS FLYING APART!!! - You killed Anne L. Retentive with a typo? - No, she's in a comma. 000330 -- I did the analysis using your bad assumptions. - Then I applied your flawed logic and arrived at your predetermined answer. - Shall I begin disillusioning the team? This needs a pie chart. 000331 -- I cancelled our dumpster service to save money. - I discovered an alternative that costs nothing. - Everyone tear off a piece and put it in your pocket. 000401 -- I want you to perform a gap analysis for our department. - Be completely honest. - The gap is located between two pointy tufts of hair that move about the office. 000402 -- Can you sing or dance? - Ted? I thought you resigned in disgust two weeks ago. - Well...I wrote a huge resignation manifesto thet I planned to E-mail to the entire caompany. - But I thought it needed pictures. - Before long I was adding video 000402 -- clips an huorous sound files. - Then I thought, hey, why not put it all on a Web site? - Now I'm turning the whole thing into an off Broadway theatre production. - I saw my first motivated employee today. 000403 -- I'm thinking about going out on a fake disability claim. - Do you think anyone will believe I'm disabled? It's hard to believe you're not. - Do you need a note from my doctor? No, it's been obvious for a long time. 000404 -- Wally is out on disability. I want you to spy on him. - We need video evidence of Wally doing a vigorous activity. - Can you think ofanything that Wally does vigorously? I'd rather not. 000405 -- Wally's claim of disability will be put to the test. - Here we go...oh, yeah...come on Asok...go baby, go! - Does he ever move? It looks that way when I jiggle the camera. 000406 -- I came back from my fake disability leave. - I missed the camaraderie and the stimulating conversation. - I didn't know you were gone. Not bad for a tuesday. 000407 -- Always ask yourself, what would Dogbert do? - This bumper sticker will help remind you. Gimme. - Umm...I wouldn't do that. You really should try it. 000408 -- At all times I ask myself, what would Dogbert do? - Then it doesn't matter that my brain is the size of a timy dried peanut. - That thought would make Dogbert hungry. 000409 -- Fly to Austin and answer some questions for a big customer. - Doesn't this customer have a telephone? - You don't *call* big customers! - Um...why not? - You have to go in person to show that you care. - Actually, thet would show that I don't 000409 -- understand the concept of the telephone. - Just go. - Do they have these where you come from? 000410 -- Remember the time you wnet skydiving? No. - You will. I'm planting false memories in your subconscious. - It won't work. But you believe you went to college, right? 000411 -- Did I ever tell you about the time I went skydiving? - That sounds like a false memory planted by Dogbert. Bah! - My parachute didn't open. Luckily, I landed on a trampoline and bounced back into the plane. 000412 -- Take this to the technology buddha for enlightenment. - He's busy meditating. - He must be very wise. Huge bowl of vanilla ice cream. 000413 -- Technology Buddha How did you become so enlightened? - I just eat a lot and tell people their ideas stink. - Whose shoe did you scrape this off of? 000414 -- I'd quit this job, but next year I'll get an extra week of vacation. - If you get an extra week for every ten years of service... -'ll be happy in 480 years. Good plan. Shut up. 000415 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Would you work harder if we offered stock incentives? Yes. - So you admit you're not working hard enough now. Umm... - Lastly, are you still beating up customers? 000416 -- ring ring Again? That thig rang last week, too. - Hello. May I interest you in long-distance phone service? - How long is it? -'s very long. Extremely long. - I need to know exactly how long it is! - If it's too short I'll have to 000416 -- shout the last mile! I hate that. -'s fifty miles long. - No, thanks. I don't know anyone fifty miles away. 000417 -- I got huge severance packages from my last four employers. - If I get fired one more time I can retire. - Ken, we need to talk. KA-CHING! 000418 -- I've been taking a self-paced online training course to "sharpen my saw." - What's the subject? I don't know. - How could you not know?! What part of "self-paced" is confusing you? 000419 -- I'll make your life miserable! I'll thwart your every move! - Hi. I'm the new sadist. What happened to the old one? - He went to sadist paradise. The auditing department? 000420 -- The company sadist You're invited to my four-hour meeting. - There's no agenda. It's just supposed to hurt. Any donuts? - Yes, but I'll drop one on the floor and hide it with the others. I like those odds. 000421 -- The company sadist I forwarded your E-Mail to everyone. - Gaaa! That E-Mail insulted half the people on our project!! - Tht's an interesting theory about why my hair is brown. 000422 -- The company sadist Okay, sadist, it's time to meet the fist of death. - Note from the author If you are the sort of person who is influenced by comic strips, I assure you nothing bad or violent happens next. Alice and the sadist discuss their 000422 -- differences and become lifelong friends. - What was in that big bag I helped you drag to the dumpster? 000423 -- ZZZZZ beep beep beep - It's time to complain about my workload. - An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of assignments. - I'm working day and night! - I've got projects, assignments, deliverables, tasks... - ...must-do items, action items, 000423 -- fire drills, and dog and pony shoes. - Wally, I have an assignment for you. ! - I solved my glare problem. 000424 -- I finished the project plan without your input. - You would have lied to me anyway, so I just skipped that step. - I've already assigned blame for failure, but don't worry, it's just preliminary. 000425 -- Dilbert is one of our social misfits. - Your job is to keep him away from normal people. - Hello! I'm right here! Your title will be "engineering liaison." 000426 -- Engineering liaison Tell me your project status and I'll translate for our clients. - The project will never be completed because our idiot clients change the requirements every other day. - I'll just say you're drunk. 000427 -- I understand you're the new engineering liaison. - Does that mean what I think it means? - She claims it doesn't mean that. Ohhh. 000428 -- Demons have possessed my PC. They force me to view web sites of unspeakable abominations. - The only solution is for you to approve the purchase of a new PC for me. - How are the unspeakable abominations today? Much faster! 000429 -- I'm Bucky, the project manager. - Your assignment is painfully difficult and probably unnecessary. - If you need me, I'll be complaining about you to your boss. 000430 -- Dogbert consults Your software product is riddled with bugs. - I recommend repackaging it as rust inhibitor for computers. - The ads will say "you know it's working because of all the error messages." - People aren't stupid. - According to my 000430 -- research, they are. - Dumb Ignorant Stupid Ear Wax - I need that rust inhibitor, I spit when I type. - I think the rust turned my exclamation upside down. That's the letter "I". 000501 -- Asok, this will be the most important assignment in your entire career. - You must affix the asset tags in this folder to our office equipment. - BWAA-WAH-AH!! He must be having problems at home. 000502 -- My assignment is to put asset tags on all equipment. - Did you know that staplers are not considered equipment? - No one likes to make conversation with the asset tag man. 000503 -- As CEO, I thank you for making me obscenely wealthy. - Yesterday I built a guest house using bundles of cash as bricks. - I need a new speech writer. 000504 -- I've been asked to summarize my project into three bullet points. - I had to invent some new words. - Believe me, you don't want to be any of these things. splurby noobah pizkwat 000505 -- I'm starting to get an inferiority complex. - If it makes you feel better, that isn't a complex. - Now if you excuse me, I gotta take that wicked wag. 000506 -- I need to take a class to learn the new technology. - Our vendor's sales person will teach you everything he knows. - You only need three "moist towlettes" to give yourself a sponge bath. 000507 -- Which presidental candidate do you like? - I strongly favor the one with the funny hair. I forgot his name. - His social policies are the exact opposite of your views. Really? - Well, I kile his tax plan. - Every credible economist thinks it's 000507 -- a bad plan. Oh. - It's a good thing we talked before you polluted the system with your vote. - Do you want to make out? - She claimed to like intelligent men but she lied. 000508 -- I've decided to become a generic self-help consultant. - I'll tell people to keep a journal of all their thoughts. Then I'll bill them. - How would that help anyone? I lead by example, my friend. 000509 -- You can lose weight if you write down all of your meals in a journal. - That's all I need to do? Yes, if you use our patented weight-loss pencil. - 000510 -- This product would melt the polar ice caps and doom humanity. That's okay. - You're part of humanity. No, I'm in marketing. - I won't help you destroy the planet. That's what I said until I saw the free t-shirts. 000511 -- My marketing plan calls for the annihilation of all life on earth. - Our only serious competitor is a company that sells tobacco and junk food. I'd like volunteers. - I need some accomplishments for my quarterly review. 000512 -- To the untrained eye it might look as if I do no work. - But inside here is a raginf sea of knowledge management and strategic thinking. - Did you hear that gugling sound? 000513 -- Dogbert consults My team can build an E-commerce site for you. - It will be so well-documented that your I.S. group can easily maintain it. - But the coolest part is that the documentation will be delivered by flying pigs! 000514 -- Carol, from now on, I want a live person answering my phone. - What attracted you to that idea? - Was it the inefficiency or the drain of morale? - Important executives don't use voice mail. - I have some information for you. Call me. - beep 000514 -- beep beep beep beep beep beep - He's not here. Do you want to leave a detailed message? Yes. - WELL, YOU CANT!!! 000515 -- I scheduled a meeting with your boss. - He'll probably ask me to speak frankly about any problems in the department. - This couldn't get any worse. He's cute. I might ask him out. 000516 -- was your meeting with my boss? - We each told our favorite stories about you. Then we laughed and laughed. - He has stories about me? He thought they were urban legends. 000517 -- Alice, maybe we shouldn't date. I'm a VP and you're an engineer in my division. - Sheesh. Get over yourself. I'm just using you to drive my boss nuts. - Your indifference arouses me! I will make you mine! VPs 000518 -- I brought you a bouquet, Alice. - That's a bunch of pencils, not a flower bouquet. Really? - May I use your phone? I need to fire my secretary. 000519 -- Performance review You didn't show any initiative this year. - That's your fault for creating an athmosphere of fear and distrust. You, you, you. - Note to self: increase fear. 000520 -- Performance review Do you have any weaknesses that need improvement? - Sometimes I work so fast I become invisible. - If I seem blurry right now, it's because I'm multitasking. Once a year is way too often for this. 000521 -- Can you explain why your project is behind schedule? - Yes, a schedule is an artificial device created without knowledge of the future. - Wild guesses are used as surrogates for knowledge. - Project deadlines are tied to trade show dates 000521 -- instead of reality. - Then management cuts the budget until failure is assured. - I assume you called me here so you can apologize for your role in all this - - Would you like to hear how budgets are created? 000522 -- Your new CEO is the most powerful woman in the high-tech industry. - I recommend exploiting her fame in your advertisements. - Why do I have to be the one to suggest this? CEOs love this sort of thing. 000523 -- My consultant thinks you should be featured in our ad campaign. - Is that because I'm your new CEO and the most powerful woman in our industry? - Um...yes, that's why. Remember to ask about tan lines. 000524 -- CEO as spokesperson Shouldn't I hold up our product instead of leaning on a chair? - NO! - That helped your hair but you're still dressed like a nun. 000525 -- CEO as spokesperson What does this pose have to do with our product? - I'll use blue screen technology to add important elements later. - My blouse is blue. Five minutes. 000526 -- At ten you'll be firing Ted. I'll organize his goodbye party. - Do you know what would be more efficient? - What happens after we yell "surprise"? 000527 -- We know these random drug tests are unpleasant for employees. - That's why we offer free cashews. - Suddenly I thought about Charlie Brown but I don't know why. 000528 -- Pssst - Yes? Come in and shut the door. - I bought a fake video surveillance camera. - Install it in the break room tonight. - It's cheaper than a real camera and it will discourage thefts. - If you treat employees like criminals, they'll 000528 -- leave. - Good point. You'd better hide the camera so no one knows it's there. - Trash 000529 -- My socks use an antimicrobial polymer to bond chlorine atoms to cotton. - I can wear these babies for days before they start to stink. - What was that other pick-up line we talked about? It was "Hi." 000530 -- My patent for no-click shopping was granted. - I'm sure some whiners will say it's an obvious idea. - You'd better click something or I have to ship you some books. 000531 -- I'm documenting everything you do so I can easily fire you someday. - - Maybe you could call me if you do anything. Leave it here and I'll fill it out for you. 000601 -- The five hundred dollar morale improvement award goes to Ed. - GAA!! IT'S ONLY $240 AFTER TAXES!!! - So that's what good morale looks like. Apparently we've had it the whole time. 000602 -- Ming, everyone says our Web site is ugly. - Really? Every person on earth said that? Even tibetian monks? - Maybe it was just one person. And you confused him with the entire planet? 000603 -- If I could turn invisible, I wouldn't need to make decisions. - can't see me. - I gues we're done. Run silent. 000604 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Wally, our auditors found 40 Gigabits of bikini pictures on your PC. - That is grounds for dismissal. How do you plead? - Innocent. Technically, they didn't find any pictures. - What they found were zeroes and ones 000604 -- resting harmlessly on magnetic media. - It was the auditors themselves who activated those harmless bits to form pictures on the screen! - I demand that those godless auditors be fired! - And if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to have my 000604 -- zeroes and ones back. Was justice served? It's a grey area. 000605 -- I am Mordac, the preventer of information services! I am Web mistress Ming! - Your firewall is inadequate. You must be punished! Your HTML is weak! You must be punished. - I must have you! Talk Cobol to me, baby. 000606 -- Ming, I'm moving your Web mistress function to I.S. You'll report to Mordac. - NO-O-O-O-O - We can still date but I feel obliged to hate your guts now. It works for me. 000607 -- Dearest Ming, my love for you is boundless. Mordac. - P.S. If you don't stop putting food garbage in the recycling bin you will be terminated. - Never date your boss. Okay. 000608 -- Hi, I'm Edfred, the two-faced employee. - If you tell you boss his new plan is stupid I'll back you up. Really? - I don't like the looks of this. 000609 -- I disagree with Dilbert. The boss's plan is brilliant. - Your other face agreed with me two minutes ago! What other face? - No...I still just see the one. 000610 -- I've decided to manage like a sadistic game show host. - Because it would be insane if I kept doing what didn't work. - Would you rather have a performance review or be pecked to death by trained birds? 000611 -- I cut you budget in half. - How can I do a technology installation without an adequate budget?! - Try being unethical with our vendors. - What= It's easy. - Tell them we might make a huge purchase later... - ...if they give us a bunch of free 000611 -- stuff now. - If it makes you feel better, wait until *they* lie first. - And there are no hidden costs. Um...we might make a huge purchase later. 000612 -- Dogbert Consults All of your employees are ignorant. - I can fix that by selling you intranet collaboration tools. - But if they're sharing their ignorance... sign it sign it sign it 000613 -- Who wants to share knowledge with me via our new intranet collaboration software? - You don't have any knowledge to share. Ouch. It hurts because it's true. - I'm hoarding my knowledge in case I ever need it. 000614 -- Dogbert Consults No one uses the intranet collaboration software you sold us. - Your employees are sefective. I recommend cat scans. - This one is defective too. Next in line! 000615 -- My accomplishment this week was schedulingfifty people to discuss the bug in our product. - I fixed the bug this morning. - And thanks for not inviting me to the meeting. 000616 -- Our server named "Pointy" is overloaded. - So we're moving some of the load to "Haired" and "Idiot." But we still need a new server. - He signed the purchase order for "Clueless". 000617 -- Uh-oh...suddenly this meeting and all the strange words make sense. - POW!! - It's your turn to buy the card. 000618 -- Welcome to workplace violence prevention training. - How can we identify potentially violent employees? - Ooh! Ooh! - Wally? - Do they have beards? - That was a stupid answer. - Violent employees are usually creepy, ineffective males 000618 -- who are widely disrespected. - May I change seats? 000619 -- Ming, our Web site needs a FAQ section. - I find your suggestion ignorant and without merit. Away with you. - So...are you doing anything this weekend? GAAA!! 000620 -- Help me understand the male brain, Dilbert. - I treat you like dirt and you ask me out on a date? - Good personalities are overrated. You're getting me all hot over here. 000621 -- Frankly, I'm insulted that you asked me out. - It means you think we're about the same level of attractiveness. - You'd better have a heckuva sexy car. It's electric. 000622 -- I don't like to talk on dates. Do you mind if I hum? - That's okay. I'll pretend you're the radio. Hmm mm-mm mm-m-m mmmm I need a new radio. 000623 -- Do you mind if I chatter about people you don't know? No. - Do you mind if I gawk at every woman who walks by? Yes. - In fact, I would appreciate it if you displayed no male traits whatsoever. Can do. 000624 -- Yeah, I'm having the worst date ever. I'll check. - What's that on the ground? It looks interesting. Not so good. 000625 -- I'm grossly underpaid. I want a raise. - Oh, Dilbert, Dilbert, Dilbert. - What? What? What? - People don't work here for the money. - They work here for the challenge! - If challenges are more valuable than money... - Why don't you give me your 000625 -- money and I'll give you my challenges? - Well? I must kill him before he infects the others. 000626 -- ...and that's the plan. YIPIEE! WOOHA!! - I'm very inspiring lately. - How did people survive meetings before these things? Webvan split! 000627 -- You've got to work eighteen hours a day to compete in this industry! - Let's just *say* we work eighteen hours a day. Maybe our competitors will die trying to match us. - Would that work? It almost worked on us. 000628 -- Ratbert is our new company concierge. - I will perform any errand, no matter how personal or degrading it is. - I need a loofah. Lather me up! 000629 -- Ratbert the concierge I'd like a date with a woman who thinks I'm hot. - Remember, you promised you would do any errand for employees. - Tell me again how hot I am. 000630 -- Company concierge I don't have time for my doctor appointment. - Go in my place and tell him you're having trouble sleeping at your desk. - And don't let him sweet-talk you about diet and exercise. I want pills! 000701 -- Company concierge I need an alibi. - The police will try to beat truth out of you, but don't let them break you! - I also need lye... and a barrel... better yet, make that two barrels. 000702 -- We had fifteen system failures with the previous software. - Your data aren't actionable. - What? - Your presentation has no practical value. - Well, if that's suddenly a crime then call me guilty! - Now the meeting feels awkward. Can we go 000702 -- back to acting interested? I guess. - Fine. Let's put this ugly incident behind us. - And if you multiply the digits you get five. 000703 -- Dilbert, you'll be working with Lulu. She's almost normal. - But she has no sense of proportion for problems. - Did you notice that he looked at you funny? WHAT?! 000704 -- THE ADVENTURES OF LULU the woman who has no sense of proportion - GAAA! DOES THIS MEAN YOU HATE ME?!! - It's called an assignment. This is war! 000705 -- Come help me on this assignment. It's a huge crisis! - Lulu, do you ever wonder why your life is a series of crises? - I assume god is softening me up before smitting me. Excuse me while I put on my static guard. 000706 -- My project was in a death spiral. - I leapt into action and reorganized my filing system. - Did that help? My stress is gone! 000707 -- The employee of the month is Lulu. - Lulu overcame long odds to win this award. I.e., her name was randomly picked. - I'd protest but I don't want to taint my victory of last month. 000708 -- Lulu, you've stalled my project for long enough. I want your input... - NOW!! - I found out my jaw unhinges when I'm mad. You frighten my hoagie. 000709 -- My software will create human simulations from DNA samples. - What's the market application? - Well...there are many various applications. Name one. - Well...someday the entire human genome will be mapped and decoded. - You could take a hair 000709 -- sample from a woman who refuses to date you... - and create a software simulation of her to keep in your computer watch. - You could have one button to feed her and one button to punish her. - I'd buy it. Can you add a button? 000710 -- Write a performance evaluation for yourself. - Shoot for about a 3% raise...because that's what you're getting. - Dilbert's inventions will earn a billion dollars. But we think he steals almost as much. 000711 -- Dogbert Consults Here's a free sample of my work. - So company "A" was managed by idiots with no Web strategy. - What would you recommend for my company? First, change its name to "A". 000712 -- Dogbert Consults I saved some money by buying a used consulting report. - We're going to give the exclusive rights for something called DOS to something called Microsoft. - I have a good feeling about this. 000713 -- Dogbert Consults I golf with your CEO. - For a million dollars I can accidentally bean him with a golf ball. - He always wears a helmet. Not in the clubhouse. 000714 -- This week I was rendered useless by the stress of bad management. - That's something we only say in the cafeteria. - You're doing a terrific job! Try to find a middle range. 000715 -- I got the stress everyone talks about. What should I do? - Try using it as an excuse for not exercising. -'s a good thing? It made me the man I am today. 000716 -- This plan is impractical. - My philosophy is that if it isn't hard, it isn't worth doing. - That's easy to say. - So according to your philosophy, you shouldn't have said it. - And it's easy to walk around. Maybe you should hop on one foot. - 000716 -- Or would it be better to recant your absurd philosophy... - ...and bow before my superior reasoning capabilities? - ... 000717 -- I heard that you won't give marketing the information they need. - I respectfully decline the invitation to join your hallucination. - Your system works. Next time try shortening it to "bah". 000718 -- This special T-Shirt is awarded to Ted for all of his achievements. - Next on the agenda... - We're planning some staff cuts. 000719 -- We'll be shutting down our global communications business and de-orbiting our satellites. - Question: wouldn't that create dozens of deadly flame balls speeding toward earth? - That's why we're aiming for cities that have lots of swimming 000719 -- pools. 000720 -- Our investigative reporter has identified the company behind the deadly falling stellites. - WHUMP! - Your plan worked. What plan? 000721 -- I'm tired of getting no respect at work. - I'm going to send my resume to a company that's located in a place I'd never want to live. - I wonder why tey don't respect you. That's what I want to know! 000722 -- Have you met the new CIO? No. - I hear he's young. - Hello. - We need to integrate our enterprise resource planning with our existing E-commerce platform. - How if you'll excuse me. Nature calls. - Aaahhh... - Then we'll decentralize the 000723 -- procurement function and...hold on a second. - Gramps, could you do me a huge favor? 000724 -- And we finished ahead of schedule. Question - Are you referring to the original schedule or the eighth revision? - Schedules can change. That would be called a "calendar". 000725 -- Step aside. I'm from I.S. - I didn't ask for any upgrades. That's what they all say until... - It's reformatting my hard drive! That's ten in a row. Maybe it's me. 000726 -- How long has he been under your desk? Three days. - Did you feed him? Just some licorice. - You should never feed the I.S. people. More licorice. 000727 -- Well, I upgraded three things an I accidentally broke three things. - In I.S. terms, I came out ahead. Does my computer work? - No, but if it did, it would be much faster. snap 000728 -- I finished upgrading the sales support network. - Is that why I can't unlock my Lexus?!! - You don't own a Lexus. You only look like a guy down the hall who owns one. I hate that guy. 000729 -- Thanks to you, my computer screen is all fuzzy now! ? - You're always fiddling with something that makes something else stop working. - Don't clean your screen with your handkerchief during flu session. Stop changing the subject. 000730 -- Help me interview a candidate for engineering. - I think he's terrific! Uh-oh - According to your resume, Paul, you invented E-commerce. Wow! - I'm going to hire him right now! Hold on. - Paul, you didn't really invent E-commerce, did you? 000730 -- Well... - Maybe I of the team that invented it. - No one invented E-commerce! When can you start? - Why am I here? Maybe Paul can teach you how to invent things. 000731 -- Catbert: evil H.R: director You need my approval for any outside jobs. - Oh, my...I have the sudden realization that you control my entire life. - But you can't control what I *think*!. employee will say "you can't control what I *think*!" 000801 -- I plan to spend the next year adding automatic registration to our product. - It already has that feature. - Oh. 000802 -- Ted, I'm giving you a promotion in title. Wow! - Now you're the Senior Vice Duke and Imperial Majesty of all Engineering. - Can I have business cards now? No, you're only a vice duke. 000803 -- We're going to start tracking our time spent with internal clients. - I will cleverly send fake bills to other departments to show how helpful we are. - I can't help you. I'm busy with my time sheet. 000804 -- Someone stole my purse. - So I used my Navy Seal training to booby-trap my cubicle. - AAIEE!!! The mail is early today. 000805 -- Alice, did you booby-trap your cublicle? - The question is, why are you in my cubicle? - What if I promise to never again borrow your guest chair? 000806 -- Catbert: evil H.R: director Video cameras hve been installed in all work areas. - Employees must wear I.D. badges around their necks. - Your Internet and telephone usage will be monitored. - Everyone will undergo mandarory drug testing. - 000806 -- They're not resisting. They're ready for phase two. - Prepare to be permanently marked by hot irons. - Will that hurt? I'll be fine. Thanks for asking. - Wally is about to experience brand awareness. 000807 -- I work harder than you. Why do I get paid a fifth of what you make? - That's because there are many people like you but few people like me. - Maybe thet's because the people like me eventually kill the people like you. 000808 -- I should create my own little Internet start-up. - All I need is a business plan. - The V.C. are sick of B to B. The Vietcong are sick of breakfast in bed? 000809 -- I'm not allowed to poach employees if I leave this company. - But there's no law against you asking me for a job...wink wink. - I'M NOT GOING TO WINK ALL DAY, YOU MORON! 000810 -- Have you finished my billion dollar business plan yet? Almost. - I'm up to the part where the S.E.C. investigates you for securities fraud. - I can't decide what the employees will be singing when you get handcuffed. 000811 -- I had planned to hire another engineer. - At the last minute I remembered I could just make you work twice as hard. - Maybeyou could nominate me for one of those cost-saving awards. 000812 -- Ted, your ten year service party will be on Tuesday. - I'm having surgery Tuesday. - Maybe you could drop off a casserole on your way. 000813 -- This is Rasputin, our new consultant. - He stopped my paper cut from bleeding. - He has charisma. - I'd like to see a demonstration on Asok. - Ack...can't...breathe... - That's called the evil eye process. Now do Wally. - 000813 -- Ack...can't...breathe... - He never had a chance. Your anti-charisma is string today. 000814 -- I was so motivated by your pep talk yesterday that I came to work ten minutes early! - Wally, we start at eight, not at nine. - That's gonna cost you ten minutes. 000815 -- Our disaster recovery plan goes something like this... - HELP! HELP! - Someday we hope to have a budget. 000816 -- As you can clearly see in slide 397... - GAAAAH! - "Powerpoint" poisoning. 000817 -- Your salary is 115% of the midpoint for your range. Isn't that exciting? - Why don't you say it's 115% below the top of the range which can never be achieved under our system? - No peeking at the supervisor's page. 000818 -- Due to worsening storm conditions, all "non-essential" personnel may go home early. - - This will be the easiest round of layoffs ever. 000819 -- I know our E-Mail addresses are supposed to be our first initial plus our last name. - But could you make an exception? No. - That Brenda Utthead is quite a whiner. 000820 -- A good manager hires people who are smarter than he is. - So...your boss is dumber than you? - And your boss's boss is dumber yet? - According to your theory, our CEO is the dumbest person in the company. - Unless all of you are bad managers. - 000820 -- Truly we are doomed either way. - Thias concludes the motivational part of the meeting. - I'd give you a high five but I don't like to move. 000821 -- If I hired you, how would you respond to something like this? - I usually ignore chain letters. Let's try another. - Did you finish your in basket? No, I'll need a few more applicants. 000822 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Employees waste too much time at funerals. - On a related note, our heating costs are too high. - As a matter of fact, I *would* mind being cremated in the company furnace. 000823 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director We increased the complexity of your pay slip. - NOW YOU'LL NEVER KNOW WHEN WE RIP YOU OFF! YEEHA! YEEHA! - The only part that really bugs me is the yeehas. 000824 -- Would it be okay if I worked part times? That depends. - Would you be willing to come in on your days off to finish urgent projects? Yes. - So, basically you negotiated a fifty percent pay cut? 000825 -- I'm sittin' in a box and checkin' my stocks. - I must use all my willpower to resist checkig every ten seconds. - I'm sittin' in a box and checkin' my stocks. 000826 -- Our new corporate slogan is... - "The power of the Internet lies in converging the future with the here and now." - Goose-bumps? Psoriasis. 000827 -- So they replaced our computers and never trained us. - I told them we needed a training class but they ignored my requests. - So our computers sit there unused while we do our work the slow way. - Why don't you read the computer manual? - I 000827 -- don't have time for that! - But you have time for a class? It doesn't add up. - I'm cold. - You should try wearing a coat. They're terrific. 000828 -- I now offer self-service consulting. - Write down your strategy and I'll send you massive bills. - Do you have a card? I was hoping you'd print some for me. 000829 -- Self-service consulting I was hired because you're all dumber than a crate of anvils. - Now, can anyone tell me if your operations are centralized or decentralized? - Ooh! Ooh! I just thought of a strategy! 000830 -- I'm going to follow Tom Peter's advice and become my own brand. - The phrase you're least likely to hear is, "I gotta get me some of that." - Day one: not so good. 000831 -- Step away from that network server! I'm certified! - I SUMMON THE VAST POWER OF CERTIFICATION! - Well, this is embarrassing: that's all I remember from the classes. 000901 -- Ha ha! You never should have let me get a technical certification. - I used my new power to get a better job at a different company. - Tell me again why I hired you? 000902 -- As a manager, it's my job to reduce the turnover of our most valuable employees... - ...and to increase turnover of our least valuable employees. - Ow! For the jillionth time, who keeps kicking me? 000903 -- Is it okay if I take naps during the day? - Or would you prefer that I make important decisions while groggy and delusional? - Either way is okay with me. It's your call. - He looks funny all purple. - Must...stay...awake. 000903 -- Make...important...decisions. - Must replace optical switches with dancing lemurs. - GAAA! FRENCH PEOPLE ARE TOUCHING ME WITH CIGARETTES! - I hope that's how engineers design missile defense networks. 000904 -- Your resume says you're a multi-celled life form. - That's exactly what we're looking for! - I'm trying to shake hands. If you feel harassed in any way just let out a yelp. 000905 -- Dilbert, meet the new guy. You hired a giant amoeba? - You can't go around judging people by their looks. - Would you mind... Training him? Keeping him moist? 000906 -- So, I hear you're a single-cell organism. - What's up with that? - The new guy is rolling into a ball and shedding water. Been there. 000907 -- This isn't working out. I have to let you go. - Maybe you can get your old job back at Farworks. - Great. Now he's going to secrete. 000908 -- Today I will know the joy of uninterrupted productivity. - We're forming a posse to find out who leaves crumbs in the sink. - I assume it's you. - We need more black sheep around here. 000909 -- Work is for losers. - A winner says, "that's on my list" and never commints to a deadline. - Wouldn't people respect me less? I don't see how. 000910 -- I mapped your genome, Wally. - I dodn't know the human resources department had that technology. - I used a pencil. - Your genes predict that you will be a bitter, lazy, caucasian guy with hairs and poor vision. - You'll hate cubicles, 000910 -- measurable objectives, and cats who map your genome. - This is a violation of my right to privacy! I'll fight it all the way to the supreme court! - No, according to my map, you'll lose interest and fall asleep. - I wonder if this technology 000910 -- will ever fall into the wrong hands. zzzzz 000911 -- Now sign this and this and this. - This is a murder confession. It's for the file. - Someday I'm going to take a good look at that file. 000912 -- I hid the emergency flashlights so no one can play with them. - Who plays with flashlights? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. - The short Jedi will die first. 000913 -- Send ooh! - I get a tiny feeling of self-worth when I send E-Mail to my boss. - Looks like someone has an E-Mail monkey on his back. I can quit whenever I want! 000914 -- I have an E-Mail monkey on my back, but I can quit whenever I want. - I don't need to check it every minute. I can resist. - But look! The stupid monkey hit my keyboard with his foot! 000915 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director Asok, you have a bad case of E-Mail monkey-on-the-back. - The only cure is to deactivate your Internet connection. - No problem. Heh, heh. heh heh I know you have a Palm VII strapped to your ankle. 000916 -- I used to have an E-Mail monkey on my back, but I wnet cold turkey. - I still do little chatting but that's not addictive. Is it? - I'm Rofl. Oh, just shut up and hop on. 000917 -- I decided to become a business manager for celebrities. Why? - Because banks have locks. - Everything you own has been put in my purposes. - You're such a good friend. How can I ever repay you? - You can sign this. It gives 000917 -- me the rights to your life story. - In the unlikely event that someone steals your fortune and you become a pathetic drug addict... - ...I can sell your story to the "biography" channel. - They start filming on Thursday. 000918 -- From now on, this is going to be a fun organization. - When are you leaving? - I had no idea that a rubber chicken could hurt so much. 000919 -- What the work-at-home person says Don't disturb me unless the house is on fire. - What the rest of the faily hears I am your servant. My speciality is killing spiders. - What the spiders hear The house is full of wounded flies. 000920 -- The marketing guys are stalling. You need to escalate. - Must escalate. - I'll never understand how this helps. Sale 000921 -- Can you test the software today? No, I'm making major changes tuesday. - You could test the current version. - I wish people wouldn's slap their foreheads and say "aye-yi-yi-yi" everytime I talk. 000922 -- This to-do list will make me more efficient. - I have three fake emergencies, two doomed projects, four unnecessary meetings... - I figured out why you never ask me how my day went. Off you go. 000923 -- Speed is the key to success. - Is it okay to do things wrong if we're relly, really fast? - Now I'm all confused, thank you very much. 000924 -- Halt! - You moved your computer without approval from the Central Cubicle Committee. - I was simply adjusting the angle gasp - Fool! It will cost $200 for a team of technicians to move it back! - It's better this way so my plant won't fall off. 000924 -- - WE HAVE GUIDELINES!! - I know. I stapled them to my wall. - You'd be surprised at what isn't allowed. 000925 -- Dogbert consults Here's my report full of obvious generalities. - My fee is $90,000. What are you recommending? - I recommend telling everyone it was free. 000926 -- Dogbert consults You can revive the entrepreneurial spirit by reminding people of the early years. - Your founders were two bums who began in a cardboard box. - One bum misdialed his bookie and accidentally bought Cisco stock at the IPO. 000927 -- This needs your approval. - The company will save forty million dollars but you'll be ten thousand over budget. - And before you ask, no it won't work the other way around. Whose side are you on? 000928 -- I'm sure your boss will increase the budget if you show him my plan. - I just asked him for something else. I can't keep asking him for resources! - think that doing your job is a sign of weakness? Look what it did to you. 000929 -- Ted, there's a huge demand for employees like you. - But not you specifically. ...which is funny if you think about it. - Hey, if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at? 000930 -- My stock options are worth a fortune now, you miserable bag of crud! - Oh, look, they're back down to worthless. - Try telling him that bags of crud are highly valued in some societies. Shut up. 001001 -- Wally, what's the status of our vital records protection plan? ? - Think fast. - I...uh...did extensive interviews with key shareholders. - Then I...uh...formed a plan... - Now all the records are digitized and stored with 512 bit encryption... 001001 -- - the center of the earth...on natural magnets. - I meant you should read the project team's status report. - They claim to have a plan. Liars. 001002 -- The evil h.r. director What evil do you bring me, union steward stuart? - Employees should not be allowed to move company computers. That's union work. That's old evil. - It's new we include PDAs and laptops. - I like the cut of your giblets. 001003 -- Our new office building will be an architectural masterpiece! - The voices in my head are shouting "no storage space! no storage space!" - WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME? It's called experience. 001004 -- Dogbert consults You need to reorganize by customer type. - One division would focus on sellig to feeble-minded people. - Are you gesturing at me because I would work in that division? What's your second guess? 001005 -- My philosophy is: measure twice... - then cut twice, then uh... - Give the tape measure a bad performance review? Hee hee! Ooh. 001006 -- Your office is too far from the executive offices. It is? - They are actively forgetting your name even as we speak. It's going...going...GONE! - Carol, we have to move my office! Have we met? 001007 -- Performance Review Lastly, what have you done to improve the morale of your co-workers? - I didn't give them the beatings they so richly deserved. - I'll shorten that to "team player"? 001008 -- The Inspirational CEO Our Company is too good to have results this poor. - Question. - %#!* Engineers. What? - Are you saying the laws of cause and effect do not apply? - Logically, if we were good, we would generate good results. - Is it not 001008 -- more likely that we are pathetic losers who get exactly what we deserve? - Yes, individually you're all losers. But together we're a great company. Thanks to my leadership. - I feel like squirming but I don't have the energy. 001009 -- We can't pay you this week because your position code is misaligned with your module. - Worse yet, no one knows what that means or whose responsibility it is to fix it. - Who told you about the problem? It was an anonymous note with 001009 -- disappearing ink. 001010 -- I'm trying to find someone who can help me with a payroll problem. - You're close. I'm the guy who forwards your call to the wrong person. - I'd like to speak with your supervisor. I'll forward your call. 001011 -- Helen, I'm transferring you to the temporary zombie division. - You will be with other people who are planning weddings, raising babies and divorcing. - She took my dog. All good places are booked. 001012 -- Do you want a stock tip? - Are you asking me to believe you're a loser at every aspect of life except picking stock? - That's not what I'm asking. It's implied. 001013 -- Here's the new guy. I don't know his name. - He's either rude or shy. No one knows for sure. - If you figure it out, name him either Shilo or Rudy. 001014 -- Why don't you have a little coffee with your sugar, Alice? - Heh, heh. It's because it's usually the other way around. - I don't see how something can be funny 300 times but not 301 times. 001015 -- How do I get rid of my old computer? - Why don't you give it to a school? - Well, it would take me a week to find someone to take it. - The hard drive is broken and it has no software. - And it would cause a tax accounting nightmare. - Maybe 001015 -- you should leave it on the school playground at night. - That's what I did with my old refrigerator. - What I hate most is that I didn't have a better idea. 001016 -- I just met with with the birdabon society. I had to promise we won't hurt any birds. - Our caterer served chicken sandwiches for lunch. - I pretended to give mine CPR but I was really eating it. 001017 -- Did Dilbert do something terrible or am I hallucinating? - I'd better play it safe and punish him in ways that are ambiguous and untraceable. - I had to change your network password to "die-dilbert-die" and I can't say why. 001018 -- You need "Dogbert's Dysfunctional Employee Recruitmet Services." - I only recruit employees who were raised in dysfunctional families. They don't mind being mistreated! - How soon can you get me some? I have a dozen in the trunk of my car. 001019 -- I understand that you were raised in a dysfunctional family. Yes - YOU'RE GONNA WORK SEVENTY HOURS A WEEK OR YOU'RE WORTHLESS!! - You love me. Are there any more like you at home? 001020 -- You're working me too hard! I want to get home in time to kiss my daughter goodnight! - And I'm the only one who feels this way. - I've seen your daughter and I'm fairly certain you're the only one. 001021 -- Catbert: Evil H.R. Director You think you're satisfied with your job. - IN REALITY YOU'RE JUST AFRAID OF CHANGE! - That was some of my best work. purrr purrr 001022 -- Sometimes a manager must deliver bad news. - Luckily I enjoy it. - Our sales force failed to meet their goals. - So I have to fire an engineer to reduce expenses. What? - You should fire the incompetent sales people! - It's immoral to punish 001022 -- innocent engineers for the sins of people! I will fight this all the way! - I'm firing Ted, not you. - Fair enough. Can you wait until I borrow his hole puncher. 001023 -- What the...? - You still work here? - That's gonna take a bite out of my productivity. 001024 -- Your personal use of the Internet is like stealing from the company! - You work for human resources; that's like stealing from the company, too. - Maybe we should form a gang. 001025 -- Our records show that you used the Internet for personal reasons. You're fired. - PLease, I merely ordered groceries online so that I might have more time for working. - My motto is, you can't spell "who cares?" without h.r. It's evil, but it's 001025 -- true. 001026 -- I...must...resist...using...the Internet for personal reasons. - Gaa! There's a whole world of knowledge and entertainment at my fingertips...teasing me! - Ice cream! I'm so hungry! No eating in your cubicle. 001027 -- I fired everyone who used the Internet for personal stuff. - The only wrinkle in thatz policy is that you and I are the only employees left. - And frankly, I use the Web for personal stuff too. Can you teach me how? 001028 -- And what's your reason for leaving your previous job? - You fired me yesterday for non-business use of the Internet. - Crime doesn't pay. Wait until you hear my minimum acceptable salary. 001029 -- Thank you. Have a nice day. - She's flirting with me. - Um...would you like to go out with me on saturday? - I wasn't flirting. This is my phony customer service smile. - Employees are required to smile. - Okay, but *now* you're flirting, 001029 -- aren't you? No, still phony. - Wally has to see this. - Hey, it looks like she's flirting with me! Is this great or what? 001030 -- My son is flunking all his classes. I'm hoping he can get a job involving computers. - Carrying them? - People donÄt like it when you fill in the blanks in their stories. 001031 -- Ted, your thirty-day dance of death begins today. - You must find a new job within the company during that time. - Is the spray-paint absolutely necessary? That's an "L." 001101 -- I need a new job within the company before the window shuts. - Catbert is already up to "O." Next week he gets an "S." - He wouldn't say but it starts with an "L." 001102 -- Catbert says I have to get a new job within the company. - Could you find it within your heart... I'll check. - Nope. No jobs in there. 001103 -- Today is my last day. I'm saying my farewells. - We've never talked, but I was working my way down the row and here you are. - So...let's stay in touch. Don't be a stranger. 001104 -- I've always been an incurable romantic. - Do you mind if I take off my shoe? I'fe got some sort of fungus that needs air. - I'M CURED! I like to scratch it on the table leg. Oops. Is that you? 001105 -- Am I fired? - Of course not, Ted. I enjoy e-mailed jokes as much as anyone. - I'm still laughing about your "Top Ten Signs that Your Boss is a Hairless Rodent". - I asked you here to discuss the reclassification of your job. - Starting today, 001105 -- the job required a PhD. Feel free to apply for your own job. - Whew! Luckily I have a PhD. - You do? Well, the job also requires an olympic gold medal. - Synchronized swimming, 1992. And a post-humous congressional medal of honor. 001106 -- This sign is my passport to cubicle tranquility. DO not Disturb - I wonder why no one ever thought of it before. - Nice sign. Does it keep away the undesirables? 001107 -- You should put an "E-" in fron of your title. - It's too boring just being the director of information, operations and technology. - From now on, call me the E-diot. If only there were an easy way to remember that. 001108 -- You can compensate for your lack of knowledge by talking too much. - And don't be limited by society's expectatin that you be interesting. - Sometimes I like to sit quietly and think up ideas. Nothing good can come from that. 001109 -- I'm learning to golf. - Now I won't be excluded from all the male-dominated golf events. - Have you been dominating golf events? Sometimes I can make them miss putts on TV. 001110 -- Thanks, hun. HON?! - YOU SEXIST %!*%! I WILL BURN YOUR VILLAGE AND MAKE SLAVES OF YOUR CHILDREN! - It's short for Attila the Hun. Everyone calls you that. That seems harsh. 001111 -- I declare next friday to be "Hawaiian Shirt Day." - Hey, you're disguising punishments as perks! - They're on us. Did you try the fake smile? 001112 -- I signed you up for a trip to the south pole. - Um...why? - You'll love it. You leave tomorrow. - I AN *NOT* GOING TO THE SOUTH POLE! - Oh, I get it, you're a control freak. - GAAA! CAN'T YOU SEE IT't *YOU* WHO IS TRYING TO CONTROL *ME*?!! - 001112 -- All I see is you trying to manipulate me into not sending you to the south pole. - It seemed easier. 001113 -- We have a gigantic database full of customer behavior information. - Excellent. We can use non-linear math and data mining technology to optimize our retail channels! - If that's the same thing as spam, we're having a good meeting here. 001114 -- Catbert: evil H.R. director What's the most evil way to use our database of customer information? - Should we sell our mailing lists, spam without mercy, or just blackmail customers? - you have *me* in that database? We know all about 001114 -- your clumping problems. 001115 -- The Dogbert Temp Agency uses genetic engineering to grow our own workers. - Isn't that dangerous? I wear safety goggles. - I'm the new temp. Um...I'm Alice. 001116 -- It's a pleasure to meet you, Alice. - - Ooowee! That was a good hand shake. 001117 -- I'm from the Dogbert Temp Agency. Do you need a hand? - I get it. Hee hee! Get what? - Then I said, "Don't get mad; try counting to fifteen." Ouch. 001118 -- These copies you made for me are blank. - That's because all the originals were blank. - Maybe you could have checked the other sides. Talk to the hand. 001119 -- I'm writing a business book called "Change happens. Get over it." - The title says it all. Yeah. It needs filler. - How about a parable? Good idea. - Two bulls were talking. - One bull says, "I'm afraid of change." - The other bull says, "Get 001119 -- over it." - Later that day they were both ground into hamburgers and served a picnic. - The hard part will be finding someone to write the foreword. 001120 -- All music on the Internet should be free. Artists could make money from tips. - Great idea. We'll do the same thing here with the engineers. - Have you ever noticed that my ideas are only brilliant when applied to other people? 001121 -- My name is Wally and I'll be your engineer. - Our special today is incomprehensible mumbling in an acronym sauce with a snide of attitude. - I'll just have a technical review. Do you want sarcasm with that? 001122 -- I hate working for tips. No, I ordered the R.F.P. - Maybe you were THINKING R.F.P. but you SAID spec binder, you arrogant cow! - With any luck, she'll say, "You had me at cow." 001123 -- How much did you make in tips today? - Three breath mints and one death thread scrawled on a napkin. - I hope I don't forget which breath mint came from the napkin guy. 001124 -- Dilbert, my man, you're stayin' real and keepin' to the core. - Is tha good? I don't even know what it means. - Why do you say things that have no meaning? DU-U-U-DE! 001125 -- I used not to care about my subordinates. - But that's all changed. - Now I delegate the not-caring function to what's-her-face over here. 001126 -- My analysis shows that your pet project isn't feasible. - Try working the numbers. - That wouldn't change the underlying reality. - What if we massaged the numbers? - Massaging the numbers means the same thing as working the numbers. - You 001126 -- can't make the impossible possible by hallucinating new numbers. - Do you have any other ideas? - That depends what the phrase "fiddle with the numbers" means. 001127 -- Wally, we can't find our CPR dummy. I need your help. - Finding it? - Yes, assuming you can do that while lying on your back with your mouth open. 001128 -- The company will be holding mandatory CPR training for all employees. GAA!! - I am surrounded by pear-shaped, beef-eating, middle-aged men who I prefer not to touch. - Uh-oh...I hope that's just stress. 001129 -- Asok is down. Does anyone know CPR? - Is CPR the one where we take his kidney and leave him in a tub of ice? - Um...I don't think so. We'd better strip him and shave him just in case. 001130 -- Okay, we have one vote for using CPR, one vote for the Heimlich maneuver... - and two votes for sneaking up behind him and yelling "Boo." - I don't see how we can get behind him. What if we drill a hole from below? 001201 -- I'll see if the guys in marketing know first aid. - Really? I picked that intern in our engineering dead pool! - Apparently our team.building potluck lunch didn't take. 001202 -- I'm alive! - Which one of you angels administered the live-saving CPR? - Speaking of "lifesavers," I could sure use one right now. 001203 -- I'd like to work flex time. - I'll work for five hours before anyone else gets into the office... - Then I'll tale abreak for ten hours... - Then I'll work five more hours after the go home. - You'll know I'm working 001203 -- hard because my cublicle will be filthy. - But I have to be perfectly honest: there's a down side to this plan. - I would miss your staff meetings that I cherish so much. - I'm having trouble keeping my clever schemes separate from my sarcasm. 001204 -- Jury room Aahh, one sweet week away from my job. - I'll have hours of quiet time to read my new book. - yadda yadda blah blah yadda There's a guy here with a book. blah blah blah yack yack 001205 -- Jury duty What excuse are you planning to use? - I'm happy to serve. It's my civic responsibility. - Insanity, good one. 001206 -- Jury selection Juror eight, do you have any medical problems that would prevent you from serving? - No, I need jury duty. - Would it be fair to say you don't know what you need? Why does everyone ask me that? 001207 -- Jury selection Your honor, it is against my religion to judge others. Only god may judge. - You're excused. - Ooh ooh! I just changed my religion! Jerk. 001208 -- My clients life now rests in your capable hands. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ - Jury deliberations Did anything happen after "please rise"? 001209 -- The jury verdict We find the defendant guilty... - ...of this crime and maybe a few others that didn't come up. - Lastly, do you have any brochures for the witness protection program? 001210 -- And we'll have sub-second response time. - Actually, it's already two seconds and your change will add two more. - Why do you always have to be right? - Just once can't xou admit I', right? - Oky, I admit that two plus two equals less than one. 001210 -- I don't mean now, jerk. I mean in general. - Okay. In general, I admit that the rules of physics are optional. - YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!! You're right. My fault again. 001211 -- We don't have enogh engineers to handle all the requests for sales support. - Build an online database to log all the requests. - It might look as if I'm staring at you with a mixture of contempt and disbelief, but I'm actually meditating. 001212 -- Is that what you wantaed? I'm not saying. - If I tell you it's good, you'll rub it in my face at your performance review. - I'm sorry. See how you are? 001213 -- Dogbert Consults I've been told to make a succession plan. - The plan should say what to do if I die. I can help. - And if Satan makes you stand in flaming worms up to your nose, try standing on your tiptoes for eternity. 001214 -- The Succession Plan If anything happens to me, Wally will be your leader. - I HAVE A MULTI-VITAMIN! QUICK, TAKE IT! - We're safe for now. This turns out to be a mixed blessing. 001215 -- Why did you cross-charge your time to my budget? I attended your meeting. - All you did was sit there like a drunken minkey. I want a refund. Talk to my boss. - it doesn't seem fair. KA-CHING! 001216 -- Are there any questions? - - Do you ever feel alone when you're with people? I try to. 001217 -- Everything is ready. We just need the budget. - You did the funding...didn't you? - I've been very busy. - This project has been your top priority for over a year!!! - You only had one task: get funding. - What have you been doing for the past 001217 -- year?! - I remember attending meetings... - AAYIIIYIIIYIII!! If you need anything, just holler. 001218 -- I worry that casual dress days encourage flirtatious behavior. - I mean, look how adorable I am in my turtleneck sweater. How are the ladies supposed to concentrate? - Do you think I should put warning cones around my cubicle? 001219 -- casual dress day is hurting our productivity. We need to cancel it. - Is it possible that our real problems are caused by irrational management? - NO, I think comfortable pants are the problem. Sounds right. 001220 -- There will be no more casual dress days. - We believe that employees work harder when they are wearing uncomfortable clothing. - I feel all motivated but I can't lift my arms. 001221 -- I'm thinking of adopting an incomprehensible accent so people won't ask me questions. - Um...are you leaving that coffee pot empty right in front of me? - Meeyerna derna furna algnkin buhjoorna. 001222 -- Wally, are you free for lunch? - I need to remind myself how lucky I am that I don't have your laziness or personality or looks. - Would you say I'm kind of a renaissance loser? 001223 -- As you know, I'm the only employee who is not exceeding expectations. - You should punish the others for unscrupulously padding their objectives! Thos lying weasles!! - Can I get a whistle-blower award for this? 001224 -- I've been thinking about your birthday, Mom. How sweet. - It seems so inefficient to wrap up your present. - You'll just rip up the wrapping paper an hour later. - So I was thinking of throwing a towel over it instead. - You'd get all of the 001224 -- element of surprise without wasting paper. - Maybe I can use one of your towels so I don't have to lug one from my house. - Of course, dear. I wouldn't want you to lug a big heavy towel just for me. - Good. It's settled. Those aren't for you. 001225 -- I must clear my mind of all thoughts. - At the end of the day We'll be in a market space on a going forward basis. - I'll come back when you're done practicing being useless. 001226 -- I think he tried to meditate. That's the problem. - You shouldn't mix meditation with management. The mind gets too empty. - What can we do? I plan to rifle through his pockets. 001227 -- He might be faking a coma to avoid work. - The only way to find out is to punch him repeatedly. - Maybe we should get Alice. Do you remember if I'm right- of left-handed? 001228 -- I'll tape a pencil to his hand and use it to sign a raise for me. - That would be so unethical...hiccup May I have ten percent? - That hiccup damaged my moral compass. 001229 -- A manager's brain is like a pump. If it becomes empty you must prime it. - Whatever he learns first will form the foundation for all of his future perceptions. - This guy has been talking smack about you. Unh... 001230 -- I asked for more E-Mail storage space and you deleted all of my files! - You complain when I ignore your requests and you complain when I delete your files. - THOSE AREN'T YOUR ONLY CHOICES!! I can't please everyone. 001231 -- Any advice? - Try to be less like you. - That might work. - Less like me...less like me. - I collect crystals. Uh-oh. - I don't know of any scientific evidence that they can heal. Whew. - But it's my point of view that they do. - When did 001231 -- ignorance become a point of view? - Too much like me. 010101 -- Dilbert, meet Topper. He's amazing. - No matter what you say about yourself, he'll top it. - How are you? I can't go first. It ruins my system. 010102 -- I'm getting a mouse cramp. - I spent seven years chained upside down to an Elbonian prison wall. - At the risk of sounding too competitive, I believe I'm winning this conversation. 010103 -- My project will save the company a million dollars. Mine save twenty million. - My project will take a year to complete. Mine takes a week. - Topper, I have half a mind... I have one percent of a mind. 010104 -- My headache is doozy. Ha! That's nothing. - BAM! BAM! BAM! - win. I'm just getting started! 010105 -- I created software that makes all copyrighted work on the net available for free! - Wouldn't that destroy all forms of creativity and plunge us into a depression? - Yes...but it is very neat. 010106 -- My plan is to give away our product for free. - We'll only bill customers who ask us to deinstall it. - For once, those reports of consumer decapitations will work in our favor. 010107 -- No known battery technology can handle this load and be this size. - That's not what you wanted to hear. - So your mind will erase what I said... - ...and replace the memory with something totally ridiculous so you can question my motives. - 010107 -- GAAH! The transformation is complete. - How can you say there's no such thing as a battery?! - You're lying to avoid work! I'm going to talk to your boss! - Lately, the only thing keeping me from being a serial killer is my distaste for manual 010107 -- labor. - You're preaching to the choir. 010108 -- Do you have a plan for retaining the best employees? - I whittle at their confidence until they believe no one else would ever hire them. - Doesn't that make them sluggish? Yes, but if they're *all* sluggish, it looks right. 010109 -- Hello, employee, I'm the motivation fairy. - My magic wand will make you enjoy working despite the utter futility. - Knock yourself out. Wally?! Gaa! I thought you were a myth! 010110 -- The Motivation Fairy You will be my greatest challenge. - I'll bet you get paid less than minimum wage and they don't reimburse you for travel. - So, what kind of carreer path you got going? 010111 -- The Motivation Fairy If you work hard, you will gain respect of your peers. - If I avoid the stress of hard work, I will outlive my peers. - Hard work can kill me? If you're lucky. 010112 -- The Motivation Fairy It seems like your job isn't very rewarding. Vision getting blurry. - Long hours. No raises. No cubicles. Hair coming out in clumps. - He's good. He's very good. 010113 -- If you work hard, you can achieve great things! - And then you die. - It never pays to mix reality with inspirational speeches. 010114 -- I have the results of the employee personality type preferences. - Remind me again why we're doing this. - Your teamwork will be better when you understand that you have different styles of thinking. - For example, Dilbert prefers to use logic 010114 -- to solve problems. - But Randy relies more heavily on morals and values to solve problems. - That sounds like a fancy way of saying Randy is an idiot. - Oh, yeah? Well, I might be an idiot but you're illogical. - That didn't sound as menacing 010114 -- as I had hoped. It's okay. We understand. 010115 -- I'd like you to meet our ad agency's creative team. - Pete Peters, Robert Roberts, and Holly Hollister. - Witty remark, anyone? I've got nothing. 010116 -- The Ad Agency This cat will say something. - Then this other cat will say, Yeah, right." It's like sarcasm. - HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! This explains so much. 010117 -- The Ad Agency The stick man runs through a tire fire and gets eaten by a giant wolverine. - Will that make people like us? - It's not an exact science. 010118 -- The Ad Agency Is it wise to insult all of these minority groups in our commercial? - What's the worst thing that could happen? - Does our company have to spit on a flag? That's it; you're on my "difficult client" list now. 010119 -- The "Exactly" Man Your idea won't work. No one would by this kind of product. - We already sell ten million of these per year. My idea just makes them better. - EXACTLY!! ? 010120 -- The "Exactly" Man Everything you said in the meeting was wrong. Here's the exact proof. - EXACTLY!! - Okay, I'm not even sure that was a humanoid response. 010121 -- Professional Liar - What kind of lie do you need? It''s embarrassing. - Are you a producer who needs a good review for a lousy movie? No. - Are you an autho who needs a slobbering quote for the cover of your lousy book? - It's wors than 010121 -- that. Much worse. - Worse? That could only be... Aaack! - FIND SOMEONE ELSE, YOU FILTHY DOT-COM FOUNDER! I HAVE MY LIMITS! - ...and since your firm underwrote our IPO... Would I get to be on TV? 010122 -- Um...Mordac, my new PC arrived without a monitor. - Bah! Only interns with weak memories need monitors! - Please. I am having enough difficulty memorizing my calendar. Did you want any cheese with that whine? 010123 -- I'm going to start up a discount brokerage firm. - I'll offer my lowest commissions to customers who don't mind bad advice and verbal abuse. - Did I mention that I won't be keeping any records? You didn't need to. 010124 -- Discount Brokerage You can only open an account if you meet my stringent requirements. - True or false money evaporates because of photosynthesis. True? - You're in. Don't yell yee-haw! 010125 -- Discount Brokerage I need an estate plan for after I pass away. - Here's a plan: Stay dead. No one likes a Zombie. - What about gifts? Zombies make bad gifts. 010126 -- Discount Brokerage When you open an account, you'll get a free dart board and make money. - If your balance drops below five hundred dollars, we'll order the monkey to kill you. - Well, think about it and get back to me. 010127 -- Discount Brokerage Can you give me free investment advice? Sure - GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR MONEY NOW NOW NOW!! - What if I paid for some advice? It's the same except my ears don't flip up in a threatening manner. 010128 -- We've got to figure out why all our projects fail. - What do all our projects have in common? - It might not be obvious. - But if we're honest with ourselves... - We can find the source of the problem. Ah-ah-ah- scratch scratch - ACH-ITZ-YOU!! 010128 -- Gesundheit - So, does anyone know what the problem is? - I've noticed that Dilbert doesn't work as hard as I think he should. 010129 -- Your stock will rise if a stock analyst says good things about your company. - How is that even possible? One word: weasels. - I just found my new pick-and-shovel core holding. 010130 -- Equity Analyst I'll rate your stock a "must buy now" if you give us your investment banking business. - Aren't you supposed to have a chinese wall between those two businesses? - Am I too early? Use the door, idiot. 010131 -- We outsourced our sales and fulfillment functions to an Elbonian company. - Um...are you sure that's the best way to sell complex technology? - Could you call back? We have a bad string. 010201 -- This is the Elbonian fulfillment service. How may I thwart you? - Grunt grunt grunt grunt grunt - Okay, it wasn't funny the first 300 times either. 010202 -- The results of our customer satisfaction survey are in. - 83% spat at their telephones until they died of dehydration. - We're calling that group "the lucky ones." 010203 -- Hello, is this the sales department? - May you die a thousand deaths by choking on your own bile! - A supervisor may be monitoring this call for quality control. It's good. 010204 -- I'm a reporter for "Dogbert's Technology Magazine." - I'm writing a totally objective review of your newest product. - First question: Will you advertise in my magazine or is your new product a piece of junk? - Um...we'll advertise. - Will it 010204 -- be a multi page ad or is your new product a piece of junk? - It'll be a ten-page ad. - Can you stand on your head for an our or is your new product a piece of junk? - Would you like to subscribe to my magazine? It's ten pages of ads. 010205 -- I hired a creep to help determine our product features. - You need more features. Good work. - When can you have that done? GAAA!! 010206 -- The Feature Creep Is it too late to give our product a low-battery indicator? - I'd have to work night and day for a month! My health would decline and I'd miss all my objectives! - I just realized that other people's problems make me all warm 010206 -- inside. 010207 -- The Feature Creep Being a feature creep is like having a super power. - That's what makes me so sexy. oomp - That oomp sound just bought you a new feature, Missy. 010208 -- You have failed to meet a goal set by our CEO. - Do you mean the impossible goal, the ill-advised one, or the one you didn't tell me about? - I figured out what's wrong with life: it's other people. 010209 -- My flight didn't get in until three this morning. - Would you mind slapping the back of my head until my eyes uncross? - Pour all of your coffee in here and no one gets hurt. 010210 -- My flight took all night but I still came to work on time as usual. - I didn't want to jeopardize the company by missing work. - You're not allowed to park in the lobby. SINCE WHEN?! 010211 -- My nephew wants a job. Interview him and tell me what you think. - Let's see...your work experience is...bowling. - Are you a professional bowler? I only bowled once. - But the balls were heavy. It seemed like work to me. - That experience taught 010211 -- me everything I know. - Unfortunately, I don't remember most of it. - But I remember you're not supposed to bowl in the snack bar. - I recommend having him whacked. - He's your new boss. 010212 -- Our CEO says we are poised for huge growth in earnings. - In an unrelated move, he announced that he will leave the company before any of his stock options vest. - The poor guy will miss all of our growth. 010213 -- Is that work? I can't see what's on the screen. - If he sees me I'll pretend I'm in mid-stride, just passing by. - The small font is working. good. Muscles cramping. 010214 -- Smile, Alice. It won't hurt. - GAAAK!! - I found out I can kill people by looking at them. I wondered why you were smiling. 010215 -- The key to happiness is self-delusion. - Don't think of yourself as an organic pain collector racing towards oblivion. - I've never had that thought...untli now. Don't blame me; I said don't. 010216 -- I'm a nature lover. When I fish, I only do catch-and-release. - In other words, you torture fish for fun. - I wonder why everything I do sounds bad when it's put in other words. 010217 -- Good news: the deadline got pushed back a week. - Good news?! I've been working for forty hours straight to finish on time! - I just realized I don't know the difference between good news and bad news. 010218 -- The Call Center Carl. Reduce your average call time or you're history. - beep beep beep beep - WHAT?! - I have a question about your product. - FASTER! FASTER! FASTER! -'s about the interface. Great. Thanks. click - Your average call 010218 -- time is way down. You get a bonus. - Maybe it's a mistake to do this job while I study for the priesthood. 010219 -- What is this strange and beautiful feeling inside of me?! - Waves of ecstasy are pulsing through my soul. - This is why I only give positive reinforcement once a year. I'm all tingly! 010220 -- I experienced something called positive reinforcement today. - I'm addicted to it now...but it's wearing off...must get more... - Say something nice about me! For a crazy woman you don't drool to much. 010221 -- I'm addicted to positive reinforcement. - I need some deliverables so I can be praised again. - results 010222 -- I inadvertently gave Alice verbal praise. Is she addicted? - She's been lyingand stealing to get more. She leaves us no choice. - I have to promote you to management. 010223 -- Hello, Alice. I'm your soul. - You're a manager now, you won't be needing me. - Here's a claim ticket in case you get demoted or learn to play Sax. 010224 -- Alice the Manager How do I cope with the emptiness of having no soul? - Try doing this with your teeth while you dance. - Is there another way? I can teach you to play air guitar. 010225 -- I have an idea! - We'll automate our online tech support. - Our software will analyze incoming E-Mail and send responses based on key words! - That's an excellent plan. I know. - But what about the one percent of our customers who actually get 010225 -- a useful response? - Maybe we could wear ski masks and throw rocks at their houses. - Then we could achieve our goal of 100% customer dissatisfaction! Woo hoo! - Maybe I should work someplace where sarcasm and supportiveness are different 010225 -- things. 010226 -- No one knows the secret location of the management training facility. - If no one knows where it is, how do we get there? - This part can get loud. 010227 -- Management Training What would you do if you made a huge, incredibly stupid mistake? - I would try to learn from it. - Did you learn anything from your answer? 010228 -- Management Training There are two essential rules of management. - One: the customer is always right. - Two: they must be punished for theitr arrogance! 010301 -- Management Training You twist the ears to unlock the skull. - Find the moral compass and deactivate it. - The result is something called leadership. You're working weekends! 010302 -- Management Training Tim will demonstrate the management cloak of invisibility. - I admit it doesn't seem very special when you know how it's done. 010303 -- How do you like being a manager, Alice? - Do me a favor; sneak into my house tonight and smother me with a pillow. - I think she was kidding. I'll see if she puts up a struggle. 010304 -- Fred, you're an incompetent VP. You're fired. - May I ask for one favor? Sure. I could use a laugh. - Please don't make my resignation announcement terse. - If it's terse, everyone will know I was fired for incompetence. - Does that smile mean 010304 -- you'll do what I ask? - I'm sorry if that was ambiguous. Let me try again. - I'm still not getting your meaning. - Re: Fred Carreer dead. 010305 -- Souls I'd like my soul back. Here's my claim ticket. You've been demoted back to non-management. Very well. - Get back in the cubicle. No-o-o-o!! 010306 -- I use my huge bottle of water to avoid work. GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG - Wally, would Uh...Wally... GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG 010307 -- I'll take this one. No, no, no. Huge mistake. - You need the security and reliability of the XQ-7 - Okay, I'll take the XQ-7 Shoot! I wish my company made that one. 010308 -- Wally, you have to see this vendor. Why? - I think he's telling the truth. NO WAY! - When the focus groups saw this product they were afraid to eat our sandwiches. 010309 -- The Honest Vendor Five minutes after you buy it you'll want to throw it through a window. - We sell these at a loss but we make it up with our window repair business. - It fell off. - Sometimes the components sctually die from shame. 010310 -- The Honest Vendor It wan't nice to meet you. - You didn't buy enough; I'll probably spank my hamster for no reason. - Repeat business is overrated. 010311 -- The master of delegation hears the footsteps of his prey. - Hi GAAA!! - Call this vendor and tell him I want the third thing he told me about. - Okay, that will save two minutes of your valuable time. - When the vendor asks me dozens of 010311 -- questions should I just guess at the answers? - Or would you prefer to spend an hour giving me enough background so you can avoid a two-minute call? - You know what's funny? This conversation lasted a minute...and there are two of us. - Are you 010311 -- done? I think you wrote down your own phone number. 010312 -- Don't be afraid of change. - You're right! I'm going to get a gender change operation and move to China! - I've always wondered what would happen if someone listened to you. 010313 -- I'm a bit suspicious about you calling in sick yesterday on a Monday, Alice. - GLAH! - Luckily I had lots of optional guts. 010314 -- I'm safe from your germs, Alice. You can sneeze all you want. - AHH... - 010315 -- I'm promoting you to president of our dot-com subsidiary. - Your job is to fire everyone. - Would I get a raise? How does a billion shares of stock sound? 010316 -- Dilbert: Dot-Com CEO We have no profit now and we never will. You're all laid off. - Does anyone know what laid off means? It must be a compliment. - You're pretty laid off yourself, dude. Want a hit of this? 010317 -- Dogbert't Tech Support Your mousepad is incompatible with your operating system. - Try rebooting the mousepad. If that doesn't work, I'll call you back. - How will you know? I'll watch you through your monitor. 010318 -- Get approval from marketing. - doom - I REJECT YOUR PATHETIC PLAN - Do you have any interest in knowing what the plan is? doom - Not unless you're proposing to smite my enemies. - I prefer to call them customers. And yes, they'll take it in the 010318 -- shorts. doom - As an added inducement I will give you this cool little cloud of doom. doom - I'm going to staple you to my sales projections. doom 010319 -- We need to reduce staff by twenty. - Here's a list of peopler you've a-l-m-o-s-t worked to death. - I have another project for you...uh...Ted. 010320 -- I hope she's home. beep boop beep - If you'd like to take me to Paris, press one. If you are inviting me to a lousy movie, press two. - I've got a bad feeling about this. beep 010321 -- I like take-charge men who just say, "c'mon, we're going someplace." - C'mon, we're going to the bowling alley! - Tht's the dumbest idea I've ever heard. I think I see how this works. 010322 -- You don't give your opinion on anything. Are you spineless? - Maybe you create an environment in which giving an opinion is an invitation to unnecessary pain. - GREAT! YOU'RE MAKING ME CRY IN PUBLIC!! 010323 -- We can't show these numbers to our VP. They make us look like loosers. - Find something we're doing well and give him those numbers instead. - Wow! Our internal subterfuge is up eighty percent! 010324 -- We try to retain our best employees by giving them "golden handcuffs." - The rest of you will experience our other program, the one I call "prickly panties." - Then he gave me a huge bowl of candy. Hey, they cut our dental plan again! 010325 -- Tina, I have to give you a performance review of "poor" because you did no work this year. - NO WORK? - I wrote hundreds of technical documents this year! - I worked seventy hours a week! - I e-mailed every one of the documents to you... - 010325 -- ...with instructions to forward them with your approval to the end users. - That reminds me: I don't know how to open attachments. - Why didn't you tell me you never got my documents? Who are you? 010326 -- Do you have any advice for my job interview? - Try juggling the items on the desk. It will make you seem confident. - Sorry 010327 -- Ratbert, I have good and bad news. - The good news is I'm starting up a power utility company and you're my new VP of operations! - The bad news is that your office is inside a wheel attached to a generator. 010328 -- Bob, I'm starting a power utility company. - You'll be my director of marketing. Your job is to increase revenue. - Normally I'm an herbivore, Billy, but when the lights go off... 010329 -- Buy your electricity from the Dogbert Power Company. - We generate all of our power with the help of California Environmentalists. - These are getting harder to find lately. 010330 -- ...and so you agree that the delays are your fault? yeh. - I WON THE MEETING!! - Only a sore looser would trip someone on his victory lap. He is so-o-o immature. 010331 -- Catbert: Evil H.R. Director ...and I have five years experience as a dot-com president. - You're in luck. We need someone who can burn trhough twenty million dollars without making a profit. - Really? The last nine interviewers said the same 010331 -- thing but they were joking. 010401 -- Would you like to join me for a hardening? What's that? - A hardening is when an employee is given more work than his central nervous system can handle. - His whole body suddenly goes stiff. I'm in. - I've been ripening Asok all month. purr 010401 -- purr - So much time. - Asok, I have another assignment for you. GAAA!!! - I heard a hardening. Get the apathy cream. - He'll be okay when the apathy sinks in. We forgot the air hole. 010402 -- Why aren't you signed up for the 401K? - I'd never be able to run that far. - I did a 10K wheelchair race once. The guy who pushed me still has whip marks. 010403 -- Which assignment is the highest priority? - Is it the totally worthless one or the other totally worthless one? - I hope I'm empowered to make that decision. Hope is a double-edged sword. 010404 -- They can make me work in a little box, but they can't crush my spirit. - Our ISO9000 coordinator died of boredom. You'll have to do his job plus yours. - And one of the quality assurance guys is looking pale... 010405 -- Wow! I've been selected for the "Who's Incredible" list! - For seventy-five dollars I can buy a leather-bound book with my name in it! - Ha! And people said I was to gullible to be a success! "Dear Occupant" 010406 -- I'm bringing my copy of "Who's Incredible" to my high school reunion. - If anyone asks how I'm doing, I'll casually open the book and point to my name. - I got rich selling a book called "Who's Incredible" to gullible people. 010407 -- High School Reunion I started with nothing. Now I have my own cubicle. - Say, now that we're both adults, would you like know? Yes. - I've got to be more specific. 010408 -- Did you call me here to punish me? - No, no, Asok. I want you to manage our annual business plan process. - How do I do that? - First, you beg your co-workers for information about their budget needs. - Half of them will give you lies. The 010408 -- other half will ignore you, thus underscoring your unimportance. - Then you'll combine the lies and guesses into a worthless ball of data for senior management. - Then our CEO will make budget decisions based on magazine articles. - How bad was 010408 -- the punishment? Worse than I expected. 010409 -- We've discovered oil in the Elbonian Wildlife Preserve. - Don't worry about the endangered species. Our drilling will have no impact. - Oops 010410 -- I'm sad to report that our oil drilling has caused the extinction of the Elbonian unicorn. - Save a sample of the animal's DNA so we can clone a new one. - Don't finish that. 010411 -- Our oil wells in the Elbonian Wildlife Preserve have caused the extinction of seven species. - Luckily, they were useless species who did nothing but eat and grunt. - 010412 -- You're ruining the pristine beauty of Elbonia! - This is a picture of pristine Elbonia. - ...and then you said, "it doesn't matter if we see it first." Then I said... 010413 -- Due to a tight labor market and increasingly complicated tasks... - Harder and harder jobs will be staffed with dumberand dumber employees until the logical limit. - This meeting. 010414 -- Your user requirements include four hundred features. - Do you realize that no human would be able to use a product with that level of complexity? - Good point. I'd better add "ease to use" to the list. 010415 -- What is your most valuable asset? - Employees? HEE! - Your most valuable asset is rampant ignorance. - For example, you would never start a project if you knew how much it would really cost. - Employees stay here because they don't know there 010415 -- are better jobs across the street. What? - Customers buy your products because they don't know about all the bugs. Good point. - I recomment wearing trash cans on your heads to avoid any accidental exposure to knowledge. - Did he tell you he 010415 -- was a consultant? He said he was selling trash cans. 010416 -- How about mandatory lunchtime meetings? On the subject of worktime balance! - HIGH FIVE!!! - Uh-oh. He's been high-fiving Catbert again. 010417 -- My cubicle is sucking the life force out of me. - I mean, it always has, but it seems like it's happening faster now. - They noticed. LifeSuck 3000 010418 -- What's the worst thing that could happen? - Our beta product could turn into an evil robot that annihilates the galaxy. - Apparently I don't know what "worst" means. 010419 -- I believe there is one true soul mate for every person. - He must be very busy. I meant one per erson. - Your way would be stupid. Can your soul mate be a monkey? 010420 -- Our company values are trust, integrity and teamwork. - For the first time in my life I feel the warm glow of unconditional love! - You're under a heating vent. Oh...well. That's good too. 010421 -- I must keep in mind our company's core values of trust, integrity and teamwork. - May I borrow your chair? Okay. - What are you selling on E-Bay? 010422 -- Why don't you try using a wireless fiber multipage? - Well, first of all, no such thing exists. - If it did exist, it would surely be the wrong solution for a software bug. - And there's no extra money in our budget for hardware. - yawn It 010422 -- would take six months to write a business case and get funding. - Then our I.T. people would refuse to install it because it's not an approved vendor. - Do you have a better idea? Yes. I just fixed it. - Do you think you can hold the fort while 010422 -- I go coach someone else? 010423 -- Now for the weekly Wally report. - Wally struggled to maintain his morale despite the niety percent drop in his stocl options. - Then he remembered that someone lost much, much more than he did. 010424 -- The key to success is to remain optimistic even when you fail. - What's the point of succeeding if failing feels good? - I'll read another page of that magazine atricle tomorrow and get back to you. 010425 -- Maybe I can stave off the boredom by imagining my co-workers naked, - AAAGH! NO-O-O-O! - No more donuts for you. Hey, don't even kid about that. 010426 -- I downsized Ted and outsourced his important job functions. - I'd like you to do all of his unimportant job functions. - Why do we do unimportant things? Because we can! 010427 -- It feels like everyone in the world is lying to me. - Congress is lying about the budget, stock analysts are lying about their recommendations, my boss is lying... - This therapy stuff is scientifically proven to work, right? It's 100% 010427 -- effective. 010428 -- Do you have a good job? It depends on what you mean by good. - If you consider the decline of my stock options, I work sixty hours a week for nothing. - Hey, look at the time. My boss thinks I work eighty hours. Hee hee hee! 010429 -- Our industry is in a slump. We need to make changes. - Our current management style could be described as paternal. - Our new management style doesn't have a name yet. - Ooh ooh! I have a suggestion. - The new management style could be called 010429 -- "We hate our employees." - Not bad. - I need a volunteer with our "back to the nineties" kick-off. - How is this like the nineties? Stop wiggling. 010430 -- My next generation Internet project is right on schedule. - It'll be done sometime in the next generation. - If you know any cute single women with low standards, it would really help 010501 -- A happy Dilbert prepares to go home after a long day in the cubicle. - Too late! The six o'clock horror is upon him! GAAA!!! - In your workspace no one can hear you scream. What was that. Just keep walking. 010502 -- A nigerian banker needs my help getting thirty million dollars out of his country! - All I need to do is give him my bank information by E-Mail and I'll get a ten percent commission! - Dear Gustava, my bank is a tube sock that fell behind the 010502 -- dryer. 010503 -- I think we have snails in the office. - There's a slime trail on everything. - That might be the second sign that I'm addicted to hand lotion HAND LOTION 010504 -- Why are our software expenses higher than marketing's software expenses? - For the same reason that monkeys don't wear watches. - An hour later Does it involve fur in any way? 010505 -- Try rebooting your computer. - - Thanks. I feel much better now. 010506 -- The Too Helpful Guy Dilbert, meet the new guy. - Do you like cheese, Dilbert? Um...yes, I guess so. - I'll send two truckloads of parmesan cheese to your house! - Thanks...but I don't need that much cheese. - Message received! I'll send you 010506 -- some bread and a fondue set too. - Here are two tickets to the "world-o-cheese" exhibition in Wisconsin. - Your new nickname will be "Cheeseboy" to reflect your weird obsession. - Hi, I'm Wally. Wally, do you like leather products? 010507 -- Someone threw a computer off the roof and killed our biggest customer. - We plan to replace him with a lookalike who will continue buying from us. - Hey, that's Willy from the club of people who look exact like me. 010508 -- You'll impersonate our dead customer and make large purchases from us. - I've never done anything like this before. - It's called "work." Am I doing it right? 010509 -- Wally's in jail for impersonating a dead person. - He'll have to use all of his street smarts to survive. - I'll need some temporary tattoos? Which way is the gift shop? 010510 -- Wally's in jail. Can you help get him out? - Tell him to try the door. The guards only pretend to lock them. - But I'd have to say it was the lifers who were the most embarrassed. 010511 -- Wally, now that you have a criminal record, I can't let you work on anything important. - I don't have a criminal record. I gave the police a fake name. - You might notice a change in the quality of your assignments. 010512 -- There aren't enough friendly people to fill our call center jobs. - All we can find are angry people who refuse to put their telephone headset microphones near their mouths. - No, I'm sure the problem is on your end. 010513 -- Carol, your overall performance rating is "good." - Aaag! Good is bad! What did I do to deserve this humiliation. - Well, you gave me six hundred phone messages that said, "It might have been Bob." - You can't tell me that none of them were 010513 -- from a Bob! - You arranged for all of my flights to have connections in war zones. - Excuse me for trying to save the company some money. - You held a press conference to announce that I was the parkside strangler. - And he refuses to take any 010513 -- responsibility for giving me vague objectives. 010514 -- Carol, screen my calls and don't let any salespeople through. - Hello, I'm a huge customer or perhaps a childhood friend of your boss. - Give me some flirting and you're in. Is it hot here or is it just you? 010515 -- Carol, why do you keep putting sales people through to me? - I'm taking bribes to supplement my income. It's a natural extension of empowerment. - I sense some micromanagement brewing. 010516 -- Carol, you can't keep accepting bribes from sales people who want access to me. Bad! - Didn't a vendor recently take you on a golf trip to Vegas? - That is so-o-o different. Let's compare price sheets. 010517 -- Do you feel guilty about taking bribes from vendors? - No. Do you feel guilty getting paid to walk around with a coffee cup? - I need to get a bigger cup so it looks harder. 010518 -- Thanks for taking me to dinner. You're a terrific conversationalist. - With you it's so easy. - I discovered that I can write code in my head while you complain about your job all night. 010519 -- My date complained about her life all night long! - But I complain about just *one* thing and she calls *me* a looser. - Did you complain about her personality? That's *one* thing! 010520 -- This is Jittery Jeff. He needs counseling. - I put him in a cubicle at the end of abusy aisle near a doorway. - Now he's jittery because he thinks people are always looking over his shoulder. - Leave him here. I'll counsel him up. - Relax. 010520 -- Jittery's okay now. - RELAX relax relax relax - AAAGH!! SOMEONE IS BEHIND THE DOOR!! - Counseling is mostly instinct. 010521 -- I'm meeting a vendor for drinks tonight. He says it's the only time he has to answer my questions. - If that works, please let us know. - What do you mean "works"? And who is "us"? It's already working! 010522 -- A vendor invited me for drinks. It's the only time he has to talk about his product. - He's the old bait-lube-and-switch trick. That's how I got my first and third wives. - I don't understand. That's why it's works. 010523 -- This is strictly business, right? We're going to talk about your company's product. - I'll bet I can chug more Chardonnay than you can. - You're a hanshum man and so ish your twin bruver. BURP 010524 -- I'm dating an unattractive man. What should I do? - Every man is ugly until a woman fixes him up. Think of it as a project. - Next, lose the combover, or at least stay out of the wind. How'd you know about the combover? 010525 -- The Boyfriend Project I'm putting you in turtlenecks and jeans. - You don't like to fish anymore. Now you're training for marathons. - WHAA! WHAA! You can only cry at movies. 010526 -- The Boyfriend Project You're making good progress. - I'm ready to be seen with you in public. But don't do any talking. - ...and that's why I think there should be a nobel prize for wrestling. I said... 010527 -- ...and that's why I recommend using this vendor. - Why don't we use our internal developers? - Let me explain how this will play out. - Step one: we select an outside vendor because our internal developers are clueless weasels. - Step two: We 010527 -- sign a contract and begin work. - Step three: Our internal weasels complain to our VP and she orders us to use them. - Step four: The outside vendor sues us while our weasels grunt out steaming mounds of worthless code. - Do I plan too much? Is 010527 -- this the conversation we practiced yesterday? 010528 -- Dilbert, I'd like you to meet incredulous Ed. - No matter what question you ask him, he'll react as if you're inventing words. - Do you have a family? Do I have a WHAT?? 010529 -- Incredulous Ed Ed, do you have the lates budget numbers? - Budget??? What is a "budget"? and why in the world would I have one? - Because you're the budget manager. Here you go. 010530 -- I found the ultimate tool for the mobile professional. - It's a combination PDA, phone, pager, digital camera, fax, e-mail, laptop and shredder. - It clips right into my belt! 010531 -- Carol, order an extra battery for my mobile technology platform. - Do you want the one that straps to your back or the one with its own wheelbarrow? - I think I just lost a lung. 010601 -- I can't give you a raise because you don't ask enough questions in meetings. - Questions show that you care about your job and have a thirst for knowledge. - Who else likes wood? 010602 -- We should read the set-up instructions. - Alice, a true engineer never reads the set-up instructions. - It says to keep it away from any sluping sounds. GAAA!! 010603 -- I'm sorry, Brian. I need to fire all my consultants to save money. - Who will do your highly technical work? - You can transfer your knowledge to Flossie. Hi. - What's with the hand? Do you want to borrow my pencil? - This is an 010603 -- invitation to shake hands. It's a greeting ritual. - OUCH!! BRAIN OVERLOAD!! IT'S TOO MUCH INFORMATION!! - PURGE! PURGE! PURGE! - Where am I? I need to raise my rates. 010604 -- What's the lowest ratio of work-to-gabbing that is still considered "work"? - I'd have to say one-in-eight, maybe one-in-nine. Sounds right. - Does talking about work count as work? Well...I'm not enjoying it. 010605 -- We're cutting back on advertising to boost earnings. - Um...excuse me. I'll be right back. Me too. - We got another mass exodus doorway jam. 010606 -- This will be your new motto... - Dance like it hurts. Love like you need money. - Work when people are watching. - You can't assign mottos to me. You'd better read our contract. 010607 -- Our contract clearly states that I can give you nicknames, mottos and political preferences. - I demand a new contract based on the fact that I didn't read this one before I signed it. - Too bad. Skippy. You're a communist now. 010608 -- Did you look an my travel request? Not yet. - Assume it's approved unless I tell you otherwise. - It's too bad that being useless isn't an olympic sport. 010609 -- Blah blah blah blah I'm trapped in my own cubicle. - Maybe I can gnaw off my arm to escape. - And that worked? People don't stick around when you gnaw on your arm. 010610 -- Defective Co-Workers Hall of Fame Parrot Man - Your idea won't work. The components are too close. They will overheat. - Let me explain something to you, Dilbert. - These components will overheat. They are much too close. - The reasons involve 010610 -- heat and something I call "proximity." - GAAA!!! I don't have time to explain all the details. - You take everything I say and explain it back to me like I'm a moron! - Excuse me, but I hear a clicking sound and feel compelled to eat a 010610 -- sunflower seed. 010611 -- I expect everyone to work sixteen hours a day. - It seems like that would make us tired. - Wouldn't that make you tired? I wasn't listening. 010612 -- Leaving at seven? - All of my work is done. Then get some more work. - That would make my life an exercise in futility. Exercise is good for you. 010613 -- It looks like someone is leaving early. - I started at 5 A.M. and I've already worked eighty hours this week. So? - I have a doctor appointment for...female... NO DETAILS! GO GO GO!!! 010614 -- I'm running out of new things to say. - I'll have to start repeating myself just to fill the airtime. - You could let other people talk. So, anyway, I'm running out of new things to say. 010615 -- ...and incrementally develop a time-to-market benchmark framework... spoink - THIS MEETING STOLE TWO HOURS OF MY LIFE!!! - Did that help? Yeah, I'm good for another hour. 010616 -- I designed a product that could fill a gaping hole in the market. - But thanks to the miracle of teamwork it turned into a product with no actual features. - In phase three I fantasized about my co-workers being eaten by squirrels. 010617 -- We found a bug in our software. - It searches your E-Mail address book for your mother's name. - Every sunday it uses your E-Mail to send her a message... - ...comparing her face with various parts of animals. - Do you have any hard data that 010617 -- proves we should fix the bug? - We can't throw money at every problem. It's your mom. - YOU MISERABLE **%#@!!! - see what I mean? No. I get this call every day. *#%!* 010618 -- I told them you would be at the meeting on monday morning. - What??? That means I have to travel all day sunday. You're stealing my life! - Then he said he'd reschedule if I had social plans. Ouch 010619 -- We overbooked. But I can give you the co-pilot's seat if you know how to fly a 747. - Um...yeah, okay. I can fly a 747. - Should I do something? Beats me. I'm a chiropractor. 010620 -- The room costs five dollars per night. - The mini-bar has a a motion detector; you'll be charged three hundred dollars every time you get within eight feet of it. - It's going to be a long night. 010621 -- I'm not a loser who can't get a date. I'm a business traveller. - What's your girl-friend's name? I'll call her and check out your story. - Maybe I should order. Maybe you should. 010622 -- Give me $35 worth of food, including your 15% tip. - If I bring you a penne pasta, will you promise to not build a log cabin on your plate? - I can't promise that. Well then, we have a situation here. 010623 -- DOGBERT! I'M HO-O-OME! - I'll be right there. I have to sign the temp's sheet. - If you're ever interested in a permanent position, give me a call. 010624 -- GAAA! E-Mail is down! - Don't would the ancients handle this? - I've got combustible materials...I can start some sort of fire. - E-Mail is down...hold me. - I'll keep my arms straight out so I don't seem to eager. - This 010624 -- might be the least satisfying hug of my entire life. - E-Mail is working again. - So, dou you want to have some coffee? Sure! I'll be doing my E-Mail. Just drop it off. 010625 -- Per marketing request, I did an O.R.D. for the B.G.G. that resulted in a O.R.B. - Then I discovered that marketing uses those acronyms for different things. Their version doesn't require nudity, just to pick one example. 010626 -- I've decided to become a perfectionist. - That way I'll have more reasons to hate people. - Your rock is eroding wrong. 010627 -- We're having a meeting to discuss employee retention. - Tell them that employees quit because thare are too many useless meetings. - We won't be getting into reasons at the first meeting. 010628 -- We need to do more with less. - I propose that we work smarter while broadening our focus. - Wally, that doesn't mean anything. Well, excuse my leadership. 010629 -- Carol, I need you to fill in for our receptionist today. - Remember, you will be the face of our company, the first impression for visitors. - If anyone offers you food, don't eat it. 010630 -- Hey, come to this meeting, I need some bodies. - I don't want to be outnumbered by marketing. - Hi. He's on our side. 010701 -- I need your approval to buy a computer. Eh! Eh! - There's afreeze on the capital budget. Only our CEO can approve it. - Could you ask him to... Eh! Eh! - I don't want to be known as the guy who always asks for things. - Maybe you could assemble 010701 -- a computer from components that are each within my approval limit. - What's your approval limit? Ten dollars. - If you need me, I'll be in my cubicle, banging my head against the wall. - This is why I keep them in soft-walled containers. THUD 010701 -- THUD THUD 010702 -- I spend all day writing code for another company while it looks like I'm doing my job here. - Crime pays and it also has an excellent benefits package. - Are you eating my sandwich? I'm saving mine for dinner. 010703 -- Here's my cost estimate. I'll start the job on monday. - When I say "monday," I am referring to the service industry's space-time continuum. - I'm not supposed to show you this, but check out our calendar. No Mondays. 010704 -- My invention will let me search the service industry's space-time continuum. - Plumber, roofer, carpenter, electrician. - Weren't you supposed to fix my furnace in 1991? You're my next house. 010705 -- I got the roof off. I'll be back next week to finish. - What if it rains? Then I'll work indoors. - My house will be ruined. I can't control the weather. 010706 -- I hope it doesn't rain until my roof gets shingled. - Why don't you use your personal chaos-driven climate control apparatus to control the rain? - I...uh...don't have one. - You can use mine. Just reset the randomizer when you're done. 010707 -- I'm thinking about growing a unibrow. - - Maybe we should rethink our ban on work-related conversation during lunch. please 010708 -- They must be talking about the layoffs. - I'd like to be a fly on that wall. - POOF! - Great...the one time I get my wish... - Let's focus on our priorities and make rational budget decisions. - HA HA HA HA HA - Back to reality. I'll fire Ted; 010708 -- he creeps me out. Who else do we hate? - Hey, my donut is getting eaten by the world's ugliest fly! bonanza! 010709 -- You're understaffed and overworked. - So I hired a stress counselor and another manager to glare at you. - Relax...deep breaths...there... 010710 -- From now on I'll be managing by exception. - If I don't talk to you for months, assume you're doing a good job. - ...or that your project isn't important...or I don't remember your name. 010711 -- It needs to be so easy that your mother could use it. - My mother isn't a moron. Maybe we could use your mother as the test. - What makes you think my mother is a moron. She fed you. 010712 -- Frankly, the job is a real no-brainer. - Your resume is a blank piece of paper; I like a man who can be brief. - You're ruining my donut experience. 010713 -- I heard a rumor that there might be layoffs on Friday? Is this true? - Absolutely not. No way. Nope. Negatory. No, no, no, no, no. - Great. Can I take off friday? Monday would be better. 010714 -- Layoff Planning Let's fire all the people who give us the creeps... - ...all the people with excessive nose hair and anyone who insists on being called "doctor." - You've got a five-minute meeting on friday, Doctor Wolfington. 010715 -- ...and that way we'll save money on each unit we build. - Let's try that ideay with our VP. - Wow. Great idea. Who thought of it. - Well, I have to admit... - It's one of my better ideas. - Must...control...fist of death. Sometimes I'll just be 010715 -- standing there... - Gaaa!! And pow! Something hits me. - Thank you. I tried to control it, but I couldn't. 010716 -- My life has no purpose. Scratch my back. - Are you saying the purpose of life is service to others? Okay. - It does make me feel useful. I think we both found something that works. 010717 -- Our lives are pathetic. We do nothing but eat, work and sleep. - Eat, work,, work,, work, sleep. - Great - I just finished lunch and you're making me hungry! 010718 -- If I use the speakerphone it will annoy my co-workers. - Luckily for me, I'm a sociopath. - Two things: You're a bit loud...and you're eating my lunch. It's delicious. 010719 -- PRESS ONE TO HEAR... Why are you using your speakerphone for voice-mail? - I mean, seriously, what is going through that socially defective brain of yours? - Would you like to have dinner? Yeah, why not. 010720 -- The Sociopath Tipping is optional so I never do it. - Um...have you eaten here before? - Here's some bread. 010721 -- You're a total sociopath, Ron. I like that in a man. - OH YES, RIFLE THROUGH MY PURSE! YES! YES! YES! - Call me? Sure. But you'd better wait by the phone; I only ring once. 010722 -- Yesterday I needed to ask Dilbert a question but I couldn't find him. - From now on, each of you must inform Carol of your whereabouts at all times. - I'll be wandering around with my coffee cup. - If I find a newspaper I'll take a break in 010722 -- marketing's luxurious rest facilities. - Then I'll stop by the cute intern's cubicle to do some flirting. - I stand in her doorway so she can't escape. I think I'm making progress. - I'm becoming immune to pepper spray. - I cancelled your 010722 -- stupid policy. 010723 -- Mony, you're not growing into your job as quickly as I hoped. - So I signed you up for an accelerated evolution program. They pack a million years into a two-day class. - Hurry up! We've already lost the opposable thumbs module; let's not loose 010723 -- fire too. 010724 -- Evolution Training Some of you will not make it through the class. - May I move to a different seat? - Sure...ops. Problem solved. Carl, don't leave that where someone will slip on it. 010725 -- Evolution Training Zoltar is a graduate of this class. He will demonstrate speed evolving. - Unh...errr...hoo...ahh... - I hope you're staring at my new sideburns. 010726 -- By the end of my two-day evolution class I had one surviving student. - He's probably the cockies squirrel I've ever seen. Toward the end he weighed three thousand pounds. - If you asked me who's the unluckiest person in the world, I'd have to 010726 -- say it was the janitor. 010727 -- The company did well so you get a bonus despite the fact that you did no work all year. - I'd fire you but I can't replace you because there's a hiring freeze and I don't want to shrink my empire. - This might be a hand-shaking situation but I 010727 -- don't know where your hand has been. Off you go. 010728 -- I've been trapped in my office for three days! Didn't you hear me scream? - I used my staple remover to claw through the side wall! - Your door is a pull, not a push. Get me bigger staple remover just to be safe. 010729 -- The power supply in our product overheats. - I think they might burst into flames. - I'm no engineer but obviously it could level a whole city. - The military application is obvious. POW!! - How much do they cost? - Does ten million dollars 010729 -- sound too much? - For that kind of money I expect a free hammer! And a consulting job when I retire. - If an uninhabitated atoll doesn't blow up tomorrow you're in big trouble. 010730 -- The Angry Dumb Guy If anyone wants my opinion... - ...I'll beat it out of me! - I want your opinion. Oh yeah? Let's see if I have one! 010731 -- The exit Interview What would you say is your main reason for leaving? - I can't stand working for an unethical weasel. - Yep, personal problems. I'm glad that we collect this helpful data. 010801 -- Carol, order a new chair for me. The old one lost its new chair smell. - Can I have your old chair? My chair doesn't roll anymore. - I'll try to say this tactfully: you're not important enought to sit in my smelly chair. 010802 -- Teamwork is nature's way of identifying the weak. - The strong, such as myself, put all of our energy into perpetuating our genes. - Now this is when you usually try to put a negative spin on everything. 010803 -- Okay...I think we're done here. Lots of work to do. Busy, busy, busy. - I'll talk to you later. Have a nice day. Bye-bye. Thanks. - Looks like someone took root in your cubicle. Bye-bye. 010804 -- We've had a rash of thefts. Be on the lookout for anyone who acts suspicious. - Can we cut this meeting short? The posters in the break room got me all motivated! - THEN WHY ARE THEY THERE?!! 010805 -- Carol, take this list of key employees to Catbert. - I don't see my name on here. Should I write it in? - You're not a key employee. - WHAT?! ARE YOU INSANE?!! IF *I'M* NOT KEY, WHO IS? - Do you think this list can walk to the 010805 -- H.R. department on its own? - Well, I could put it in an interoffice envelope and mail it. - Basically, you have the same job as an envelope. - Why do I need to downsize these employees? Because they're fun*key*, just like it says. 010806 -- How can you write reviews of movies you haven't seen? Easily. - "Throw away your Picasso paintings. 'Night of the Living Squirrel' is the only art you'll ever need." - How much is the studio paying you? Dang...too obvious. 010807 -- Hello...yes, I'd like to buy a rave review for my new movie. - Can you afford "suspenseful thrill ride" or would you like something more in the "delightful" price range. - I'm releasing it on New Year's day; can you give me a price for 010807 -- "Best comedy so far this year"? 010808 -- The Clean Desk Award goes to Wally. - Maybe Wally can share some tips on keeping our desks clutter-free. - I usually throw away this sort of thing in the men's room on the way back to the cubicle. 010809 -- Introducing "Morale Money." Now you can earn play money for doing good work. - You can use it at the company store to buy products that have our logo. - The coffee mug costs ten million morale dollars. 010810 -- May I have an ergonomic evaluation of my chair and keyboard? - Asok, work is supposed to hurt. That's how you know you're doing it right. - I can't feel my hands! My whole body is numb! 010811 -- The cure for carpal tunnel is to eat six bananas a day. - That's what I do and I have the hands of a teenager. - Do you have any data to support your medical advice? Does a huge pimple count? 010812 -- You need to give me a decision. - You need to give me more information. - You need to give me funding to do a study to get the information. - You need to give me a business case to justify the funding. - You need to give me relief from my 010812 -- other deadlines so I can work on the funding request. - You need to give me everything to infinity. - I WIN! YES!! - We might be losing our laser-like focus on the customer. On the who? 010813 -- Bob was working for you when he died. The family wants you to say something at his funeral. - I barely knew him. Maybe I can read something from his last performance review. - Bob needs to work on his communication skills...and attendance. 010814 -- Customer Service Find the serial number by pulverizing the case with a hammer. - Are you sure this won't void my warranty? - It's not always about you. 010815 -- I can analyze your employees' handwriting to find out who might steal. - Has handwriting analysis been tested in double-blind scientific studies? - Yes, but the scientists dotted their I's with smiley faces so I know they're liars. Wow! 010816 -- Handwriting Analysis Your handwriting proves that you're a disturbed loner who steals. What? - TAKE THIS THIEF AWAY! - Is this part absolutely necessary? Liberal. 010817 -- Catbert: Evil H.R. Director The average performance evaluation for your group is too high. - Do you want me to lower their ratings or their actual performance? Whatever. - This is starting to to affect my performance. Why? I'm not touching 010817 -- you. 010818 -- My powers of communication will inspire them to be better employees. - Gaaa!! He's using his powers of of communication against us! - Must work harder for no good reason. We're too late. 010819 -- I can't sleep. Would you tell me a story. - Once upon a time there was a pointy-haired monster. - He promised riches to the villagers if they could achieve his random objectives. - The villagers worked long but they were happy and 010819 -- optimistic. - Suddenly the evial monster cut their funding and hired the village idiot to be project manager. - And that is how the villagers got trapped in meetings for all eternity. The End. - WAAA!! WAAA!! WAAA!! - Rats cry when they 010819 -- hear about my life. It never pays to listen. 010820 -- Each of us must do his part to save energy. - ZZZZZ - I could build a tiny hydrogenerator for his drool. 010821 -- I'm tired of dating attractive men who are dumb and self-centered. - Maybe I can find an intelligent homely guy and clean him up. No!!! - Do you mind if I work in a set with those five-pounders? DON'T DO IT, AMBER! 010822 -- I made a list of all the ways you need to improve in order to keep dating me. - Lose forty pounds, new wardrobe, new haircut, new car, new odor... - But your dog is perfect. How'd that happen? When can you move in? 010823 -- We're such a mismatch that I doubt you'll ever improve yourself all the way to my level. - Maybe I could meet you in the middle by gaining thirty pounds and getting a terrible haircut. - ...knock out a few teeth, wear stained clothes, chew 010823 -- tobacco... 010824 -- I'm dating a beautiful woman. Do you have advice? - A beautiful woman is like a heap of fresh garbage: exciting, myterious and delightful. - Do you have any advice that doesn't compare my girl-friend to garbage? How about compost? 010825 -- Do you mind if I turn off the lights energy? I'm green with that. - Mmm...smooch smooch smooch smooch - I came down to meet your new girlfriend but now I think it'll be awkward. 010826 -- Ooh! Ooh! I know how to solve our problem! Not so fast, Asok. - This isn't the solution meeting. This is the process meeting. - Our goal is to develop a process for generating ideas how to solve the problem. - We don't know how to develop 010826 -- processes. Someone should have a meeting about that. - Someone like...a cross-disciplinary swat team in an offsite lockup meeting. - Hmm...good idea. I guess this meeting is over. - You see, Asok. You canonly thwart a meeting by inventing 010826 -- other meetings to act as a firewall.. - Asok, I'm putting you on a cross-disciplinary swat team. 010827 -- My performance exceeds expectations but my pay is based on market averages. - I figure some underachievers are getting the extra money that I earn. - Give me their names so I can go get my money. It's Wally. 010828 -- First, we'll lower costs by offering a retirement package that induces all the smart employees to leave. - Then we'll rewrite our mission statement to make it fit better. - Our new mission statement is, "if you can read this you should 010828 -- have retired by now." Ouch. 010829 -- I've agreed to be in the dunking tank for this year's united charity day. - BONK!! - I don't like lines. 010830 -- I was here all night. Is it okay if I take tomorrow as a comp day? - According to our security video you slept all night on a pile of debris in your cubicle. - Is it just me or is this conversation jumping all over the place? 010831 -- PARTS We don't give out parts anymore. - We're trying to end the vicious circle of reordering. - Would you mind filling out a brief survey of customer satisfaction? 010901 -- I'd like t make a gradual shift out of engineering and into something more administrative. - For example, I could write reports that tell other people how to do their jobs better. - Then I could gradually shift out of writing reports and into 010901 -- something more vegetative. 010902 -- Alice, meet our new sales manager. - He's a pigboy who makes inappropriate comments every five minutes. - Somehow he slipped through our rigorous employment screening process. - Whoa! His five minutes are up. So, Alice. - Inappropriate comment 010902 -- deleted - That was very clever. Now let me try one. - Inappropriate comment deleted - How did you learn to swear like that? I used to date a one-eyed carpenter. 010903 -- ...effective immediately. YES! - AH-OOGA! WOO-HOO! - We can male the severance packages less generous. 010904 -- Profits are down. Our senior management blames the weak economy. - So they're saying that projects went*up* because of great management and *down* because of a weak economy? - These meetings will go faster if you stop putting things in context. 010904 -- sorry. 010905 -- I'm pleased to report that I had no problems this week. - I only had issues, opportunities, challenges and valuable learning experiences. - Did you do any work? It didn't seem necessary. 010906 -- My keyboard is broken. It only types asterisks for passwords. - Dogbert's Tech Support - Try changing your password to five asterisks. - I hope I can remember it. 010907 -- Is there more to life than just working? - Yes, there's also the complaining about work. The nightly periods of unconsciousness and sweet, sweet death. - Maybe I should have kids. To share the joy? 010908 -- Alice, you have to learn how to to take risks. - You mean like quitting this putrid company and going to work someplace better? - Why doesn't anyone understand anything I say? Three o'clock. 010909 -- Do you want to join the lottery pool? No. - No rational person would put money on a billion-to-one longshot. - You will. No, I won't. - I'll bet a hundred dollar that you will. - You're on. - If you don't join the pool, and we win, I will come 010909 -- to your putrid cubicle and do this dance... - Ay-yi-yi, hoo-wah-hoo! I'm filthy rich and you're a loser! HOO-AH HOO-AH!! - Who won the $100 Dilbert pool? Whoever picked thirty seconds. 010910 -- All of our data is grossly inaccurate...but I need data in order to manage. - If I concentrate hard enough I can forget that the data is bad, then I can use it. - I have to give him credit; managing is harder than it looks. 010911 -- I'm being moved to the magic portal, cubicle 45750R! - Everyone who sits in the magic portal gets a better job within six months! - There isn't a cubicle 45750R, is there? The first of layoffs are always the cruelest. 010912 -- Ed, I want you to crosstrain Asok on the accounting system. - And don't worry that you'll lose respect and job security if Asok learns your whole job in one day. - I don't think "accounts receivable" is anexpense. No one has complained yet. 010913 -- Your accounting system is so dysfunctional that the results are meaningless. - How is it possible that no one has noticed? I've always wondered about that. - My payroll expenses are zero again. I'm a management genius. 010914 -- We've negotiated this contract for six weeks and today you double your delivery time? - I can't tell if you're an incredibly devious weasel or simply incompetent. Here's a clue. - poink 010915 -- Hey, we negotiated this deal in englishbut your contract is incomprehensible weaseleze! - My only choices are to sign something I don't understand or get my lawyer involved and miss my deadline! - Ha! Now you're going to heck! Are you hassling 010915 -- my frat brother? 010916 -- Do you want to hear what I'm doing at work? Not so much. - You're supposed to act interested because you're my mother. Well... - I'm not saying you're boring, it's just that everything you talk about is boring. - That's the same as saying I'm 010916 -- boring. Only when you talk. - But you care about me, right? When I hurt, you hurt? - Actually, the electrical impulses in your brain don't fly across the air gap to my brain. - You could be writhing in agony and I wouldn't feel a thing. - Ouch. 010916 -- Air gap. 010917 -- The job market is getting worse every day! Excellent! - Employees will be afraid. Our power to abuse them grows stronger by the minute! - HA HA! STOP DOING THE "EVIL DANCE"! YOU'RE KILLING ME! 010918 -- How's the ol' job market lately? It's pretty bad, isn't it? - So no matter how hard I make you work it's still better than being unemployed. - Who's your leader? Go on, say it. you are. 010919 -- Dogbert Consults It's easy to create a strategy. - Write down everything you do, preceded by the phrase, "increase our market share by..." - What if we change what we do? Call me and I'll sell you some more valuble advice. 010920 -- Could you turn off the music? I can't concentrate. - How about if I turn it down to a level where it still drives you nuts but you're too shy to complain a second time? - Thank you. It might creep up over time. 010921 -- Asok, you're coming with me to an important meeting across the bridge. Important! - My hard work as an intern is paying off. Already I am invited to an important meeting! - Hey, we get the carpool lane! 010922 -- What do you guys think about my new haircut? - It's a gargantuan mistake that will ruin your life. Frighten children and bruise fruit. - I'm all froze up! No one ever asked for my opinion before! 010923 -- I've created a schematic of office politics in my company. Nicely done. - Let's say I want to ruin Ted's carreer... - I could say bad things to Tina about Ted. Tina carpools with Ming and Ming takes yoga classes with Carol. - And Carol is a 010923 -- secretary for Ted's boss, so Ted would be history. - Of course it wouldn't be ethical to test the system. Unless... - use the Phil-Alice-Larry circuit to get Ted rehired. Yup yup. - ...and that's why Ted is worthless. Hey, where's Phil? 010923 -- He quit. - Why do I listen to you? Because of a little thing I call charisma. 010924 -- Look, I have three computers in the house. All three simultaneously lost E-Mail but not Web function. - That means the problem is in your E-Mail service. Can you grasp that concept? - Okay, I'm re-entering my account information...hey, guess 010924 -- what? That didn't work either. 010925 -- I need a brilliant employee to be my assistant manager. - That's why I came to you. - That's the first nice thing... Your job is to clone me. 010926 -- Our pointy-haired boss aked me to clone him. - What if his clone has no soul? - If? If? 010927 -- Yes, the technology to clone you exists, but it's illegal to clone humans. - If the cops find out, we can frame my clone for the crime. - That is so wrong. - Why? He'd do the same thing to me! 010928 -- My boss asked me to clone him. Is that ethical? - You'll either create a soulless abomination or, if the clone is normal, you will have shown that souls are irrelevant. - What if the original is already a soulless abomination? You can borrow my 010928 -- cloner. It's in the truck. 010929 -- Cloning the Boss Will this hurt? - I hope so. - We heard it might hurt. May I push the button? 010930 -- Uh-oh...slow-walking women. - I can't squeeze around. - I'll make footstep noise so they'll notice and move. stomp stomp stomp - It didn't work. They're oblivious slow-walking women! - Time stands still as I wait to take my next step. - Oh 010930 --'s a pair of oblivious slow-walking women. - I'll throw you over the top- Then you open the side door so I can go around. - Third one today. Weird. 011001 -- Cloning the Boss? There's a problem with your clone. - Wally spilled soda on the DNA module. Your clone is one-half horse posterior. - And one half that isn't like you. 011002 -- I'm a clone of your boss? - The procedure didn't exactly work. So you're not so much a human being as you are a... - God? Knickknack. 011003 -- You've got to implement a six sigma program or else you're doomed. - Aren't you the same consultant who sold us the worthless TQM program a few years ago? - I assure you that thos program has a totally, totally different name. When can we 011003 -- start? 011004 -- Six Sigma Consult Every company that used my six sigma program increased profits. - ...except for the ones that were in industry downturns... - ...or flat growth industries...or industries that only upturned a little bit. 011005 -- Six Sigma Consult All of you are selfish and diwitted but don't worry. - I'll teach you a process that will bog you down in meetings so you can't hurt anything. - I can't move my arms! zzz zzz zzz zzz 011006 -- Six Sigma Consult The first step is to identify your problems. - We don't have any problems. What's the second step? - Mus...control...fist. I hope someone gives me a belt. 011007 -- Happy service anniversary, Alice. - We're out of twenty-year pins so I got twenty of the one-year pins. - You can pin these babies all over you blouse...or fishing hat if you prefer. - The card says, "to Kathy" but it was never opened. For some 011007 -- reason she quit the day she got her twenty pins. - Incidentally, I have to charge you $262 for the pins. The company doesn't pay for them. - First of all, I've only worked here for about six years... - Wow, you look older. Anyway, just give me 011007 -- the $262 and throw away eight pins and we'll call it good. - Why are you rolling up your sleeve? Are you going to pin them to your arm? 011008 -- Our CEO has voluntarily slashed his pay from six million per year to four. - In a written statement he said he wants to, "share the pain." - Do you feel better now? I make my own underpants from sandwich bags. 011009 -- Maybe I should become a teacher so I can educate the leaders of tomorrow. - Maybe you should educate the morons of tomorrow so they'll stop believing the leaders of tomorrow. - Maybe I'll just eat this donut and go to work. Do you have any more 011009 --dreams I can crush? 011010 -- Catbert: Evil H.R. Director Contractors are not allowed to breathe company air, Carl. - This air is for employees only. You need to supply your own air. - Mmmb bmf rmn Hmr! Does anyone understand Carl? Hey! He's using our light! 011011 -- Carl, you're only a contractor. You have to stop using company resources. - Mmn nph hbm mrm! Yes, I know you bring your own air, but you still use our gravity. - Fbm gmp rkr! If it's not too much to ask, could you hover? 011012 -- Anne L. Retentive Anne, I'm going to task you with a deliverable. - GAAA!! TASK IS NOT A VERB!! MY WORLD IS FALLING APART! - Tomorrow I'll ask her to timeline her project. 011013 -- We have discovered the cause of our network outages. LAN - Some idiot is using our network room for meetings and unplugging the server because it is too noisy. - A server is like a waitress, right? Yeah, a noisy one. 011014 -- Carol, if anyone calls, say I'm in a meeting. - What meeting? It doesn't matter. - RRRING #*!*/ vague instructions. - He's at his weekly meeting of "morons anonymous." - It's a long meeting, they usually get into an argument about the 011014 -- definition of "anonymous." - Half of them think it means "angry." then someone throws a chair and its pandemonium. - The whole thing usually ends with a shoe-sniffing contest. - Your mom called. 011015 -- I'd be a good stock market expert. - I'd buy stocks and then go on TV and recommend them so they go up. - What about the fundamentals? It doesn't get more fundamental than that! 011016 -- Stock Market Expert Clip this microphone to your fur. We're live in two. - Make sure my tail is off camera. I'll be recommending stocks I own and that sort of thing makes me wag. - Someday I gotta get honest work. 011017 -- Stock Market Expert ...everyone should buy stock in that company. Sell your house if necessary. - Should we worry that the P/E is 900, your track record is terrible and you only recommend stocks you own? - Well, Ron, as you can see from the 011017 -- one-week chart, this stock only goes up. BUY! BUY! 011018 -- Stock Market Expert If your core holding is a falling knife, you can dollar cost average through the dead cat bounce. - My secret economic model says you should change your cash allocation from 12.4% to 12.3% - My new book is, "if you aren't 011018 -- churning, you aren't learning. Don't come back. 011019 -- We need to have an all-company meeting to talk about the layoffs. - You might get some hostile questions owing to the fact that they found out about the layoffs by reading the newspaper. - No, I've never noticed that I leave a trail of reeking 011019 -- slime wherever I slither. 011020 -- I'll take two more questions about the layoffs...yes, you in the back. - And I'd appreciate it if this question didn't involve my odor, my DNA, or any comparisons to rodents, snakes or weasels. - Never mind. 011021 -- Bad news. - The employees figured out that they won't get raises next year because profits are in the dumps. - And they're being rational about it. - We are free from the tyranny of having to work hard for raises. Ooh-yah! - But there's a 011021 -- delicate balance because we don't want to be downsized. - I figure we can either have attitudes or bad performance but not both. - I think I'll try having a bad attitude. I'm a bad performance man myself. - I just realized that my entire job 011021 -- can be done by guessing. Hey, dip-weed. 011022 -- Ask the trolls in accounting to explain this charge. GAA! - Please don't make me talk to the trolls during budget season! - Next 011023 -- Accounting Trolls I need an explanation for these numbers. - This is budget season so I will spit on your data and send you away. - That doesn't sound too bad. Our bodies are 95% mande of spit. 011024 -- Accounting Trolls Go ahead, Larry. Spit on his data. - PTOO!! - Can I give you a little tour of our department? 011025 -- Tour of accounting Over here we have our random number generator. - Nine nine nine nine nine nine - Are you sure that's random? That's the problem with randomness: you can never be sure. 011026 -- Were you always a troll? No, this happened when I came to accounting. - First my hair fell out. Then I stopped going to the gym. - You have horns and a tail. When I realized I had a look going I just went for for it. 011027 -- So, if all trolls were once people, that means some people are already changing and don't know it. Exactly. - This is the list of people we're waiting for. - I KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW. I think I'm getting pimples on my head. 011028 -- I'm a director of human resources. - So naturally I have to keep up the appearance of being evil. - But if you find it difficult to do evil things? - No, I like that part of the job. Stop jumping ahead, Hag. - My problem is that anytime I see a 011029 -- tiny object fall on the floor, I jump on it and eat it. - Sometine I'm not even hungry and I know it's just a piece of debris but I can't stop myself. - Oops...I misspelled psycho. NO! NOT ERASER DEBRIS! - Who's a hag? #*!! @$& quack 011030 -- Then I noticed that the circuit design looked like a bug. I was going to mention it but then I didn't. - I'M PSYCHIC! - Unless you're saying out loud every thought that crosses your mind. It's called conversation. 011031 -- Asok, I want you to work for the evil director of human resources until his assistant recovers. - From what is he recovering? Is it a cold or perhaps a flu? - He saw so much evil that his soul dissolved and he became a winged demon. 011101 -- Catbert: Evil H.R. Director We're almost out of kitty litter. - Gather all the resumes we got this week and run them through the shredder. - Shouldn't we be matching these with our openings? - That's what we're doing. 011102 -- Asok Works in H.R. Asok, I want you to handle all the harassment complaints. - And as I left the room I could feel Alice's eyes checking out my caboose. - have psychic powers? My eyes are up here, pal. 011103 -- Asok Works in H.R. If we eliminate vacation days and increase sick days... - Would the employees fall for our trap and make themselves sick to get days off? What?!! - You're in h.r. now. It's okay to be evil. Evil, right. 011104 -- Alice, may I have a word with you? - You're not spending enough time in your cubicle. - It looks as if our department isn't productive. - But...I can't do my job from my cubicle. - You have to set priorities. Looking productive is very 011104 -- important to this department. - Will I get a big raise for looking busy while my projects flounder? - You won't get a big raise either way. - GAAA!!! Here's a blank piece to carry back to your cubicle. 011105 -- We should add this feature to our product to make it more useful. - Are you telling me that not ONE person on earth will use our product without that feature?!! - You changed what I said into a bizarre absolute. Oh, I change EVERYTHING you 011105 -- say?! 011106 -- I signed up for a yoga class. - They say it will help me achieve harmony and balance. - Failing at that, I plan to stare at stretchy women. 011107 -- I've lost two pounds since I signed up for yoga class. - And I never get sick anymore. You haven't had a class yet. - Maybe I'm some sort of yoga prodigy. 011108 -- Wally looks different. - He changed when he started yoga classes. - All I'm saying is that it might not be a "yoga" class. Suspicous you are. 011109 -- We're going to have a "town hall" meeting to improve communication. - But it's not in an actual town hall. And I'll have questions in advance, so it's not a meeting per se. - Who do we give our questions to? I think you'll find that it doesn't 011109 -- matter. 011110 -- Asok, you are the winner of a prestigious award for attendance. - My name is an obscenity. - Typo. Typo? You added four letters!! 011111 -- Ted, I have to downsize you. - Was I doing a bad job? - No, it's more complicated than that. - Is my essential function being eliminated. - No, the problem is that someone in marketing spent too much for a trade show booth. - So every manager 011111 -- had to submit a list of potential cost reductions. - I might have accidentally sent the department phone list as an E-Mail attachment. - There are lots of whiners in "A" through "M." *%!!*@ 011112 -- Our CEO's goal is to improve our revenue per employee. So I'm going to fire you and bring you back as a contractor. - Last week his goal was to reduce the number of contractors. So you cancelled my contract and hired me as an employee. - Well, 011112 -- it looks like someone doesn't like having his cheese moved. 011113 -- Your psychological profile test results are excellent. Can you start Monday? - Monday is fine. I'll read the employee handbook over the weekend. Thank you very much. - The "gentle biker" look is overdone. I'm going for "psycho hillbilly." 011114 -- GAAA!! Hi. It's a pleasur to meet you. - You look like a psycho hillbilly. Thank you very much. - We network design engineers like to dress with a theme. May I call you crazy old coot? 011115 -- I used to be preppy. Then I was a dangerous-looking biker with a heart of gold. - I call my current look the "psycho hillbilly." What's your theme. - This isn't a theme. Oh...sorry, man, I had no way of knowing. 011116 -- I plan to use my raise to move from my home in the handicapped stall to a storage facility. - If you are trying to think of a housewarming gift, I wouldn't say no to a flashlight. - If you need help moving, don't hesitate to call Alice. You are 011116 -- too kind. 011117 -- May I have a day off to move my home? One hour. - What? Why only one hour? I like to negotiate. - I guess I can try doing it in one hour. And you can't use a vehicle. 011118 -- Tina, you didn't use the approved corporate font. - Our corporate communications department says we have to use the Danville font. - No problem. I'll buy the Danville font software today. - There's a budget freeze on software purchases. - 011118 -- So...the Danville font is both mandatory and prohibited? - Remind me to ding you for negativity on your next evaluation. - I think I'll do some binge eating and non-stop sobbing at my cubicle now. - Unless that's prohibited too. No eating in 011118 -- cubicles. 011119 -- Dilbert, you're going to Elbonia to shut down our Elbonian mud delivery business. - Meanwhile, I'll tell our stockholders that we expect the mud delivery business to make huge profits. - this illegal? There's no law against optimism! I 011119 -- checked. 011120 -- I'm supposed to shut down our Elbonian mud delivery business. - But I'm a highly trained engineer so I will analyze their business model and fix it. - They deliver mud to people who live in mud. You have my attention. 011121 -- In Elbonia Can anyone tell me why your mud delivery business is failing? Anyone? - Is it because of the general economic slowdown? Dot-com meltdown? - And maybe because you sell mud to people who live in mud? What if we call it fudge? 011122 -- In Elbonia Our business plan was to sell mud to people who live in mud. - Later we shrewdly expanded our offerings to include pet grooming and lingerie. - Frankly, I blame our ad agency for what happened next. 011123 -- In Elbonia We manufacture our mud using bottled water and bags of fertile soil. - There's a huge demand in my country for bottled water and bags of soil. - Is anyone selling bottled air to you morons yet? 011124 -- In Elbonia I'm authorized to give each of you one dollar of severance pay. - WE'RE RICH!!! - How much were we paying you? Nothing. We were entirely motivated by slogans. 011125 -- I'm happy to announce that we're being acquired by a foreign company. - Don't worry that they'll dominate us. This will be a merger of equals. - Expect that they make money and we don't. - And their CEO will lead the combined company. - And 011125 -- every one of them is a giant. - And they've developed their latent psychic abilities so they can cause pain from a distance. - GAAA!! I'M SORRY I SAID TOO MUCH! YOU ARE MY MASTER!! - Are you worried? Nah. If they read my mind, they'll all go 011125 -- blind. 011126 -- I'm going to start an airline that has no planes. - I'll take people's money and make them sit in a crowded room whie ex-cons steal from their luggage. - What happens when your customers realize you have no airplanes? I call that "mechanical 011126 -- difficulties." 011127 -- Dogbert Airlines I've been waiting for 35 hours. Are you sure my flight exists? - According to my computer your flight is delayed by weather. - What kind of weather? Our planes can't handle direct sunlight. 011128 -- Dogbert Airlines Attention travellers! Our hub at the south pole is experiencing permafrost. - Please form a primitive society and live in the terminal forever. - The good news is that you'll earn six "Dogbert Miles" that can be used on the 011128 -- 35th of every month. 011129 -- Congressional Hearings Your airline is accused of providing inhumane service. How do you respond? - Sometimes I wag and sometimes I hold up my paw and say, "Bah!" BAH! - You're not allowed to say Bah. Take it back. hab 011130 -- Okay, let me think aloud for a minute. - The cost will be $3000...loosing focus...monkeys are tongue is disgesting in my mouth. - That didn't help as much as I had hoped. 011201 -- I'm fired?!! Now I can't pay my rent! - Would it be okay if I lived here in my cubicle? I don't see why not. - Can I have fires and become a cannibal? Well, I might regret this later... 011202 -- When should we do the layoffs? - Experts say that Friday is the cruelest day of the week to fire people. - So let's do it Friday. - Friday is our employee appreciation day. - AH-AH AH-WOOO!!! - What was that? You don't want to know. - 011202 -- Congratulations on being named employee of the month. - know how some months are shorter than others? AH-AH WOOO!! 011203 -- My accomplishments for the week include scheduling a meeting. - But some people were using the conference room so we milled around and gave up. - You could have used another room. What part of "gave up" is confusing you? 011204 -- Carol, reserve the conference room every day for the next year in case I need it. - You're too late. Some other sociopath had the idea and beat you to it. - I hate being the slowest sociopath. 011205 -- I can teach you to manage your time more efficiently. - Put all of your high priorities on one list and your low priorities on another. - Then do everything on both lists even if it kills you, otherwise you're a freakin' loser. 011206 -- Thank you, but I can only accept gifts under $25. How much is this? $26. - Well, thanks anyway. Rules are rules. - You're very nice for a salesperson. But how much is this worth? $26. Why? 011207 -- The great thing about free speech is that I can criticize the government. I'd fire you. - I mean outside of work. I'd fire you for that too. - May I express enjoyment of my pastry? Sure. It's a free country. 011208 -- You need to hire people who won't be a threat to you. - The Dogbert Recruitment Agency specializes in the placement of clueless people with bad hair. - I don't know...they still look threatening. Perhaps I can interest you in our cadaver 011208 -- program. 011209 -- I call it the teamwork football. - Each of you will carry the ball with you for one day to symbolize your commitment to teamwork. - Who wants to be first? - Not me. I have a meeting with customers today. - I'm on vacation. I only came in for 011209 -- coffee. - Not in a trillion years. - Maybe you could keep it in your desk drawer to symbolize our commitment to teamwork. - I should have used a golf ball. 011210 -- We've hired the world's most innovative design firm. - We'll observe their successful methods and steal them for our own. Heh heh heh. - Maybe their secret is hiring smart people. I'm hoping it involves easels. 011211 -- Creativity Exercise Team one made a device that converts air to electricity. - Team two used their hour to create a missile defense layer. clap clap - Team three, do you need more time? It's a scissors holder! 011212 -- Everyone grab an odd-shaped piece of foam and sit down. - We'll continue the design process by pointing to these brainstorm notes and making insightful observations. - The notes are all yellow. Sweet jeepers!!! You're all engineers! 011213 -- Creative Design Each team has one hour and build a mock-up using these common materials. - Question: doesn't this sort of exercise usually get dominated by the worst team member? - Don't worry. We can just ignore Alice's suggestions. 011214 -- Our copier is boken. May I use yours? Only if you use our own paper. - I just need one copy and my office is about a mile away. Don't make me unleash the hound. - That's a hound? Technically he's a web designer in a tight labor market. 011215 -- Who called this meeting? We thought you did. - I think we should discuss issues and assign tasks so it's not a complete waste of time. - Maybe meetings have become a lifeform capable of calling themselves and thus reproducing via human hosts. 011215 -- good issue. wow! 011216 -- Is it okay if I work from home one day a week? - How would I know you were working? - How do you know I'm working when I'm *here*? - When you're here I know you're unhappy and that's the same thing as work. - What if I invent a hideously 011216 -- uncomfortable hat to wear when I'm working at home? - Well...that might be okay. - But it has to be extremely uncomfortable or else it isn't work. - Hee hee! The joke's on him - it isn't that uncomfortable. 011217 -- I'm signing up volunteers to serve food on the homeless on christmas day. - How do you know in advance that they'll be extra hungry on that one day? - Our P.R. firm makes sure they don't get fed for two days before the news crews arrive. 011218 -- According to this survey the compensation here is "competitive." - Competitive means not the highest. So we could get paid more if we worked at another company? - Should we continue working as hard as we can or should we back off to a more 011218 -- competitive level? 011219 -- Wally, you have failed to achieve any of your written objectives. - But by pure chance you achieved all of my hidden objectives. - Here's another project I need smothered with defectiveness. I'm all over it. 011220 -- I want to move you another cubicle but my office moving budget is shot. - So I'm going to transfer you to Elbonia and then back so I can use the relocation budget. - He says the relocation budget is shot you can mail yourself home. 011221 -- I'm starting a petition to end war. Do you want in on this. - Who are you going to give it to? Say what? - I was hoping to sell it. I'll sign it for a dollar. 011222 -- Bob, I hold in my hands the most important document ever created. - It's a signed petition to end war. I expect to win the nobel peace prize for this. - May I have a sip of that? Trade ya. 011223 -- Alice, you need to use your vacation time before the end of the year. - I don't have time. I need to finish my project. - I'm sure that a highly trained engineer like you can find a solution. - Well...I could say I'm on vacation and come to 011223 -- work as usual. - No. I can't count it as vacation unless you're not in the building. - Okay...I could take home my computer and work there. -'re not allowed to access our network remotely. - *!f#% worst vacation ever... 011224 -- Sometimes I feel guilty that I'm not doing enough to enhance stockholder value. - Do you ever feel that way? GLUG GLUG GLUG - I'll take that as a no. 011225 -- Dude, why haven't you answered my E-Mail? - Your message was so poorly written that I didn't understand it and I didn't dare to start a dialogue. - Maybe I should have a talk with your boss. Maybe you should E-Mail him. 011226 -- I need your approval for this expense. The equipment is already here and installed. - I left out the description because you wouldn't understand it anyway. - There's a fine line between managing and being totally useless. Luckily it looks the 011226 -- same. 011227 -- If you give a man a fish he will eat for a day. - But if you teach a man to fish he will buy an ugly hat. - And if you talk about fish to a starving man then you're a consultant. 011228 -- Alice, I just sent you an e-mail. - Here's a copy of my message but I'll just tell you what it says. - It says I sent you a voice mail telling you to look for a fax that says I want to talk to you. 011229 -- Alice. All of your hard work-the nights and the weekends - are finally paying off. - We increased our five-year forecast of demand by ten percent! - You changed a wild guess by ten percent? Thanks to you! 011230 -- Dilbert, take care of this. It's urgent. - I can't read your handwriting. What does it say? - I don't have time to answer your questions. - Don't try to call me. I don't return calls. - If you come to my office, I'll be away - And then, like a bad odor on a windy day, the phantom manager vanished. - I think it says. "Floog smort olak munta hawthnort." - What does it mean? I think it involves monkeys and duct tape. 011231 -- Carol, I want you to help me put together a morale boosting event. - Great idea. And after that maybe I can do CPR on a mummy and see if I can save it's life. - Do you hear what I'm saying? Our first meeting will be Tuesdays. 020101 -- Dilbert, I want you to put together the winning bid for this contract. - No problem. I'll just read the minds of our competitors and bid lower. - I'm picking up something now...but it's partly blocked by a dense mass. 020102 -- I need your cose estimates for my bid proposal. A billion dollars. - That sounds high for administrative overhead. If you already know the cost, why ask me? - You'll make us lose the bid. I like to think of it as winning less work. 020103 -- I gathered all the padded cost estimates from the liars and scoundrels I'm ashamed to call co-workers. - Tht's okay. I usually ignore our cost estimates and make bid proposals that I think will win. - I gather inaccurate data for a living. 020103 -- Luckily no one uses it. Your glass is half full. 020104 -- The winner of our "Name the Restrooms" contest is Alice... - ...for her suggestion of "goddesses" and "morons." - You're right; I was the only one who would enter that ridiculous contest. 020105 -- Sorry I'm late. - I left my mission statement paperweight in the sun and it set my cubicle on fire. - I tried to douse it using my "We are Quality" mug but the handle broke and I got shards. 020106 -- The project got off to a slow start. - First we had the reorganization. - Then the merger. And the layoffs. - Budget freeze. Office relocation. - New CEO. New consultants. New strategy. - Eventually the whole industry changed and the 020106 -- opportunity evaporated. - So we classified our unused budget as "savings" and gave everyone a shirt. - You said you'd show us your "best practices." What are you implying? 020107 -- Your project is cancelled. You'll be downsized in niety days. - Until then, feel free to wander around like a zombie. - I walk among them but I am not one of them. 020108 -- Here are some projects to finish before your last day. - But...I'll have to interact with people who know I've been downsized. Hee hee! - I'll get this information to you right away. Is ninety days soon enough? 020109 -- I'm unemployed and I drive an electric car. - These are my abs. I talk too much about myself and I'm not romantic. - I realize it's a long shot but does any of that turn you on? 020110 -- Do you think I should grow a beard while I'm unemployed? - That's a great idea. A beard sends a message about who you are. - Um...okay. I assume you already have a shopping cart and filthy rags. 020111 -- Maybe I'll take a job as a waiter until I can get a job as an engineer. - You're not qualified to wait on tables. how hard could it be? - The manager is over there slapping a drunk. 020112 -- Hi. I came to apply for a server job. - Okay. Tell me how you would handle an abusive drunken customer like this guy. - Um...with kindness? You might want to shield yourself with a tablecloth. 020113 -- Alice, I'm naming you to our company's "Engineer of the Year." - You'll fly to New York and receive a trophy with the winners from other companies. - I'm too busy. Name someone else. - Tht's a critical time for my project. - I'm flattered but I 020113 -- already have no time for sleeping or bathing. - I have a sick day scheduled for that Friday. - Carol, I need you to go to New York and pretend to be an engineer. - Why yes, most of us *are* really from marketing. How can you tell? 020114 -- I'll be your server tonight...whoa, you're beautiful. - Would your grandfather mind if I asked you out? He's my husband. - Moving right along, would you like to hear about our specials? 020115 -- I got fired from my job at the restaurant. - Every time I carried hot soup my thumb would slip in and I'd scream and spray the whole dining room. - I blame the soup. Stupid soup. 020116 -- We can hire you back but not at your old job. - That's okay. I'll do anything but sales. I would be the worst salesperson on earth. It's sales. - Did I just say worst when I meant best? We'll have to train you to lie better. 020117 -- Sales Training A trained salesperson can sell anything to anyone. - I will prove it by selling this roadkill to one of you for a thousand dollars. - was your class? I got a hat! 020118 -- Sales Training Don't act like you're selling something. - A good sale is like a good wedgie: your victim shouldn't see it coming. - For this demonstration I need a volunteer who can't see what's coming. 020119 -- Sales Training Never sell to your customer. Make your customer sell to you. - Our products are only for those who dare to be great! Make the customer explain why he is worthy. - What did you just call me? You hear me, goober. Now beg for our 020119 -- product. 020120 -- I'm moving to a new house next week. - I have lots of heavy objects that need to be moved. - I wonder who will help me. - Maybe it will be someone who cares about his career. - Did you know that professional moving companies exist? - It's 020120 -- true. You give them money and they move your heavy things. - It's a wonderful system. You should look into it. - And maybe you can bring your trailer. IT'S A MOBILE HOME! 020121 -- Dilbert the Sales Guy I'll talk to you every day to see if you change your mind. - Don't talk to me every day. You might change your mind. - Did you know that if you cross "sales" with "talk" you get "stalk"? 020122 -- Dilbert the Sales Guy I wouldn't buy this @*#!%!!$ with *your* money. - It's overpriced, hard to use, full of bugs and it solves no problem. - I spit on your packaging! Um...Mom... 020123 -- Dilbert the Sales Guy Here's my card. None of the information is correct. - Why don't xyou get new ones? Tht costs money. - You must have a lot of clout in your company. Shut up and buy something. 020124 -- Please, I beg you, transfer me back to engineering. - I'll take a pay cut. No, I'll work for free. No, I'll pay *you*. - I should make all of my engineers work in sales for a while. You come back more appreciative. 020125 -- Hi. My name is Michael T. Suit. All my friends call me M.T. - I enhance core competencies by leveraging platforms. - Did we shake yet? Sometimes I can't tell. 020126 -- Hi, I'm M.T. Suit. I'm a man without substance. - I compensate by using buzzwords and attending meetings. - I like his style. We need to sell solutions, not products! 020127 -- The ad campaign was a huge, huge success! Wow! - Define "huge, huge success." How much did sales increase? - We don't track those numbers. But I know the ad created a huge buzz because of all the E-Mail I got the next day. - How many messages 020127 -- did you get? - Six. But that's a lot for one topic. Wow! Six! - How many of the six were from your own employees? - Who invited the engineer? I thought he was with you. 020128 -- Wally, I have to downsize you as soon as you finish your project. - I trust that your professionalism will prevent you from delaying unnecessary. - I promise that my timeliness will be surpassed only by my passion for quality. 020129 -- I hired a manhater to be your supervisor. Why? - Frankly, I'm kinda turned on by angry women in pantsuits. - She's decisive. I like that. 020130 -- Man-Hating Supervisor I'm putting Alice in charge of the project. - And Willy or Walther here can drink coffee until he grows into a fly. - I can't figure out why she's being so nice to me. 020131 -- Man-Hating Supervisor Have any of you men done anything to justify your pay? - I attended an all-day meeting but later found out I was in the wrong one. - Actually, you're not supposed to be in this meeting either. The door was open. 020201 -- Man-Hating Supervisor You're fired for being a man. - No one has ever called me a man before! This is the happiest day of my life! - STOP ENJOYING LIFE!! I'M A *MAN*! 020202 -- Man-Hating Supervisor The men here are oblivious to my abuse. What did you do to them? - I siphoned off their self-respect and keep it in vials in a storage room. - This is no fun. I quit. Do you want to yell at the vials with me? 020203 -- Due to budget constraints, the company will no longer provide free soda. - What free soda? We never had free soda. - Sure we did. It was in the refrigerator in the break room. - Every day I'd go in there and get a refreshing beverage. - The 020203 -- next morning, as if by magic, the soda would be replenished. - I brought a soda to work every day for five years only to have it stolen from the refrigerator every time. - - Why didn't you just drink the free ones? 020204 -- Dogbert Tech Support Your software is worn out. You must be typing too hard. - Switch to decaf, paint your walls pink and stop going to the gym. - I've never heard of holistic tech support. Maybe you should read more. 020205 -- Hello, this is Dogbert's all-natural and holistic tech support. - Try stuffing tree bark in the CD drive and meditating. - No, of course it won't damage anything; it's all natural! 020206 -- What can I do to avoid getting computer viruses? - Give your power cord a spinal adjustment once a week to prevent disease. - I was skeptical until he said there's anectdotal evidence that it works! 020207 -- I worked all weekend to get the bugs out of the database. - But now the data make us look bad. Put back the bugs. - Can you teach me to be apathetic like you? Only if you have astrong desire not to learn. 020208 -- I just had a good meeting. - Maybe it just didn't last long enough to reveal the incompetence of the attendees. - That's what I call a good meeting. I'm having a bad meeting. 020209 -- Evil H.R. Director The bad news is that I had to get rid of our marketing department. - The good news is that we have tons of nondiary creamer! - Do you think those two things are related? If they are, I'm cutting back to five cups a day. 020210 -- I don't think our network can handle the extra network traffic. - Opinions don't matter to me. I base my decisions on hard data. - How about logic? Our network is already too slow and we plan to quadruple usage. - Bah! Watch how science works 020210 -- and maybe you'll learn something. - Doug, come here for a minute. - The data proves that our network has infinite capacity, so your budget should be diverted to my project. - That's not science! That's a weasel misinterpreting data to get extra 020210 -- funding! - There are days when you really hate to hear the phrase "po-tay-to, po-tay-to." 020211 -- Carol, I need to reserve the glass-walled conference room by the main lobby. - The "fish bowl" is only available to attractive employees. We don't want to scare visitors. - I want a second opinion. Very well. I'll convene the tribunal of admin 020211 -- assistants. 020212 -- The tribunal of admin assistants will hear the case of... - The man who is too unattractive to use the glass-walled conference room versus humanity. - You put the verdict in the name of the case! We're efficient. 020213 -- The tribunal of admin assistants has reached a decision. - Dilbert is not attractive enough to use the glass-walled conference room near the lobby. - Can I appeal? Apparently not. 020214 -- I've reduced our development costs by outsourcing the project. - Does the proposal have a huge hourly rate for any work not specified in the contract? - Stay out of it. Why do you ask? 020215 -- Wow! you finished the project below your estimate and on time. Hold...hold... - All I need are a few changes at your hourly fee, which was never specified in our contract. hold...hold...hold. - WAG! 020216 -- Your trip is cancelled. - We used up the travel budget renaming our call centers to "Contact Centers." - But I need this training. Isn't that another way of saying you're ignorant? 020217 -- Wally, may I ask you for advice? Huh? - My name is Ted. I'm planning to takethe voluntary layoff package. - Then I plan to use my retirement money to start a business that makes kites out of waffles! - In five years I hope to be the world's 020217 -- largest maker of edible kites. - So, what do you think? I value your opinion. - Ted, who told you that I'd be a good person to ask for an opinion on your idea? - Alice said it reminded her of the quality of your...ideas. Oh. - ALICE SHOOTS FOR 020217 -- THE DOUBLE!!! SHE SCORES!!! 020218 -- Dilbert, you have been chosen to design the world's safest nuclear power plant. - This is the greatest assignment that any engineer could hope for. I'm flattered by the trust you have in me. - By "safe" I mean "not near my house." 020219 -- Our assignment is to design a totally safe nuclear power plant. - Let's put it in Elbonia. That seems safe to me. - Our offer of cheerful slave labor paid off! WOO-HOO!! 020220 -- none of us has designed a nuclear power plant before but we can figure it out by using our process. - In phase one we will gather customer requirements. - want free electricity, without mutating, unless the mutation gives you x-ray 020220 -- vision. Yep. 020221 -- How do we get the electricity from our nuclear plant in Elbonia to the toasters over here? - Let's brainstorm, and remember not to judge any ideas at this stage. - I'm thinking huge barges and trained porpoises-lots of them. Must...not...judge. 020222 -- I built a working model to test my nuclear power plant design. - How big will the real one be? About half this size. And it will cost $23 to build. - I'd give you an attaboy certificate but my printer is out of paper. 020223 -- In Elbonia I'm here to oversee construction of the nuclear power plant. - The first order of business is security for the uranium. A pig ate it. - What?! I demand to see your director of security! You'll have to wait; the pig ate him too. 020224 -- Upgrade all of our network servers by Tuesday. - That's impossible. I need at least a month. - Oh, it's impossible, is it? Watch this. - I SUMMON KRONOS, THE GOD OF MANAGEMENT TIME!! - I, Kronos, will manipulate your perception of time. - I 020224 -- don't see how this helps... - When he wakes up he will believe there is plenty of time and that you are a weasel. - Any side effects? Just an insatiable appetite for status reports. 020225 -- I found a coffee stain on my carpet that looks like a man's face. - It might be a miracle...or maybe a sign of the end of time. - I hope not. I added coffee and gave him a squirrel body. 020226 -- Is this number accurate? It seems low. - Why are you attacking me? Stop attacking me! - I think the number is low. It's too late to apologize. Now I hate your guts. 020227 -- The first week after getting an assignment is called "The Wally Period." - Never do work during the Wally Period because most tasks become unnecessary within seven days. - I want a period named after me! Whoa, Asok. That takes many years of 020227 -- non-work. 020228 -- Asok, I'm putting you on our special self-monitoring program. - If you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to talk to yourself. - I'm the master of non-monetary rewards. 020301 -- I'd like to demonstrate some things we can't do. - I don't care about things you can't do. - I know, but it makes a better demonstration this way. - I want my life to have a meaning! You came to the wrong place. Can't do that. 020302 -- I'm in a bad mood. Maybe I'll feel better if I criticize some employees. - I'm doing some recreational criticizing. What do you have for me? E-Mail. - YOU READ E-MAIL LIKE A CHIMP! Alice said she needs to talk to you. 020303 -- I need carreer advice. You came to the right place. - Should I keep my comfortable job that has no growth potential? - Or should I take a better job with longer hours and a hideous commute? - The first choice is a sure path to self-loathing and 020303 -- unhappiness. - The second choice will squeeze the life out of you like a vise on a peach. - You can't win. So I recommend the choice that keeps you away from home more. - Because frankly-and I'll try to say this delicately-a little bit of 020303 -- you goes a long way. - That's the problem with good advice: no one wants to hear it. 020304 -- Can anyone tell me why everyone is always late for my staff meetings? - Because the first ten minutes are always stupid stuff like "why are people late?" - Alice, that was some of your finest work. Thank you for noticing. 020305 -- What's our current severance package? - I transfer you to a bad job and you quit without giving notice. - I hate your package. I hear that a lot. 020306 -- Tina, we've gotten some complaints about your hostile behavior. - At a recent meeting you crossed your arms. That is unacceptable body language. - Maybe I was cold. EYEBROWS! EYEBROWS! 020307 -- Someone accused me of having a hostile body language. - I'm not allowed to cross my arms or move my eyebrows or frown. - Have a nice day. Too late. 020308 -- Carol, this is urgent. - I'll add it to the compost drawer. - I hope that means the same thing as "urgent." 020309 -- Every employee will wear a button that says "I'm empowered." - I don't want to. You have to. - That was everything you need to know about life in one package. 020310 -- You're an ignorant maggot. You disgust me. - You should get a face transplant from a baboon. What?! - I'm not talking to you. I'm using my hands-free phone. - Oh...for a minute I thought...well, never mind. - Ha ha! You might be the most 020310 -- gullible moron in the galaxy! - YOU POINTY-HAIRED, GRAY-SUITED PILE OF CRUD!!! - Mon, can you hold? My excellent boss wants to talk to me. - What? No personal phone calls on company time! 020311 -- In a perfect world the project would take eight months. Schedule 8 Months - But based on past projects in this company, I applied a 1.5 incompetence multiplier. 1.5 x 8 = 12 Months - And then I applied an L.W.F. of 6.3. L.W.F.? Lying weasel 020311 -- factor. 020312 -- I'd like permission to hold daily prayer services in a conference room. - I'll do it before work and of course I'll clean up any blood. - So far I'm the only member of my religion but I have ambitious plans for brainwashing. 020313 -- Meet your new cubicle neighbor. His name is Medical Mel. - Mel will be making loud personal phone calls all day. - Is it supposed to make a squishy sound? Listen to this... 020314 -- Medical Mel ...the needle was four feet long and thick as a pencil. - I tried to run but the doctor had been an olympic javelin champion. - My new nickname at the hospital is Bob-short for shishkabob. 020315 -- Have you completed your skills inventory? I'm submitting it now. click - They use that information to transfer you to jobs you don't want. - You'll be be okay as long as you didn't check any of the boxes in the hazmat section. stupid stupid 020315 -- stupid 020316 -- Our numbers are way down. What should we do? - Reorganize the department so there's no valid history for comparison. - Then we'll fire a few people and give ourselves awards for saving money. El Diablo 020317 -- My open door policy is ruining my happiness. - People stop by all day long and complain. - how can I maintain the moraleinspiring illusion of an open door policy without actually having one? - Use your body language to create a protective 020317 -- bubble of unwelcomeness. - Try this stressed-out scowl. - Can I poke in my head? Sure, he has an open door policy. - It's a pleasure to see you. We value your input. - Stop by any time. AY-YI-YI-YI-YI!! 020318 -- Carol, put together a survey to find out why morale is so low. - Survey?!! You could ask any monkey at the zoo what the problem is. - Do *not* fling that. I repeat... 020319 -- My theory is that consciousness is the ability to predict and then observe the results of actions. - So I think you could build a computer that would be fully conscious. zzzzz - Obviously you'd need an array of sensors to collect the data. 020320 -- I'm putting you on a strict "need to know" basis. - And stay out of the crawl space under the house. - And don't believe anything you see in the news for about six months. 020321 -- We saw your classified ad for a nuclear warhead. - It's genuie russian craftsmanship. Ideal for menacing other third-world countries. sweet - Our slingshot can fling this a hundred yards. Is that enough? That's plenty. 020322 -- The impoverished nation of Elbonia became a nuclear power today. - They plan to test their one and only warhead to frighten their enemies in Kneebonia. - *I'm* not going to ask him for a match. *You* ask him! 020323 -- Trie to be moor prophesional in your commundicashuns. - Let's forward it ti all our friends so they can see what an idiot we work for. hee hee! - But you're my only friend. Don't flatter yourself. 020324 -- Our company is dying...but not because of bad management. - It's because we're not... Customer Centric. - Well, I for one feel better knowing we have correctly identified the problem. - That was a little thing I call participation; you should 020324 -- try it. - Now let's break into four small working groups... - and develop skits based on our new focus of customer centricity. - Um...there are only four of us. Wait...never mind. - I'll call my skit "The Electricity of Customer Centricity." 020325 -- Ted, you have ten seconds to decide if you want to be restructured, repurposed or reassigned. - Repurposed! No,, reassigned! No, repurposed! - How many people volunteered to quit and didn't know? Two out of three! 020326 -- If the water company can pipe water to my house, why can't the toothpaste company do the same? - The toothpaste factory should have a pipe to every home so you can turn a faucet... - And don't even get me started about pudding. meteor meteor 020326 -- meteor meteor 020327 -- We're the least expensive vendor unless your requirements change mid-project. - So...I'll get fired if I don't select the lowest bid, or I'll be fired later when the bills for change orders pour in. - I prefer to be fired mid-project. We offer 020327 -- outplacement service with every sale. 020328 -- From now on, everything we do must be justified by R.O.I. - What's the R.O.I. for this new policy about calculating the R.O.I.? - I said, "from now on." What about your answer? No R.O.I. 020329 -- You can take 20% pay cuts or I'll have to downsize one of you. - I know you're like a family but... Yes, Wally? - Tell us more about the pay cut. That sounds promising. 020330 -- Dorie, send an E-Mail: Employees are leaving work too early. - I want to see more cars in the parking lot after 6 P.PM. Otherwise, heads will roll! - You type your own E-Mail. I can't do that *and* do this menacing pose at the same time. 020331 -- Alice, your performance this year was superior. I'm giving you a 20% raise. - But it's not effective right now. - It kicks in as soon as my budget increase gets approved. - When will that be? - As soon as the economy improves and profits go up! 020331 -- - But my raise will be retroactive to today, right? No. - You should be happy. Some people aren't getting any raises at all. must...control fist...of...death. - I got a 14% future raise just for showing up. GAAA!!! 020401 -- Business is way down. You know what you need to do. - Avoid finishing anything so we never appear to be surplus employees? - Maybe this would be a good time to admit that you were wrong about us knowing. 020402 -- Wally, your status report is just a bunch of buzzwords strung together. - I've been giving you that same status report every week for eleven years. - Five years ago you adopted it as our mission statement. 020403 -- Our next speaker was a famous athlete until drugs and booze ruined his life. - Shank hew vewy mush. - It's not inspirational until he stops doing those things. What? 020404 -- Today is the three-year anniversary of our first meeting to discuss the project requirements. - And we're still discussing requirements. Does anyone else see a problem here? - When you're done, can we talk about requirements? 020405 -- Dogbert's Tech Support It works fine on my machine. - Yes, but this call is about *my* PC. May we talk about *my* problem now? - Okay. Your PC is defective and you're selfish. That's an attractive package you've got going there. 020406 -- Safety tip of the day: - Always bend your knees when banging your head against a wall. - I can't remember if managing is an art or science. 020407 -- This is Dogbert's Tech Support. How may I abuse you? - My printer prints a blank page after every document. - Why would you complain about getting free paper? - Free? Isn't it just giving me my own paper? - Egad, man! Look at the quality of the 020407 -- free paper compared to your lousy regular paper! - Only a fool or a liar would say they look the same! - Now that you mention it, it does seem silkier. - What are you doing? I'm helping people accept the things they can't change. 020408 -- Good news, Dilbert. I'm promoting you to more work! - It's the same pay and title. But it must be good because I called it a promotion and I'm smiling! - You're scaring me. 020409 -- I worked sixty hours last week. That's nothing. I worked seventy hours. - That's nothing... - Oh, wait...I just recognized the pattern. 020410 -- Send a copier repair guy. And make sure he's good-looking. - Because I live in a big tin can and I work in an egg carton. Flirting is the only joy I have. - Nothing's wrong with the copier yet, but I feel a fierce paper jam coming on. 020411 -- And I'd like the copier repair guy to be a tall guy to be a tall non-smoker with well-defined abs. - Oh, you're not a dating service, eh? Well if I give you money and you send me a guy then it's just semantics. - And could you shave his back 020411 -- and oil him uo before you send him? 020412 -- I can't complete the online self-assessment survey. It asks where I need improvement and I don't need any. - The program won't let me leave that question blank. Just check the box that says you steal. - And people will understand that I don't 020412 -- mean it? Sure. 020413 -- Are you a manager? - No, I'm an individual contributor. - So, basically, you have the same job description as an ant? - I'd like to see an ant try to wear huge glasses like these! 020414 -- All the important decision-makers in the company are in this room. - No little people are allowed because we'll be making important strategy decisions. - First, let's make decisions about project Opal. - Does anyone know what the project is or 020414 -- what we need to decide? - My executive intuition tells me we should cut the budget by 10%. - I think Opal is one of your projects. It's named after your daughter. - Wait...a new intuition is coming in says to increase the budget. - Why 020414 -- are those meetings secret? You don't want to know. 020415 -- This weekend I cleaned out my tool shed. - What's that for? I keep a running tally of how much of my time you waste. - ...and I thought it was a frozen snake but it was actually a shovel! Five years, one day. 020416 -- The Sentence Finisher I think I should take... Money from orphans? - No, I mean I need... A large sack and an alibi? - You're finishing my sentences with... Uncanny accuracy? 020417 -- GAAA! Don't be afraid. - I made a camouflage suit out of cubicle wall fabric. Heh, heh. - You need a mask too. I ran out of material. It was a mistake to make a tie. 020418 -- gave me an assignment that isn't my job and doesn't need to be done. - I'm trying to take over another department by doing thaeir work. Later I'll say their manager should report to me. - Could we at least pretend my job is useful? 020418 -- Don't I always? 020419 -- Can you get this done in thirty days? Yes, absolutely. - We'll just travel faster than light to a black hole and discover a doorway in time. - That sounds iffy. Excuse me for being flexible. 020420 -- How about any tuesday this year? No, I'm booked. - You have the highest ratio of unavailability to usefulness I've ever seen. - Does that sound like an insult? If I could do math I wouldn't be working in human resources. 020421 -- ...and the most critical part of your objective is... - mumble mumble mumble - What? - mumble mumble mumble - I'll be right back. I need an interpreter who speaks mumble. - This is Allen. He speaks fifty management languages including jargon, 020421 -- weaselese and mumble. - mumble mumble mumble mumble. mumble mumble mumble mumble. - I'm a bit rusty with the pointy-haired dialect but I think he wants you to line dance in a gazebo. 020422 -- The training budget got slashed. You have to cancel your class. - We already paid for the class. We'll look bad if you go. - So, your plan is to appear smart while secretly being stupid? You can make anything sound bad. 020423 -- It's critical that you finish this engineering analysis by tuesday. - has the sweet smell of an unnecessary assignment. Yes, I can smell it from here. - Stop being you. Feasibility of using non-existant software. Hee hee! 020424 -- It's a new reality. If you don't like it, you can leave! - Question: How can we leave reality? Aren't we always in it by definition? - Never mind....apparently everyone else knew what you meant. zzzz zzzz zzzzz 020425 -- What a day I'm having. First my key card doesn't work, so I have to tailgate into the building. - Then my network password doesn't work. Now my voicemail doesn't work. - Is it possible for anything else to stop working today?! 020426 -- Do you have a second? Walk and talk. - So, the supplier won't... Hi, Pete. Hey, Tim. Hi, Barb. How are you? Not bad. Hi. - Um...those aren't their names. My way is easier. Hi, Ted. 020427 -- ...and that's why I need a management decision. Hi, Bill. - But you are to distracted to make an informed decision, so this will be random. Bob! - And here it comes. Would "no" be an answer to anything you said? 020428 -- Hey, it's a meeting with our favorite customers! - It's lucky I was passing by. - I don't know what this meeting is about but I'm sure it needs some management perspective. - Out top priority is quality. Our other top priority is price...and 020428 -- servide...and... - One Hour LAter And that's why circles are round. - We flew here for this meeting and you used up all of our time saying nothing. - YOU STOLE A DAY OF MY LIFE! I WILL HUNT YOU TO THE END OF TIME! REVENGE WILL BE MINE! - Is it 020428 -- just me or is that phrase starting to be overused? 020429 -- I found out that the committee across the hall is doing the same thing we are. - All we can do now is hum "West Side Story" and have a dance-fight. - Can you teach me how to hum? 020430 -- Alice, write a performance evaluation of yourself for me to sign. - What will our seven layers of management be doing while I manage myself? - Sorry. I'll ding myself for that on my evaluation. If you can't find me, have Carol sign my name. 020501 -- Don't E-Mail your answer to my boss until I've reviewed it. Um...okay. - May I walk to my cubicle now or would you like to review the route first? - Now that you mentioned it, I can't release. 020502 -- Asok is the winner of the $25 "Clean Desk Award." - Yesterday the facilities people took my desk because it appeared to be unused. - I hope this doesn't bump me into a higher tax bracket. 020503 -- Write on Alice's performance review, "needs too much supervision." - When she goes to your office to protest, say, "see what I mean?" - Ooh! That was so evil I need to purr with my lips! P-P-P-URRR P-P-P-URRR P-P-P-URR 020504 -- My review says I "need too much supervision." Are you insane?! - Most days I can't get your time-wastting, lard-filled suit out of my cubcle with a freakin' crane!! - GAAA!! It's a trap! You're supervising me too much right now! I win. 020505 -- You need to socialize your idea with the rest of the department. - Socialize? Is thet the same as getting buy-in? - It's one step below buy-in. It's more like dialoging for feedback. - Wait...I thought that building a consensus was one step 020505 -- below buy-in. - Just run it up a flagpole and see who salutes. - Wouldn't it be better to do a temperature check using a straw man? - Maybe...but is that going to inoculate the stakeholders? - Dear reader, if you or anyone you love understands 020505 -- the preceding conversation you have my deepest sympathy. S.A. 020506 -- Alice, would you read the minutes from our last meeting? - People said irrelevant things. Bad decisions were made. Men are idiots. - I don't remember that last part. It was implied. 020507 -- I'm giving everyone on my staff this inspirational book about a successful fish market! - I want you to be like the characters in this book. - The title character gets captured, tossed around and eaten. Depressing. 020508 -- I would like to improve my interpersonal skills. - Take this training CD back to your cube and go wild. - Humans are weak. Computers are strong. Come, join our side. 020509 -- My training CD has gone bad. It is brainwashing me to become a cyborg. - Don't worry. Smart people such as you can't be brainwashed to do stupid things. - Guess who doesn't know the first thing about brainwashing. 020510 -- My training CD went bad and brainwashed me to become a cyborg. - Your insurance doesn't cover cosmetic surgery but you can game the system by jumping off the roof. - I hear that the follow-up visits don't get any easier. 020511 -- We can fix our incomprehensible user interface for a million dollars. - Or we can close our eyes and wish real hard that our users won't care. - He's saving a million dollars. What did you do today? 020512 -- This is an outrage! What? - The so-called "Working Lunch" tomorrow! - They're stealing the only free time I have during the day! - They give us some lousy sandwiches and expect us to work during lunch! Bah! 020512 -- IS NOTHING SACRED?!!! - Why doesn't this bother you? - I plan to eat their sandwiches and go to lunch after the meeting. - I...I can actually feel the wind beneath my wings! Sorry. 020513 -- Our CEO is visiting next week. Discontinue all real work immediately. - We have five days to create the illusion of productivity. - Here's the diversity sign-up sheet. We still have a few open slots that only require a hat. 020514 -- Wally, our CEO is visiting next week. I want you to hide in the restroom. - - It's too soon. It's never too soon to start a dream assignment. 020515 -- Have you finished your "Powerpoint" slides for the CEO's visit? - Yes, I'm focusing on all the things we do wrong, because that's what he needs to fix. - Just kidding. There's no useful information. Don't joke! 020516 -- The CEO Visit Would you like a tour of our cubicles? - Why would I want to see a bunch of boxes filled with people pretending to work? - Unless that's the only thing you planned for the first thirty minutes of my visit. 020517 -- The CEO Visit And now Dilbert and Alice will give you a presentation. - I'm curious to hear why that requires two people. - Our department made impressive improvements in...efficiency! +.01% 020518 -- The CEO Visit Thanks for the presentation. Your department seems bloated. - I'll eleiminate half of your group in the next budget meeting. Thank you. - What are you going to do? Nothing. I told him we're the marketing department. 020519 -- If you buy our system it will pay for itself in three years. - Approximately how much does it cost? - It's hard to say. It depends on many factors. - Fine. Just tell me how much money it will save annually. - You'll save $10,000 per year. - 020519 -- Well then, if it pays off for itself in three years, it must cost about $30,000. - That was a little trick called "math." - Ooops. Now I'm not emotionally invested. Your vendor tauntage is quite excellent today. 020520 -- I'd like to you meet our new Senior Vice President, Cyrus the Virus. - Like an infection, he will soon attack the nanagers in this company and replace us with his old clonies. - Tell Pointy-Haired Pete to get over here right away. 020521 -- I'm demoting you to engineer so I can give your current job to one of my cronies. - I won't survive. I don't know how to do real work! - Wally , can you teach me how to pretend to be working? Whoa! There can only be one Wally. 020522 -- Demoted A cubicle isn't so bad. I can get used to it. - It's perfectly respectable. There's no reason to cry. - How do you like your new "Loser Cruiser"? 020523 -- Demoted Hey Buddy, can you teach me to be one of the little people? - Buddy? My name is Dilbert. I worked for you for years. - Okay, now I'll try. Am I doing the eyebrows right? 020524 -- Demoted I plan to spread rumors about our new boss until I get him fired. - I'll tell everyone that he's the most clueless human that ever lived Hee hee! - Believe me, that doesn't work. I have no idea what you're talking about. 020525 -- Maybe It's a good thing that I was demoted to work among you noble little people. - I have gained a valuable empathy that will serve me well if I ever become a manager again. - You've been promoted. YEE-HA!! I'M NOT A LOSER!! 020526 -- I quit. I got a better job with our competitor. - Okay, but remember the employment agreement you signed. - You agreed to not take away knowledge or skills you acquired at this job. - That's crazy. How can I stop knowing what I learned? Come 020526 -- with me. - Will this hurt? I hope so. - CLAMP suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck - Ha ha!! I got your technical knowledge! And there go your verbal skills! - Great. Now what do I do? I'd stay away from the golf course. 020527 -- Let's ping the Director of Marketing and double-click on the budget. - Then we can interface in batch mode and put a scope on his bandwidth. - Please stop doing that! Have I mentioned that I was an engineer for a week? 020528 -- Ted, your performance is excellent but I have to downsize you. Why?! - Our billing system is so defective that we haven't made any revenue in three months. - Why don't you fire the billing department? I did...three months ago. 020529 -- Wally, what do you expect to find here with a metal detector? - My first choice is some sort of priceless treasure. But I wouldn't say noto a bottle cap. - I finally find my calling in life and I waste all day explaining it. 020530 -- How's the treasure hunt going? Have you found any loot? - It's not about the "loot," as you say. We detectors are motivated by the thrill of the hunt. - I could seed the carpet with nickels. I tried that but I can't find them. 020531 -- Alice, according to this book, people can choose their attitudes! - So you decided to go with a dopey and gullible theme? - And that's another interesting choice. Now I see how this works. 020601 -- I read this motivational book and yet the employees still have low morale. - Maybe you have a defective copy. You should compare it to another one and see what's different. - What if the second one is defective too?'s like I'm doing 020601 -- all of your thinking here. 020602 -- Would you like to join me on a daring commando raid? Sure. - Do you want to know why? Not really. - My Internet provider won't let me cancel by phone or by E-Mail. - The service agreement says I have to stage a daring commando raid on their 020602 -- headquarters. - Does this mask make me look fat? - That joke is overused, Bob. ZAP - The stun gun is in good working order. - Maybe I should carry the stun gun. Don't worry, I'll do you last. 020603 -- If you need me, just page me. - I'll call you right back unless solar flares stop your page from getting through. - And of course you'll have some blockage during high tide, low tide, humidity, and most of your equinoxes. 020604 -- We sure have a lot of vacant offices since the layoffs. - I wouldn't mind having a nice office with an actual door. Why don't you let me have one? - Okay, take one. STOP TOYING WITH ME! 020605 -- I'm moving into a vacant private office. I got the last one. - I hope this doesn't cause ill-will in the cubicle-bound co-workers I'm leaving behind. - All I ask is that when you enter Diltopia, you bow in reference and take off your shoes. 020606 -- Aah...even the desk feels better when you have your own office. - The flourescent lights are warmer and brighter. - Remind me to teach him when to close the door. 020607 -- The other engineers are complaining because you have a private office. - Maybe you should explainto each of them that life isn't fair. - Yeah, I guess it *is* easier to explain it to one person. 020608 -- I am Mordac the Preventor of Information Services. You have exceeded your server storage limit. - Here's 25 cents so you can afford to double my storage space. - I think my mystique just took a hit. 020609 -- The merger has been approved. - Our evil director of human resources will blend the acquired company's benefits program with our own. - WAAA! WAAA! WAAA! - Apparently, they know what blending means. - The Blending Let's company offers 020609 -- six months of maternity leave for mothers. - We treat 'em like smokers. They have to squat in the parking lot for ten minutes then go back to work. - That's very evil Thanks. We'll adopt your program. - What is "draining"? Our company called it 020609 -- training. 020610 -- To: Employees From: Catbert All non-work conversations are banned. - From now on you're only allowed to talk about work. - I think it only applies during work hours. I can't take that chance. zzz zzz zzz 020611 -- Our new version is a step backward in quality and reliability. - We're counting on your irrational need to have the latest version of every software product. - I hate your weasel guts...but I'll take one for home and one for the office. 020612 -- I'm a new guy with no assignment. I'm looking for a project to horn into. - But don't be threatened by me. I'm exceptionally ineffectual. - I'm trying to build a career based on good attendance and head-nodding. 020613 -- I've learned to appear smarter than I am. - I agree with whatever people say then I reword it to sound more wise. - Please leave my cubicle. Because sometimes less is more! 020614 -- I needed to make an engineering decision about your project this morning. - You'll need to act like you agree with it so I don't look stupid. - Explain to us how fiber capacity can be increased by serial input at breakfast. 020615 -- This is Roboboss. He'll handle all of my trivial tasks. - I'm totally insulted that you think you can manage us with a machine. - Handle that. I'll delegate it to my assistant, Plywoodboss. 020616 -- Wally, I need advice from the master. zzz Huh? - How do you remain so carefree while everyone else seems overworked? - Asok, you are ready to learn my most powerful secret. - Always volunteer to do lots of tasks. That will make you appear very 020616 -- busy. - Later, when someone complains that you didn't do a task... - Say you remember discussing the topic but you don't recall agreeing to do anything. - Offer a glimmer of hope that you might yet do the task if no one yells at you. Then 020616 -- repeat. Wow. - He is like a Ghandi that eats. 020617 -- Stockholders are worried that our profits are nothing but accounting gimmicks. - I'm putting you in charge of destroying all of our accounting records. - That's illegal. Oh. Then just make them more confusing. 020618 -- My boss ordered me to make our accounting records more confusing. Is this ethical? - It's as ethical as the massive shortsell order I'm going to place in the next ten seconds. - Maybe you're the wrong one to ask. NOW! NOW! 020619 -- I need you to be a subject matter expert on my accounting system project. - Will it make the world a worse place to live? I think so. I'm in. - What's it like to be an accounting troll? To be honest, I'm only in it for the groupies. 020620 -- Our assignment is to make our accounting system less transparent. What? - We don't want investors to know what we're doing. Are we bad people? - We're good people who have been influenced by a corrupt corporate culture. Oh, okay. Carry on. 020621 -- As requested, my project team has added impenetrable complications to our accounting records. - And an outside firm is erasing all memories from senior management. How do they do that? - Okay, you're ready to talk to congress. Thank you. 020622 -- I had my cell phone at one ear and my regular phone at the other. - I'm reading E-Mail, sending instant messages, my pager is vibrating, and my boss comes in! - You know what makes your work stories fascinating? What? Nothing. 020623 -- Dilbert, I'd like you to interview Matt for our department. - There's a three-year gap in your work history. What were you doing? - One day I was balancing my checkbook and noticed a bank error. - So I embarked on a three-year mission to make 020623 -- the bank admit its mistake! - I worked the phones day and night, rarely eating and bathing. - Then came the sit-ins, the media frenzy and the landmark court case. - The bank claimed that seven minus four is three. And I'm like, "Since when?" - 020623 -- Would he fit in? Unfortunately, yes. 020624 -- I am Roboboss. You are a valuable asset. Keep up the good work. - That is the most shallow compliment I have ever heard. But it still made me feel good. - So...are you seeing anyone? High five! 020625 -- Roboboss, can this relationship work? After all, I'm a human... - And you're a soulless machine designed to give shallow compliments to employees. - You're giving 110%. Stop...don't make me love you. 020626 -- This survey will help us improve morale. - I misjudged you. I thought you were an evil director of H.R., but you care about morale. - When we fire this disgruntled guy, my morale will go way up. Hee hee! 020627 -- Hey, guy, cheer up. You can choose to have a good attitude! - I just found out I have six months to live. - Maybe I'm saying it wrong. Try reading the book yourself. 020628 -- I'm in a battle of wills with a guy who lets all of his calls roll over my voicemail. - I do that too. So all day long we trade messages saying "call me," and then we ignore the incoming calls. - Maybe he's out of the office. No, I can hear 020628 -- him. He's one cube over me. 020629 -- Alice, you should act as if you're your own boss. Okay. - My hair is pointy and I'm confused. Suddenly I have no respect for myself. - That is so-o-o not funny. 020630 -- Dilbert, can you come with me to a meeting? - Actually, no. I'm running this meeting and it took three weeks to get everyone together. - If I leave now, sixteen people will be wasting their time. - I'll cover for you. - You will? Sure. Just 020630 -- leave your notes and I'll take care of it. - What's the meeting about? It's not exactly a meeting. - I need someone to drink the crud on the bottom and then brew a fresh pot. - All in favor of leaving before he gets back. - It looks like I'll 020630 -- be exaggerating my accomplishments again this year. 020701 -- Procurement I need to order a special cable for my computer. - No, that's a piece of rope. Yes, I know it's cheaper. Ooh hoo hoo hoo! - Well, maybe it was a mistake to sign an exclusive contract with a rope distributor. Ooh hoo hoo jerk. 020702 -- My technology test was a huge failure because I had to use rope as my electronic cable. - Our procurement manager is a monkey who signed an exclusive contract with a rope vendor. - I'd rather not take sides until I hear the monkey's version. 020703 -- I call my idea "coffee with the boss." Each employee will get one hour of quality time with me. - I'd rather staple a skunk to my forehead and go to a trade show for banjo makers. - And yet, it's still better than working, so count me in. 020703 -- That's the spirit! 020704 -- You're the first employee for my "coffee with the boss" program. - Feel free to say whatever is on your mind. Don't hold back. Give it to me straight. - My chair has a squeak. YOU UNGRATEFUL WHINY WRETCH!!! 020705 -- I'm having these coffee meetings to find out how I can improve morale. - My only problem was that I wasn't drinking enough coffee with you. So now I'm good, thanks. - Promise me you'll never leave this table. I can't go back to the way things 020705 -- were. 020706 -- I can't tell you how much your budget is. Because if I did, you'd try to spend all of it. - Can you tell me when I'm over budget? No, because than you'd know what the budget is. - Can you tell me what our company strategy is? Sure. It's...Ha ha 020706 -- ha! Just kidding. 020707 -- Does anyone have any ideas for boosting morale? - OOOH! OOOH! OOOH! - This employee potluck lunch that we had last year was almost perfect. - But we only did it once and some people had schedule conflicts. - I call my idea the "permanent 020707 -- virtual individual employee potluck" or P.V.I.E.P. for short. - Every day, each employee brings a small meal in a bag and eats it whenever he gets hungry. - You already do that. And look how happy I am! - Okay. Who is going to organize the 020707 -- P.V.I.E.P.? Alice hasn't helped yet. 020708 -- I'll be taking my vacation in Africa so I can enjoy nature's wonders. - And shoot as much of it as possible from the window in an suv. - Have you ever seen monkey brains? Once, when you flared your nostrils. 020709 -- Wally, it's your turn to be in charge while I'm on vacation. - But whatever you do, do *not* sit in my chair. It wouldn't be right. - Ooh-baby! You want some of this. Yes, you do. 020710 -- Carol, I'm filling in for the pointy-haired boss, so that makes you my secretary. - I'M AN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, YOU STINKIN' BABOON! - I will make you pay dearly for your arrogance! Could you put a head on this? 020711 -- How do you like sitting in for the boss? It's easy. - All I do is walk around and make people loathe me while I avoid making decisions. - That's all you ever did before. Apparently I was grossly underpaid. 020712 -- My first act as temporary boss is revamping our project status color codes. - Red, yellow and green will be replaced by white, off-white and eggshell. - I have to confess, it was embarrassing to realize I only have one idea. 020713 -- I'm refreshed from my vacation. - I am calm and relaxed. Wally sat in your chair. - Cooty Squad We'll have to burn your clothes too. 020714 -- I'll get to your application as soon as I have nothing more important to do. - Okay...thank you very much. - I just thanked someone for doing nothing. - My project is being thwarted by a woman who gets satisfaction from being unhelpful. - Have 020714 -- you tried using your charm? - I guess I can try. Ha ha ha! Just kidding. - But seriously, try hounding her until she recoils in pain at the sound of your voice. - Will that work? Sometimes the best you can do is make other people feel bad. 020715 -- Tina, our records show that you forward an average of nineteen E-Mail jokes per week. - Each joke goes to 30,000 employees, costing us ten million per year in lost productivity. - We plan to blame you when we file for bankruptcy next week. 020716 -- Ha ha! We're filing for chapter 11 because all of our so-called profits are fake. - I'm laughing because I sold all of my stock the same day I heard that our CFO did. - You said he was just diversifying his investments! It sounds funny now. 020717 -- You made a fortune selling your stock options last month, and now we're bankrupt. - My 401K is worthless. So, in effect, you've stolen my life savings. - This would be a bad time to make quote marks in the air while saying, "In effect." Ooh 020718 -- I'm broke. The company declared bankruptcy and my 401K savings are worthless. - No, I've been impersonating you and diversifying your investments into tobacco, sweat shops, and diamond mines. - Really?! How am I doing? It's mixed. You have a 020718 -- 37% return but your sould will burn for eternity. 020719 -- How could our accounting firm not notice that we were heading for bankruptcy? - Maybe there was a conflict of interest with their T-shirt design business. - This one says, "I'm with bankrupt" and it has an arrow. Hee hee! 020720 -- Our accountants are weasels. They let us go bankrupt so they could sell T-shirts that say, "I'm with bankrupt." - Didn't your company make all of its money selling products you knew were defective? - Just stir your cauldron, Mom. Ironically, 020720 -- we're having weasel soup. 020721 -- Now for the highlight of the staff meeting: the wally report. - Yesterday I was getting my hair styled as usual. - But this time I forgot to remove my glasses, and what I saw was disturbing. - My stylist was using a nose-hair trimmer to cut my 020721 -- hair! - I protested, but she said she's been doing my hair that way for years. - She said it just "seemed right." - Tempers flared. I threw some hair gel. A salon brawl broke out! - Don't we use the same stylist? That would explain why she has 020721 -- a plunger. 020722 -- Wally, what are we going to do now that we're bankrupt and our 401K money is gone? - No problem. I've been investing all my money in our competitor's stock. Now I'm rich. - Why do you still come to work? I don't know how to make coffee. 020723 -- This is a list of our executives who sold their stock before announcing bankruptcy. - My plan is to bring each executive to the roof, hold him by the ankles, and shake. - Ooh, a cat comb! 020724 -- The government is giving us a bailout loan because we have excellent lobbyists! - Ha ha! Taxpayers will give us money so we can build overpriced products to sell to taxpayers! - Remind me again why any of this is legal. Wuss. 020725 -- The Feng Shui in your office is terrible. It is? - That's the sound of your energy being drained into the Internet. - Who told him that his computer fan is killing him? 020726 -- Did you finish the vendor comparison that you promised you'd give me today? - I'm one of those people that needs to be threatened every day or I won't do anything. - You're very defective. Good start. I'm beginning to feel something. 020727 -- I need your help yelling at a guy to make him do his job. Yay! - YOU WORTHLESS, INCOMPETENT BUG!!! I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD!!! - How much work did that buy? Two phone calls and a meeting. 020728 -- Are you a member of our frequent grocery club? - No. What is it? - You get a membership card that entitles you to discounts. - Let's see if I have this straight... - I'll be inconvenienced by having to fill out a form and carry your stupid card 020728 -- around... - And in return, you'll put me on a junk mail list, and charge me the same as the grocery store across the street? - AND YOU'LL EXPECT ME TO BE HAPPY ABOUT IT?!! - But it's free! Cleanup on register's engineer spittle. 020729 -- Do you think I should inject a deadly poison in my face to hide wrinkles? - It's only fair that you poison your face, because your face is killing me. Hee hee hee! - The correct answer is "you don't need to." Was your mother a shar-pei? 020730 -- Over the past year, most of my co-workers have managed extensive projects that failed. - I've done nothing but drink coffee. So on an economic basis, that makes me your top performer. - Watch and learn. 020731 -- How's your new baby? - Wonderful, but the lack of sleep is taking a toll on my body. - How's Becky doing? I *am* Becky. Bob looks worse. 020801 -- Starting today, our goals will be replaced by stretch goals. Stretch goals? - Stretch goals are like stretch pants. It's a way of signaling surrender. - Speaking of which, I wouldn't say no to a doughnut. 020802 -- Our budget cuts are affecting customer service. How much? - Our customer service center spends all day making prank calls to the elderly. - According to our records, your neighbor has treasure buried under his lawn. 020803 -- I can't stop dreaming about work. - And I usually sleep at work. So I'm dreaming about sleeping and it's freaking me out. - Have you considered doing work? I want pills, you quack. 020804 -- If there are no objections, I'd like to start the meeting with a prayer. I'm a... - Yea, though I walk through the valley of idiots, I shall fear no downsizing. But I'm... - For I have a fist of death, and highly marketable job skills. - But my 020804 -- investment portfolio isn't doing as well as I'd hoped. - So, if it's not too much to ask... - I need a higher return so I can escape these clowns... - And live in splendor while they stew in their own bile! - Maybe we won't do this again. 020804 -- Whatever you say, heathen. 020805 -- I'm tired of calling the employes "resources". It's too complimentary. - I'm thinking of something along the lines of livestock or human capital. - I don't want them demanding hay. Good point. We'll go with human capital. 020806 -- May I use your three-hole punch? Whoa whoa whoa! - You can't come waltzing into this department, using our stuff and leaving your holes. - I'll clean up the holes. I want you to whack the people on this list. 020807 -- Alice, employees are not allowed to eat in cubicles. - GULP CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP - I'm going to see that every time I close my eyes! - You started it. 020808 -- We have too many empty cubicles. It frightens our customers. - Each of you will adopt an empty cubicle and decorate it to appear occupied. - My imaginary employee will be a frenchman named Phil De Cube. Nice. 020809 -- Who are you? I'm Allen. I've been telecommuting for four years. - Allen? I fired you four years ago. Didn't you get my E-Mail? - This is exactly why I stopped coming to the office. 020810 -- I telecommuted for four years without knowing until today that I'd been fired. - Apparently unemployment feels exactly like empowerment. - This is just like that movie, "The Sixth Sense." Did you like that movie, Wally?...Wally? 020811 -- Both plans are technically impossible. - Which one costs less? - Um...I don't see how that matters, but plan one is much cheaper. - Plan one is the best. I'll take it to our VP. - I like plan two. Great minds think alike! - Excellent. Ask one 020811 -- of our engineers to present plan two to the board. - Guess what. - Every day I make the world a little bit worse. What's it like to make a difference? 020812 -- I will study the culture in your company and make detailed recommendations. - "The one I call Wally is a docile outcast who eats bananas and drinks brown water." - Do you mind if I staple this tracking device to your ear? Not really. 020813 -- "The females of the group do all the hunting. The one I call Alice stalks her prey." - "She pounces. Her razor-sharp words tear the prey to shreds." grrrr - "The results are gruesome. Only the hyenas are laughting." 020814 -- I've analyzed your corporate culture and put my findings in this report. - "The employees are a bunch of unmotivated weasels. I look good in this hat." - I would have mentioned my knapsack but it's only a summary. 020815 -- I hired the "Amorphous Ad Company" to do our campaign. - I see gaseous cloud and some, just a noise. Excellent. - and then we say the name of our company? Sure, if you want to ruin the ad. 020816 -- Your print ads would look like this. It's a shape with no text. - I did some checking and found out that all the good ideas have been used. This is all that's left. - Can it be green? Whoa! Who's the creative person here? 020817 -- Mom, here's our new commercial. - It gives no information about your products. Are you ashamed or just massively incompetent? - Why can't it be both? I was just making conversation. 020818 -- My pet peeve is when people use cell phones in restaurants. - Why? Do they talk louder than the other people in the restaurant? - No. It's just rude. - Who decides what is rude? Is there a committee? - It's common sense. You're not supposed to 020818 -- talk into electronic gadgets at a restaurant. - What about a drive-through place? Is it okay to order your food using the microphone? Yello. - Hi, Ratbert...yeh, he made the mistake of talking...the goodnight kiss is a definite no-go. - No, 020818 -- it's not awkward, but thanks for asking. 020819 -- Sweet mother of potatoes! I just thought of a billion-dollar idea!! - The company owns all of your ideas. Cough ot up or I'll fire you and then sue you. - WAAA! Your first billion-dollar idea is always the hardest. 020820 -- Carol, I'm sending you to an executive bodyguard class. - You'll learn how to pounce on a kidnapper and sacrifice yourself to keep me safe. - I'm talking a class called "Inside Help." I can't reimburse for that. 020821 -- I have mail! I've never had mail in twelve years here. - It's not addressed to me but it was in my box so I'm keeping it. - No mail for twelve years? If I hold it just right it glistens. 020822 -- I've never seen anyone get this excited over a piece of junk mail. - I've never been on a mailing list before. This letter is validation of my existence. - It's not addressed to you. I'll grant you that it's not a clear win. 020823 -- My morale skyrocketed when I received my first-ever item of bulk mail. - I have designated it "WM1" for "Wally's Mail One" and it shall remain forever unopened. - Bulk mail is the same as junk mail. Don't listen to his lies, WM1. 020824 -- And I need the software in a week. Cheryl is the only one who knows the ordering system. - She's on her honeymoon for two weeks. You need CFO approval to buy software outside the system. - Fine. I'll talk to the CFO. When will he be available? 020824 -- Depends on the parole board. 020825 -- Make the blue box bluer. - A little more...a little more...a little more...THAT'S IT!! - When you get tired of micromanaging me... - Put this sample of my blood under a microscope so you can manage me on a cellular level. - Snd here's a book by 020825 -- Erwin Schrödinger in case you'd like to manage me on a quantum level! - DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING? - Free gifts. - Now I want all of you white blood cells to spell "Hi." 020826 -- What's this? It's our old five-year plan! - I wonder how we did compared to the plan. - Have we relegated Microsoft to the dust heap of history? Shhh! They might hear! 020827 -- I found our five-year plan from five years ago. - The last page says, "at the end of the fifth year, the entire management team will be..." - "...investigated for accounting irregularities." Spooky. 020828 -- Ha ha! I quit, you stinkin' pile of rubbish! - I'm going to work for myself. I won't need to deal with morons like you again! - On an unrelated note, if you need a freelance web designer, pleas call me. 020829 -- H, Bob. I haven't seen you lately. I was doing some evolving. - I noticed I have a zit that's sensitive to sunlight. I'm hoping it becomes an eye. - I like your attitude. Try to sneak up on me. 020830 -- I plan to use punctuated equilibrium to turn this zit into a third eye. - Tht's not a natural advantage. You'd you'd better stay away from the fitter dinosaurs. - Ha ha! My only enemies are bullysaurs and they... Hey, zit eye! 020831 -- Hello, Bob. I hear you're evolving a zit into a third eye, trying to get an advantage. - Gaaa!! No, it's only for cosmetic reasons, I swear!! Hmm... - Wanna watch a dinosaur be forced to use topical antibiotics? No, I have "TiVo." Gaaa!! 020901 -- Welcome to my quarterly employee feedback meeting. - Who wants to get the ball rolling? - It would be helpful if you told us our company's long term strategy. - OH, would it? - Why? So you can leak it to our competitors? - HERE'S YOUR STUPID 020901 -- SUGGESTION IN MY HAND! I'M CRUSHING IT! CRUSH, CRUSH, CRUSH!!! - NOW I'LL CHEW IT UP SO I CAN SPIT IT IN YOUR CUBICLE-DWELLING FACE!!! - You fell in that trap last quarter too. An optimist's life is never easy. 020902 -- And I need a code for charging my project expenses. No. I hate your project. - It doesn't matter if you hate it. You're the guy who assigns codes. Get out of here. - Why is everything in this company so freakin' hard. Because of people like 020902 -- you. 020903 -- Today I realized I hate everyone in the entire world. - I used to thin I might like some people I hadn't met. But now I think they're weasels too. - How about a wide-eyed and innocent child who loves you unconditionally? Tiny weasels. 020904 -- I'm signing up peoplefor the mandatory mouse training class. - I see you're using a western grip. That's just begging for carpal tunnel. - Weak muscles...I'll put you in the two-handed mouse class. Ouch 020905 -- Mouse Training Who wants to share an opinion on why mouse training is important? - OOH-OOH! PICK ME! - Yes, Wally. No one? 020906 -- Mouse Training Today ou will learn how to avoid premature clickage. - Contortyour face and visualize what you look like with a contorted face. - Now pair off and we'll do some finger exercises that I call "The Three Stooges." 020907 -- Our survey of customer satisfaction shows improvement. - The focus group spontaneously attacked our researchers using number two pencils as shivs. - That's an improvement? Last year the attack was premeditated. 020908 -- Carol, cancel all of my meetings forever. - From now on, I plan to stay in my office and manage by E-Mail. - You stilll need to communicate some things in person. - No, I don't. I can do it all by E-Mail. - Carol, e-mail me the budget. SEND - 020908 -- And now, like magic... DING you have a message - Auto-Reply: Carol is out of the office. - We have a situation here. 020909 -- This is our new CEO, Rufus T. Skwerrel. His first job was trailer park burglar. - But thanks to a series of mergers and acquisitions, not to mention suspicous accounting, here we are. - Would you like to saw a few words? Wallet and watch. 020910 -- I like our new CEO. He has charisma. - The man sure knows how to rob. He's a miracle worker with duct tape. - He even gave me back my emptied wallet. Classy move. 020911 -- Then our new CEO backed up a moving van to the building and robbed us. - At first we thought he was breaking the law, but he had a written opinion from his tax lawyer saying it was probably okay. - What did the board of directors do? After 020911 -- loading the van? 020912 -- To remind us all of our need to reduce expenses, the new dress code is barrels. - Expect for friday, which will be casual barrel day. - Has anyone else noticed that the barrel rides up on when you sit? 020913 -- Set up a meeting with the customer so we can demonstrate our technology. - It's humilitating because we're so poor now. What will I feed him? - If you think the food is great, wait until you see our technology? 020914 -- I'm sending you to Elbonia for a meeting, but we're on a tight budget. - So there will be no limo service to the airport. Go there in the cheapest possible way. - And then I started Brownie's Barrel Service. He's a talker. 020915 -- I completed the feasibility analysis. - It would take us two years to build a product that will be obsolete one year from now. - Oky, let's get started. -, the point is that the project can't succeed. - We want people to think we're 020915 -- developing this sort of product, so we'll be credible in the market. - So our plan is to do stupid things until we appear credible? Exactly. - GAAA!! MY LIFE IS A COMPLETE WASTE!! - Tomorrow I'll ask him why he's behind schedule. Very evil. 020915 -- Nicely done. 020916 -- Elbonia Air I don't see your reservation. - Maybe it's because all of our computers are cardboard props that we stole from a furniture store. - For security purposes, would you care to frisk me? Yes. 020917 -- In Elbonia Excuse me. My boss is cheap; can you direct me to a bad hotel? - I recommend the Bubonic Inn. It is so bad they will pay you to stay there. - What kind of fleas do you want in your mattress? Lazy ones. 020918 -- In Elbonia Yes, my company is so broke that our dress code is barrels... - But what we lack in fashion we make up for in...umm... - Did I already say lack of fashion? 020919 -- Our dress code policy will go back to business attire. - And I will keep changing the dress code until I find the clothing style that makes our profit go up! - Later, At the Sartorial Alchemy Lab Watch out. This might spark. 020920 -- Dilbert, meet a woman who acts peeved at any sort of question. - How are you? poink - HOW AM I??? Wow. I gotta show this to Wally. 020921 -- Grab your dental floss and follow me. I'll explain on the way. Okay. - The newly hired mutant is named "Peeved Eve." Wait until you see her peeved expression hee hee! - GAAA! PUBLIC FLOSSING! 020922 -- Full Service Broker - I'm Bob Weaselton, your full-service stockbroker. - There are two ways we can go here. - Option one: I act as if brokers know which stocks are better than others. - Then I'll earn your trust by comparing your portfolio to 020922 -- misleading benchmarks. - But I prefer a more direct approach. - Option two: I sell you whatever garbage earns me the biggest commission. - Would you do me a favor and lie to me? Nice haircut. 020923 --